just some observation...about phoojywg from College Samthong.
(too old to reply)
2013-03-28 15:42:08 UTC
In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
better that many are acting in SCH.

The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
history now!!

Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
-as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
"bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.

Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
hauv SCH no.

just a passing sobering thought...

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-28 20:48:33 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

VWV! HMOOB tsis yog dog dig kiag. 200+ tus mus college puag thaum kuv nyuag qhuav yug los tau 2-3 xyoo xwb. tos li kuv txiv ho mob siab kom nws cov menyuam 66siab kawm ntawv los nws pom hmoob txawj ntawv lawm coob2 peb tsev kwvtij ho tsis muaj neeg nrog lawv txawj. peb tuaj txog vibnais thiab tim meskas no los kuv pheej KAWM kom tas zog los vim kuv txiv yeej NYIAM kom peb muaj tus nrog HMOOB SAWV DAWS TXAWJ. kuv losRUAM zoo li kuv thiab ntag kawm tas 4 xyoo tom U ces los ua NUM kom tau nyiaj mus them tsheb thiab tsev xwb. tau tsheb thiab tsev zoo2 ces NQE nyhav2 tuaj lawm lau. thaum nuj nqes nyhav2 tuaj ces ho rov mus kawm tsis tau lawm vim tseg haujlwm mus kawm ntawv ces vajtse thiab tsheb rov poob 6 BANK ces kawg ntsub2 muaj hauj lwm lawm xwb twb tsam no los peb tsev kwvtij thiaj tsis muaj tus tau MD los PHD level kiag li. tsam no kuv retired lawm ces nyob tsev nrog sawv daws hauv SCH thiab ntuj sov tuaj no ces seb puas mus NUVNTSES xwb. 2 xyoo tom ntej no ces kawg coj kuv ob tug menyuam yau mus kawm tom U. nkawv kawm tiav tom U lawm thiab no ces kuv tsis txhawj lawv heev lawm. yuav mus ncig ntuj los nyaj yuav dim tes me2 lawm. TSEG kiag txhob mus ntsib cov mos2 22 tim ub xwb ces nyaj yuav khees lawm. tiag mas tsis nyiam SNOW ces ntshe kawg mus MISSOULA, MONTANA los yog nram ARKANSAS. tos kom menyuam kawm tiav tom U rov los tau txoj hauj lwm kom thajyeeb 6 lawv tso kuv mam mus nyob ob lub STATES li tau piav. MT mas nyiam vim elevation hos AR mas nyiam vim SNOW poob rau hauv AV li ob peb hnub xwb ces SNOW rov yaj tas. yuav tawm rooj mus qhov twg los tsis khuam kev li pem MN. nyob MN no mas snow poob rau hauv AV lawm ces yeej yuav nyob kom txog lub 4-5 hlis kom so txaus snow yaj tsis li ntawd ces yuav tos kom nom tswv cov tsheb loj2 tuaj muab snow tshom mus 6 lwm qhov chaw. temperature mas kuv tsis txhawj vim yog yus nyob hauv tsev los hauv tsheb ces tso cua sov lawm yus nyob yus. SNOW mas teeb meem vim yog snow poob lawm ces yuav mus qhov twg los pom npleem thiab yuav plam nram qab ke xwb.
2013-03-30 03:13:27 UTC
> Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.

Koj xav uadabtsi maj? Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.
2013-03-30 04:10:02 UTC
On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> >
> >
> > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> Koj xav uadabtsi maj? Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.

Second Yoo qhov "thov txhob qhia Hmoob ua neeb".

Yaj Tshaj Koob
2013-03-31 11:23:08 UTC
On Friday, March 29, 2013 11:10:02 PM UTC-5, lha wrote:
> On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> >
> >
> >
> > Koj xav uadabtsi maj? Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.
> Second Yoo qhov "thov txhob qhia Hmoob ua neeb".
> lha


DU yeej hais tau yog lawm, hais txog cov tub ntawv hauv Samthong ntawd. Yog vim li cas neb ho hais tias thov txhob qhia Hmoob UA NEEB, nws txawm qhia Hmoob ua neeb los yeej yog ib qhov zoo kawg, ua li neb ho tshuav dab tsi uas yog Hmoob teej tug ntawm Hmoob li ntiag tus?

Kev ua neeb mas yog Hmoob txoj kev uas ntuj tsim teb raug ib txwm yawm saub tau qhia rau SIV YIS los cawm noob neej rau ntu uas dab noj tib neeg, neej dab nyob nyob sib nploo ntxuas. kev ua neeb feem coob li 99% yog muaj dab neeb thawj l tau ua,1% yog neeb kawm los ua neeb nrhiav noj ib yam li cov kawm Bible los ua XF nrhiav noj thiab xwb, Neeb kawm thiab XF hauv Church yog ,us tib hom kev nrhiav noj.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-31 12:59:39 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 6:23:08 AM UTC-5, Yaj Tshaj Koob wrote:
> On Friday, March 29, 2013 11:10:02 PM UTC-5, lha wrote:
> > On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Koj xav uadabtsi maj? Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.
> >
> >
> >
> > Second Yoo qhov "thov txhob qhia Hmoob ua neeb".
> >
> >
> >
> > lha
> lha&Yoo,
> DU yeej hais tau yog lawm, hais txog cov tub ntawv hauv Samthong ntawd. Yog vim li cas neb ho hais tias thov txhob qhia Hmoob UA NEEB, nws txawm qhia Hmoob ua neeb los yeej yog ib qhov zoo kawg, ua li neb ho tshuav dab tsi uas yog Hmoob teej tug ntawm Hmoob li ntiag tus?
> Kev ua neeb mas yog Hmoob txoj kev uas ntuj tsim teb raug ib txwm yawm saub tau qhia rau SIV YIS los cawm noob neej rau ntu uas dab noj tib neeg, neej dab nyob nyob sib nploo ntxuas. kev ua neeb feem coob li 99% yog muaj dab neeb thawj l tau ua,1% yog neeb kawm los ua neeb nrhiav noj ib yam li cov kawm Bible los ua XF nrhiav noj thiab xwb, Neeb kawm thiab XF hauv Church yog ,us tib hom kev nrhiav noj.

XF THIAB NEEB KAWM CES YOG KEV NRHIAV NOJ 100% li koj hais lawm. nyob MN lub teb chaws no no pem hav SNOW no mas cov mus kawm ua neeb tau los ua ib thaj tseem yog tsawg kawg li 100-200 rau tus ua neeb 40-5o rau cov saib neeb. no mas yog ua saib dog dig xwb ov. yog yuav khom tej yam tseem ceeb mas tsis poob 1,500 lawv tsis lam ua thaj neeb pub rau leej twg ov.

kuv pom ib co ua neeb thawj nyob MN no mas ua neeb pub dawb nyiaj mas tsis yuav yog ua neeb saib me2 xwb. yog kho yuav siv tshiaj no mas tus tswv tsev mus thov txiv neeb kom tuaj ua neeb ho yuav tau yog tus tshwm nyiaj mus yuav tus tshiaj los siv rau rooj neeb ntawd. caj ces neeb thawj no mas muaj tej rooj neeb lawv yuav nyiaj thiab ntag ov. tabsis yog rooj kim tshaj mas yog 12==200$ tsis tau pom rooj kim dua li qhov ntawd. kuv kuj paub ib tug txheeb ze yog ces neeb thawj li kuv piav no nyob MPLS deb li ntawm st.paul no li 10 miles.

XF pem church thiab cov neeb kawm mas muaj ib yam txawv xws li cov neeb kawm mas tas nrho cov tus/poj kawm neeb mus ua ke mus ua neeb nploj ib pab coob2 yog tias muaj neeg thov txog lawv kom mus ua neeb mas lawv tsis yog mus tsawg2 ib ob tug li XF pem church lawv mus ib qhabnab coob txog5-10 tus ib leeg ib cov twj neeb. mus txog ces nyias ua nyias neeb puv tsev.

cov neeb kawm no mas kuv pom ib yam zooli tsis muaj raws li cov neeb kuv pom thaum kuv yog 8 xyoo los mas yog lawv tsis kom leej twg thov li lawv sib koom ib khabnab coob2 mus ua neeb rau tom ib lub tsev. lawv tias ua neeb mus kho hmoob cov qub nom qub tswv kom lawv rov zoo muaj zog nrog memtoj mem AV kom cov hmoob saum neej muaj AV muaj teb chaws. lawv muaj lawv ib hom ua neeb mus pab hmoob cov qub nom qub tswv. uas tsis muaj neeg thov kom lawv ua los lawv ua lawv tej pab coob2. hmoob cov neeb kuv pom mas yog muaj neeg muaj mob muaj nkeeg hmoob thov mas txiv neeb mam mus ua neeb saib thiab kho tus neeg mob kom zoo xwb yog tsis muaj neeg thov mas txiv neeb tsis lam ua neeb mus saib mus kho ib tug neeg.

kuv pom kuv paub los vim cov neeb npoj no peb muaj ib tug txheeb2 ze2 yog peb ib xeem hmoob. yog ib tug LADY twb muaj txiv lawm mus nrog lawv kawm tau hom neeb npo no mas nws txawj ua neeb thiab txawj ua saub tsim tsawv thiab OV. lawv tseem muaj ib co mus tim thaibteb ua neeb mus nkag qhov tsua mus nrhiav thiab kho ZAJ raws li lawv hais. tseem kom hauj sam nrog lawv mus nkag qhov tsua tib si. tsis yog ua neeb mus hauv sab neeb ntsuj plig li ov. mus tus neeg ciaj2 taws tsau mus nkag qhov tsua kom mus pom ZAJ thiab kho ZAJ ntag no hos. kuv paub lawv mus lawm tabsis zoo li tsis pom ZAJ nyob twg li ntsis sub. ntxim tais2 caus tsis hais pom ZAJ li os ib tug menyuam nab luaj ntiv tes xyov puas tseem pom.

peb mus nkag qhov puav tim vibnais puab sab 01 thiab 03 tseem lomzem zog ho kuv xav. thaum peb mus nkag qhov tsua ua ntej li ob peb hnub ua ntej peb sawv kev caij BUS mus rau phabnab. peb nqa teeb khoos mus nkag qhov puav mas tsis tau hauj lwm kiag li vim txog hauv qhov tsuas mas flashlight tso ces pom ib feet ntawm lub flashlight xwb. deb dhau ib feet ntawm lub flashlight ces teeb koos tsau nti tsis pom ib yam dabtsi.

peb ib tug kwvtij nqa tau ib daim tsom iav uas lady siv los tsom 6 lawv pleev de ncauj. daim tsom iav mas tau hauj lwm #1 kawg hauv lub qho tsuas. qho twg muaj duab tshaj ntuj ci2 nqa daim tso iav mus tim kom qhov sunray ci2 rau daim tsom iav mam muab daim tsom iav tig kom ci mus rau hauv qhov tsua mas kaj ntug nkig npaum li nruab hnub hauv qhov tsua. cov sunray ntawm daim iav mas tsis txawj cia li tsaus thaum deb zog li 1 feet. sunray ntawm daim iav mas yuav yog muab pob zeb ntis lawm no mas qhov ci2 thiaj yuav tsi mus kom tshab. yog tsis muaj ib yam nti. yog air xwb ces yuav tsum pom kom tshab plaws. hos flashlight mas tsis yog pob zeb nti li os. empty li air xwb los flashlight cov ray yeej txawj tws li ib ob feet tsis mus kom deb tshaj qhov ntawd li. zoo nkaus li cov enmpty air txawj block flashlight ray kom nws tws txhob pub qhov ray ci lawm tom ub kiag li ntag.
2013-03-31 15:29:03 UTC
On Mar 30, 3:10 pm, lha <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> > > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> > Koj xav uadabtsi maj?  Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.
> Second Yoo qhov "thov txhob qhia Hmoob ua neeb".
> lha

Kev ua neeb ua yaig tsis yog yuav qhiab ib tug twg ua tau,
Tus yuav ua tau yuav tsum yog ib tug neeg siab zoo, siab dawb, pab
kwvtij neej tsa mas dab neeb thiaj los thauj.
Tus xav ua ho tsis tau ua. Tus tsis xav ua li kuv no ho mag los ua!

Thaum dab neeb los thawj lawm ces, tus ntawd yeej nti tsis dim li.
You have to accept it, practice it AND provide service to the
community...AS the community consult you. You cannot just refuse
beacause if you refuse, yus cov dab neeb tseem ua rau tys muaj mob
ntsiv thiab laid!

Hmob kev ua neeb ua yaig is a repository of all WHAT is beeing Hmong
over the past 5000 years...as I have discovered thru my research into
the subject (for my book).

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-31 19:01:23 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:29:03 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> On Mar 30, 3:10 pm, lha <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> >
> > > > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> >
> > > Koj xav uadabtsi maj?  Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.
> >
> > Second Yoo qhov "thov txhob qhia Hmoob ua neeb".
> >
> > lha
> Kev ua neeb ua yaig tsis yog yuav qhiab ib tug twg ua tau,
> Tus yuav ua tau yuav tsum yog ib tug neeg siab zoo, siab dawb, pab
> kwvtij neej tsa mas dab neeb thiaj los thauj.
> Tus xav ua ho tsis tau ua. Tus tsis xav ua li kuv no ho mag los ua!
> Thaum dab neeb los thawj lawm ces, tus ntawd yeej nti tsis dim li.
> You have to accept it, practice it AND provide service to the
> community...AS the community consult you. You cannot just refuse
> beacause if you refuse, yus cov dab neeb tseem ua rau tys muaj mob
> ntsiv thiab laid!
> Hmob kev ua neeb ua yaig is a repository of all WHAT is beeing Hmong
> over the past 5000 years...as I have discovered thru my research into
> the subject (for my book).
> du

DU koj piav txog ua neeb mas yeej YOG lawm kev ua neeb thawj uas rsis yog hom neeb kawm tshiab2 no mas yeej tsis yooj8 vim yuav tos muab phiaj neeb los THAWJ mam li tshee thiab hu phiaj neeb coj mus sab ntsuj plig mus kho mob sab ntsuj plig. ciov neeb kawm kom paub lus neeb cia li ua neeb no mas tsis need muaj phiaj neeb los rhawj li. nyob2 yus kawm tiav ces mus yuav twj ua neeb los cia li ua neeb thaws2 los tau. nyob MN no kuv pom coob tus ua neeb kawm no lawm. lawc txawj ua neeb kom tau nyiaj vim yog ntiav tsis txog lawv tus nqe lawv tsis PAB ua neeb. yog them kom txog lawv tus nqe lawv mam ua neeb mus saib mus kho sab ntsuj plig. nyob MN no tseem muaj ib co ua neeb kawm li kawm khawv koob. kawm tau IB ZAJ li khawv koob ces lawv mus ua neeb khawv koob tav tog2 tom tus mob lub tsev saib thiab kho los tau tib si. cov no mas lawv ua saib ua kho li lawv siab nyiam xwb tsis tas kom muaj phiaj neeb los qhia lawv li ntag. XFpem church thiab hom neeb kawm ces yog ASXIV kev nrhiav noj haus ib yamn nkaus.
2013-04-01 00:12:40 UTC
> Tus xav ua ho tsis tau ua. Tus tsis xav ua li kuv no ho mag los ua!
Dr Pov ed, yog koj tsis xaav ua neeb tag tag tes yooj yim kawg le los mas; yog has tas koj yeej tsis xaav ua tsuas yog raug dlaab yuam xwb nuav mas tev qev tseem yooj yim tshaaj. Yuav ua le caag txhaj le thaiv kuas tau koj cov dlaab neeb kuas xob lug looj koov tau koj, easy kawg, koj cale muab nwg lawb pov tseg xwb lug ntseeg Vaajtswv xwb, Vaajtswv yog tug almighty Savior kws nwg yuav muaj peev xwm thiv thaiv kuas koj cov dlaab xyob lug looj koov koj ntxiv lawm. Hua yog koj xaav ua business for cash on the side hab xaav kuas nto koob nto npe has tas koj yog ib tug txivneeb hab tseem yog md hab nua mas ntawd yog personal desire lawm xwb.
2013-04-17 22:08:08 UTC
On Apr 1, 10:12 am, ***@yahoo.com wrote:
> > Tus xav ua ho tsis tau ua. Tus tsis xav ua li kuv no ho mag los ua!
> Dr Pov ed, yog koj tsis xaav ua neeb tag tag tes yooj yim kawg le los mas; yog has tas koj yeej tsis xaav ua tsuas yog raug dlaab yuam xwb nuav mas tev qev tseem yooj yim tshaaj. Yuav ua le caag txhaj le thaiv kuas tau koj cov dlaab neeb kuas xob lug looj koov tau koj, easy kawg, koj cale muab nwg lawb pov tseg xwb lug ntseeg Vaajtswv xwb, Vaajtswv yog tug almighty Savior kws nwg yuav muaj peev xwm thiv thaiv kuas koj cov dlaab xyob lug looj koov koj ntxiv lawm. Hua yog koj xaav ua business for cash on the side hab xaav kuas nto koob nto npe has tas koj yog ib tug txivneeb hab tseem yog md hab nua mas ntawd yog personal desire lawm xwb.


Koj hais yoojyim kawg li.

Kuv ib tug niam tais tim Fabkis mus lawbdab khiag lawm los nws tseem
muaj qhua neeb li qub. Nws tuaj ze kuv lub thaj neeb xwb, nws twb pib
tshee yuav ua neeb lawm.

Vim lino, tamsis no, cov Catholic thiaj tig rov qab los txais lawv cov
txiv neeb uas thaum ub lawm tsis pub ua neeb... Nyob Taiwan, tus
Priest thiab tus Txiv Neeb yeej ua haujlwm ua kev hauv church. Tus
yuav xyuav tus Priest los tau, tus yuav ua neeb los kuj mus cuag tus
txiv neeb.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-18 05:21:20 UTC
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:08:08 PM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> On Apr 1, 10:12 am, ***@yahoo.com wrote:
> > > Tus xav ua ho tsis tau ua. Tus tsis xav ua li kuv no ho mag los ua!
> >
> > Dr Pov ed, yog koj tsis xaav ua neeb tag tag tes yooj yim kawg le los mas; yog has tas koj yeej tsis xaav ua tsuas yog raug dlaab yuam xwb nuav mas tev qev tseem yooj yim tshaaj. Yuav ua le caag txhaj le thaiv kuas tau koj cov dlaab neeb kuas xob lug looj koov tau koj, easy kawg, koj cale muab nwg lawb pov tseg xwb lug ntseeg Vaajtswv xwb, Vaajtswv yog tug almighty Savior kws nwg yuav muaj peev xwm thiv thaiv kuas koj cov dlaab xyob lug looj koov koj ntxiv lawm. Hua yog koj xaav ua business for cash on the side hab xaav kuas nto koob nto npe has tas koj yog ib tug txivneeb hab tseem yog md hab nua mas ntawd yog personal desire lawm xwb.
> THorn...
> Koj hais yoojyim kawg li.
> Kuv ib tug niam tais tim Fabkis mus lawbdab khiag lawm los nws tseem
> muaj qhua neeb li qub. Nws tuaj ze kuv lub thaj neeb xwb, nws twb pib
> tshee yuav ua neeb lawm.
> Vim lino, tamsis no, cov Catholic thiaj tig rov qab los txais lawv cov
> txiv neeb uas thaum ub lawm tsis pub ua neeb... Nyob Taiwan, tus
> Priest thiab tus Txiv Neeb yeej ua haujlwm ua kev hauv church. Tus
> yuav xyuav tus Priest los tau, tus yuav ua neeb los kuj mus cuag tus
> txiv neeb.
> du

hais txog kev neeg tsis yeem ua neeb mas kuv muaj ib case kuv pom los lawm. case kuv pom mas yog kuv tij laug thaum kuv yog 8 xyoo kuv tij laug yog ze li 16 xyoo. peb nyob tim HAVZOOV ua caubfab. peb tsev neeg mas MOB txhua zog ntawm tsev neeg kuj tsis yog txhua tus mob ib hom mob tabsis mob txhua tus neeg hauv peb tsev. tshuav kuv pog thiab kuv yawg thiaj tsis nrog peb mob xwb. kuv yawg thiaj ua neeb saib thiab ua khawv koob kho tau peb lawm xwb. ua neeb saib ces neeb pom tias kuv txiv muaj dabneeb los thawj lawm. muaj ib hmo kuv txiv cia tshee2 ntawm txaj. kuv niam peb mus hlawv xyab thiab kho rooj neeb rau tom tag mam tuav kuv txiv mus zaum tom rooj neeb. ces kuv txiv mam txawj seev suab hu phiaj neeb sawv kiag tsis zaum rooj li los dhia ntawm ib sab thaj li 5-10 nas this mam nres. kuv txiv cia li txawj ua neeb thaum ntawd los lawm. kuv yawg ua neeb kuj pom tias kuv tij laug muaj dabneeb los thawj THIAB NTAG. peb tsev neeg muab tham2 thaum kawg ces tias kuv tij klaug tseem yau zog lawm tsis tau tsim nyob ua neeb vim 15-16 tuv hluas xwb twb tsis tau muaj poj niam ces seb yuav kho li cas kom kuv tij laug zoo mob xwb tso neeb ces KAVLIAM kuv tij laug txhob rawm ua neeb. thaum muab tham xaus li no ces kuv yawg rov ua ib thaj neeb xa kuv tij laug cov dab neeb rov rau saum huab tais neeb xwb ces kuv tij laug kuj DIM tsis mob thiab tsis tau ua neeb los txog niasj hnub no lawm kuv tij laug yuav yog li 50+ lawm kuv xav.
2013-04-18 09:00:52 UTC
On Apr 18, 3:21 pm, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
<***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:08:08 PM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > On Apr 1, 10:12 am, ***@yahoo.com wrote:
> > > > Tus xav ua ho tsis tau ua. Tus tsis xav ua li kuv no ho mag los ua!
> > > Dr Pov ed, yog koj tsis xaav ua neeb tag tag tes yooj yim kawg le los mas; yog has tas koj yeej tsis xaav ua tsuas yog raug dlaab yuam xwb nuav mas tev qev tseem yooj yim tshaaj. Yuav ua le caag txhaj le thaiv kuas tau koj cov dlaab neeb kuas xob lug looj koov tau koj, easy kawg, koj cale muab nwg lawb pov tseg xwb lug ntseeg Vaajtswv xwb, Vaajtswv yog tug almighty Savior kws nwg yuav muaj peev xwm thiv thaiv kuas koj cov dlaab xyob lug looj koov koj ntxiv lawm. Hua yog koj xaav ua business for cash on the side hab xaav kuas nto koob nto npe has tas koj yog ib tug txivneeb hab tseem yog md hab nua mas ntawd yog personal desire lawm xwb.
> > THorn...
> > Koj hais yoojyim kawg li.
> > Kuv ib tug niam tais tim Fabkis mus lawbdab khiag lawm los nws tseem
> > muaj qhua neeb li qub. Nws tuaj ze kuv lub thaj neeb xwb, nws twb pib
> > tshee yuav ua neeb lawm.
> > Vim lino, tamsis no, cov Catholic thiaj tig rov qab los txais lawv cov
> > txiv neeb uas thaum ub lawm tsis pub ua neeb... Nyob Taiwan, tus
> > Priest thiab tus Txiv Neeb yeej ua haujlwm ua kev hauv church. Tus
> > yuav xyuav tus Priest los tau, tus yuav ua neeb los kuj mus cuag tus
> > txiv neeb.
> > du
> hais txog kev neeg tsis yeem ua neeb mas kuv muaj ib case kuv pom los lawm. case kuv pom mas yog kuv tij laug thaum kuv yog 8 xyoo kuv tij laug yog ze li 16 xyoo. peb nyob tim HAVZOOV ua caubfab. peb tsev neeg mas MOB txhua zog ntawm tsev neeg kuj tsis yog txhua tus mob ib hom mob tabsis mob txhua tus neeg hauv peb tsev. tshuav kuv pog thiab kuv yawg thiaj tsis nrog peb mob xwb. kuv yawg thiaj ua neeb saib thiab ua khawv koob kho tau peb lawm xwb. ua neeb saib ces neeb pom tias kuv txiv muaj dabneeb los thawj lawm. muaj ib hmo kuv txiv cia tshee2 ntawm txaj. kuv niam peb mus hlawv xyab thiab kho rooj neeb rau tom tag mam tuav kuv txiv mus zaum tom rooj neeb. ces kuv txiv mam txawj seev suab hu phiaj neeb sawv kiag tsis zaum rooj li los dhia ntawm ib sab thaj li 5-10 nas this mam nres. kuv txiv cia li txawj ua neeb thaum ntawd los lawm. kuv yawg ua neeb kuj pom tias kuv tij laug muaj dabneeb los thawj THIAB NTAG. peb tsev neeg muab tham2 thaum kawg ces tias kuv tij klaug tseem yau zog lawm tsis tau tsim nyob ua neeb vim 15-16 tuv hluas xwb twb tsis tau muaj poj niam ces seb yuav kho li cas kom kuv tij laug zoo mob xwb tso neeb ces KAVLIAM kuv tij laug txhob rawm ua neeb. thaum muab tham xaus li no ces kuv yawg rov ua ib thaj neeb xa kuv tij laug cov dab neeb rov rau saum huab tais neeb xwb ces kuv tij laug kuj DIM tsis mob thiab tsis tau ua neeb los txog niasj hnub no lawm kuv tij laug yuav yog li 50+ lawm kuv xav.

