Txawj xwb tsis tau ntse
(too old to reply)
2017-02-02 14:21:37 UTC
Num Hmoob lub siab Dawb li cov ngaij nyob tim African
1. In 1921 Lauj Kiab Toom sold Vue Paj Cai the Hmong Nationalist to Paris for a Toj Xeem.
2. In the late 1937 Lyfong Son In law betrayed Lauj kiab toom Father inlaw with Paris- by demoting Kiab toom position to Lyfong- Toj Xeem.
3. In 1946 Touby & Fay Dang Lauj. Ly And Lor Clans’ civilwar. Lauj with Hochinminh, Ly with Paris
4. In 1959 Second Lt. Vaj Pov ncaw Colonel Yaj Thao Tub from Dong Dang back to Nonghet.
5. In 1971 VP tsis kam muab LT. general rau Suav Yaj. Nws Muab rau yeeb nkab Blog.
6. In 1970 VP tso cai rau Ham Choj ordered nom tooj yaj tua Yaj Shoob Lwj rau tim Pha Khoa
7. In 1970 Vp sold Ty Teeb rau Souvanna Phouma for 3 miilions kips
8. In 1975-1990 VP dag Major Zong Zua Her tiv rog nyob rau phoubia.
9. In 1980-1990 VP dag Colonel Cher Pov Muas mus tuag rau blog tebchwas tsis pab nws li
10. In 1979 VP Dag PK Her during the Chinese aid. Nws yog tus thawj, tabsis tsis tshwm tseg muaj
11. In 1978 Pa koa Her tseeb ua Zong zoua Her tou nai.
12. In 1985 VP and PK ua yeeb ncuab during Reagan doctrine.
13. In 1985 Bee Moua coj VP mus nrog PK meeting rau Jumba, Angola, Tabsis VP tsis kam mus koom lub rooj salab no.
14. In 1992 Pa Kao Her ntxeem siab rau Colonel Moua Nhia Long and General Thao Bee Chou in Xayaburi.
15. In 2001 Yang Teng ntxeem siab Pao Kao her in Chiangray, Thailand.
16. In 1980, and 2003 VP cheem koj Bee Moua so dej num tebchaws.
17. In 1990 Bis Muas Pib ncaim Pa Kuab Hawj los ntawm kev khiav dej num foreign affairs.
18. In 2003 Bee Moua appointed Xeeb Xooj to be his successor.
19. Now Seng and his members Hmoob tebchaws in battle Court for title .
20. What next?????
Yav tag los lawv pheej muaj teeb meem vim yog cov thawj coj pheej ua num xwb tsis tau kam los ua nom. Sawvdaws pheej yog txhawj xwb, tsis tau muaj tus ntse.
2017-02-02 17:57:06 UTC
cov phoojywg...

we see this everyday, everywhere. its not a matter of mong issue xwb. politics are at the highest level to the lowest uncivilized mind. just look at every oone of us...we have it too..within family, brothers, etc...
2017-02-03 19:39:17 UTC
Hahaha.. Bis Muas aws, mus nuv pas this xwb mas cas tseem yuav tuaj thaum tus ib Tus no thiab na. Yus twb ntxhias Hmoob nyiaj on ib me ntu lawm, cia lawv Lwm Tus no thiab mad? Paj kaub tuag lawm ces nej cov Lang and DEMO CRAZY Los ploj lawm thiab, dag ntxiv ces kawg mus hlob kav hlau li Xeeb Xyooj, Hmoob teb chaw xwb ntag ho!!!
2017-02-11 15:13:14 UTC
Hmoob ces nyiam cov dag xwb. Tus tseeb ces yog Lisb tas li ces yuav ua cas na Hmoob?

Thov txhob zoo li pab Newhoem ntxiv lawm