Pheej Hmoo...

Yeej yog li koj hais.
Kuv case mas kuj pib li koj hais thiab. Kuv tus phauj uas pib ua neeb
thaum nws muaj 16 xyoo... (tamsis no nws twb muaj li 80+ xyoo lawm)
kuv tau ua ib tag neeb xa kuv cov dab neeb rovqab tag vim kuv npav
tias yuav delay kev ua neeb mus ib ntus kom kuv retire tso, tsis run
kuv lub Clinic lawm tso kuv mam pib ua neeb.. tabsis yeej tsis dim li.
Kuv haj yam mob heev tuaj... 6 tug txiv neeb, (USA x1, Oz x2, France
x1, Laos x2) yeej ua neeb saib los yeej hais tib yam: mob dabneeb
xwb... Mob heev zujzus txog qhov cia li tau mus pw kiag tom hospital
tabsis Dr yeej nrhia tsis tau tus mob li. Cov Dr test tag 100 tshav
yam yeej tsis pom kuv tus mob li... ua rau lawv kawg kev kiag tabsis
kuv yeej paub zoo tias kuv tus moob mas yeej yog mob neeb xwb ces cov
Dr yuav txheeb-nrhia npaum twg los yeej tsis pom dab tsi.... Kawg hais
tias kuv lub Insurance company tseem tsis kam them nyiaj mob Income
Protection rau lub caij kuv muaj mob ntawd vim kuv cov Drs yeej
certify tias muaj mob tiag tabsis ho tsis muaj ib qhov positive proof
tias yog mob hom dabtsi!!! Twb sib hais los tau 5 xyoo no lawm, cov
Insurance tseem tsis tau them nyiaj rau kuv!!! Peb tseem niaj nub sib

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-30 11:29:12 UTC
On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> >
> >
> > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> Koj xav uadabtsi maj? Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.

VUAG tseem kom txhob qhia hmoob ua neeb. YUANM KEV LOJ. 6siab qhia mob ua neeb ntag. thaum yus tsis tau VWM li kuv yog ib tug computer SYSTEM ENGINEER MAS SIV logic TSIS TXAUS YUAV NTSEEG KEV UA NEEB TABSIS. tsam no kuv VWM tas li no mas kuv mam paub. UA NEEB heev kawg. kuv nyob kuv 10 mile deb ntawm kuv tsev neeg lawv ua neeb kuv twb hnov lub txiab neeb thiab lub nruas neeb nrov tib si. kuv hnov rab txiab neeb nrov kuv yeej paub yog leej twg ua neeb vim. kuv hnov lub suab no puag thaum kuv yog 8 xyoo los lawm ces kuv paub tseeb2. kuv hnov hmoob tej txiab neeb lawm pua2 rab TABSIS muaj ib ces neeb ntawm peb tsev neeg thiaj coj rab txiab neeb nrov li kucv hnov xwb. lawv ua neeb tas lawv tuaj saib kuv kuv mam nug tias TXIV puas yog koj ua neeb nag hmo vim kuv hnov lawm. kuv txiv tias tsis yog nws ua neeb tabsis nws kom tus txiv ntxawm ua neeb. tus txiv ntxawm mas ua neeb tom qab kuv txiv TABSIS tus txiv ntxawm mas thiaj yog tus coj kuv yawg rab txiab neeb.

YOG LEEJ TWG muaj neeb los thawj mas kaj tsij txhib kom ua neeb peb tshuav txujci hmoob td=sawg2 lawm os. txhob lam muab POV TSEG lawm nawb. leej twg tsis ua neeb muab pov tseg ces RUAM ZOG LAWM. thaum kuv tsis tau VWM mas kuv SIV computer engineer xwb tsis muaj logic txog kev ua neeb. tsam no kuv VWM tas lam nyob lam hnov neeg nrog kuv tham. ob tug nrog kuv tham mas paub kuv tseeb tshaj li kuv paub kuv tu kheej ces kuv nyoo tias kuv qhuas kuv txawj ntawv txawj computer ces nyaj SIV NYOG ua neej nyob ib hli li 10k lawm ces OK. NTUJ AW ua cas RUAM ua luaj li os. txawj ntawv txawj computer xwb twb qhuas2 zoo zoob siab lawm na! thaum hnov muaj tus tsis hais lus los nws tham hauv hlwb tau tsis muaj neeg tham ib lo lus los yus hnov neeg hais lus ntau2. lawv piav kuv lub neej mas twb tsis yo g piav lub kuv neej tiam no thaum kuv yog menyuam mos ab xwb. lawv paub kuv 9 tiam tas los tibsi ces kuv ua siab nyoo thiab tso tseg qhov kuv xav tias kuv zoo txaus siv nyog. SIV TSIOS NYOG KIAG. TSEEM RUAM DHAU. thaum 2000--2002 kuv muaj 2 tug tub thiab ob tug ntxhais xwb. kuv tsev neeg kom kaj tsij yug menyuam ntxiv kom lawv tau kwvtij thiab nkauj muam coob zog. kuv yeej tsis caiv poj niam lawm ntev yog poj niam tsis muaj poj niam lawm xwb. kuv thiaj xav tias yuav tau ua neeb saib los ua khawv koob 6. kuv mus ncig hauv HMOOBZA kuv pom ib zaj khawv koob hmoob sau tseg 6 hauv hmoobza. kuv thiaj muab kawm me2. zaj khawv koob mas txheev 3 phiaj qhuas neeb LOJ2 puag saum txov yej txoov laus los kho neeg ntiaj teb. raws li kuv ib txwm saib neeb los laus li no mas 3 phiaj neeb no yeej tsis coj los nyob saum thaj vim lawv muaj zog heev yog coj los nyob hauv ntiaj teb no 6 saum thaj mas lawv tshaib lawv yuav tom yus tsev neeg cov plig ces yus rov yug DAB los tom yu tsev neeg. 3 phiaj neeb no mas thiaj muab nyiaj 6 txoov yej txoov laus yug 6 puas saum ub xwb. yog yuav siv txog 3 phiaj no mam mus muaj nyiaj kom txoov yej txoov laus tso 6 yus coj los kho neeg ntiaj teb. kho tas ces xa rov qab mus 56 saum ub.

zaj khawv koob kuv mus pom mas txeev txog 3 phiaj no. kuv ua zaj khaws koob no 6 kuv poj niam tas mas kuv hnov ib tug los thov2 kuv thiab ua tsaug 6 kuv tseg nws tsis muab nws tua ces nws yuav mus zaum no tsis rov los kuv lub tsev los txov kom kuv txhob muaj menyuam li lawm vim nws paub kuv tsev neeg muaj txuj ci loj txaus lawm. nws hais ib siob lus li ntawd ces nws tawm mus lawm.KUV nim yuav paub2 ib yam dabtsi tias vim ua cas kuv hnov tej yam lus txawv uas kuv tseg neeg nyob pawg lug lawv ho tsis hnov.

kuv piasv mus piav los kuv txi8v hnov kuv txiv mam qhia tias. TUB koj ua zaj khawv koob koj mus tos tau 3 phiajneeb uas poj yawm txwv koob tau tseg 6 saum huabtais neeb kom yog noob neej ntiaj teb muaj mob vim muaj DAB no mas 3 tug no yog tub ceev xwm LOJ nyob saum ub lawv thiaj muaj zog thiab txuj ci txaus lawb dab thiab NOJ dab kiag los tau vim lawv txoj num yeej yog hom ntawd. kuv txiv qhia ntxiv tias qhov koj hnov ib tug los thov2 koj thiab ua koj tsaug nws mam tawm hauv tsev lawm mas vim koj txheev txog peb phiaj neeb no los kho yus tsev neeg lawv thiaj qeb koj lub pob ntseg pub koj hnov dab lus. qhov dab ua2 koj tsaug mas vim koj tos tau 3 phiaj no los tabsis koj tsis kom 3 phiaj no muab tus dab NOJ ces nws thiaj tseem ciaj nws thiaj ua2 koj tsaug TABSIS nws lees lkawm nws yuav tsis rov los lawm. hli puav tom qab kuv poj niam plabzais2 tuaj yug tau ib tug tub lawm thiab tiag.

RUAM MAS RUAM TIAG2 kuv twb tsis paub txog hmoob txoj kev ntseeg thiab hmoob txoj kev ua neej nyob ntiaj teb. kuv twb tsis paub tias poj yawm tseg ib co muaj zog saum ub zov lawv cov xeeb leej xeeb ntxwv. yog thov txog mas lawv muaj zog txaus NOJ tau DAB kom txhob muaj DAB lam los tsim txom cov nyob tom qab.

KUV VWM TAS LOS KUV MAM PAUB TIAS HMOOB tej poj yawm muaj lub tswv8 zoo zoob2 tso tseg 6 hmoob. yog hmoob tsis paub SIV xwb . hmoob li kuv mus kawm lwm GAIV NEEG TEJ TXUJCI no ces kuv niasm qhuas2 lawm tabsis hmoob tseem muaj tej yam HEEV KAWG uas hmoob twb tsis PAUB. yog neeb los thawj li neeb txwv ZEEJ tseem tsis TEEV ces ntse rov tog QWB zog lawm.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-30 11:51:59 UTC
On Saturday, March 30, 2013 6:29:12 AM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:13:27 PM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Dr. es yuav ua dabtsi los kajtsij ua nawb...yeej yog li koj hais lawm. Sijhawm tsis tos peb lawm nawb. Cov Kujlej Samthong students ces tshe coob leej twb passed away lawm thiab ov. Cov nyob tshe qho leej los twb mob stroke lawm.
> >
> >
> >
> > Koj xav uadabtsi maj? Thov txhob qhia hmoob uaneeb laiv...thov tiagX lauj.
> VUAG tseem kom txhob qhia hmoob ua neeb. YUANM KEV LOJ. 6siab qhia mob ua neeb ntag. thaum yus tsis tau VWM li kuv yog ib tug computer SYSTEM ENGINEER MAS SIV logic TSIS TXAUS YUAV NTSEEG KEV UA NEEB TABSIS. tsam no kuv VWM tas li no mas kuv mam paub. UA NEEB heev kawg. kuv nyob kuv 10 mile deb ntawm kuv tsev neeg lawv ua neeb kuv twb hnov lub txiab neeb thiab lub nruas neeb nrov tib si. kuv hnov rab txiab neeb nrov kuv yeej paub yog leej twg ua neeb vim. kuv hnov lub suab no puag thaum kuv yog 8 xyoo los lawm ces kuv paub tseeb2. kuv hnov hmoob tej txiab neeb lawm pua2 rab TABSIS muaj ib ces neeb ntawm peb tsev neeg thiaj coj rab txiab neeb nrov li kucv hnov xwb. lawv ua neeb tas lawv tuaj saib kuv kuv mam nug tias TXIV puas yog koj ua neeb nag hmo vim kuv hnov lawm. kuv txiv tias tsis yog nws ua neeb tabsis nws kom tus txiv ntxawm ua neeb. tus txiv ntxawm mas ua neeb tom qab kuv txiv TABSIS tus txiv ntxawm mas thiaj yog tus coj kuv yawg rab txiab neeb.
> YOG LEEJ TWG muaj neeb los thawj mas kaj tsij txhib kom ua neeb peb tshuav txujci hmoob td=sawg2 lawm os. txhob lam muab POV TSEG lawm nawb. leej twg tsis ua neeb muab pov tseg ces RUAM ZOG LAWM. thaum kuv tsis tau VWM mas kuv SIV computer engineer xwb tsis muaj logic txog kev ua neeb. tsam no kuv VWM tas lam nyob lam hnov neeg nrog kuv tham. ob tug nrog kuv tham mas paub kuv tseeb tshaj li kuv paub kuv tu kheej ces kuv nyoo tias kuv qhuas kuv txawj ntawv txawj computer ces nyaj SIV NYOG ua neej nyob ib hli li 10k lawm ces OK. NTUJ AW ua cas RUAM ua luaj li os. txawj ntawv txawj computer xwb twb qhuas2 zoo zoob siab lawm na! thaum hnov muaj tus tsis hais lus los nws tham hauv hlwb tau tsis muaj neeg tham ib lo lus los yus hnov neeg hais lus ntau2. lawv piav kuv lub neej mas twb tsis yo g piav lub kuv neej tiam no thaum kuv yog menyuam mos ab xwb. lawv paub kuv 9 tiam tas los tibsi ces kuv ua siab nyoo thiab tso tseg qhov kuv xav tias kuv zoo txaus siv nyog. SIV TSIOS NYOG KIAG. TSEEM RUAM DHAU. thaum 2000--2002 kuv muaj 2 tug tub thiab ob tug ntxhais xwb. kuv tsev neeg kom kaj tsij yug menyuam ntxiv kom lawv tau kwvtij thiab nkauj muam coob zog. kuv yeej tsis caiv poj niam lawm ntev yog poj niam tsis muaj poj niam lawm xwb. kuv thiaj xav tias yuav tau ua neeb saib los ua khawv koob 6. kuv mus ncig hauv HMOOBZA kuv pom ib zaj khawv koob hmoob sau tseg 6 hauv hmoobza. kuv thiaj muab kawm me2. zaj khawv koob mas txheev 3 phiaj qhuas neeb LOJ2 puag saum txov yej txoov laus los kho neeg ntiaj teb. raws li kuv ib txwm saib neeb los laus li no mas 3 phiaj neeb no yeej tsis coj los nyob saum thaj vim lawv muaj zog heev yog coj los nyob hauv ntiaj teb no 6 saum thaj mas lawv tshaib lawv yuav tom yus tsev neeg cov plig ces yus rov yug DAB los tom yu tsev neeg. 3 phiaj neeb no mas thiaj muab nyiaj 6 txoov yej txoov laus yug 6 puas saum ub xwb. yog yuav siv txog 3 phiaj no mam mus muaj nyiaj kom txoov yej txoov laus tso 6 yus coj los kho neeg ntiaj teb. kho tas ces xa rov qab mus 56 saum ub.
> zaj khawv koob kuv mus pom mas txeev txog 3 phiaj no. kuv ua zaj khaws koob no 6 kuv poj niam tas mas kuv hnov ib tug los thov2 kuv thiab ua tsaug 6 kuv tseg nws tsis muab nws tua ces nws yuav mus zaum no tsis rov los kuv lub tsev los txov kom kuv txhob muaj menyuam li lawm vim nws paub kuv tsev neeg muaj txuj ci loj txaus lawm. nws hais ib siob lus li ntawd ces nws tawm mus lawm.KUV nim yuav paub2 ib yam dabtsi tias vim ua cas kuv hnov tej yam lus txawv uas kuv tseg neeg nyob pawg lug lawv ho tsis hnov.
> kuv piasv mus piav los kuv txi8v hnov kuv txiv mam qhia tias. TUB koj ua zaj khawv koob koj mus tos tau 3 phiajneeb uas poj yawm txwv koob tau tseg 6 saum huabtais neeb kom yog noob neej ntiaj teb muaj mob vim muaj DAB no mas 3 tug no yog tub ceev xwm LOJ nyob saum ub lawv thiaj muaj zog thiab txuj ci txaus lawb dab thiab NOJ dab kiag los tau vim lawv txoj num yeej yog hom ntawd. kuv txiv qhia ntxiv tias qhov koj hnov ib tug los thov2 koj thiab ua koj tsaug nws mam tawm hauv tsev lawm mas vim koj txheev txog peb phiaj neeb no los kho yus tsev neeg lawv thiaj qeb koj lub pob ntseg pub koj hnov dab lus. qhov dab ua2 koj tsaug mas vim koj tos tau 3 phiaj no los tabsis koj tsis kom 3 phiaj no muab tus dab NOJ ces nws thiaj tseem ciaj nws thiaj ua2 koj tsaug TABSIS nws lees lkawm nws yuav tsis rov los lawm. hli puav tom qab kuv poj niam plabzais2 tuaj yug tau ib tug tub lawm thiab tiag.
> RUAM MAS RUAM TIAG2 kuv twb tsis paub txog hmoob txoj kev ntseeg thiab hmoob txoj kev ua neej nyob ntiaj teb. kuv twb tsis paub tias poj yawm tseg ib co muaj zog saum ub zov lawv cov xeeb leej xeeb ntxwv. yog thov txog mas lawv muaj zog txaus NOJ tau DAB kom txhob muaj DAB lam los tsim txom cov nyob tom qab.
> KUV VWM TAS LOS KUV MAM PAUB TIAS HMOOB tej poj yawm muaj lub tswv8 zoo zoob2 tso tseg 6 hmoob. yog hmoob tsis paub SIV xwb . hmoob li kuv mus kawm lwm GAIV NEEG TEJ TXUJCI no ces kuv niasm qhuas2 lawm tabsis hmoob tseem muaj tej yam HEEV KAWG uas hmoob twb tsis PAUB. yog neeb los thawj li neeb txwv ZEEJ tseem tsis TEEV ces ntse rov tog QWB zog lawm.

ib tug computer science VWM tas mam paub tom qab. nej hmoob tsis ntseeg los kaj tsij REJECT tos kom vwm txog nej mam ntseeg tom qab. xyov nej puas muaj hmoo yuav VWM taus kom hnov li kuv hnov thiab OV. kuv VWM2 ob tug los nrog kuv tham mas nkawv tias tsis yog txhua tus hmoob yuav hnov li kuv hnov. kuv yog ib tug ntawm 8 tus neeg nyob qab ntuj no. muaj 4 tug yog hmoob. cov teb chaws loj2 ib lub teb chaws ib tug ces 4 tug 6 hmoob 4 tug rau lwm haiv ib HAIV ib tug xwb. peb 8 leej no mas tswvntuj tsim tau tshiab2 tsim tau 8 tus xwb. hmoob txom nyem plam teb chaws loslawm ntau txhiab xyoo tswv ntuj thiaj ua siab faib 4 tug rau hmoob lawm. yuav khib 6 lwm haiv tabsis vim lwm haiv muaj AV lawm ces nyaj yuav tsis khib heev. tswv ntuj mas nws ib txwm xav txog yam LOJ2 rau txhua tus neeg nyob qab ntuj tsis yog xav 6 ib haiv me2 li hmoob xwb. ib haiv no mas nyias cov poj yawm puag thaum ub yeej XAIV lawv txoj kev los ua neej 6 ntiaj teb lawv ntxov2. thaum xub pib mas hmoob zoo heev yam pem tuam tshoj. lwm haiv yuav tuaj tua hmoob li cas los hmoob nyob hmoob li qub. tswv ntuj pom li ntawd tswv ntuj tsis nco txhawj txog hmoob li lawm nws tseg tau ib ntus tsis nco tig mus saib hmoob. uas cas nws hnov hmoob quaj qw quaj thov nws mam tig mus saib na ua cas hmoob lam tas tsis muaj AV lawm. HMOOB QUAJ CEM THIAB sab tes tuav xyab ib sab tes tuav ntawd txhos caug quaj thov mas tswv ntuj los sij hnov zoo kawg vim ob yam khoom no yeej muaj lub zog txaus xoj hmoob cov lus cov suab mus kom txog tswv ntuj. oops! piav ntau zog lawm. tso NOV LWM ZAUS MAM PIAV NTXIV.
2013-03-31 05:15:30 UTC
> Idonotknow es.. koj tsis qhia tias koj vwm los peb sawvdaws yeej paub tias koj vwm lawm los mas---just from your many posts and long..long pages of your postings.

Thov thiab lauj...I kind of tired of reading your posts...can not finish reading your posts...too long. Koj puas kawm tag Adult High School (GED) tej ntawm maj? Uacas pheej hais computer science xwbX li naj...kuv saibX mas xyov koj puas tiav GED as. Thov txim nawb yog siab koj lawm nas...tab sis koj pheej hais koj tus computer science degree no heev dhau hwv lawm nas...es kuv siab ntev tsis taus lawm nawb.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-31 09:22:34 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:15:30 AM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> > Idonotknow es.. koj tsis qhia tias koj vwm los peb sawvdaws yeej paub tias koj vwm lawm los mas---just from your many posts and long..long pages of your postings.
> Thov thiab lauj...I kind of tired of reading your posts...can not finish reading your posts...too long. Koj puas kawm tag Adult High School (GED) tej ntawm maj? Uacas pheej hais computer science xwbX li naj...kuv saibX mas xyov koj puas tiav GED as. Thov txim nawb yog siab koj lawm nas...tab sis koj pheej hais koj tus computer science degree no heev dhau hwv lawm nas...es kuv siab ntev tsis taus lawm nawb.

yog lau VWM CES vwmsaun tawv ntau2. sau lawm leej twg yuav nyeem tsis nyeem los tsis KK. leej twg nyeem los THANK Q tsis kam nyeem los THANK Q ib yam nkaus.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-31 09:33:59 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:15:30 AM UTC-5, ***@msn.com wrote:
> > Idonotknow es.. koj tsis qhia tias koj vwm los peb sawvdaws yeej paub tias koj vwm lawm los mas---just from your many posts and long..long pages of your postings.
> Thov thiab lauj...I kind of tired of reading your posts...can not finish reading your posts...too long. Koj puas kawm tag Adult High School (GED) tej ntawm maj? Uacas pheej hais computer science xwbX li naj...kuv saibX mas xyov koj puas tiav GED as. Thov txim nawb yog siab koj lawm nas...tab sis koj pheej hais koj tus computer science degree no heev dhau hwv lawm nas...es kuv siab ntev tsis taus lawm nawb.

GED mas ho yooj8 dhau vim kuv tsis kawm li los tuaj vibnais tuaj txog tom MPLS kuv cia li mus take GED test xwb twb tau daim ntawv GED lawm thaum 1989 kuv twb xam tawm mus kawm tom U tabsis kuv RHIAB2 thiab ces kuv thiaj LAM kawm tim high school txog 1991 kuv mam tau kuv daim high school dimploma thiab tau scholarship txaus mus kawm tom U dawb2 tsis tau them ib pennie vim yog scholarship txaus2 ces yog tsev kawm tom U ntiav kom yus mus kawm tom U. ib quarter no ces scholarship seem li 500-1,000 $ tsev kawm ntawv sau check refund qhov scholarship rov rau kuv ces thiaj zoo li yog lawv ntiav kom yus mus kawm tom U. cia seb nej puas muaj chance VWM li kuv ov. yog vwm no ces sau ntawv ntau2 los tau. kawm eriting class mas kuv jkawm tim high school ua special summer class xwb hos tom U mas tsis tau kawm writing li lawm.

Vaj Ncuab
2013-03-31 13:58:38 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Koj hais tias koj kawm tiav Edison High School thaum 1991? Koj hais tias koj tau scholarship mus kawm tom University of Minnesota? Koj hais tias koj kawm Computer Science? Koj puas paub Tou Pao Xiong? Koj puas paub Toua Zeng Lor or Pao Lauj? Koj puas paub Yia Yang? 3 tug menyuam Hmoob uas tau top ten class of 1991 nyob Edison High Schoo yog: Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor (Pao Lor) thiab Yia Yang. Tou Pao Xiong tau full scholarship mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris. Toua Zeng Lor tau full scholarship mus kawm Political Science nyob Gustavus Adolphus College, then to Hamlin University. Yia Yang tau full scholarship mus kawm Law Enforcement nyob Mount Senario College.

Tou Pao Xiong yog Chao Fa nyob Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab), yog Vam Yig Xyooj tub, yog niamloj tus tub thib 2, thiab Tou Pao muaj ib tug yawm yij hu ua Thoj Yaj no laiv. Toua Zeng Lao (Pao Lor) yog Chao Fa nyob sab Phou Da Pho Sam Sem. Tou Pao Xiong thiab Toua Zeng Lor mas yeej yuav pojniam Vinais Thaib Teb tuaj lawm. Thaum kawm kawm tag High School mas nkawd twb muaj ib leeg 2-3 tug menyuam lawm. Yia Yang mas yog tub hluas tab si tag lawv 3 leeg no (Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang) tuaj USA no 1987. Lawv kawm tiav top ten High School (1991), thiab kawm tiav Bachelor (1991). Cov menyuam Hmoob uas tuaj loj hlob nyob USA pib kawm grade 1 tuaj tseem xwb lawv 3 yawg no.

Idonotnkown; ua zoo tsham kuv hle koj nab kaj nawb, kuv paub koj tsim tsawv lawm.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-31 18:49:36 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:58:38 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotkown;
> Koj hais tias koj kawm tiav Edison High School thaum 1991? Koj hais tias koj tau scholarship mus kawm tom University of Minnesota? Koj hais tias koj kawm Computer Science? Koj puas paub Tou Pao Xiong? Koj puas paub Toua Zeng Lor or Pao Lauj? Koj puas paub Yia Yang? 3 tug menyuam Hmoob uas tau top ten class of 1991 nyob Edison High Schoo yog: Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor (Pao Lor) thiab Yia Yang. Tou Pao Xiong tau full scholarship mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris. Toua Zeng Lor tau full scholarship mus kawm Political Science nyob Gustavus Adolphus College, then to Hamlin University. Yia Yang tau full scholarship mus kawm Law Enforcement nyob Mount Senario College.
> Tou Pao Xiong yog Chao Fa nyob Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab), yog Vam Yig Xyooj tub, yog niamloj tus tub thib 2, thiab Tou Pao muaj ib tug yawm yij hu ua Thoj Yaj no laiv. Toua Zeng Lao (Pao Lor) yog Chao Fa nyob sab Phou Da Pho Sam Sem. Tou Pao Xiong thiab Toua Zeng Lor mas yeej yuav pojniam Vinais Thaib Teb tuaj lawm. Thaum kawm kawm tag High School mas nkawd twb muaj ib leeg 2-3 tug menyuam lawm. Yia Yang mas yog tub hluas tab si tag lawv 3 leeg no (Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang) tuaj USA no 1987. Lawv kawm tiav top ten High School (1991), thiab kawm tiav Bachelor (1991). Cov menyuam Hmoob uas tuaj loj hlob nyob USA pib kawm grade 1 tuaj tseem xwb lawv 3 yawg no.
> Idonotnkown; ua zoo tsham kuv hle koj nab kaj nawb, kuv paub koj tsim tsawv lawm.
> Vajncuab5

3 tug koj hais kuv paub tseeb2 kawg li vim peb kawg tas ua ke tim HIGH SCHOOL. peb mus kawm post secondary ua ke nrog YIAS YAJ tsis li los tseem mus kawm ua ke nrog ib tug ntawm koj hais tom MORRIS. kuv xav koj paub kuv tseeb tsawv lawm ntag. txhob hle kuv daim nplooj 6 public paub xwb ces zoo kawg lawm vim kuv tseem siv lub nick idonotknow xwb tsis tau siv kuv lub nick tooom-pas-fus thaum twg kuv SIV tau lub nick toom-pas-fus lawm no ces kuv yuav tshem daim nplooj tawm los qhia 6 public. thaum ntawd mas kuv ho tsis mus nuv ntses lawm ov. kuv yuav los saum stage los khiav kasmoos 100% rau neeg NYIAM thiab NTXUB los ywj siab tib si. thaum i kuv tseem vwm2 muaj ob tug los nrog kuv tham thiab piav kasmoos mas HMOOB YUAV sawc SAI2 los tsa kom hmoob muaj AV muaj teb chaws no mas kuv kuj cia siab kawg thiab xav tias kuv yuav tau tawm 6 saum sam thiaj ua politic kom neeg NYIAM thiab NTXUB ntag no tabsis zoo li tsis raws li kev VWM hais. sim cia seb ib nqes ntawm nkawv piav puas tseeb rau 2013 no. nqe ntawd yog 2013 no neeg ntiaj teb yuav muaj peev xwm SIV TELEPORT mus qhov twg los tau li siab nyiam tsis siv tsheb thiab dav hlau lawm. yog muaj tseeb2 li nkawv hais mas kev teleport tsis yog neeg ntiaj teb TSIM TAWM li neeg tsim dav hlau thiab computer. lub teleport mas yog neeg qaum ntuj tsim tau muab coj los PUB 6 neeg ntiaj teb siv xwb. nkawv tias yog siv qaum ntuj lub teleport mas teleprt 6 hauv lub teb chaws nws nyob xwb no ces mus tau yooj8 vim kasmoos ntawm ib lub teb chaws tsis muaj txwv kom ib tug neeg txhob mus rau txawv NROOG ntawm lub teb chaws nws nyob. zoo li tim meskas no. yog yus xav mus lub nroog twg los nyob ntawm yus siab nyiam. qhov nyuaj ces yog tau them nqe tsheb tiab nqe dav hlau xwb. nkawv piav tias yog siv teleport mus txawv teb chaws mas nyuaj zog vim kasmoos hauv ntiaj teb xwb tsis tim lub telepiort saum ntuj. kasmoos ntiaj teb mas ib tug neeg yuav hla ciam teb AV yuav tau mus kom raws CAI ntiaj teb. xws li yuav los nram MEV teb los rau meskas teb yuav tau muaj passport los yog citizen ID. vim ntiaj teb tej kev CAI yuav siv teleport mus txawv teb chaws no ces yuav tau teleport li ob zaug. zaum ib mas teleport rau nruab nrab ntuj zaum ob mam teleport mus txawv teb chaws vim nruab nrab ntuj yog neeg qaum ntuj daim AV uas tuav cov kasmoos kom neeg siv tau lub teleport mus txawv teb chaws. thaum leej twg teleport mus txog nruab nrab ntuj lawm thiab nws muaj passport ces lub teb chaws nyob ntiaj teb no nws xav teleport mus lub twg los tau vim ib lub teb chaws nyob ntiaj teb mas yeej muaj ntaub ntawv pom zoo tias lub origin ntawm teleport yog nruab nrab ntuj THIAB MUAJ PASSPORT no ces kom lub teb chaws hauv ntiaj teb yuav tsum pub teleport. vim teb chaws nyob qab ntuj tsis tau muaj contract ntawm txhua2 lub teb chaws nyob ntiaj teb ces thiaj yuav tau siv nruab nrab ntuj los ua lub destination teleleport zaum ib. zaum ob mam tawm rov 6 ntiaj teb lub teb chaws twg uas twb muaj contract nrog nruab nrab ntuj lawm ces tau tas nro li siab nyiam.

qhov kuv tsis cia siab puas tsawg mam vim nkawv piav yam puav yuav tshwm sim rau 2011 thiab 2012 pub kuv hnov los tsis tshwm li nkawv piav ces kuv thiaj xav tias tej kuv hnov nkawv piav ntshe yog CUAV xwb thiab ntse yog kuv VWM tiag2 xwb. yog 2013 no tsis muaj teleport li nkawv piav thiab kuv coj menyuam muskawm tom U. HMOOB ho tsis sawv ciaj HAIV no ces yog cuav 110% lawm tiag2 li lauḋ.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-03-31 19:15:32 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:58:38 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotkown;
> Koj hais tias koj kawm tiav Edison High School thaum 1991? Koj hais tias koj tau scholarship mus kawm tom University of Minnesota? Koj hais tias koj kawm Computer Science? Koj puas paub Tou Pao Xiong? Koj puas paub Toua Zeng Lor or Pao Lauj? Koj puas paub Yia Yang? 3 tug menyuam Hmoob uas tau top ten class of 1991 nyob Edison High Schoo yog: Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor (Pao Lor) thiab Yia Yang. Tou Pao Xiong tau full scholarship mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris. Toua Zeng Lor tau full scholarship mus kawm Political Science nyob Gustavus Adolphus College, then to Hamlin University. Yia Yang tau full scholarship mus kawm Law Enforcement nyob Mount Senario College.
> Tou Pao Xiong yog Chao Fa nyob Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab), yog Vam Yig Xyooj tub, yog niamloj tus tub thib 2, thiab Tou Pao muaj ib tug yawm yij hu ua Thoj Yaj no laiv. Toua Zeng Lao (Pao Lor) yog Chao Fa nyob sab Phou Da Pho Sam Sem. Tou Pao Xiong thiab Toua Zeng Lor mas yeej yuav pojniam Vinais Thaib Teb tuaj lawm. Thaum kawm kawm tag High School mas nkawd twb muaj ib leeg 2-3 tug menyuam lawm. Yia Yang mas yog tub hluas tab si tag lawv 3 leeg no (Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang) tuaj USA no 1987. Lawv kawm tiav top ten High School (1991), thiab kawm tiav Bachelor (1991). Cov menyuam Hmoob uas tuaj loj hlob nyob USA pib kawm grade 1 tuaj tseem xwb lawv 3 yawg no.
> Idonotnkown; ua zoo tsham kuv hle koj nab kaj nawb, kuv paub koj tsim tsawv lawm.
> Vajncuab5

Vajncuab5, koj mas txawj paub neeg kawg nkaus vim koj piav txog lawv peb tug hmoob tuaj tim meskas 1987 yeej muaj tseeb raws li koj piav lawm tiag. kuv twb paub lawv zoo2 tabsis kuv tseem tshuav tej yam koj hais kuv twb tsis paub xws li tuam zeej qhov chaw ua caubfab kuv twb paub tuam zeej los ntev los ib nqe no kuv twb tsis paub. ntawm YIAS mas yeej yog li koj hais yog tub hluas thaum tseem kawm high school tim Edison. 1991 lawv peb tug koj piav yeej nrov kawg vim hmoob tau mus sawv tim saj thiaj nrog cov top 10 mas cas hmoob coob tshaj li txhua xyoo dhau los. xyoo 1991 ntawd muaj ob tug phoojywg xeem VWJ & LAUJ tseem tsis kam nrog lawv 3 tug ntawd graduate xwb yog ob tug no kam graduate xyoo 1991 ces hmoob muaj 5 tug nrog cov top 10 lawm. xyopo tom qab ob tug phoojywg xeem VWJ &LAUJ thiab tus xeem LAUJ mam kam graduate ces nkawv thiaj yog cov top10 xyoo tom qab 1991. nkawv ob tug no los mus kawm MORRIS. ib yam nkaus. TSUM TXHOB HLE KUV DAIM NPLOOJ XWB CES OK LAWM.
2013-04-01 00:14:45 UTC

Laam nug koj ib lu seb puas yog mej tsev tuab neeg xub xub tuaj poob rua nraag Sheboygan, WI le tsiv lug nyob huv MN?

On Sunday, March 31, 2013 2:15:32 PM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:58:38 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> >
> > > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > >
> >
> > > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > >
> >
> > > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > >
> >
> > > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > >
> >
> > > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > >
> >
> > > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > >
> >
> > > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > >
> >
> > > history now!!
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > >
> >
> > > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > >
> >
> > > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > >
> >
> > > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > >
> >
> > > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > >
> >
> > > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > >
> >
> > > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > >
> >
> > > hauv SCH no.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > du
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Idonotkown;
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Koj hais tias koj kawm tiav Edison High School thaum 1991? Koj hais tias koj tau scholarship mus kawm tom University of Minnesota? Koj hais tias koj kawm Computer Science? Koj puas paub Tou Pao Xiong? Koj puas paub Toua Zeng Lor or Pao Lauj? Koj puas paub Yia Yang? 3 tug menyuam Hmoob uas tau top ten class of 1991 nyob Edison High Schoo yog: Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor (Pao Lor) thiab Yia Yang. Tou Pao Xiong tau full scholarship mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris. Toua Zeng Lor tau full scholarship mus kawm Political Science nyob Gustavus Adolphus College, then to Hamlin University. Yia Yang tau full scholarship mus kawm Law Enforcement nyob Mount Senario College.
> >
> >
> >
> > Tou Pao Xiong yog Chao Fa nyob Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab), yog Vam Yig Xyooj tub, yog niamloj tus tub thib 2, thiab Tou Pao muaj ib tug yawm yij hu ua Thoj Yaj no laiv. Toua Zeng Lao (Pao Lor) yog Chao Fa nyob sab Phou Da Pho Sam Sem. Tou Pao Xiong thiab Toua Zeng Lor mas yeej yuav pojniam Vinais Thaib Teb tuaj lawm. Thaum kawm kawm tag High School mas nkawd twb muaj ib leeg 2-3 tug menyuam lawm. Yia Yang mas yog tub hluas tab si tag lawv 3 leeg no (Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang) tuaj USA no 1987. Lawv kawm tiav top ten High School (1991), thiab kawm tiav Bachelor (1991). Cov menyuam Hmoob uas tuaj loj hlob nyob USA pib kawm grade 1 tuaj tseem xwb lawv 3 yawg no.
> >
> >
> >
> > Idonotnkown; ua zoo tsham kuv hle koj nab kaj nawb, kuv paub koj tsim tsawv lawm.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Vajncuab5
> Vajncuab5, koj mas txawj paub neeg kawg nkaus vim koj piav txog lawv peb tug hmoob tuaj tim meskas 1987 yeej muaj tseeb raws li koj piav lawm tiag. kuv twb paub lawv zoo2 tabsis kuv tseem tshuav tej yam koj hais kuv twb tsis paub xws li tuam zeej qhov chaw ua caubfab kuv twb paub tuam zeej los ntev los ib nqe no kuv twb tsis paub. ntawm YIAS mas yeej yog li koj hais yog tub hluas thaum tseem kawm high school tim Edison. 1991 lawv peb tug koj piav yeej nrov kawg vim hmoob tau mus sawv tim saj thiaj nrog cov top 10 mas cas hmoob coob tshaj li txhua xyoo dhau los. xyoo 1991 ntawd muaj ob tug phoojywg xeem VWJ & LAUJ tseem tsis kam nrog lawv 3 tug ntawd graduate xwb yog ob tug no kam graduate xyoo 1991 ces hmoob muaj 5 tug nrog cov top 10 lawm. xyopo tom qab ob tug phoojywg xeem VWJ &LAUJ thiab tus xeem LAUJ mam kam graduate ces nkawv thiaj yog cov top10 xyoo tom qab 1991. nkawv ob tug no los mus kawm MORRIS. ib yam nkaus. TSUM TXHOB HLE KUV DAIM NPLOOJ XWB CES OK LAWM.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-03-31 22:52:36 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Tham lus li koj tham ces kuv ntsiab tau koj lawm. Ceeb Lauj yog ib tug uas kawm ntawv zoo kawg nyob Edison High School, kawm tiav High School 1992, thiab kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris (1996). Ceeb Lauj tau yawg pojniam Ntxawm Muas (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor) ces vim nkawd sib paub nyob pem Morris. Yia Yang ces niamtxiv ua Chao Fa nyob Nam Chong, 1977 Nam Chong tawg, lawv tawm mus thawj Nplogliab (LPRD) rau Muang Soui thiab raug xa mus nyob Nong Het. 1983 Yia twb tiav hluas lawm nws mam khiav tuaj Thaibteb thiab ua team rov mus Nplogteb mus tos niam txiv nyob Huam Toob, Hin Mou Pheng tuaj Thaibteb. Tuaj txog Vinai ua tsis tau BV thiaj mus rau Xieng Kham thiab tuaj rau Minnesota no thaum 1987.

Idonotknown, thov qhuas koj.. Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang, thiab Ceeb Lauj (Cheng Lor) nej. Nej yeej lojhlob nyob tim ub tuaj lawm, tabsi vim nej mob siab thiab ntshaws nrog luag txawj ntawv es nej kawm ntawv tuag nti es nej thiaj kawm tiav ib them thiab ua neej tsis ntshaws leej twg thov qhuas nej.

Kuv paub nej zoo, vim kuv txheeb ze nej, thiab thaum 1990-1995 kuv yog ib tug Boards thiab yog tus Director of Education of Hmong Higher Education of Minnesoat Inc. Txhua tus menyuam Hmoob nyob Minnesota kawm High School, kawm College thiab University kuv yuav tsum paub thiab Hmong Higher Education of Minnesota Inc. yuav tsum hold ib lug graduation party rau nej. Qhov uas Toua Zeng Lor tau ua MC ces vim peb Hmong Higher koom nrog Lao Family Community of Minnesota Inc. Noj peb caug es peb tso Toua Zeng mus ua MC ces yawg hais tau lus zoo ces yawg cia li pib nrhov thaum ntawd los lawm.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-01 08:59:13 UTC
On Sunday, March 31, 2013 5:52:36 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Tham lus li koj tham ces kuv ntsiab tau koj lawm. Ceeb Lauj yog ib tug uas kawm ntawv zoo kawg nyob Edison High School, kawm tiav High School 1992, thiab kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris (1996). Ceeb Lauj tau yawg pojniam Ntxawm Muas (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor) ces vim nkawd sib paub nyob pem Morris. Yia Yang ces niamtxiv ua Chao Fa nyob Nam Chong, 1977 Nam Chong tawg, lawv tawm mus thawj Nplogliab (LPRD) rau Muang Soui thiab raug xa mus nyob Nong Het. 1983 Yia twb tiav hluas lawm nws mam khiav tuaj Thaibteb thiab ua team rov mus Nplogteb mus tos niam txiv nyob Huam Toob, Hin Mou Pheng tuaj Thaibteb. Tuaj txog Vinai ua tsis tau BV thiaj mus rau Xieng Kham thiab tuaj rau Minnesota no thaum 1987.
> Idonotknown, thov qhuas koj.. Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang, thiab Ceeb Lauj (Cheng Lor) nej. Nej yeej lojhlob nyob tim ub tuaj lawm, tabsi vim nej mob siab thiab ntshaws nrog luag txawj ntawv es nej kawm ntawv tuag nti es nej thiaj kawm tiav ib them thiab ua neej tsis ntshaws leej twg thov qhuas nej.
> Kuv paub nej zoo, vim kuv txheeb ze nej, thiab thaum 1990-1995 kuv yog ib tug Boards thiab yog tus Director of Education of Hmong Higher Education of Minnesoat Inc. Txhua tus menyuam Hmoob nyob Minnesota kawm High School, kawm College thiab University kuv yuav tsum paub thiab Hmong Higher Education of Minnesota Inc. yuav tsum hold ib lug graduation party rau nej. Qhov uas Toua Zeng Lor tau ua MC ces vim peb Hmong Higher koom nrog Lao Family Community of Minnesota Inc. Noj peb caug es peb tso Toua Zeng mus ua MC ces yawg hais tau lus zoo ces yawg cia li pib nrhov thaum ntawd los lawm.
> Vajnvuab5

kuv xav tias koj piav txog lub higher EDU mas yuav muaj tseeb vim kuv tseem muaj ib daim certificate kuv tau los ntawm lub ORG koj piav ntag. ntawm tus phoojywg LAUJ ces koj paub lawm yog koj twb paub txog nws tus poj niam xeem muas tib si lawm. thaum peb kawm tom morris ces cov ko thiab peb yeej kawm ua ke tiag mas. thaum ntawd mas nkawv tseem nyuanm qhuav sib paub yog hluas nkauj hluas nraug xwb. twb yog tom qab no nkawv mam sib koom los ua ib yig neej. lwm hnub ntsib mas mag caws vim kuv tsis tau haus nkawv cawv tshoob ov. koj tshuav ib tug VWJ koj thiaj tsis teev npe xwb tsam koj yog nws pob? vim nws thiaj paub cov koj piav ko zoo2 thiab ntag.
2013-04-17 22:19:37 UTC
Hais mus hais los ces yeej yog tib pab tib pawg, tib cov phoojywg xwb.


On Apr 1, 8:52 am, Vaj Ncuab <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975.  But all the subsequent
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> > history now!!
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> > group that can speak and write  Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> > hauv SCH no.
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Tham lus li koj tham ces kuv ntsiab tau koj lawm.  Ceeb Lauj yog ib tug uas kawm ntawv zoo kawg nyob Edison High School, kawm tiav High School 1992, thiab kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris (1996). Ceeb Lauj tau yawg pojniam Ntxawm Muas (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor) ces vim nkawd sib paub nyob pem Morris.  Yia Yang ces niamtxiv ua Chao Fa nyob Nam Chong, 1977 Nam Chong tawg, lawv tawm mus thawj Nplogliab (LPRD) rau Muang Soui thiab raug xa mus nyob Nong Het.  1983 Yia twb tiav hluas lawm nws mam khiav tuaj Thaibteb thiab ua team rov mus Nplogteb mus tos niam txiv nyob Huam Toob, Hin Mou Pheng tuaj Thaibteb.  Tuaj txog Vinai ua tsis tau BV thiaj mus rau Xieng Kham thiab tuaj rau Minnesota no thaum 1987.
> Idonotknown, thov qhuas koj.. Tou Pao Xiong, Toua Zeng Lor, Yia Yang, thiab Ceeb Lauj (Cheng Lor) nej.  Nej yeej lojhlob nyob tim ub tuaj lawm, tabsi vim nej mob siab thiab ntshaws nrog luag txawj ntawv es nej kawm ntawv tuag nti es nej thiaj kawm tiav ib them thiab ua neej tsis ntshaws leej twg thov qhuas nej.
> Kuv paub nej zoo, vim kuv txheeb ze nej, thiab thaum 1990-1995 kuv yog ib tug Boards thiab yog tus Director of Education of Hmong Higher Education of Minnesoat Inc.  Txhua tus menyuam Hmoob nyob Minnesota kawm High School, kawm College thiab University kuv yuav tsum paub thiab Hmong Higher Education of Minnesota Inc. yuav tsum hold ib lug graduation party rau nej.  Qhov uas Toua Zeng Lor tau ua MC ces vim peb Hmong Higher koom nrog Lao Family Community of Minnesota Inc. Noj peb caug es peb tso Toua Zeng mus ua MC ces yawg hais tau lus zoo ces yawg cia li pib nrhov thaum ntawd los lawm.
> Vajnvuab5
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-01 15:30:07 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Koj puas yog hais Cai Vwj? Cai Vwj uas yog Vam Hawj vwj tub? Cai yog ib tug menyuam Hmoob kawm ntawv zoo kawg nyob Edison High School, thiab kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob pem University of Minnesota-Morris (1996). Cai Vwj los lojhlob nyob Hav Zoov thiab ua Chao Fa txaus mam khiav tuaj rau Thaibteb, thiab tuaj txog USA no lig thaum 1987. Tabsi vim txoj kev rau siab Cai thiaj kawm ntau ntawv zoo.

Koj, Tub Pos Xyooj, Tuam Zeej Lauj, Yias Yaj, Ceeb Lauj, thiab Cai Vwj nej yog menyuam Hmoob Hav Zoov, ua Chao Fa thiab noj qos hmab qos npuas txhaus mam tuaj rau Thaibteb thiab tuaj txog USA lig thaum 1987. Tabsi nej kawm ntawv zoo, kheej thiab yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School. Koj puas paub Yaj Ntxawg tu tes? Yaj Ntxawg tu tes mas thaum ua Chao Fa npaum tawg rau Yaj Ntxawg tes tu, raug ntsej muag khi tag. 1985 Yaj Ntxawg mam khiav tuaj rau Thaibteb thiab tuaj txog USA no thaum June 1987. Yaj Ntxawg mam rov kawm ntau ntawv sab tes laug, tuaj tau 6 hli (December 1987) Yaj Ntxawg kawm tau GED, 3 xyoo tom qab (June 1991) Yaj Ntxawg nqa B.A. from Metro. State University, 1994 Yaj Ntxawg nqa Master of Divinity (M.Div.)from Milwaukee Seminary. Tus neeg tu tes, ntsej muag khi tag li Yaj Ntxawg tsis kam thov nyiaj SSI, xyum kawm ntawd thiab nqa A txhua class. Luag tej kawm ntawv mas luag txais nyiaj tabsi nej pab Hmoob Chao Fa no kawm ntawv mas nej tau nyiaj.

Thov qhuas nej;

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-01 17:15:43 UTC
On Monday, April 1, 2013 10:30:07 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Koj puas yog hais Cai Vwj? Cai Vwj uas yog Vam Hawj vwj tub? Cai yog ib tug menyuam Hmoob kawm ntawv zoo kawg nyob Edison High School, thiab kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob pem University of Minnesota-Morris (1996). Cai Vwj los lojhlob nyob Hav Zoov thiab ua Chao Fa txaus mam khiav tuaj rau Thaibteb, thiab tuaj txog USA no lig thaum 1987. Tabsi vim txoj kev rau siab Cai thiaj kawm ntau ntawv zoo.
> Koj, Tub Pos Xyooj, Tuam Zeej Lauj, Yias Yaj, Ceeb Lauj, thiab Cai Vwj nej yog menyuam Hmoob Hav Zoov, ua Chao Fa thiab noj qos hmab qos npuas txhaus mam tuaj rau Thaibteb thiab tuaj txog USA lig thaum 1987. Tabsi nej kawm ntawv zoo, kheej thiab yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School. Koj puas paub Yaj Ntxawg tu tes? Yaj Ntxawg tu tes mas thaum ua Chao Fa npaum tawg rau Yaj Ntxawg tes tu, raug ntsej muag khi tag. 1985 Yaj Ntxawg mam khiav tuaj rau Thaibteb thiab tuaj txog USA no thaum June 1987. Yaj Ntxawg mam rov kawm ntau ntawv sab tes laug, tuaj tau 6 hli (December 1987) Yaj Ntxawg kawm tau GED, 3 xyoo tom qab (June 1991) Yaj Ntxawg nqa B.A. from Metro. State University, 1994 Yaj Ntxawg nqa Master of Divinity (M.Div.)from Milwaukee Seminary. Tus neeg tu tes, ntsej muag khi tag li Yaj Ntxawg tsis kam thov nyiaj SSI, xyum kawm ntawd thiab nqa A txhua class. Luag tej kawm ntawv mas luag txais nyiaj tabsi nej pab Hmoob Chao Fa no kawm ntawv mas nej tau nyiaj.
> Thov qhuas nej;
> Vajncuab5

yog lawm. kuv pom koj tuav npe coob tus tabsis koj tseg nws koj tsis teev nws npe kyuv thiaj xav tias ua cas nws zais2 ib tug ne.

cai wb yeej sib paub puag tim vibnais tuaj lawm vim thaum kawm p6 nyob vibnais cai peb kawm ib lub tsev yog muaj ob chav p6 ces nyias kawm nyias chav xwb. thaum tuaj meskas no los cai tau ua ntej li 6 hli vim cai lawv tau cycle 57 tom phabnab hos kuv tau cycle 58 tom phananab. txog tim meskas no ces wb rov mus kawm ib lub high school. thaum pib kawm high school mas cai tseem yog tub hluas hos kuv mas twb tau ib tug menyuam tim thaib mam tuaj. cai thiab cai tus poj niam mas sib txheeb neej tsa. lawv tsis pub nkawv sib yuav no ces nkawv tsav tsheb khiav lawm DEB cov laus nyoo kom los tsev tso mam pub yuav. nkawv mam rov los tsev ces tau raws nkawv siab nyiam. nkawv khiav mas peb paub vim kawm ntawv ua ke cas nkawv cia li qhaj tsis pom tuaj kawm ntawv lawm ob tug tib si. mu s kawm tom U morris los peb mus kawm ib lub tsev kawm ntawv. peb mus NUV ntses tau ib co ntses me2 kuj qab2 heev. cai coj los noj tsis xo zoo los xyov ua cas pob txa ntses daig cai caj pas cai tseem tau tsa tsheb cauj2 los rau tom MPLS rau cai yawg ua khawv koob cai caj dab mam dim pob txha ntses. cai tsav ib lub celica yog manual transmission. kuv ibtxwm tsis tau txawj hom manual transmission. kuv muab cai lub tsav xyaum na tsis keej tsuj clutch lub transmition tseem piam cai mam coj mus kho lawm. thaum nyob vibnais cai muaj ib tug muam zoo2 nkauj. peb mus ncig saib zaum puav TABSIS lawv dablaug ib tug tub yuav ib co tshuaj npaws liab tuaj 6 cai tus muam noj kom zoo taub hau na noj cov tshuaj ntawd cia li tuag lawm. lawv yog txeeb ze ntshe thiaj tsis ciaj 4 xwb yog zooli peb ib tug no yuav tshuaj npaws liab rau noj ib tug tuag mas kawg sab kuv xav. hom tshuaj npaws liab no mas yeej hnov neeg noj ntau no tuag lawm ntag tabsis zoo li thaum ntawd cai tus muam kuj noj tsis ntau heev los tuag lawm. nws yog ib tug kawm ntawv keej heev thiab ces sawv daws yeej paub vim nws zoo nkauj thiab kawm ntawv keej2. CAI peb kawm p6 nws twb kawm p5 lawm thaum nws noj tshuaj tuag. nws lub rooj ces nyob qhuav tsis kam muaj neeg mus zaum vim sawv daws nco ntsoov tias nws niaj hnub zaum ntawd nws cia li ploj lawm ces sawv daws tseg nws lub rooj tsis txhob zaum. yog ntsuj plig muaj tseeb nws mam rov tuaj sab ntsuj plig tuaj nrog lawmv kawm ntawv ua ke. tas xyoo puav tsis muaj cov cim tau ces nyaj neeg zaum lawm thaum xub pib mas sawv daws yeej nco2 thiab tseg nws lub rooj cia nws mam tuaj ncig sai b sawv daws.
xav txog viobnais mas l;omzem kawg vim kuv lub sij hawm hluas kuv nyob vibnais thiab tim caubfab. tsam no kuv npau suav kuv tseem pom vibnais ntau dua li kubv pom teb chaws meskas no. HMOOB mas yog ib tug ncaim ploj ntais sawv daws ces nco2 nws tej khoom los yeej tseg cia zoo2. twb tsis yog tuag. sib ncaim daim AV mus nyob ib lub nroog tshiab xwb twb nco txaus yees. vim kuv hnov mas muaj ib tug phauj uas tham nws dablaug ib tug tub nyob nram phuv nyawm. peb khiav rov qab mus 6 pem khas nyas lawm nkawv ob tug nkauj nraug sib nco heev tus yawg laus mus nram lub hav dej sawv daws mus ris dej nws pom ib tug hneev taw nws tias yog peb tus phauj tus hneev taw no ces nws mus txiav xyoob los xov ncig tus hneev taw kom neeg txhob tsuj cia tus hneev taw nyob kom nws pom mus ntev. tom qab no li 2-3 xyoo ces hniav taw ploj lawm chim siab txaus2 tus yawg laus thiaj kom nws txiv nkawv tuaj pem khas nyas tuaj yuav peb tus phauj. nkawv kuj sib tau li nkawv siab nyiam vim sawv daws txheeb2 ze ces tsis muaj kev txwv kev cais ib qhov los txiav nkawv kev. neeg nyob ntiaj teb txoj kev sib hlub sib nco mas yeej LOJ2 li ntawd. XAV txog hluas nkauj tim vibnais mas laus 40+ tawm li no los tseem nco ntsoov zooli nag hmo xwb qhov nws thiab yus sib ntsib. qhia nws tias kuv mus yuav poj niam lawm vim kuv tsev neeg pom zoo coj ces kuv kawg hais tsis yeej ces yuav tsum tau mus kom raws feem coob lub siab. hluas nkauj thiab yus ces kua muag poob tij tauj hais tsis tau ib lo lus cia li tsis pov pob lawm ob niag khiav mus nkaum tom ib sab tsev txhuv kom neeg txhob pom ob niab qhov muag liab2 kua ntswg nrog2. NCAIM ua zaum kawg mas peb yog neeg tsis yooj8 kiag li ntag. yus mus ob peb ruam rov los tsev nws kuj xav nrog yus los ob peb ruam. kom nws yog tus mus nws rhais ob peb ruam los yus rov mus caum ob peb ruam khawm thiab puag nws dua. lub 08 kuv ib txwm tsis tau mus yog xyoo 1985-1986 VWJ KHWB lawv lub MAV thab nyoo rau ntsaig mus rau tim 08 ze2 tsev TV kuv thiaj mus pom 08 yog thawj zaug. thaum paub hluas nkauj nyob ntawm tsev faib txhuv 08 mas ho nyob ntawd sawv ntxov tsaus ntuj tas li. hmo ntuj mass tuiaj nyob ib pliag kom txog li 8PM xwb ces mam dhia cauj2 rov mus tsev ti8m 02. sawv ntxov mas paub tias osxaum tsaug zog tas ces 3-4AM xwb twb dhia cauj2 6 tim 08. hluas nkauj sawv los ua tshais rau tom tsev mov li 100 mev deb ntawm lawv lub tsev as qas xov nruab tabsis vov xamkabxim tibsi. tsev mov deb tsawv li ntawd mas tau zoo tawb thiab phuag hluas nkauj. nws los muaj EXP ntau tshaj kuv ces nws yeej nyob ywj yus siab kom yus VWM kuv NCO nws tshaj li nws nco kuv. lub 30 xyoo 1983 tas kiag rau 1984 nws wb pov pob nws hais kwv txhiaj tias nws yuav mus ua nyab kom kuv nco nws no ces nws mus yog hmoob nyab lawm kom kuv tuaj tham nws tus niam hluas. hais kwv txhiaj mas muab piv tau ntoo maj. neeg txiav cov loj lawm los kom tos cov ne yeej yuav hlav loj tuaj kom kuv mam tos cov me. lub sij hawm ntawd kuv kuj tsis yog ncauj tsawg tsis hais kwv txhiaj ces yeej yopg lomzem kawg 6 kev sib tawb sab ncauj lus kwvtxhiaj. nws hais li tabasis thaum kawg kuv ho yog tus xub mus yuav poj niam. TABSIS nws ho xub noj tshoob tas ua ntej kuv thiab. kuv mus yuav poj niam na tseem teem 2 weeks ntxiv mam hais kom tas rthiab xaus tshoob. nyob hauv ob week ntawd ces nws twb khiav mus yuav txiv thiaj noj tshoob dulug ua ntej kuv lawm ntxov. kuv lub tsho loj tseem, nyopb tim nws. kuv twb ua tshoob nrog poj niam tas kuv mam dhia rov 6 tim 08 nws mam kom nws bniam hluas nqa kuv lub tsho loj tuaj 6 kuv. kuvlub tsho loj mas puv tas yog nws cov ntawv nws sau ibhnub ob peb dainm ibhnub obpeb daim wb ncaim tau ob week xwb ces kuv lub tsho loj puv2 tsis tshua chaw seem 6 nws sau ntawv ntxiv lawm. tuaj txog meskas no kuv twb ntsib nws ib zaug nyob nram appleton. tabsis xyov nws puas piom kuv. kuv pom nws xces kuv zas2 thiab nkaum zog tom corner tsev lawm kuv xav nws yuav tsis pom kuv. yog nws pom los nqws muaj txiv hos kuv muaj poj niam ces kawg siv qhov muag sib tog xwb hais tsis tau ib lo lus lawm. zoo qhov tsis nyob koomzej koom zos. vibnais ib tug hluas nkauj ntxiv yog pem 03 ze xamhabkuas(n)03 sab kev pem toj. tus no mas wb ua hauj lwnm ua ke nrau rehabilitattion nraum nabxum(n) nws mas yog tus hluas nkauj kuv nyiam tshaj tas nrho cov hluas nkauj kuv tau ntsib tim vibnais thaum kuv tseem hluas. TABSIS hmoov tsis muaj. nws twb mag qhaib rau nws dablaug ib tug tub lawm. hos kuv los mag tsev neeg kom mus yuav ib tug txeeb2 lawm thiab. kuv paub nws nraum tsev haujlwm. nws yeej ua hom hauj lwm peb ua ntawd ntev los lawm ces kuv tus mus tshiab yeej yog nws yog tus train kom peb txawj ua hom hauj lwm ntawd. neeg zoo nkauj mas txawj2 nyiag yus lub siab ov. mus pom nws ib ob zaug uas nws los train kom yus paub us hom num nraum tsev rehabilitation xwb ces yus cia li nyiam2 nws mus twg yus xav caum qab mus nrog nws. yog nws mus tos menyuam hauv xum(n) los yus kuj xav nrog nws mus. yog lwm tus mus tos menyuam hauv xum(n) no ces yus txawm tsis xav mus vvim nws yog tus nyob ces xav nrog nws nyob. thaum hluas mas VWM6 HLUAS NKAUJ YOOJ8. zooli tsam no peb cov hauv SCH no nyiam cov mos2 22 tim ub ntag.
2013-04-01 17:42:10 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Tub Vajncuab,
Koj hais txog Yaj Ntxawg. Kuv paub nws zoo heev... thiab wb sib hlub heev thaum nyob Laos. Thaum nws tuaj txog St Paul, kuv tuaj xyuas nws ntau zauus. Kuv hu nws ua yawm yij, nws hu kuv ua dab laug. Tu siab nws tau ncaim peb mus lawm xwb. Kuv nyuam qhua ntsib Niam Ntxawg nyob Green Bay last month. Nws los yuav nej ib tug kwv tij rau tod... Best, Yij Laug Yingb.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-01 20:58:18 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Yijlaug Nyiaj Yeeb;

Yog Yaj Ntxawg txhob mus ua Missioray mas tej zaum Yaj Ntxawg yuav tsis tau tuag. Yaj Ntxawg yeej tau Master Divinity tiag tabsi Yaj Ntxawg tsis yog kawm Missiology es Yaj Ntxawg tsis paub Hmoob lub siab thiab tsis paub yoog Hmoob es Yaj ntxawg thiaj tuag lub txias txias..

Ntawm Col. Khampham Thammakhamthy phau ntawv mas order txog tav no tsis pom xa tuaj txog. ntawv thiab Check lawm ntsiag tos tsis pom return. Kuv kom Sisaketh book store pab kuv nug lawv saib puas nug tau? Teebmeem yog Col. Khampham Thammakhamthy tuag lawm. Li cas mam hais rau koj paub.

Hais txog ntawd yawm Idonotknown ces kuv ntsiab tau yawg lawm. Idonotknown yog cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Phou Chia Phan Ngan (Kav Nyav). Lawv khiav tawm los rau Phwv nyawm (Na Kang) thaum 1979. Kuv miam kuv txiv kuv cov kwv cov muam, Txiv Paj Tsus, txiv Tooj Yeeb pem Green Bay, WI lawm nrog Idonotknown lawv khiav los rau Thaiteb thaum January 1981.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-01 21:18:03 UTC
On Monday, April 1, 2013 3:58:18 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Yijlaug Nyiaj Yeeb;
> Yog Yaj Ntxawg txhob mus ua Missioray mas tej zaum Yaj Ntxawg yuav tsis tau tuag. Yaj Ntxawg yeej tau Master Divinity tiag tabsi Yaj Ntxawg tsis yog kawm Missiology es Yaj Ntxawg tsis paub Hmoob lub siab thiab tsis paub yoog Hmoob es Yaj ntxawg thiaj tuag lub txias txias..
> Ntawm Col. Khampham Thammakhamthy phau ntawv mas order txog tav no tsis pom xa tuaj txog. ntawv thiab Check lawm ntsiag tos tsis pom return. Kuv kom Sisaketh book store pab kuv nug lawv saib puas nug tau? Teebmeem yog Col. Khampham Thammakhamthy tuag lawm. Li cas mam hais rau koj paub.
> Hais txog ntawd yawm Idonotknown ces kuv ntsiab tau yawg lawm. Idonotknown yog cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Phou Chia Phan Ngan (Kav Nyav). Lawv khiav tawm los rau Phwv nyawm (Na Kang) thaum 1979. Kuv miam kuv txiv kuv cov kwv cov muam, Txiv Paj Tsus, txiv Tooj Yeeb pem Green Bay, WI lawm nrog Idonotknown lawv khiav los rau Thaiteb thaum January 1981.
> Vajncuab5

koj cov info ntawm kuv mas tsis accurate 1005 tabsis yog paub npaum li ko ces yeej xav tias koj paub lawm thiab ntag. peb lub zos koj sau KAV NYAV mas tsis yog. sau khas nyas no mas thiaj meej thiaj yog. peb nyob ze sab phuv ciab li koj hais. tabsis thaum peb ua caubfab mas peb hos los nkaum ze ntawm kasxim. PEB NKAUM PEM ROOB HOS KASXIM ces nyob nram taw roob mus xaus. tus dej peb siv [pem roob ces ntws mus txog nram ntug KASXIM yog tus dej nplog cais 6 blog cov liaj. koj hais txog los poob vibnais mas peb khiav tim naskas los hla de najkhoos los txog tim vibnais yog 1 hli 1980. cov npe koj teev zoo li kuv cim yuav luag tau. thaum peb khiav nas kas los 6 thaibteb mas muaj ib cov kwvtij xeem YAJ twb los hla naj khoos ib zaug los ntiav nkoj thauj lawv mus txog tom pawv dej naj khoos muaj ib lub pov txwv nkoj kom lawv nqe nkoj txog tim ntug lawm. lawv nqe nkoj rau saum pov txwv. tseem tsau ntuj tsis paub tias puas yog ntug dej los yog pov txwv xwb. lawv nyob tos2 kaj ntug mam mus ncig saib na sab twg los tsis tau txog lawv tseem nyob hauv nruab nrab naj khoos. lawv mas chim tshuav tuag. nyob2 blopg tuaj pom blog mam thauj lawv rov los rau tim blog. lawv thiaj los ntyob naskas li peb nyob. thaum noj30 tas 1979 tas rau 1980 ces peb mam khiav ua ke los hla dej naj khoos peb ntshai tsam zooli cov kwvtij xeem yaj zaum ua ntej kawg tabsis peb kuj hla los txog ntug dej sab thaib teb tiag. UN tuaj xam phaj tas UN thiaj muab peb thauj los 6 vibnais. peb thiaj dim pa zog vim los txog vibnais mas thiaj tsis nco ntshai lub suab phom paj2 thiab b51 npeeb! kom yus yoob tsis txawj mus kev cia li sawv ntseg2 twj ywm ib tug nte yus mam khiav cauj2.

yog koj twb paub ntau li ko no kuv xav tias koj yuav paub kuv lawm tiag. txhob tshem kuv daim nplooj cia kom txog kuv lub sij hawm no kuv mam tawm los ua kasmoos 1005 sawv saum sam thiaj 6 sawv daws CEM /THUAM los OK kiag xwb vim yog teb chaws ywj SIAB.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-02 03:09:46 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Koj lub npe hu ua TPX, koj txiv yog Vam Yig Xyooj, koj txiv yog team tuaj Thaibteb thiab rov los rau Phuv Ciab ua ntej nej tawg Pha Ngan. Koj tus tijlaug hlob mas txawj kevcai Hmoob thiab txawj qeej. Thaum nej tuaj Thaibteb tuaj txog Minnesota xyoo 1987 kuv twb tuaj tos koj txiv nej tom Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (1987). Tub Pos Xyooj, Tuam Zeej Lauj (Pov Lauj), Yias Yaj, Ceeb Lauj, thiab Cai Vwj thiaj yog cov menyuam Hmoob Hav Zoov (Chao Fa) uas tuaj txog Minnesota no xyoo 1987 thiab kawm tau top teen nyob Edison High School. Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, thiab Cai Vwj kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris. Toum Zeej Lauj kawm tiav B.A. in Political Science nyob Hamlin University (1995), Yias Yaj kawm tiav B.A. in Law Enforcement nyob Mount Senario College.

Kuv txheeb koj heev, kuv paub koj zoo, kuv niam kuv txiv yog cov Hmoob Vaj, Hmoob Muas, Hmoob Hawj thiab Hmoob Yaj uas hla tsis dhau dej es Nplog xa lawv rov los nrog nej nyob pem Na Kang (Nas Kas) Pob Tsuas Moos Khib. Koj txiv yog tus them nqi nkoj rau kuv niam kuv txiv thiab kuv cov kwv cov muam thaum lawv rov khiav los rau Thaibteb zaum 2. Nej tuaj txog Thaibteb January 1980 kuv mam xa nyiaj tim US no los rau koj txiv. Hais npaum no yog koj tseem cam kuv ces kawg tuav npe xwb.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-02 14:50:36 UTC
On Monday, April 1, 2013 10:09:46 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Koj lub npe hu ua TPX, koj txiv yog Vam Yig Xyooj, koj txiv yog team tuaj Thaibteb thiab rov los rau Phuv Ciab ua ntej nej tawg Pha Ngan. Koj tus tijlaug hlob mas txawj kevcai Hmoob thiab txawj qeej. Thaum nej tuaj Thaibteb tuaj txog Minnesota xyoo 1987 kuv twb tuaj tos koj txiv nej tom Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (1987). Tub Pos Xyooj, Tuam Zeej Lauj (Pov Lauj), Yias Yaj, Ceeb Lauj, thiab Cai Vwj thiaj yog cov menyuam Hmoob Hav Zoov (Chao Fa) uas tuaj txog Minnesota no xyoo 1987 thiab kawm tau top teen nyob Edison High School. Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, thiab Cai Vwj kawm tiav B.S. in Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris. Toum Zeej Lauj kawm tiav B.A. in Political Science nyob Hamlin University (1995), Yias Yaj kawm tiav B.A. in Law Enforcement nyob Mount Senario College.
> Kuv txheeb koj heev, kuv paub koj zoo, kuv niam kuv txiv yog cov Hmoob Vaj, Hmoob Muas, Hmoob Hawj thiab Hmoob Yaj uas hla tsis dhau dej es Nplog xa lawv rov los nrog nej nyob pem Na Kang (Nas Kas) Pob Tsuas Moos Khib. Koj txiv yog tus them nqi nkoj rau kuv niam kuv txiv thiab kuv cov kwv cov muam thaum lawv rov khiav los rau Thaibteb zaum 2. Nej tuaj txog Thaibteb January 1980 kuv mam xa nyiaj tim US no los rau koj txiv. Hais npaum no yog koj tseem cam kuv ces kawg tuav npe xwb.
> Vajncuab5

ua cas 31 tug thaum 1975 ho tshuav 2-3 tug xwb na? tsis yog mag BLOG muab caum tsuj zoo ua kosoom tas lawm thiaj tshuav tsawg2 li ntawd xwb lov. tus puav mntawm ciov ciaj txog 1975 puas txheeb TSAB KAIM lawv na? cov ntawd puas yog txawj tej lublawj xeeb kom BLOG ntog ntsub2 ntau zaus BLOG thiaj tsis thab lawv thiaj ciaj kawm ntawv nrog BLOG nram nroog lov? yog kuv tau kuv yawg me2 txuj ci no kuv xav kuv txawm mus kawm hauv nroog nrog blog los yuav tsis ntshai heev. vim kuv yawg es nav poob(n) thaib nqa rab M16 pheej kho peb muab lub kawbteeb phom m16 hom2 rau kuv yawg tau hau. nav poob(n) hom li ntawd los ze yawg tau hau dhau yawg lub limit yawg ib nyuag thaiv lub taubhau kom kawbteeb phom txhob raug xwb rab phom cia li dhia ntawm navpoob(n) sab tes. phom poob hauv AV suab puam yawg mam khaws rab phom los taw 6 nav poob(n) ces nav poob(n) ho yog tus mag khoo. yawg muab lub xav xaws thiab lub mos txwv uas nav poob(n) yeej muab nkaug 6 rab phom zoo2 kom nyem thaum twg ces PAG xwb ntag. muab xav xaws thiab lub hauv rab phom laug tawm ces xav xaws thiab ib lub mos txwvhauv rab phom ob yam ntawd pov kiag rau hauv dej naj khoos ces rab phom muab tso ntawm AV SUAB PUAM 6 NAV POOB(N) NYIAM NO NWS MAM KHAWS peb ces dhia cauj los rau pem kev tsheb uas muaj tub rog thaib tuaj tos thiab thauj peb mus saum khaib mus ua ntau ntawv kom lawv zoo report 6 UN tias muaj neeg khiav los txog thaib teb ntawm paj tshoos(m) lawm. li ib ob hours ces lawv muab peb thauj los nyob saum ib lub caj qaum roob pem qaum kev tsheb. mam pom ib co meskas noj2 gum tuaj kuaj mnob thiab UN tuaj sau ntaub ntawv. 3-4 hnub tom qab UN mam thauj peb los txog rau vibnais.

ohyo kis mus deb ua luaj lawm os,. hmoob cov tub kawm nram nroog mag blog ntau ncaws yog txawj txuj ci li kuv yawg me2 no nyaj blog yuav ntog tus puav kom blog txhob thab hmoob kiag lawm. blog thab thaum twg ces blog yuav ntog ntsub2 tsis dim pa. vim nav poob(n) siv M16 khoos2 ib chim nav poob(n) twb tseem yog tus mag khoo. mos txwv pov tseg tas ces M16 rov muab pub nav poob(n)
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-02 03:21:33 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Cov pojntxoog hauv SCH no xws li koj, Yajtshajkoob, Cwjmem, Nyujquslaus, Vaajmoob, Zab, Thornsp, HmoobVajUSA, Mouatony, Realitor, Xavzoo, Toulia Vang, Yawg Laus, Kuameiab, Born, Xyeejtsawg, thiab lwm tus kuv paub nej zoo.

2013-04-02 14:40:13 UTC
Vajncxuab5 thiab Idonotknow aws....nej lub Edison HS ces tshe twb yog lub HS menyuam hmoob refugee kawm coob tshaj....I believe at the time they round up all the refugee kids in MN/St Paul...put them there for ESL xwb os. Yog li ntawd, leej twg nce mus nyob theem siab (top ten) los it makes no difference b/c the blind is leading the blind xwb ne.

Lam teb neb kom txaus hluag xwb ov...txhob chim nawb.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-02 16:46:45 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob St. Paul kawg mus kawm Como Park High school, Harding, Johnson High School, thiab Arlington High School. Como Park yog lub menyuam Hmoob kawm coob tshaj. Cov menyuam Hmoob ua kawm tau ntawv zoo yog tawm hauv cov tsev kawm ntawv no lo. Minneapolis mas chiv thawj menyuam Hmoob yeej kawm nyob Southwest, South High, North High thiab Edison. Vim menyuam Nyablaj ntaus Hmoob heev thaum early 1980s, Minneapolis Public School thiaj tshais cov menyuam Hmoob Southwest los kawm rau Edison High School.

Edison High School yeej muaj ESL programs li koj hais. Micheal Txoov Yaj, Lauj Xeeb, Lauj Lis Txiab, Lis Fwm Vaj lawv coob tug yeej qhia ntawv nyob Edison High School. Tabsi tham txog yawm Idonotknown no mas yawg yeej yog ib tug top student nyob Edison, yawg tsis yog yeej cov menyuam Hmoob xwb yawg tseem yeej menyuam dawb, thiab yeej cov menyuam Hmoob tuaj thaum 1976-77. Kuv tus kwv nrab thiab kuv ib tug txiv ntxawm tuaj USA no thaum 1980 pib grade 1 tuaj thiab tag High school nrog Idonotknown, Tuam Zeej Lauj, Yias Yaj lawm (1991). Tabsi kuv tus kwv thiab tus txiv ntxawm khib laib kawg kiag. Luag ces rau siab thiab kawm ntawv zoo, luag tau full scholarship mus kawm ntxiv rau University. Kuv yawm kwv thiab yawm txiv ntxawm ces mus MCC (Minneapolis Community College). 4 xyoo tom qab no (1995). Idonotknown tau B.S. in Computer Scince nyob University of Minnesota-Morris, kuv yawm kwv thiaj yawm txiv ntxawm twb tsis tau A.A.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-02 21:23:39 UTC
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 11:46:45 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Yoo;
> Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob St. Paul kawg mus kawm Como Park High school, Harding, Johnson High School, thiab Arlington High School. Como Park yog lub menyuam Hmoob kawm coob tshaj. Cov menyuam Hmoob ua kawm tau ntawv zoo yog tawm hauv cov tsev kawm ntawv no lo. Minneapolis mas chiv thawj menyuam Hmoob yeej kawm nyob Southwest, South High, North High thiab Edison. Vim menyuam Nyablaj ntaus Hmoob heev thaum early 1980s, Minneapolis Public School thiaj tshais cov menyuam Hmoob Southwest los kawm rau Edison High School.
> Edison High School yeej muaj ESL programs li koj hais. Micheal Txoov Yaj, Lauj Xeeb, Lauj Lis Txiab, Lis Fwm Vaj lawv coob tug yeej qhia ntawv nyob Edison High School. Tabsi tham txog yawm Idonotknown no mas yawg yeej yog ib tug top student nyob Edison, yawg tsis yog yeej cov menyuam Hmoob xwb yawg tseem yeej menyuam dawb, thiab yeej cov menyuam Hmoob tuaj thaum 1976-77. Kuv tus kwv nrab thiab kuv ib tug txiv ntxawm tuaj USA no thaum 1980 pib grade 1 tuaj thiab tag High school nrog Idonotknown, Tuam Zeej Lauj, Yias Yaj lawm (1991). Tabsi kuv tus kwv thiab tus txiv ntxawm khib laib kawg kiag. Luag ces rau siab thiab kawm ntawv zoo, luag tau full scholarship mus kawm ntxiv rau University. Kuv yawm kwv thiab yawm txiv ntxawm ces mus MCC (Minneapolis Community College). 4 xyoo tom qab no (1995). Idonotknown tau B.S. in Computer Scince nyob University of Minnesota-Morris, kuv yawm kwv thiaj yawm txiv ntxawm twb tsis tau A.A.
> Vajncuab5

kev kawm ces nyob ntawm tus nyiam xwb os. yog yus nyiam hom twg thiab 66siab 6 yus hom ces kawg tsoo kom tau. nov rau tomU mus tsheb mas yog li 2-3 hours xwb tabsis yog yus muaj siab mus ko taw xwb los2-3 hlis yeej yuav txog. ib hnub mus me2 li 5-6 miles. kawm hnub ces mus deb li 5-60 miles. ib hli ces mus li 100+ miles lawm. ib hli xwb txog lawm. yuav kom nrawm cuag ya da hlau mas yuav tsis tau. lub hom phiaj nyob qhov twg ces maj mam mus yeej yuav txog. yus mus taw xwb los ib hnub yus mus tau ib toom kev hos txoj kev tsis muaj yuav txawj ntev zuj zus tuaj li. nyob tim blog mas peb tsev neeg kuj yog ib tse muaj noj haus thiab muaj nyiaj khees zog lwm yim neeg ntawm peb ob peb lub zos hmoob nyob sib ze. tsis vim yog peb muaj nyiaj ces peb yuav tau zoo. peb tsev neeg mas haj yam khwv vim peb ua teb DAV2 thiab ua teb npleg teb pob kws thiab teb YEEB tib si. peb yug npua coob2 thiab yug nyuj ntau2. peb lub neej ces txawm yog sawv los ntawm kev tu npua muag ces peb tej num ntawd mas yeej tsis tso tseg kiag li. thaum lub neej pib zoo mas yog kuv yawg yog tus xub pib lawm ntxov2. kuv yawg koob uas yug kuv yawg mas tuag ntxov thaum kuv yawg yog li 10 xyoo xwb. raws li piav mas kuv yawg koob tuag kuv yawg twb tsis tau txawj kwv kuv yawg mus faus tseem yog cocv neeg zej zog pab xwb.kuv yawg thiab yawg niam nkawv mus kheev teb ua kom tas tom qab yawg koob tuag tas lawm. nkawv mus txog nram teb. yawg lawv ua ib lub nkauj npua nram teb yug ib pab menyuam pua rau lub nkuaj npua. hma los tom2 cov menyuam npua yawg yog li 10 xyoo xwb tsis paub yuav ua cas 6 npua vim hma los tom hmo ntuj tas li. npua yuav tu noob tiag2. yawg mam mus kom yawg niam nkawv mus txiav xyoob los thaiv lub nkuaj npuas kom hma txob topm tau npua. nkawv mus txiav tau ib leeg kwv ib tug xyoob los txog nram teb. yawg muab ob tug xyoob mus piv2 rau lub nkuaj npuas tias yog tus xyoob muab pav kom nyob qhov twg no ces hma yuav los tom tsis tau npua lawm. XAV tau li ntawd xwb tsis paub yuav ua li cas 6 ob tug xyoob kom nyob khov 6 qhov muab piv2 kom hma txhob los tom tau npua. raws li kuv hnov piav mas yawg muab xyoo tso thaiv lub nkuaj npuas ib ntsis xyoo plam xyoob tsis nyob khov 6 qhov muab tso 6 lawm tsis paub muab pav li ces tso xyoob ib tsam xyoob plam xyoob. thaum kawg ces zaum tsaws quaj xwb. ib xyoo tas lam khee daim teb yawg koob twb pib ua txog nrab yawg koob mam tuam lawm ntawd ua tas ib cim teb. cim tshiab ces luag tej neeg hauv zos kwv txuas kwv taus mus luaj teb ntov ntoo tshiab npaj 6 xyoo los tom ntej. yawg yog li 10 11 xyoo xwb ces yawg kuj ev ib lub kawm thiab ib rab txuas mus luaj teb nram ib daim qub teb uas tseg tau ntau xyoo ces nroj tsuag twb rov loj2 lawm. zioo qhov yog qub teb ces yawg tsis tas SIV tau ntov ntoo. yawg mus luaj teb siv txuas xwb. luaj teb tas no ces tsis rov mus pem tsev pem zos li. yawg cia lki pw nram teb. tsis muaj pam vov tsis muaj tsev nkaum nag nkaum tshav ntuj li. yawg rov los tsev thiab EV ib lub kawm mus ntxiv lub nram teb. tau ob lub kawm ces ib tsam tsau ntuj yawg muab ib lub kawm los looj taub hau ib lub kawm los looj tog ko taw ces pw ntawm ntug cub tseg ob sab tes ntawm nruab nrab ob lub kawm kom tau tes kho cav taws kom taws ciaj ib hmo kom txhob no2 heev. yawg ua li xwb kuj luaj tau ib daim teb me2. yawg rov los pem tsev thaum luaj teb tas. suav tuaj pem zos suav tsis pom qab mus kom txog tim ib txoj kev loj nyob deb tsawv ntawm peb lub zos. suav tsis pom qab mus kom txog txoj kev loj. yog suav mus txog txoj kev loj lawm no ces suav paub taug kev loj mus nram nroog thiab rov mus suav txoj kev suav xav mus lawm. suav thiaj mus ntsib tswv zos kom nrhiav neeg coj suav kev mus kom txog txoj kev loj tso suav mam them nqe coj suav kev li 10 npib nyiaj. tswv zos mus ncig nrhiav neeg hauv zos ua cas neeg mus teb tas tsis muaj neeg li lawm. tshuav kuv yawg thiab ib tug menyuamtseem yau yawg me2 thiab xwb. tswv zos nug yawg tias yawg puas paub txoj kev loj nyob twg thiab mus li cas thiaj txog. kuv yawg tias yawg paub thiab mus pom ib zaug lawm. tswvzos thiaj hais 6 suav tias cov neeg hauv zos mus teb tas lawm tshuav ob tug me2 yau dua 12 xyoo nyob hauv zos paub txoj kevloj suav xav mus nyob qhov twg yog suav kam no mam kom nkawv coj suav kev. suav tias yog nkawv pom no ces suav kam vim tus laus tus menyuam yau los suav tsuas xav kom coj suav mus kom txog txoj kev loj ces suav paub yuav mus tsev lawm. kuv yawg thiab kuv yawg tus npawg nkawv thiaj coj suav kev mus qhia txoj kev loj 6 suav. suav them 10 npib ntiaj 6 nkawv. muab faib ib leeg 5 npib nyiaj. nkawv rov los tsev tom peb zos. los txog tog kev daum/nplog muaj ib lub zos nyob tom nrab ke. nkawv los pom blog muaj ib tug menyuam npua me kab2 ntsig li twb yuav ntog. kuv yawg thiaj nug blog tias puas muag. yog muag tsis kim no yawg yuav coj los yug. blog tias 7 npib. yawg cev tes mus muab tau yawg 5 npib uas yawg nkawv nyuam qhuav tau ntawm nkawv coj suav kev. yawg muaj 5 npib xwb tsis txaus ces yawg thiab nug yawg tus npawg kom kam no yawg qev/txais tus npawg 2 npib 6 yawg yuav tus menyuam npua kab2 ntsig. yawg tus npawg kuj kam muab nws 2 npib ntxiv rau yawg muab them trus npua. yawg muab tuis menyuam npua kabntsig EV los pem peb zos hmoob. yawg daim teb uas yawg musluaj thiab pw ob lub kawm ces yawg cog pob kws nkaus2 xwb tsis cog lwm yam li. ua daim teb pob kws ib xyoo ces tau pobkws los pub tus nyuam npua kabntsig ib xyoo. tus npua kuj loj tuaj tsis kab ntsig lawm. ze 30 ces neeg zej zog tua npua noj hos yawg li ces yawg cab tus npua mus li 2-3 hnub ke coj mus tua tim hmoob ib lub zos debli 2-3 hnub ke ntawm peb zos.yawg tua tus npua ces nqa rab teev musLUJ muag. leej twg muaj yeeb los yawg kam siv yeeb yuav. leej twg muaj nyiaj los yawg kam siv nyiaj yuav cov nqaij npuas. hmoob tim lub zos 2-3 hnub ke kuj tsis muaj nyiaj ntau lawc siv yeeb yuav me2 nqaij npuas los noj 30 xwb. ces muag tas tus npua yawg kuj tau ib khob yeeb. tsis tau nyiaj tau yeeb xwb. yawg mam nqa yeeb rov los tim peb zos. hmoob tuaj yuav yeeb mus ua luam. yawg mam muag yawg khob yeeb tau ib choj nyiaj dawb. thaum ntawd yawg tau nyiaj lawm mam muab yawg tus npawg 2 npib rov rau yawg tus npawg. daim nyiaj choj ces yawg coj mus yuav tau 4 tug npua. yawg ces 6siab ntso mus ua teb pob kws thiab pun yawg 4 tug npua xwb ntag. pub 4 tug npua ib xyoo ces mam cab 4 tug npua mus tua muag li qub thaum xub pib. muag tas 4 tug npua ces muaj nyiaj ntau tsawv lawm yawg mam mus kom hmoob ntau ib lub xauv6 yawg coj. raws li piav mas thum ub hmoob tsis tau ib lub xauv nyiaj coj mas tsis tau luag mus tham hluas nkauj. vim hluas nkauj tsom leej twg coj xauv nyiaj no mam kam tham vim lub xauv yog thawj yam yuav muab 6 tus hluas nkuaj khawd ua puav pheej tias nkawv sib tham thiab lwm hnub nkawv kawg sib sau mus ua ib yig neeg. yawg mus ntau tau xauv nyiaj yawg mam mus tham hluas nkauj thiaj tau peb pog. yawg ces nco ntsoov yawg txoj num ua pob kws thiab yug npua coob2 kom ze 39 ces tua npua muag rau hmoob. yawg ua li no yawg lub neej thiaj sawv tau los ua tswv zos. tom qab tswv zos ces sawv los ua toj xeem tsis ntev hos mus sib twb nram nroog tau caub moos xieng nguen. sab luangprabang. yog ib tug hmoob uas tau caub moos 6 sab luangprabang uas tsis yog tsa los ntawm gvp mas tsis yog yooj8 kiag li. thaum yawg lub neej sawv taus li no lawm mas peb tsev neeg ntxim yuav tau zxoo nyob dawb tabsis mas tsis yog ov. peb tsev neeg haj yam khwv.vim peb ua teb ntau hom thiab teb yeeb mas 3 daig diam. thaum sau nyeeb tas hmoob tuaj yuav yeeb ntawm peb zos mus ua luam mas hmoob coj ob peb tug nees tuaj thauj yeeb los peb cov yeeb yeej txaus hmoob yuav thiab txaus hmoob cov nees thawj rov mus ua lag luam. thaum kuv yog li 7 xyoo mas pom yawg muaj nyiaj choj ntau. yawg lawv uab ntim cov thawv mos txwv tej lub ntsuab loj li 10x10x20 inches. cov thawv no mas nyiaj puv nkaus li 10+ lub nyob hauv qab txag. kuv nyiam nqa kuv cov tuj lub mus zais nrog cov thawv no mas kuv yuav muab rub kom kuv tau kev nkag mus zais tujlub los tsis haum vim nyav dhau kuv rub tsis txav me2 li. peb ua neeg nyob mas cov muaj nyiaj haj yam khwv. nyuj npua tsiaj txhu mas yug coob2 qaib mas coob li coob los kuv niam lawv tseem muab kuv copv lau qaib tua noj ntau zaus. vim kuv niam lawv tsis ceev faj li. tej hmo twb muaj qhua tuaj hauv rsev los lawv tsis nco mus kaw qaib nram cooj qaib kom tag kis tau qaib los tua ua tshai nrog qhua noj. lawv mus ntes qaib los tua noj na qaib twb tawm hau cooj mus ncig tas thaum twb tsis tau pom kev heev. kuv niam lawv ces majj nroos nram qab tsag uas kuv pheej khi ib ob tug lau qaib kuv nyiam coj mus tso sib ncaws ces kjuv hom tus puav kuv ntses los khi thiab pub ib ob tug qaib li kuv siab nyiam. kuv sawv lig2 ces tos kuv paub kuv nioam twb los tsa kom kuv sawv hauv txaj los noj mov vim lawv twb noj tshais tas qua mus tsev law m hos niam lawm twb yuav mus teb. kuv sawv los ces kuv tau ib tug ncejpuab qaib nriog ib tais mov thiab kua qaib. kuv niam mam tias tos kuv tau ncej puab los yog iuv tus qaib kuv mua khi nram qab tsag. cov qaib nram cooj twb tawm hauv cooj tas lawm ces thiaj ntes tus kuv muaj khi zoo2 los tua noj lawm. kuv ham tsi ua kua muag poob tij tauj. chim kawg vim yog tus kuv nyiam tshaj kuvthiaj muab khi thiab pub npej pob kws kom zoo2. tabsis tsam no tau ncej puab thiab kua qaib qab2 haus. chim2 tas los kawg kua muag tu ces mam noj ncej puab hau kua qaib qab. lawv muab plab qaib thiab nyhuv qaib cia rau ib lub tais pem txee lawv kom menyuam txhob noj plab thiab nyhuv qaib. lawv mus teb lawm yus nyob tsev ntau tuj lub ib tsam tav su ces maj nroos los noj plab thiab nyhuv qaib ntxuag mov. yog hnmub tsis chim heev no ces kuv nrog kuv niam mus teb. teb ntau2 ces kuv txiv thiab ob tug hlob kuv nrog kuv txiv mus ua ib daimn teb hos kuv thiab kuv niam mus ua wb ib daim teb yeeb. faus teb mas kuv txawj pab me2 xwb los kawg tos kuv niam mam faus ntau. kuv ces pab me2 npaum li me2 qualify tias me2 kuv niam mas ntxias kom pab faus teb thiab sau yeeb. yog kuv sau tau li cas no ces kuv muab cia rau kuv ib lub ntim 6 yeeb. lwm hnub muag tau qhov yeeb hauv kuv lub ntim no ces yog ib nkawg khau thiab ib ce khaub ncaws zoo 6 kuv ntag no mas kuv muaj siab tiag. ib tsam kuv tseem nyiag niam li los ntim 6 kuv lub ntim tib si. tabsis ib tsam ces kawg muab hliv ua ke mam nqa mus tsev. lub neej pem roob ua teb txhua hom mas txom nyem kawg vim sib tw huas kom tau ua teb xwb. ib daim tsis tau tas mas ib daim twb fab2 tuaj lawm. tsis cauj me ntsis ces plam ib hom teb. ob niam txiv los nyias mus nyias ib daim teb tsuav kom daim teb twg los muaj tus kuam nroj kom dulug qoob loo thiaj tsis phiam. muaj nyiaj ntau tabsis 6siab tiag2 ov. yog peb nyob taus twj ywm tim ub mas kuv xav kuv yog ib tug yuav tuaj kawm ntawv txawv teb chaws tau ntag vim yawg muaj nyiaj ntau thiab yawg yog caub moos ces txoj ke yuav qib pub 6 kuv yoojyim zog lwm tus hmoob nyob ze peb sab teb chaws ntawm LPB.

2013-04-02 17:26:45 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Yog muaj li tub Vajncuab hais tiag ces kuv thov qhuas koj thiab nej coob tus. Kuv muaj ib tug kwv mam tuaj vinai tuaj lig lig puag tom qab, tab sis luag rau siab heev ib yam li nej thiab Yij Ntxawg Yaj, thaum kawg luag kuj tau MD lawm thiab...

Hais txog cov me nyuam Hmoob College Samthong tuaj mus kawm rau Lycee de Vientiane, tej zaum yuav tsis yog 2-3 leeg thiaj kawm tau xwb. Tej zaum cov ntawd yog cov Dr. Pao paub thiab nco tau xwb. Kuv tseem nco tau ob tug uas los College Samthong los mus kawm rau Lycee es kawm tau zoo heev. Nkawv yog Moua Blong me thiab Laaj Xiong raws li kuv nco... Ces yog li yeej tseem tshuav lwm tus thiab uas twb tau ntev nearly 40 xyoo no ces yuav tsis nco ib txhia lawm.... brgds., yingb
2013-04-17 22:53:07 UTC
On Apr 3, 3:26 am, ***@charter.net wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975.  But all the subsequent
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> > history now!!
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> > group that can speak and write  Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> > hauv SCH no.
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> > du
> idoknow,
> Yog muaj li tub Vajncuab hais tiag ces kuv thov qhuas koj thiab nej coob tus. Kuv muaj ib tug kwv mam tuaj vinai tuaj lig lig puag tom qab, tab sis luag rau siab heev ib yam li nej thiab Yij Ntxawg Yaj, thaum kawg luag kuj tau MD lawm thiab...
> Hais txog cov me nyuam Hmoob College Samthong tuaj mus kawm rau Lycee de Vientiane, tej zaum yuav tsis yog 2-3 leeg thiaj kawm tau xwb. Tej zaum cov ntawd yog cov Dr. Pao paub thiab nco tau xwb.  Kuv tseem nco tau ob tug uas los College Samthong los mus kawm rau Lycee es kawm tau zoo heev.  Nkawv yog Moua Blong me thiab Laaj Xiong raws li kuv nco...  Ces yog li yeej tseem tshuav lwm tus thiab uas twb tau ntev nearly 40 xyoo no ces yuav tsis nco ib txhia lawm.... brgds., yingb

Cov koj hais txog mas yog phaj yau ntawm peb lawm. Cov yaus mas yog
cov kawm tsis tias nyob Nplog teb. Peb pab yog pab thib ib, peb muaj
18 leej nqa Lycee VT xyoo 1970-71. Tabsis xyoo ntawd cov kawm nyob 3em
muaj 300 leej tabsis nyob 2nd ho muaj chaw rau 150 leej xwb. Ces Achan
Khamsay thiaj kom muaj xeem es xais 150 leej xwb. Lino, peb cov
phoojywg feemcoob ces xeem poob tag. Kuv nco tsis zoo lawm tabsis zoo
li peb muaj li 2-3 leeg thiaj xeem dhau xwb. Feem xeem tsis tau ces
tawm mus ua T-28 pilot thiab ua haujlwm tag. Pab no niam qhua yuav
xeem Bac xwb ces tebchaws twb tawg lawm ces Hang Ying, Moua Yia lawv
thiaj mus Fabkis teb tag. Lub caij 1975 ntawd mas yog leej twg muaj
nyiaj yuav pib davhlau ces Fabkis yeej pub mus Fabkis teb kiag li lawm
vim tebchaw twb tab tom pauv.

Cov yau mas muaj coob heev thiab kuv nco tsis tau tag lawm vim thaum
lawv tuaj kawm pem Lycee VT, kuv twb mus Oz lawm (Jan 1972). Lawv cov
yau no yeej kawm tau zoo li koj hias tabsis lawv kawm mus tis tias pem
Lucee VT. Thaum lawv kawm txog 1er xwb ces tebchaw twb tawg lawm...
Coob leej khia ua neeg thojnan thiab Chao Fa... thaum kawg ho tau tuaj
tebchaw thib peb ces lawv mam tuaj kawm ntxiv tim cov tebchaw thiab
peb no. Pab tuaj kawm tiav phab siab tim tebchaws thib peb no kuj muaj
coob thiab . Tejzaum Vaj Ncuaj yuav muaj lawm cov npe thiab lawm kawm
txog them twg.

Cov nyob tim Nplog teb ces yog cov tsawg..eg..li Dr Vang Chu lawv.

2013-04-02 21:33:04 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

I've never heard of a Hmong appointed as Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun, LPB. So what's your grandfather's name thiab nws tau ua cob moos rau xyoo twg?
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-02 21:54:12 UTC
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4:33:04 PM UTC-5, ***@charter.net wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> idoknow,
> I've never heard of a Hmong appointed as Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun, LPB. So what's your grandfather's name thiab nws tau ua cob moos rau xyoo twg?

kuv tsis paub exact xyoo lawm. kuv yawg yog TOOJSUA XYOOJ. yog kuv mus tshawb tau daim ntawv tsa NOM muaj thwj liab2 no nyaj yuav muaj xyoo nrog ntag. tabsis tsis nyob ntawm kuv. kuv xav yuav nyob ntawm kuv txiv ntxawm lawm xwb ntag. hnub twg kuv nrhiav tau no mam muab saib kom meej. kuv twb pom dua ib zaug lawm. nyob vibnais hmoob ua2 ntawv yug thiab ntawv sib yuav kom legal. peb tseem, ,muab tau yawg daim certicate NOM los copy kom thaib ua tau lub thwj ntau tau tsis txawv jkiag li ntag. tsam no lub thwj copy tseem nyob ntawm kuv tij laug. peb tseem tuav lub thwj XIENG NGUEN. 5555 khiav ceg lem tas dhau ib sab ntuj tabsis kuj tseem khaws tau tej yam ua puav pheej. tsam no blog tsis suav tias peb yog citizen los peb tsis thim thwj caub moos 6 blog ces peb tias blog nyob AV tsislegal vim peb yog NOM tuav rawv thwj. muab bliog ncaws tawm citizen thiab tawm daim AV XIENGNGUEN KOM BLOG KHIAV KOM DHAU ciam AV XIENGNGEUN xwb ces OK lawm. tos kom kuv retire txaus kuv qualify yog TOOSFASPUBPAIB no ces kuv mus ncaws BLOG TAWM.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-03 00:45:42 UTC
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4:54:12 PM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4:33:04 PM UTC-5, ***@charter.net wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> >
> > > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > >
> >
> > > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > >
> >
> > > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > >
> >
> > > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > >
> >
> > > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > >
> >
> > > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > >
> >
> > > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > >
> >
> > > history now!!
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > >
> >
> > > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > >
> >
> > > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > >
> >
> > > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > >
> >
> > > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > >
> >
> > > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > >
> >
> > > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > >
> >
> > > hauv SCH no.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > du
> >
> >
> >
> > idoknow,
> >
> > I've never heard of a Hmong appointed as Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun, LPB. So what's your grandfather's name thiab nws tau ua cob moos rau xyoo twg?
> kuv tsis paub exact xyoo lawm. kuv yawg yog TOOJSUA XYOOJ. yog kuv mus tshawb tau daim ntawv tsa NOM muaj thwj liab2 no nyaj yuav muaj xyoo nrog ntag. tabsis tsis nyob ntawm kuv. kuv xav yuav nyob ntawm kuv txiv ntxawm lawm xwb ntag. hnub twg kuv nrhiav tau no mam muab saib kom meej. kuv twb pom dua ib zaug lawm. nyob vibnais hmoob ua2 ntawv yug thiab ntawv sib yuav kom legal. peb tseem, ,muab tau yawg daim certicate NOM los copy kom thaib ua tau lub thwj ntau tau tsis txawv jkiag li ntag. tsam no lub thwj copy tseem nyob ntawm kuv tij laug. peb tseem tuav lub thwj XIENG NGUEN. 5555 khiav ceg lem tas dhau ib sab ntuj tabsis kuj tseem khaws tau tej yam ua puav pheej. tsam no blog tsis suav tias peb yog citizen los peb tsis thim thwj caub moos 6 blog ces peb tias blog nyob AV tsislegal vim peb yog NOM tuav rawv thwj. muab bliog ncaws tawm citizen thiab tawm daim AV XIENGNGUEN KOM BLOG KHIAV KOM DHAU ciam AV XIENGNGEUN xwb ces OK lawm. tos kom kuv retire txaus kuv qualify yog TOOSFASPUBPAIB no ces kuv mus ncaws BLOG TAWM.


Yog li Yijlaug YinbB hais lawm. Xeev Luag Prabang mas tsis muaj tus Hmoob twg ua Chao Muang ua ntej Maj. Yang Fue. Yang Fue loj yog thawj tug Chao Muang Hmoob nyob Xeev Luang Prabang, thiab yog Chao Muang Muang Son tom qab 1975 no. May 15, 1975 yog hnub uas Yang Fue teem tseeg yuav noj pluas mov tau Chao Muang Muang Son nyob Kmm 22. Tabsi May 13, 1975 Yang Fue twb caij C-130 Looj Ceeb rau Thaibteb lawm. Yang Fue poob 600,000 Kip rau pluas mov ntawd. Col. Nyiaj Xub Yaj tseem nyob, Mouatony los paub zoo.

Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis tau Chao Muang, thiab tsis yog tus Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun. Chao Xieng Ngeun yog ib lub Muang tseem ceeb, yog Muang txwj Muang laus. Nplog tsis tso rau ib tug Hmoob tuav. Xeev Xieng Khouang kiag Nplog twb tsis pub Hmoob ua tus Chao Muang Muang Kham, Muang Pet, Muang Mok, thiab Muang Khoum. Maj. Yang Fue tau tus Chao Muang Muag Son mas vim:

1. Sab Phou Cum, Phou sa cov Hmoob yog cov tuav, Pathet Lao yeej ntaus tsis tawg. thiab muaj 3 tug Tasseng Hmoob nyob rau sab ntawd.

2. Maj. Yang Fue tau mas vim Yang Fue tsis tau Lt. Colonel. Cov Hmoob Yaj uas ua haujlwm rau Maj. Gen. Vang Pao sign ntawv thov Khouieng Luang Prabang thiab thov Maj. Gen. Vang Pao es luag thiaj tsa Yang Fue ua tus Chao Muang Muang Son.

Idonotknown koj yuav tau saib koj tseeb. Cov phoojywg tuaj hauv SCH no feem coob yog cov neeg paub tab thiab paub history Hmoob zoo. Ua zoo tsam sawvdaws tsis ntseeg koj. Kuv qhuas koj hais tias koj yog ib tug top teen nyob Edison High School class of 1991, thiab koj tau full scholarship mus kawm University of Minnesota. Tabsi as a research kuv tawm tsam koj qhov koj hais tias koj yawg yog tus Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun.

2013-04-03 03:00:14 UTC
Vaj Ncuab,

On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 5:45:42 PM UTC-7, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis tau Chao Muang, thiab tsis yog tus
> Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun. Chao Xieng Ngeun yog ib lub Muang tseem ceeb,
> yog Muang txwj Muang laus. Nplog tsis tso rau ib tug Hmoob tuav.
Leej twg yuav claims lub title twg los tau li YingB hais Chaokheuang NtsuabPov. Xav paub seb puas yog noj NyiajXyoo los yog Noj NyiajHli? Nyiaj tuaj nram Lao Royal Government, Vientiane, tuaj? Los yog tuaj tim VP, LongCheng, tuaj? Raws kuv paub mas tus NaisNpab, tus TojXeem thiab tus NaiKong ces yog noj NyiajXyoo xwb, hos tus ChaoMuang rov saud lawm mam tau NyiajHli noj, cov tseem ces nyiaj puavleej tuaj nram Lao Royal Government tuaj. Hos cov cuav (nominated) coob-b li YingB hais ces yog noj nyiaj VP, thiaj muaj too many Chiefs no Indians. Ua li idonotknow hais ua lawv twb tuaj txog ThaibTeb mam kom thaib nchuav THWJ ces tseeb kawg lawm las mas.

I am not trying to offend any body, but to tell the TRUTH and it is about time to do so.

2013-04-03 03:01:38 UTC
Vaj Ncuab,

On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 5:45:42 PM UTC-7, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis tau Chao Muang, thiab tsis yog tus
> Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun. Chao Xieng Ngeun yog ib lub Muang tseem ceeb,
> yog Muang txwj Muang laus. Nplog tsis tso rau ib tug Hmoob tuav.
Leej twg yuav claims lub title twg los tau li YingB hais Chaokheuang NtsuabPov. Xav paub seb puas yog noj NyiajXyoo los yog Noj NyiajHli? Nyiaj tuaj nram Lao Royal Government, Vientiane, tuaj? Los yog tuaj tim VP, LongCheng, tuaj? Raws kuv paub mas tus NaisNpab, tus TojXeem thiab tus NaiKong ces yog noj NyiajXyoo xwb, hos tus ChaoMuang rov saud lawm mam tau NyiajHli noj, cov tseem ces nyiaj puavleej tuaj nram Lao Royal Government tuaj. Hos cov cuav (nominated) coob-b li YingB hais ces yog noj nyiaj VP, thiaj muaj too many Chiefs no Indians. Ua li idonotknow hais ua lawv twb tuaj txog ThaibTeb mam kom thaib nchuav THWJ ces tseeb kawg lawm las mas.

I am not trying to offend any body, but to tell the TRUTH and it is about time to do so.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-03 05:42:09 UTC
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7:45:42 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4:54:12 PM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> > On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4:33:04 PM UTC-5, ***@charter.net wrote:
> >
> > > On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > history now!!
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > hauv SCH no.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > du
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > idoknow,
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I've never heard of a Hmong appointed as Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun, LPB. So what's your grandfather's name thiab nws tau ua cob moos rau xyoo twg?
> >
> >
> >
> > kuv tsis paub exact xyoo lawm. kuv yawg yog TOOJSUA XYOOJ. yog kuv mus tshawb tau daim ntawv tsa NOM muaj thwj liab2 no nyaj yuav muaj xyoo nrog ntag. tabsis tsis nyob ntawm kuv. kuv xav yuav nyob ntawm kuv txiv ntxawm lawm xwb ntag. hnub twg kuv nrhiav tau no mam muab saib kom meej. kuv twb pom dua ib zaug lawm. nyob vibnais hmoob ua2 ntawv yug thiab ntawv sib yuav kom legal. peb tseem, ,muab tau yawg daim certicate NOM los copy kom thaib ua tau lub thwj ntau tau tsis txawv jkiag li ntag. tsam no lub thwj copy tseem nyob ntawm kuv tij laug. peb tseem tuav lub thwj XIENG NGUEN. 5555 khiav ceg lem tas dhau ib sab ntuj tabsis kuj tseem khaws tau tej yam ua puav pheej. tsam no blog tsis suav tias peb yog citizen los peb tsis thim thwj caub moos 6 blog ces peb tias blog nyob AV tsislegal vim peb yog NOM tuav rawv thwj. muab bliog ncaws tawm citizen thiab tawm daim AV XIENGNGUEN KOM BLOG KHIAV KOM DHAU ciam AV XIENGNGEUN xwb ces OK lawm. tos kom kuv retire txaus kuv qualify yog TOOSFASPUBPAIB no ces kuv mus ncaws BLOG TAWM.
> Idonotknow;
> Yog li Yijlaug YinbB hais lawm. Xeev Luag Prabang mas tsis muaj tus Hmoob twg ua Chao Muang ua ntej Maj. Yang Fue. Yang Fue loj yog thawj tug Chao Muang Hmoob nyob Xeev Luang Prabang, thiab yog Chao Muang Muang Son tom qab 1975 no. May 15, 1975 yog hnub uas Yang Fue teem tseeg yuav noj pluas mov tau Chao Muang Muang Son nyob Kmm 22. Tabsi May 13, 1975 Yang Fue twb caij C-130 Looj Ceeb rau Thaibteb lawm. Yang Fue poob 600,000 Kip rau pluas mov ntawd. Col. Nyiaj Xub Yaj tseem nyob, Mouatony los paub zoo.
> Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis tau Chao Muang, thiab tsis yog tus Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun. Chao Xieng Ngeun yog ib lub Muang tseem ceeb, yog Muang txwj Muang laus. Nplog tsis tso rau ib tug Hmoob tuav. Xeev Xieng Khouang kiag Nplog twb tsis pub Hmoob ua tus Chao Muang Muang Kham, Muang Pet, Muang Mok, thiab Muang Khoum. Maj. Yang Fue tau tus Chao Muang Muag Son mas vim:
> 1. Sab Phou Cum, Phou sa cov Hmoob yog cov tuav, Pathet Lao yeej ntaus tsis tawg. thiab muaj 3 tug Tasseng Hmoob nyob rau sab ntawd.
> 2. Maj. Yang Fue tau mas vim Yang Fue tsis tau Lt. Colonel. Cov Hmoob Yaj uas ua haujlwm rau Maj. Gen. Vang Pao sign ntawv thov Khouieng Luang Prabang thiab thov Maj. Gen. Vang Pao es luag thiaj tsa Yang Fue ua tus Chao Muang Muang Son.
> Idonotknown koj yuav tau saib koj tseeb. Cov phoojywg tuaj hauv SCH no feem coob yog cov neeg paub tab thiab paub history Hmoob zoo. Ua zoo tsam sawvdaws tsis ntseeg koj. Kuv qhuas koj hais tias koj yog ib tug top teen nyob Edison High School class of 1991, thiab koj tau full scholarship mus kawm University of Minnesota. Tabsi as a research kuv tawm tsam koj qhov koj hais tias koj yawg yog tus Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun.
> Vajncuab5

kuv paub SCH muaj cov kawm siab tim blog thiab paub ntawv blog zoo lawm tsis zooli kuv uas kawm p1 ob hlis p1 xwb cev khiav ua caubfab. kuv tsis komleej twg ntseeg vim kuv tus poj niam thiab cov menyuam twb tsis ntseeg kuv thaum kuv hnov thiab pom ub no ntawm tej phab ntsa. kuv tsom teb rau thiab taw tes mus kov kiag tias no ne no los kuv poj niam menyuam tias twg? tsis pom ne. ob tug los nrog kuv tham los kuv tsev neeg tsis muaj neeg hnov. kuv tsev neeg twb tsis ntseeg kuvlawm tsis tas kom lwm tus sab nraud ntseeg kuvli os. yuav ntseeg mas yog lwm hnub xyooj tub thiab xyooj txiv nkawv mus cheem tau rog nyob tiaj rawv zeb li thaumkuv vwm2 ob tug los qhia kuv noces nyaj yuav muaj neeg ntseeg tsis li ces kuv los yeej tsis ntseeg kuv vim schizophrenia los kjuj zooli kuv case no thiab thaum i kuv mus nyeem txog ib zaug. yog tej ob tug los nrog kuv tham tsis muaj tswm los tseeb2 ces yog VWM 101% yog muaj teleport rau 2013 thiab kuv tau mus thaibteb rau 2013 li ob tug los nrog kuv tham no ces nyaj kuv rov ntseeg kuvkom ntau zog.

yog tus koj piav tau caubmoos thaum 1975 mas LIG heev tsis yog thawj tug lawm vim kuv yawg twb tau 7-8 xyoo ua ntej peb khiav ua caubfab. 1976 koos16 tuaj ntes peb pem zos pem roob los twb yog kuv yawg lub xab caubmoos yuav tau mus kawm nyob tsevxammabnas. hmoov zoo peb muab cawv lom2 ib tug hmoob ntawm koos16 ces nws mam qhia tias lawv nqa hlua ntau thiab ob lub xaim yog tuaj hu helecopter kom tuaj tsaws ntawm peb zos mas muab kuv yawg lawv khi mus ntsaws 6 davglau nqa mus kaw. peb thiaj siv tswv8 kom koos16 txhob muaj lub sij hawm ntes peb. ib ho tsis tau kaj ntug peb twb mus teb thaum tseem tsau2 ntuj lawm ntxov. cov txiv neej ces yog mus lauj phom tom teb rov los nkaum tom ntug zos nrog 6 ob rab SKS uas hma ntsuab muab PUB rau peb 3 tug koos luam thaum nkawv mus kawm nram nroog tiav rov los tsev. tus koos16 twg tawmhauv tsev ces pag ntog tug. feem coob mag peb NTXIAS kom mus nram daum zos mus nrog peb hais 4 vim daum cov nyuj nees noj2 peb cov nplej ntawm peb daim teb ze2 daum zos. koos16 kuj mloogflus kawg feem coob ntawm 20 tus ces mus nram daum zos lawm. peb siv ib daim ntaw txhos tom kev kom koos16 txhob hla tus pas li 3 ruam. yog hla dhau 3 ruam ces peb tsis suav tias lawv yog AIBNOOBlawm peb mam kom lawv nrog m16 thiab SKS ua aibnoob no mas zooli khib lawv kawg. koos16 tua ib b51 rau tim peb zos tabsis debli deb pag tim lub b51 ces poob puag nram havdej peb lub zos tseem nyob puag tim ib lub roob sab tim ub. tua ib lub b51 tas xwb ces koos16 khiav lawm ntsiag to.
kuv tsi kom leej twg ntseeg li os. vim kuv pom ob yam pov thawj lawm ces kuv mam ntseeg kuv. kuv twb muab digital camera yees tau lub thwj coj mus rau cemetary offuice muab txhaug raudaim pobzeb siab 5 feet tom kuv niam lub ntxa tom st.paul. ces kuvkuj yog pom tseeb kawg lawm. yog pom tseeb li ntawd kuv tsis ntseeg ces TAS tsis tshuav ib yam yuav tseeb zogli ntawd 5 kuv lawm. leej twg tsis tau pom ces ywjsiab ntseeg tsis ntseeg los yog nws feem xyuam. tsis yog kuv feem xyuam kom lwm tus ntseeg. tsam no ces kuv coj menyuamm us kawm tom U thiab mus nuvntses xwb. lwm hnub kuv kawm tau ua li toosfaspubpaib no ces kuv mam mus ua kasmoos muab blg thiab nyablaj ncaws tawm li lawv ncaws peb tawm. kuv ma rov qab mus ua peb tsev neeg 3 daim tebyeeb kom tau ib xyoo li 100KG coj mus muag txawv teb chaws kom tau nyiaj millions. vim thaumi peb ua teb yeeb yeej tau ze 100 KG rau ntawm ib xyoo. peb tseem muab tod xyaw taum tibsi los neeg tsis kk tsuas tau yeeb txaus lawv cov newes thawj mus ua lag luam. yuav tau siv tswv8 me2 los tod taum xyaw yeeb thiab mus cov yeeb tod taum tso hauv qab. thaum neeg tuaj yuav ntau no ces muab 3-4 pob saum toj los phua kiag kom neeg pom tias yeeb tseeb2 zoo nkauj npaum li yeeb txawj zoo nkauj. tom neeg piom li no lawm cev muaj puas tsawg pob yeeb los lawv tsaw mus 6 nees thawj dulug. thaum ntawd mas nyiaj choj ntws los pawglug. thaumpeb khiav ua caubfab ces tej nyiaj choj nyhav li nyhav ev tsis tau khiav. kuv yawg thiab kuv txiv klawv cov txiv tub ces ib kleeg 20-30 choj nrog lub nra. kuv yog 8 xyoo twb diaj lawv cov nra tsis ua zog. khiav ua caubfab tau 3 xyoo tawm xwb nyiaj dulug vim yuav ntsev thiaj yuav txhuv tim co zos xwb ntag. hmoob caubfab mas yoo ntsev xwbtabsis peb ho tsis yoo vim nyob ze zos hmoob thiab zos nplog ciov ua tseem nyob tom zos tsis tau ua caubfab. mus tom lawv cov teb/liaj. mam kom lawv mus yuav ntsev nram KASXIM ev tuaj muag rau peb tom lawv teb thiaj liaj. txhij tas nrog tsev neeg mus ev ibleeg 4-5 KG xwb ces kavlawv ntev loo li 2-3 xyoo. txhuv thiaj mov ces coj mus zais tom ntug teb li coj mus pub nas noj tabsis yus zov tua/cuab nas ces tau obhom tibsi. tau nqaij tau mov tib si tom ntug teb. mus zov cuab chav ib hmo mas tau ze 100 tus nas tsuag. muab ci ib leeg ib tug thiab ib taig mios ntse dej xwb ces tsis nco tshaib plab li lawm. thaumkuv yogli 9 xyoo kuv tseem tau nrog kuv yawg mus nto ib xub ntab pem ib tsob ntoo. siv ib pob nqeeb xwb ces ntab tsis KK caumthiab plev yus li. yuav tau caiv yam puav ntab thiaj tsis caum tsis plev ov. thaumntov ntoo vau mas txhob ua qhov yooj8 tau tus kav ntoo mus rau tom ntab daim nas ov. yuav tau zes ib pob nqeeb thiaj lug mus deb puag tom ntsis ntoo mam nkag tuaj rau ntawm ntab daim zes ces ntab hnov/pompa taw ntab txav deb2 rau yus mus hlaias daim nas ntab uas muaj zib ntab ntau2. yog thaug tus kav ntoo mus rau tom ntsis ces kawg mag ntab caum tseeb2 vim ntab paub yus yog tuds ntov tsob nto vauv ntag ces ntab xum tuag tsuas tau plev yus ib teg xwb txaus siabnyiam lawm. thaumpaubli ntawd mas lub 3-5 hlis pom ib xub ntab nyob qhov twg ces ua mos phua taw ncaj xub ntab tsegli ib ob hnub ces nqa taus mus nrogntab cog phoojywg ua AIBNOOB
2013-04-03 20:43:37 UTC
kwv Vajncuab5,

Ntawd Former Maj. Yang Fue ce yog le koj has. Cov kwvtij Moob nyob Xan
Pak Kha mas ce taag nrog rua xeev Luang Prabang ce muaj cov kwvtij
Moob saab ntawb paub tas lub Muang Som nuav muaj nyob huv Chao Kheung
Luang Prabang dlaim list and was under Chao Muang Muang Hiem's
administration, tabsi tsi muaj ib tug Moob qualify, vim ib cheeb tsaam
ntawd yog Moob coob, yog le ntawd cov kwvtij Moob Xan Pak Kha txhaj
qhas rua Col. Nyajxub hab Former Maj. Yang Fue 2 tug 2kwvtij paub yog
le ntawd taabtom yog lub caij tso tubrog SGU tawm ntawd MR2. Yog le
ntawd Maj. Yang Fue txhaj moog ntsib Chao Muang Muang Hiem, ce Chao
Muang Muang Hiem txhaj coj Maj. Yang Fue moog ntsib Chao Kheung LP and
continued to Interior dept in Vientiane es moog ntsib Pha nya Pheng
Phonsavane. Tug paab Former Maj. Yang Fue ua kom tau Chao Muang Muang
Som ce yog Pha nya Pheng Phonsavane ntaag nawb.

Kwv Vajncuab, koj phau history sau moog le caag lawm kuv xaav nyuav ib
phau nav.


2013-04-03 02:03:57 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Kuv xav tias tej zaum yuav zoo ib yam li Hmoob pheej hu hais tias "Chao Kheuang" Youa Pao Yaj no xwb tab sis tiag tiag luag tsis yog Chao Kheuang. Tus tseem tiag yog Chao Saykham. Ces tej zaum Hmoob kuj yuav hu idoknow yawg tias "Chao Muang" no los kuj muaj...
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-03 03:51:16 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Uncle TseemYeej;

Thaum peb ua Chao Fa mas Ntsuab Pov Xyooj tsa Ntsuab Pov ua tus MR1 Commander, Ntsuab Pov tsa Npis Lis ua tus Assistant Commander MR1, thiaj tsa Txhiaj Thoj Hmoob Phwv Ciab ua tus Chao Kheuang Luag Prabang. Hmoob Chao Fa ua nom loj kawg. Tej zaum Idonotknown yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tau ua Chao Muang Xieng Ngeun thaum peb ua Chao Fa los kuj tsis paub. Gen. Vang Pao tsis muaj cai tsa ib tug Chao Muang twg without Kheuang thiab Ministry pom zoo. Maj. Yang Fue hais tias Yang Fue daim ntawv tsa Yang Fue ua Chao Muang Muang Son yog tuaj nram Ministry of Interior tuaj thiab yog koj tijlaug Ly Teck ua tus sign. Thaum Yang Fue mus ua nws cov ntaub ntawv hauv Ministry of Interior mas Ministry of Interior hais tias Yang Fue yog Major ces luag muab Xang Tho 5 rau Yang Fue. Chao Muang Tou Xia Thao los hais tib yam tias koj tijlaug Ly Teck yog tus sign. Kuv tau nug Chao Muang Tou Xia tias Gen. Vang Pao hais tias Gen. Vang Pao yog tus tsa koj ua Chao Muang Muang phom no ne? Chao Muang Tou Xia teb kuv tias Ministry of Interior (Ly Teck) yog tus tsa, Gen. Vang Pao tsuas nrog pom zoo xwb.

2013-04-03 13:02:36 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Koj hais raws li koj ntseeg nawb.... yeej tsis ua li cas (not a problem). Vim koj tau hais li ces peb cov nyob sab nraud thiaj question koj xwb. Piv txwv li niaj hnub tam sim no peb pom thiab tham txog tus Nais Phoos (General) Ntxoov Vaj Thoj nyob hauv YouTube. Lwm hnub nws cov xeeb leej xeeb ntxwv yuav claim tias thaum ub peb yawg tau General no los yeej ok tib si.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
– Voltaire
Brgds., yingb
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-03 13:05:48 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Koj yawg thiab koj txiv lawv tsis Phuvnyawm mus nyob Pha Ngan (Kham Nyav) ze Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab). Av Phou Chia Phan Ngan yog zwm rau Muang Muang Ka Si, tsis yog zwm rau Muang Xieng Ngeun. Ua ntej 1974 mas tu ciam teb Av Vieng Chan thiab Luang Prabang los saum Roob Pos Huab (Tham Som) los rau Pha Luang Keo Xou, Phou Kong Khao, Phou Youay, Mus rau ntug Naj Khoom sab east. 1974 Tseemfwv Nplog (The Royal Lao Government) tsa lub Kheuang Vang Vieng mas lub Muang Muang Kasi zwm rau Kheuang Vang Vieng lawm. Thawj tug Chao Muang Muang Phom yog Ly Cher (Lis Cawv) Uncle TseemYeej tijlaaug, tom qab no mam yog Tou Xia Thao.

Muang Phom muaj 5 tug Tasseng Hmoob: Tasseng Nam Cham, Tasseng Na Khouang, Tasseng Tin Bong, Tasseng Tham Som thiab Tasseng Tham Keo. 1975 thaum tebchaws tawg Num Yag Faaj yog Tasseng Nam Cham, Qhuas Pov Thoj yog Tasseng Na Khouang, Npliaj Suav Hawj yog Tasseng Tin Bong, Nkias Foob Lis yog tasseng Tham Som, thiab Nkias Mas Hawj yog Tasseng Tham Keo. Ua ntej 1974 mas av Tham Keo Tham Som yog av Luang Prabang.

Cov Hmoob nyob rau sab ntawd hnav tsoos tsho thiab coj xaus li nej cov Hmoob Phwv nyawm, Phwv Ciab, Hmoob Roob Nyuj & all Hmong Luang Prabang. Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis yog Chao Muang. Kheuang Luang Prabang ces only Chao Muang Hmoob yog Maj. Yang Fue.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-03 14:32:09 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 8:05:48 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Koj yawg thiab koj txiv lawv tsis Phuvnyawm mus nyob Pha Ngan (Kham Nyav) ze Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab). Av Phou Chia Phan Ngan yog zwm rau Muang Muang Ka Si, tsis yog zwm rau Muang Xieng Ngeun. Ua ntej 1974 mas tu ciam teb Av Vieng Chan thiab Luang Prabang los saum Roob Pos Huab (Tham Som) los rau Pha Luang Keo Xou, Phou Kong Khao, Phou Youay, Mus rau ntug Naj Khoom sab east. 1974 Tseemfwv Nplog (The Royal Lao Government) tsa lub Kheuang Vang Vieng mas lub Muang Muang Kasi zwm rau Kheuang Vang Vieng lawm. Thawj tug Chao Muang Muang Phom yog Ly Cher (Lis Cawv) Uncle TseemYeej tijlaaug, tom qab no mam yog Tou Xia Thao.
> Muang Phom muaj 5 tug Tasseng Hmoob: Tasseng Nam Cham, Tasseng Na Khouang, Tasseng Tin Bong, Tasseng Tham Som thiab Tasseng Tham Keo. 1975 thaum tebchaws tawg Num Yag Faaj yog Tasseng Nam Cham, Qhuas Pov Thoj yog Tasseng Na Khouang, Npliaj Suav Hawj yog Tasseng Tin Bong, Nkias Foob Lis yog tasseng Tham Som, thiab Nkias Mas Hawj yog Tasseng Tham Keo. Ua ntej 1974 mas av Tham Keo Tham Som yog av Luang Prabang.
> Cov Hmoob nyob rau sab ntawd hnav tsoos tsho thiab coj xaus li nej cov Hmoob Phwv nyawm, Phwv Ciab, Hmoob Roob Nyuj & all Hmong Luang Prabang. Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis yog Chao Muang. Kheuang Luang Prabang ces only Chao Muang Hmoob yog Maj. Yang Fue.
> Vajncuab5

koj piav ntawm kev tsiv teb chaws tim ub mas peb yeej nyob pham GAM (khas nyas) los ntev ua ntej 1970 lawm vim kuv thiab kuv kuv tus tij laug tus muam uas hlob kuv puav leej yug nyob khav nyas. 1972 nyablaj tuaj txog peb lub zos khav nyas uas yog muaj tub rog ib koos luab xwb tus nai koos pha mas tseem yog nyob tim phuv ciab. peb mag nyaj laj caum 1972 peb thiaj khiav tawm kasnyas mus rau nram phuv nyawm mus nyob li ib ob xyoo ces nyablaj thim khasnyas nyablaj tsis muaj num zov khas nyas peb mam khiav phuv nyawm rov qab los rau khas nyas.

thaum 1972 uas peb khiav khas nyas mus 6 phuv nyawm mas mus ko taw sab tiag2 vim kuv yog li 3-4 xyoo lawm ces kuv mus taw feem ntau thaum ntej li 2-3 hnub. peb khiav mus taw li 2-3 hnub ces kuv sab taw o o liab2 tuaj lawm. kuv rhais ib ruam ces quaj ib suab. kuv niam thiab kuv txiv nkawv mas ev kuv li 5-10 minures xwb nkawv muab kuv tso nqes kom kuv mus taw dua. hos kuv yawg ev kuv no mas thiaj ev li 2-3 hours los yog li ib hnub.

thaum mob2 ko taw mas kuv phem tiag2. kuv niam mas ib txwm muab kuv hu me nyuam qaib vim kuv yug qaib xyoo thiab ib sij mob yuav ciaj yuav tuag. ua neeb saib mas yog tim plig ceeb thiab khiav li qaib ceeb qaib ya.

muaj ib zaug thaum mob2 ko taw kuv niam kuv txiv tsis ev kuv ces kuv pom kuv txiv nqa phom mus ua ntej xam kev tsam muaj nyablaj los tub sab tos peb kev. kuv niam tsis ev kuv nws ev lub nra loj2 lawm ces kuv mus zaum tom ntug kev. xawb2 tau ib tus qw ntoo loj tsawv los tuav ntawm tes. kuv zaum ntawm ntug kev tos2 kuv niam los txog kuv niam tias menyuam qaib ua cas zaum ntawm ko xwb na kaj tsij mus caum koj txiv twb ua ntej mus tom ub lawm. kuv cev tus qw 6 kuv niam xwb. kuv niam tias ua cas tsis mus es tseem cev tus qw 6 kuv xwb na. yuav kom kuv siv tus qw ua dabtsi na menyuam qaib. xubpib kuv tsis hais lus li kuv piav tes muab tus qw los hom2 rau kuv tau hau thiab taw tes 6 kuv sab ko taw o o liab2 xwb. ib ntsis kuv mam hais lus tias niam es koj niag menyuam qaib sab ko taw NOV o o liab2 lawm ces thiaj zaum no tos koj muab tus qw no sib zog ib qws 6 lub taub hau NOV ces nyuam qaib mam pw nov ib tsam plis mam los khaws coj mus ua ib pluag hmo. koj thiaj tsis tau ev menyuam qaib lawm mas. kuv niam tsis paub ua cas vim kuv PHEM TAS2 SIV TSWV8 kom kuv niam tsis muaj ib lo lus hais kiag li. kuv niam muab kuv ev dua. li 30 seconds yawg thiab pog nkawv los caum tau kuv niam wb yawg mam los txeeb ev kuv ib hnub los txog tom zos blog peb mam caij tsheb ib tav su los ze nram ntug dej naj khoos. mam mus taw me2 xwb ces txog nkaj khoo ho caij nkoj mus li ib tav su mam tso nkoj tseg mus taw 6 phuv nyawm.

menyuam qaib mas PHEM TIAG2. thaum yau mas leej twg hais tsis tau lus phem me2 rau menyuam qaib. tsis haum siab mas mob yuav tuag siav yuav tu. yuav zoo mas yuav yog kuv yawg ua neeb mus caum plig. tseem kom kuv niam los txhos caug thov yuav tsis cem menyuam qaib lawm no ces plig mam nrog phiaj neeb rov qab. yog phiaj neeb tsis kom niam los thov es neeb cia li muab plig qaib kaw rau hwj tooj hwj hlau nqa rov qab los tsev xwb ces ib tsam plig rov ya plig lawm ncaj nraim. yog kuv niam los lees tias tsis cem tsis ntau menyuam qaib lawm no ces plig rov los nyob tsev ntev zog. ua neeb tas li ib hmo kaj ntug ces kuv/ menyuam qaib rov nyob dhia cauj2 thiab mus ntau tuj lub thiab sib ncaws li qub.

leej twg yug menyuam 6 qaib xyoo mas ceevfaj yuam txawj PHEM li KUV thiab ntag ov. kuv tij laug yug tau ib tug tseem me2 kawm grade qes dua 6. tus menyuam ntawd mas kuv tij laug nkawv khub niam txiv tas tswv8 thaum nkawv tus menyuam qaib lim hiam tuaj. cav ncauj heev2. nrog nws sib cav li kid los ib ntsis nws txawj nrhiav cai li yog neeg laus tuaj lawm. tej lub txias2 uas nkawv tsis nco ceevfaj kiagli .

menyuam tsov mas tes taw ho keej tas2. me2 li 2-3 xyoo xwb los dhia nrawm2 lasvoos kiv2 rau ub rau no nws tsis lam ntog yooj8.
OHYO rov yuav nyab SCH.
2013-04-03 15:29:28 UTC
PY idonotknow,
Thov qhuas koj uas koj yog ib tug kawm ntawv tau zoo thiab tseem kawm
tiav computer engineer nawb. Yog pom ntsej pom muag no ntshe kuv yuav
paub koj lawm thiab ntag, txawm tsis paub neeg los yeej pom ntsej pom
muag los lawm. Raws li koj tham ces peb yog tib phaum neeg, tsuas yog
qe qaib thiab qe os xwb sub laid. Tabsis kuv pheej ua xyem xyav hais
tias ua li cas koj ho retired ntxov ua luaj li no xwb na. Tejzaum yog
vim koj muaj dabneeb los tshoj es koj thiaj li retired ntxov xwb, puas

PY Vajncuab,
Kuv los thov qhuas koj thiab nawb. Koj mas ntes tau neeg zoo tiag
tiag. hahaha.... Tabsis nws twb yog yus tej me neeg txheebze xwb, yuav
tsum pab zais zais thiab meb!! lol...

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-03 16:12:20 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 10:29:28 AM UTC-5, Hmong-Lao wrote:
> PY idonotknow,
> Thov qhuas koj uas koj yog ib tug kawm ntawv tau zoo thiab tseem kawm
> tiav computer engineer nawb. Yog pom ntsej pom muag no ntshe kuv yuav
> paub koj lawm thiab ntag, txawm tsis paub neeg los yeej pom ntsej pom
> muag los lawm. Raws li koj tham ces peb yog tib phaum neeg, tsuas yog
> qe qaib thiab qe os xwb sub laid. Tabsis kuv pheej ua xyem xyav hais
> tias ua li cas koj ho retired ntxov ua luaj li no xwb na. Tejzaum yog
> vim koj muaj dabneeb los tshoj es koj thiaj li retired ntxov xwb, puas
> yog?
> PY Vajncuab,
> Kuv los thov qhuas koj thiab nawb. Koj mas ntes tau neeg zoo tiag
> tiag. hahaha.... Tabsis nws twb yog yus tej me neeg txheebze xwb, yuav
> tsum pab zais zais thiab meb!! lol...
> HL
ntawm kuv retired los vim kuv VWM xub pib tom hauj lwm. kuv cia feeb tsi meej tom hauj lwem ces boss lawv hu tsheb tuaj thauj kuv mus tsev kho mob. muaj record tias vwm thiab txhob mus ua num tsam muaj teeb meem ntxiv no ces insurance mag them nyiaj ua ntej li ib xyoo tom qab ces yog siocial xa nyiaj tuaj pab. kuv file kom retirement pab nyiaj. tau ob xyoo tom qab mam approved thiab them 505 ntawm kuv qhov nyiaj hauj lwm. LIG zog rau kuv lawm vim thaum kuv ua hauj lwm consulting mas ib hli yog li 20k rov lawm saud. yog retire thaum ntawd ces kuv twv tsis tau muab ib lub tsev pov rov 6 bank. tom retire twb yog puag tom qab no uas kuv yog regular employee lawm xwb ces tseem mag txiav 50% raws CAI retirement ces nyiaj tsawg2 lawm kuv thiaj ua siab muab ib lub tsev pov 6 bank thiab khiav los nyob lub tsev kuv xub yuav puag thaum 1996 lawm. lub kuv yuav thaum 2001 mas tshiab sua tabsis kim2 kuv thiaj muab pov rov rau bank lawm. kuv mas txiav txim siab yuam kev ib ob lwm ua kuv poob li 20k rau lub tsev kuv muab pov tseg. vim . kuv poj bniam thiab tus tub twb tias ov tsegno ces nkawv twb tseg tau li 3-4 hli tsis them lub nqe tsev tshiab lawm. thaum kuv paub ces bank twb sau ntawv tuaj tias yuav tau pay back kom puv cov qub bank mam pub them copv hli tshiab. kuv los tseem yeem rov them li 10 k tawm mus release lub tsev rov los them dua. twb them tas mam txiav txim tias kuv yuav them lub tshiab kom txog 30 xyoo yeej tsis lam muaj nyias txaus them tas .kuv mam rov tseg tsis them kom puv ib xyoo ces kuv dhia rov los nyob lub qub nov ces mam muab lub tshiab pub 6 bank lawm. kuv 10 k thiab 30k tawm kuv muab dawn ces ploj lawm dulug. VWM mas txiav txim yuavkev tas.
2013-04-03 22:48:33 UTC
Me kwv Idonotknow....aw,

Huag....hais mus hais los es koj nim los nyob ze-e kuv thiab los?
Thaum koj los nyob Nas Kas es koj puas paub kuv yawm yij Zoov Laj
Xyooj ned? koj puas paub kuv tkuv cov txiv ntxawm li Xeev Lauj
Yaj,Soob Tuam Yaj thiab Tooj Taug lawv?Lub zos Nas Kas ces yog kuv lub
zos nyob kawg hauv Nplog teb los mas.Nplog liab los txog ces yuam kom
kuv txiv lawv los luaj teb lub zos Nas Kas ces kuv khiav tuaj lawm.Koj
mas yog yuav hais koj yeej VWM me ntsis lawm thiab tiag......cov neeg
tham lus tag-g li koj yog hlwb puas me ntsis lawm od.Twb tsis tsim
nyob tham los koj muab tham rau sawv daws mloog lawm ned.Kuv los muaj
tej chim ntshai kuv yeej xiam me ntsis hlwb lawm thiab.Yus cia li lam
tau lam tham tej lus tob tob li kuv me yij Phiaj hais ned.


Koj twb yaws Idonotknow daim nplooj lawm......koj sim yaws Hmong-Lao
daim thiab saib.


VajNcuab5 mas tsis kk leej twg li nawb......peb coob-b tus ces yeej
yog VajNcuab muab daim nplooj yaws hlo ned.......kav liam txov lig los
sawv daws yeej yuav paub.Koj saib yawg Idonotknow.......yog nws txhob
qhia nws yawg lub npe ces coob tus twb tsis paub tias nws yog hmoob
Xyooj.Xyoo no koj puas tau mus nuv ntse os?Ua cas tsis hnov qhov
koj,Born thiab Kua mem iab nej yuav mus txhom ntses lawm.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 01:53:37 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 5:48:33 PM UTC-5, phwvnyawm wrote:
> Me kwv Idonotknow....aw,
> Huag....hais mus hais los es koj nim los nyob ze-e kuv thiab los?
> Thaum koj los nyob Nas Kas es koj puas paub kuv yawm yij Zoov Laj
> Xyooj ned? koj puas paub kuv tkuv cov txiv ntxawm li Xeev Lauj
> Yaj,Soob Tuam Yaj thiab Tooj Taug lawv?Lub zos Nas Kas ces yog kuv lub
> zos nyob kawg hauv Nplog teb los mas.Nplog liab los txog ces yuam kom
> kuv txiv lawv los luaj teb lub zos Nas Kas ces kuv khiav tuaj lawm.Koj
> mas yog yuav hais koj yeej VWM me ntsis lawm thiab tiag......cov neeg
> tham lus tag-g li koj yog hlwb puas me ntsis lawm od.Twb tsis tsim
> nyob tham los koj muab tham rau sawv daws mloog lawm ned.Kuv los muaj
> tej chim ntshai kuv yeej xiam me ntsis hlwb lawm thiab.Yus cia li lam
> tau lam tham tej lus tob tob li kuv me yij Phiaj hais ned.
> VajNcuab,
> Koj twb yaws Idonotknow daim nplooj lawm......koj sim yaws Hmong-Lao
> daim thiab saib.
> Hmong-Lao,
> VajNcuab5 mas tsis kk leej twg li nawb......peb coob-b tus ces yeej
> yog VajNcuab muab daim nplooj yaws hlo ned.......kav liam txov lig los
> sawv daws yeej yuav paub.Koj saib yawg Idonotknow.......yog nws txhob
> qhia nws yawg lub npe ces coob tus twb tsis paub tias nws yog hmoob
> Xyooj.Xyoo no koj puas tau mus nuv ntse os?Ua cas tsis hnov qhov
> koj,Born thiab Kua mem iab nej yuav mus txhom ntses lawm.

kuv paub cov koj hais mas. tus ib zoov laj xyooj ces txawm yog kuv ib tug txiv ntawm koom yawg koob. cov kev tij xeem yaj koj piav los nyob ua ke hauv nas kas. ib ceg mas vim peb tsev xyooj no tus yawg koob yog menyuam tub sau uas yog menyuam xeem YAJ ib tug yawg koob muab nyiaj pab tsev xeem YAJ CES lawv thiaj pub peb tus yawg koob ntawd coj lawv tsev xeem YAJ tus tub los tu li yog nws ib tug tub. xub pib mas peb tug yawg koob tsis muaj ib tug tub li. mus saws tau tus tub xeem YAJ LOS UA NWS TUB CES NWS hmoov kuj zoo tuaj nws thiaj MAM YUG tsib 5 TUG TUB NTXIV. tsev xeem YAJ no mas peb kuj tseem paub lawv lawv kuj tseem paub peb. ntawd yog ub suav ntawm kuv mus lawm saum yawg koob no ces peb tus yawg koob xeem yaj mas yog 4 tiam dhau ntawm kuv rov lawm saum ub. tus yawg koob uas sawv tus yawg xeem YAJ no mas txawm yog ib tug ntawm cov yawg koob khiav tawm pem suav teb los rau tim daim av blog. peb tus yawg koob 2 tiam ntawm kuv lawm saum mas nws tseem coj ob ces dab . ib ceg YAJ ib ceg XYOOJ. ua 6 muaj teeb meem. tsis cob phum tsis muaj tub ki coob. tom qab no cov yawg thiaj coj ib ces DAB lawm xwb. tus Zoovlaj koj piav ces txawm yog ib tug ntawm tus yawg xeem YAJ cov xeeb ntxwv thiab ntag. mus nrog peb cov kwvtij XYOOJ tham ma qhialawv tias peb yog xeem YAJ yug no ces lawv paub peb zoo tias peb yog tug yawg koob uas saws tom xeem YAJ los. kuv mas nug ntau zaus tias ua cas ho tias muab nyiaj yuav peb tus yawg koob xeem YAJ. ib co mas CHIM cauj2 tias hmoob YAJ ntxub nej yawg thiaj muab nej muag mus ua hmoob xyooj lawm. ntawd yog cov chim2 hais xwb. ib tug qhia kuv mas yog SE/TAX fabkis sau SE nyhav ces tsev xeem YAJ muaj nyiaj tsis txawm peem them tsis taus se thiaj muab peb tus yawg koob muag rau tsev xeem XYOOJ. lo no zooli make sense dua vim fabkis yeej sau se tiag thaum 1918 tej ntawd PAJ CAI VWJ thiaj sawv ROG tua FABKIS. txog 1921 fabkis thiaj ntiav tubsab tuaj tua tau PAJ CAI VWJ ces hmoob thiaj rov poob ua qhev them SE rau fabkis dua zaum 2. fabkis ntes hmoob mus tua pov tseg. raws li phau ntawv kuv nyeem mas fabkis muab hmoob khi coj mus muab ib tug xyoob phua ob daim loj2 los cuam hmoob caj dab ua ib tshais ntev2. sawv ntxov no ces fabkis mam nqa ntaj mus pib ib tog suam zuj zus tuaj kom tshaim caj dab tu kom tas. fabkis muab hmoob hlais li no tau 3 tag kis ces thiaj muaj ib tug cawm seej... tswv cheem ROG los txwv tsis pub fabkis hlais thiab tua hmoob lawm. cov hmoob uas tseem tsis tau mag hlais caj dab ces fabkis thiaj muab tso mus tsev tsis hlais li tus tswv cheem rog tau hais 6 fabkis. kuv hnov ib daim kabxev mas hais tias thaum fabkis muab hmoob cuam caj dab hlais ib tog tuaj mas hmoob quaj qw thov lub ntuj lub teb. tswv cheem ROG lawv twb pom twb hnov lawm tabsis vim nyob deb saum ub. tswv cheem rog nqes los txog ces thiaj LIG zog ob hnub ntxiv. ob tshais hmoob thiaj tuag ua ntej tswv cheem erog nqe los txog. kuv xav mas VIM FABKIS SAU SE tsam no peb thiaj yog XYOOJ lawm. tsisli no ces nyaj peb tseem yog YAJ.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-03 16:59:12 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 8:05:48 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Koj yawg thiab koj txiv lawv tsis Phuvnyawm mus nyob Pha Ngan (Kham Nyav) ze Phou Chia (Phwv Ciab). Av Phou Chia Phan Ngan yog zwm rau Muang Muang Ka Si, tsis yog zwm rau Muang Xieng Ngeun. Ua ntej 1974 mas tu ciam teb Av Vieng Chan thiab Luang Prabang los saum Roob Pos Huab (Tham Som) los rau Pha Luang Keo Xou, Phou Kong Khao, Phou Youay, Mus rau ntug Naj Khoom sab east. 1974 Tseemfwv Nplog (The Royal Lao Government) tsa lub Kheuang Vang Vieng mas lub Muang Muang Kasi zwm rau Kheuang Vang Vieng lawm. Thawj tug Chao Muang Muang Phom yog Ly Cher (Lis Cawv) Uncle TseemYeej tijlaaug, tom qab no mam yog Tou Xia Thao.
> Muang Phom muaj 5 tug Tasseng Hmoob: Tasseng Nam Cham, Tasseng Na Khouang, Tasseng Tin Bong, Tasseng Tham Som thiab Tasseng Tham Keo. 1975 thaum tebchaws tawg Num Yag Faaj yog Tasseng Nam Cham, Qhuas Pov Thoj yog Tasseng Na Khouang, Npliaj Suav Hawj yog Tasseng Tin Bong, Nkias Foob Lis yog tasseng Tham Som, thiab Nkias Mas Hawj yog Tasseng Tham Keo. Ua ntej 1974 mas av Tham Keo Tham Som yog av Luang Prabang.
> Cov Hmoob nyob rau sab ntawd hnav tsoos tsho thiab coj xaus li nej cov Hmoob Phwv nyawm, Phwv Ciab, Hmoob Roob Nyuj & all Hmong Luang Prabang. Koj yawg Tooj Sua Xyooj tsis yog Chao Muang. Kheuang Luang Prabang ces only Chao Muang Hmoob yog Maj. Yang Fue.
> Vajncuab5

ntawm koj piav ciam nroog tim kasxim thiab xieng ngeun mas yuav luag yog TABSIS tshuav me2. qhov tshuav yog tias lawv tsis kos ib txoj kab ua ciam nroog ntawm kasxim thiab xiengeun. sab ntawd lawv kom siv tus dej ua kev txiav txim tias ib qhov chaw/zos yuav kom nce rau lub nroog twg. siv tus dej mas yooj8 tias. ob lub nroog no sib ze tsawv lawm ces yuav kom tsis kos ib txoj kab los tau no ces kom mus saib tus dej ntawm lub zos. yog tus dej ntawm lub zos ntws mus rau nram kasxim no ces lub zos/toj xeem ntawd nce mus rau kasxim. yog tus dej ntawm lub zos ntws mus tau xien ngeun no ces lub zos thiab thaj tsam ntawd nce rau xieng nguen.. ntawm peb lub zos khas nyas mas tus dej ho ntws mus rau tus naj khab uas yog ib tug dej loj ntws rau xiengnguen mam ntws mus tshuam najkhoos tom LPB. MUAB NYUAG DEJ ME2 NTAWD LOS TXIAV TXIM XWB PEB THIAJ YOG NEEG XIENG NGEUN HOS THAUM UA CAUBFAB MAS PEB HO KHIAV LOS NKAUM ZE2 KASXIM vim sab ntawd muaj zos nyob ze2 pem roob rau peb mus yuav ntsev yuav txhuv thaum ob yam no tsis muaj lawm. 1979 ces peb thiaj mus lua rau hauv kasxim. peb tsev neeg yog 10 tawm leej blog pub 25KG txhuv. kuv yog tus mus ev qhov txhuv blog faib zaum ntawd mas nyhav kawg ev nce roob mus rau pem ib nta roob uas yog lub tsev peb los nyob hauv kasxim. kasxim mas kuv tsis nco dabtsi kuv nco 3 yam xwb:

#1 yog tsheb daig AV nkos. tsheb mas tuaj nyob tej pab coob hauv ntug kasxim vim ib ob lub daig tom kev thaiv kev lawm. cov tsheb tuaj nram VT uas siv txoj kev nkag hauv kasxim ces nyob tom kev tej pab coob li coob. zo li tsheb tseem nyhav tsis txaus lawv tseem kom neeg mus nce saum tshebkom puv thiab ib tsaug dhia tej plhaw tus tsav tsheb mam tsuj roj tsheb kom kawg kiag. tshaj2 dhia2 li ntawd kj pom lub puav tsheb kas npaj loj2 dim lawm thiab ntag.

#2 yog mus yawm ntses. kuv yawg muaj ib pab txiv tub daum uas thaumub nyob ze2 khasnyas tabsis thaum hmoob ua caubfab tas ces daum tsiv los nyob nram nroog vim nyablaj los tuaj. hmoob los mus nrhiav khoom noj hauv daum zios. yog daum tsis tsiv khiav ces teeb meem loj. daum xub khiav los nyob kasxim. peb lo luas peb los txog kasxim daum muaj liaj ntau lawm. tom liaj mas yog daum cov pas ntses PAM NIS(N) coobli coob. nqa ib lub txiaj ntseg mus txog dayum cov pas ntses uas daum cog kabtsib nrog cov pas ntses. phav npoob los ntau2 ntawm ntug pas ntses. muab txiaj ntseg mus yom ib ob lwm huv pas ntses ntawm cov phav npoob xwb ces puv txiaj ntseg yog ntses pam nis(n) xwb. thaum ps luas kuv yog 10 txwm2 mas kuv ho tsis xis pas nis(n) vim muaj ib tso iab2. yog rov mus txog tim ub mas kuv kawg ua pas ntses TABSIS kuv tsis yug pasnis(n) kuv yuav yug ntses kaus los yog ntses DUB(Tilapia) ob hom no nyob meskas no kuv thiaj nyiam dua.

#3 kuv nco tau zoo tshaj yog mus yuav qhaub ci qab2 zib nram ntug kev hauv kasxim. nram ntug kev tsheb. deb li 20-30 mev tom ntug kev tsheb muaj ib tug poj blog ci qhob ci qab2 zib xis nyiam kawg nws muag tsis kim heev li 50 kis ib lub. kuv yawg cov nyiaj choj ces peb muab yuav txhuv thiab ntsev tas pem caubfab tabsis cov nyiaj kis nyiaj ntawv mas tshuav ntau khiavloslua nyob kamxim blog faib txhuv lawm ces tsis tau yuav txhuv lawm kuv yawg ces muab nyiaj ntawv nyiaj kis los faib pub peb cov khuaj ib leeg 40-5 daim cov 100 200 kis. kuv mas nco ntsoov mus nram kev tsheb tos poj blog ci qhaubci qab2 zib siav no ces khaws ib ob lub mam muab nyiaj pov 6 kuv nqa qhaub ci dhia cauj2 rov mus tsev pem ib nta roob. tom qab no lawv pom kuv tau qaub ci qab2 zib mas peb cov jkwvtij nws muag sib tw dhia mus 6 nram kev tsheb lawm xwb yog khuj tau nyiaj ntawm kuv niam.

#4 oops tshuav ib yam yog UA NAM daim ntau dawbLOJ2 HAUV KASXIM YOG THAWJ ZAUG 6 MENYUAM CAUBFAB LOJ HLOB TXOG 10 XYOO POM NAM loj THAWJ ZAUG. lawv coj tuab teeb rau pem ib nta roob ze2 peb lub tsev. mus zaum zov sai nam ib hmo ib hmo tau ob peb hnub. pub saib dawb2. blogliab siab kuj zoo kawg hais txog pub txhuv 6 peb noj dawb thiab pub peb saib nam LOJ dawb2. ib qho tsis nyiam yog pheej tso tub rog tuaj nte/tua peb pem roob. yog lawv tseg lawv txoj ke tua pej xeem pem roobli no mas tsam no peb tseem nyob tim BLOG thiab qw qhuas bklog liab yog #1. siv cov tswv8 lim hiam tuaj caum peb tua pem roob ces peb thiaj siv tswv8 kom koos16 ntog zom zaws. xav txog tej koos16 mag aub thiab npuas muabcab puv zos thiab tshuav pob txha ib tug pob txha nyob ib tog zos no mas zooli peb kuj yog PHEM TAS2 tabsis peb tseem zoo kawgyog muab piv li lawv yogPRO ARMY cia li nqa hlua kaus ntsuab ntau tuaj npaj khis peb cov neeg pem roob zos moob yaj sab no ces peb tseem siv tswc8 tsawg zog tsis txaus vim peb tseem kom koos16 mus lawm nram daum zos peb mas tua 6-7 tus tsis kam mus nram daum zos. li cas los yuav nyog hu dav hlau xwb li no ces tseg cov ntawv nyob. kpeb kawg tuag siv lawv ob rab SKS uas yog xws li yog 8 teg tus kwvtij txheeb ntag. hma ntsuab muab pub ntxim li yuav txeeb AK47 dua tabsis muab tua seb txawv AK47 lawm deb. tseem txeeb 8teg dua thaumuab tsom2 pag rau koos16.
2013-04-03 18:05:42 UTC

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 9:12:20 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> ntawm kuv retired los vim kuv VWM xub pib tom hauj lwm. kuv cia feeb tsi meej
> tom hauj lwem ces boss lawv hu tsheb tuaj thauj kuv mus tsev kho mob. muaj
> record tias vwm thiab txhob mus ua num tsam muaj teeb meem ntxiv no ces
Raws kuv soj ntsuam mas, koj tseem tsis tau VWM tiag-g, tsuas yog DISORIENTED mentsis lawm xwb. It takes time to recover, I suggest MEDITATION is a good way to heal your kind of problem. MEDITATION is the similar term of DEFRAGMENTATION in computer language. When a computer runs slow, it needs to be DEFRAGTMENTED in order to get it go faster, so does your BRAIN.

You should never ever accept tias koj VWM lawm no nawb. Yog koj accept koj qhov condition "VWM" ces kawg mus nuvntse li koj hais lawm xwb. Forget about your HOUSE, your HEALTH should come first. Yeejmeem tuaj nrog peb sibcav hauv no kom koj lub hlwb DEFRAGMENT zuj zus ces koj qhov HEALTH thiaj rov qab zoo zujzus. Your kind of VWM happens to every GENIUS person, some had managed to come back, some don't. You should not GIVE UP, Think POSITIVE! And Learn how to accept CRITICISM, no one is PERFECT.

Consider this is just a temporary TURBULENCE of LIFE, with a bit PATIENCE, you will pull it through!

I think you still have A CHANCE!

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-03 18:37:27 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 1:05:42 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> idonotknow,
> On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 9:12:20 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> > ntawm kuv retired los vim kuv VWM xub pib tom hauj lwm. kuv cia feeb tsi meej
> > tom hauj lwem ces boss lawv hu tsheb tuaj thauj kuv mus tsev kho mob. muaj
> > record tias vwm thiab txhob mus ua num tsam muaj teeb meem ntxiv no ces
> Raws kuv soj ntsuam mas, koj tseem tsis tau VWM tiag-g, tsuas yog DISORIENTED mentsis lawm xwb. It takes time to recover, I suggest MEDITATION is a good way to heal your kind of problem. MEDITATION is the similar term of DEFRAGMENTATION in computer language. When a computer runs slow, it needs to be DEFRAGTMENTED in order to get it go faster, so does your BRAIN.
> You should never ever accept tias koj VWM lawm no nawb. Yog koj accept koj qhov condition "VWM" ces kawg mus nuvntse li koj hais lawm xwb. Forget about your HOUSE, your HEALTH should come first. Yeejmeem tuaj nrog peb sibcav hauv no kom koj lub hlwb DEFRAGMENT zuj zus ces koj qhov HEALTH thiaj rov qab zoo zujzus. Your kind of VWM happens to every GENIUS person, some had managed to come back, some don't. You should not GIVE UP, Think POSITIVE! And Learn how to accept CRITICISM, no one is PERFECT.
> Consider this is just a temporary TURBULENCE of LIFE, with a bit PATIENCE, you will pull it through!
> I think you still have A CHANCE!
> TseemYeej.

yog muaj tseeb li koj hasis kuj yooj8 6 kuv vim yuav defreg computer mas yog kuv hom experty ces kuv paub zoo2. kuv muab WINDOWS pov tseg khiav mus siv LINUX li unbuntu xwb ces tsis need defreg lilawm . kuv siv virtualbox thiab UBUNTU xwb ces xabnpais2 tsis need defreg li lawm. tsis mag virus li lawm. vim virus yog windows lub ntiaj teb xwb. linux ces virus ntshai lawm. qhov tsis zoo heev yog play game li WOW tsis yooj8 xwb ov. muaj tej tug expert siv linux los play wow tau tabsis kuv twb sim ob peb hnub tsis work li kuv thiaj siv virtualbox kom yuav siv hom twg los yooj8. yam twg los free except windows.

tsam no kuv normal zog li thaum 10/2011lawm vim kuv tsis lam hnov neeg hais lud thiab tsis lam pom tej yam txawv tim phaj ntsa thaum tso teeb rau li thaum i lawm. thaum kuv vwm mas yog txhob tsom teeb no kuj nyob normal li qub. yog tsom teeb rau tim phab ntsa no mas pom ib tug shadow li tus puav/bat ya2 mus los muslos. tsis pom kiag tus puav/bat tabsis pom tus shadow tim phab ntsa xwb. zooli tus puav/bat nyob nruab nrab ntawm lub flashlight thiab sab phab ntsa uas lub flasglight cov ray oflight mag tus bat muab block ces thiaj pom tus puav tus shadow tim phab ntsa. kuv nqa tes mus taw kiag rau tus shadopw tim phab ntsa los kuv tsev neeg tsis pom. lawv tias cov light yeej pom even dulug tsis muaj shadow. sib cav tsis sib haum li ntag. kuv mam nco tias kuv txiv twb ua neeb saib kuv ib zaug lawm. kuv txiv tias muaj txwv zeej yuav los pab kuv thiab zov kuv kom txhob lam muaj tej tus qus los thab kuv. kuv mam hu kuv txiv tuaj saib tus shadow. kuv txivtuaj ua khawv koob thiab yws2 cem2 tas kuv txiv los zaum thiab los nrog kuv tham tias. yog 5 tug txwv zeej txheeb kuv los zov/pab kuv xwb kom kuv txhob ntshai. kuv ib txwm tsis ntshai li yog sib cav qhov kuv pom lawv tsis pom li ces lawv pheej tias kuv vwm. kuv tias kuv tsis vwm no los lawv tias tsis vwm es yuav pom tej yam tsis muaj neeg pom li ko li os. qhov kawg ntawm kev sib cav ces kuv txiv tias 5 tug no mas lawv yuav ntis tsis pub ib tug neeg lwm tus pom tabsis lawv yuav tsis nti koj nkaus xwb. yog yuav pom ces cov hauv koj tsev no tsuas muaj koj ib leeg yog lawv tsis txawj neeb tsis muaj phiaj neeb qheb lawv hov muag ces yeej tsis lam pom li. ho s koj mas vim lawv 5 tug no twb yog los pab thiab tiv thaiv komkoj txhob poob rau kev phem ces lawv thiaj tsis ntis koj kom pom lawv los tau. thaum twgkuv poj niam thiab cov menyuam tias kuv vwm vim kuv pom ub pom no. kuvtias nej cov qhov muag LEM nej thiaj tsi pom. kuv ob lub qhov muag laus no tseem khees zog. tiag mas kuv daglawv xwb vim kuv ob lub twb tsis yog 20/20 li lawv cov lawm. kuv mus tsom MN lub thaum pauv license kuv twb nyeem tsis dhau line #4 ces tsis quaklify kom tau daim driver license tshiab.
2013-04-03 19:46:33 UTC

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 11:37:27 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝา
> tsam no kuv normal zog li thaum 10/2011lawm vim kuv tsis lam hnov neeg hais
> lud thiab tsis lam pom tej yam txawv tim phaj ntsa thaum tso teeb rau li
> thaum i lawm. thaum kuv vwm mas yog txhob tsom teeb no kuj nyob normal li
> qub. yog tsom teeb rau tim phab ntsa no mas pom ib tug shadow li tus puav/bat
Qhov koj pom shadow "puav/bat" li koj hais ntawd yog los ntawm koj kawm ntau dhau lawm es hlwb PHWJ, hlwb muaj CONFLICT, lawm xwb, tsis yog VWM nawb. Txawm koj txiv ho ua khawvkoob daws tau lawm los tsuas yog fab NtsujNplig xwb. koj tus kheej yuav tau PEEM tiag-g thiaj dhau ntu no.

Kuv mloog koj tham thiab VajNcuab tham mas, yam li koj nyuam rau siab kawm dhau hwv lawm. Koj tsis tseg ib lub sijhawm rau koj tej knowledge tau nyob kom ruaj li ne.
2013-04-03 20:10:46 UTC

Qhov koj pom shadow "puav/bat" li koj hais ntawd yog los ntawm koj kawm ntau ntau dhau lawm es hlwb PHWJ, hlwb muaj CONFLICT, lawm xwb, tsis yog VWM nawb. Txawm koj txiv ho ua khawvkoob daws tau lawm los tsuas yog fab NtsujNplig xwb. koj tus kheej yuav tau PEEM tiag-g thiaj dhau ntu no.

Kuv ntseeg tias koj yeej ntse nruab thiab, tabsis, mloog koj tham thiab VajNcuab tham mas, yam li koj nyuam qhuav tuaj tsis ntev xwb, tsis muaj basic education zoo, koj muab rau siab kawm dhau hwv lawm. Koj tsis tseg ib lub sijhawm rau koj tej knowledge tau XWV(aging) kom siav tso ne. Tib yam li tus menyuam yaus ua nyuam qhuav xyaum nkag xwb twb cia li mus xyaum caij bike lawm ces kuj ntog xwb.

Tej yam no, txawm luag tej pab koj npaum twg los, tsis cuag koj tus kheej rov regroup koj kom normal dua nawb. Raws li kuv nyeem koj cov ntawv mas, koj zoo li tus malfunctioned robot, hais tsis muaj paus muaj ntsis, ntsib los twg hais los ntawd. Tej tsam logic tej tsam tsis logic li.

After all, you possess a lot of knowledge, just like someone having a basket full of raw vegetable and raw meat, but he doesn't know how to cook.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-03 20:56:37 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:10:46 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> Idonotknow,
> Qhov koj pom shadow "puav/bat" li koj hais ntawd yog los ntawm koj kawm ntau ntau dhau lawm es hlwb PHWJ, hlwb muaj CONFLICT, lawm xwb, tsis yog VWM nawb. Txawm koj txiv ho ua khawvkoob daws tau lawm los tsuas yog fab NtsujNplig xwb. koj tus kheej yuav tau PEEM tiag-g thiaj dhau ntu no.
> Kuv ntseeg tias koj yeej ntse nruab thiab, tabsis, mloog koj tham thiab VajNcuab tham mas, yam li koj nyuam qhuav tuaj tsis ntev xwb, tsis muaj basic education zoo, koj muab rau siab kawm dhau hwv lawm. Koj tsis tseg ib lub sijhawm rau koj tej knowledge tau XWV(aging) kom siav tso ne. Tib yam li tus menyuam yaus ua nyuam qhuav xyaum nkag xwb twb cia li mus xyaum caij bike lawm ces kuj ntog xwb.
> Tej yam no, txawm luag tej pab koj npaum twg los, tsis cuag koj tus kheej rov regroup koj kom normal dua nawb. Raws li kuv nyeem koj cov ntawv mas, koj zoo li tus malfunctioned robot, hais tsis muaj paus muaj ntsis, ntsib los twg hais los ntawd. Tej tsam logic tej tsam tsis logic li.
> After all, you possess a lot of knowledge, just like someone having a basket full of raw vegetable and raw meat, but he doesn't know how to cook.
> TseemYeej.

kuv xav tias koj piav yog lawm. vim kev kawm yuav tau muaj lub sij hawm coj mus xwv- aging. thaum kuv kawm ntawv kuv yuav lam so los nyob me2 li os. tau kawm ces cauj2 kom tas. kawm tom U ces tsis yog 20 credit rovmus rau 25 ces kuv ntxiv class tas zog. hoob computer mas nkim sij hawm tshaj vim kev sau code mas LEM TIAG2 yog sau answer li classes mas sau kom tas li yus tswv8 ces tsum tau hos computer coding mas sau tsis yog nws tsis kam tawm qhov answer kom yog rau yus. sau tsis yog ces nqa mus 6 tus prof. nws muab mus khiav/run tom nws lub ces yeej tsis tawm kom yog ces kawg plam tseeb vim thaum nmtawv yog computer nyeem yus cov codes. tsis yog neeg nyeem xwb ces tsis yog mee2 xwb los nws tsis paub lawm. thaum computer tsis paub yus cov codes mas tseem khees zog thaum compter paub yus cov code lawm tabsis tus answer yuam kev mas haj yam nyuaj siab. thaum computer tsis paub yus cov code mas nws tseem qhia yus tias line #y ib lo lus nws tsis paub no ces yus muab line code nws qhia mus nyeem ib pliag xwb yus pom qhov yuam kev. thaum computer paub yus cov copde tas qhov answer tsis yog xwb mas cov codr muab 500 lines los yuav tau nyeem kom txhua line dua seb yuam kev qhov twg vim computer tsis qhia 6 yus tias kab yuam kev yog kab twg lawm thaum nws paub yus cov code tas. zaum zov computer li no tsis hais pw tsau zog li os. kuv nyob ib week tsis pw mas SAB TIAG2 6AM txog 2PM mus classes. 4PM txog 6 AM zaum ntawm rooj computer sau coding. GAM ces rov mus classes. repeat li no ib week txwm2 mas SAB TIAG2 mus zaum tom classes mas txhob zaum ib lub rooj nram qab/ nrab qaum ov. ib me2 nram qab ces yus bye2 lub clas ntawd. yus tsim los ces lawv twb mus tsev ntev thaum twg lawm tshuav yus ib leeg nyob hauv empty class lawm xwb ov. yog sab dhau no ces ib thiab teem tes rau hauv caug me2 tau tsis tsaug zog. nyob ib week li ntawd thaum kuv take final test tas kuv los pw mas ob hnub ob hmo kuv mam sawv los noj mov. poj niam ntshai tsam kuv tuag kuv vim pw ntev ua luaj tsis sawv li. tabsis kuv kuj tseem ua2 pa.

tsam no los retired li no ces kuv ho tau sij hawm nyob thiab tsaug zog kawg lawm. pw ib hnub 20 hours los tau. txhob tuaj hauv SCH thiab nuvntses ces pw 24hours los tau tibsi. muab xav kuj tsimnyog qhov kuv yoo dab ntub tsis tsaug zog li ib week tom U.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-03 23:48:45 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Idonotknown mas chiv thawj yawg pheej hais tias yawg ua Chao Fa nyob Phwv Ciab thiab paub Saub Vaj Kuam zoo, kuv twb xoom xaim yawg lawm. Thaum yawg hais tias yawg kawm tiav Edison High School 1991 thiab tau full scholarship mus kawm Computer Scince nyob University of Minnesota ces kuv ntsiab tau yawg lawm. Kuv paub Idonotknown mas vim:

1 Idonotknown txiv yog tus them nqi nkoj rau kuv niam kuv txiv thiab kuv cov kwv cov muam lo hla dej Naj khoom January 1980.

2. Kuv txiv ntxawm yuav kiag Idonotknown to muam hlob Idonotknown, thiab yog tus tos Idonotknown lawv tuaj USA no.

3. Kuv dablaug Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab kuv tus kwv Yias Yaj yog 2 tug menyuam Hmoob tau top teen nrog Idonotknown nyob Edison High School (1991). Dr. Suav Kuam paub 3 yawg no zoo, Dr. Suav Kuam yog tus ua ntaub ntawv hloov kuv dablaug Tuam Zeej hnub nyoog 19 xyoo los ua 17 xyoo kom tau kawm High School.

Idonotknown yog ib tug menyuam Hmoob kawm ntawv zoo kawg, tau haujlwm zoo tabsi yawm muaj mob es yawg thiaj so kam thiab hais lus li no lawm xwb. Ntawm Hmoob-Laos mas koj tos cias kuv soj yawg ib ntus thiab dib yawg tso kuv mam ntsiab yawg.

2013-04-04 00:13:30 UTC
VajNcuab thiab PhwvNyawm,

Yog neb xav txhom YTK mas neb yuav tau hloov kev xav mentsis nawb, nws tsis yog cov college SamThong ov. Yog kuv tsis yuamkev mas PhwvNyawm hniav tau mentsis ntxhiab lawm ntag, kuv ntseeg tias uantej rog vp, nws tsevneeg tau txav ntawm PhamKhao-PajDoos ntawd mus nyob sab LP lawm. Thaum kawj npluav rog vp, lawv cov hluas mam rov los nyob LoojCeeb. Hahaha....51% yog tsev kuv hais no lawm nawb, lintawd, nws thiaj paub Phwvnyawm cov kwvtij zoo ne.

Nws lam hais tias nws yog Hmoob LoojHej xwb, nws twb tsis teev txog pawg Hmoob Yaj LoojHej nyob Sheboygan li ne.

2013-04-04 00:17:44 UTC
Vajncuab, kuv yeej paub Tuaj Zeej, Yeej Viset, Yias Yaj thiab Kabyeeb Vaj lawv yog cov menyuam Hmoob uas kawm ntawv zoo tabsis kuv tsis nco Idonotknow zoo lawm. Es yawg ho muaj mob licas.....
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-04 00:26:58 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Uncle TseemYeej;

Koj txhob nyuaj siab txog Yajtshajkoob, yog yuav yaws Yajtshajkoob thi hauv ces yaws thaum twg los tau. Tag cov pojntxoog hauv SCH no tus paub kuv zoo tshaj plaws yog Yajtshajkoob. Yajtshajkoob paub kuv niam kuv txiv, paub kuv 2-3 lub npe zoo. Kuv los yeej paub Yajtshajkoob zoo lawm, yog Yajtshajkoob twv kuv ces kawg hle yawg nabkaj xwb.

Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-04 00:57:21 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Dr. Suav;

Koj yuav tsum paub Idonotknown xwb. Idonotknown lub npe hu ua TPX, TPX, Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab Yias Yaj lawv 3 tug no yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School (1991). Yeej Viset Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, Cai Vwj thiab Kab Yeeb Vaj lawv yog phaum tom qab (1992) lawm. Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob Edison mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris ces yog Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor tus txiv) thiab Cai Vwj (Cai Vam Hawj Vwj) lawv peb yawm no xwb. Idonotknown mas yawg muaj mob nyhav, muaj txoj hmoo es yawg thiaj tawm tau tuaj hauv SCH no. Tsis li ntawd ces yawg zoo li txiv Neej Fwm me lawm.

idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 03:11:33 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 7:57:21 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Dr. Suav;
> Koj yuav tsum paub Idonotknown xwb. Idonotknown lub npe hu ua TPX, TPX, Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab Yias Yaj lawv 3 tug no yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School (1991). Yeej Viset Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, Cai Vwj thiab Kab Yeeb Vaj lawv yog phaum tom qab (1992) lawm. Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob Edison mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris ces yog Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor tus txiv) thiab Cai Vwj (Cai Vam Hawj Vwj) lawv peb yawm no xwb. Idonotknown mas yawg muaj mob nyhav, muaj txoj hmoo es yawg thiaj tawm tau tuaj hauv SCH no. Tsis li ntawd ces yawg zoo li txiv Neej Fwm me lawm.
> Vajncuab5

tsis muaj hmoo ces kuv twb bye2 ntxov 2006 lawm vim kuv ib sab hlwb twb mag phais thiab tshuav lub pob txa tau bhau sab xis khoob2 lawm xwb. mus kev ces mus tau ib ruam xwb ruam ob ces ntog poog hauv floor. tau ze 7 xyoo no ces ho khees zog mus kev li 10+ ruam los tau me2 lawm. thaum mag phua hlwb tas kuv pw ib week tsis hnov tim tsev kho mob ICU. thjaum tsim los kuv sim mus siv chav dej na ob ruam kuvlub hauv caug yoj2 li yuav dam kuv lub cev nroov poog hauv floor. sab hlwb xis mag phais ces sab cev sab laug plam tsis muaj signal saum lub hlwb kom lees tias sab laug tseem yog kuv lub cev. ntshav cia li tsis khiav rau sab laug kom txaus sab laug ces txias2 li yuav lwj. kuv hnov thawj zaug mas txias kuv tab muab khaws cuam pov tseg. cuam li cas los nws pheej tsis mus tom trashcan. kuv mam kom kuv poj nianm nqa mus pov tseg. kuv ploj niam tias nov yog koj sab teslaug. koj yuav kom jmuab pov tseg li cas na? kuv muab saib2 ua cas ho txuas los rau kuv lub xwb pwg sab laug tiag. tabsis sab laug tsis hnov mob heev yog yus muab de/npaws. kuv kom poj niam mus tim tsev no ces nqa ib rab chav noj mov tuaj rau kuv mam muab hlais kom tu tau no mam muab pov tseg. vim twb tsias mob heev rau sab laug ces yuav hlais tau xwb. poj niam tsis kam ua li kuv hais nws tseem muab kuv lub tswv8 mus foob 6 kuv txiv lawv xwb. ib tsam ces kuv mag LEJ thab npas LOJ2 xwb ntag. nyob tau ib hli tim tsev kho mob kuv thiaj tau los tsev. nyob2 txog 2008 kuv tiaj mus kho mob ib zaug tim thaibteb. hom no mas tsis muaj tshuaj kho kom zoo nyob qab ntuj no raws li kuv vwm ob tug los nrog kuv tham.

KEV KAWM NTAWV nyob tim meskas mas kuj lomzem kawg vim kawm tau 4 xyoo high school kuv tau ib tug B rau hob ENGLISH dhau li ces yog A thiab A+ lawm. cov top10 ces muaj ib tug poj meskas thiaj tau gpa siab dua kuv tus gpa xwb. kuv mas muaj siab kawm kawg. kawm tas tseem nqa Edison tus scholarship uas yog tus most pretage and hardest to win vim yog yuac kom cov nai khu txhua tus vote. ces yog yus tsis popular rau cov nai khu coob tus yus kawg swb tseeb2. tus no mas yog 500$ xwb ntawm nyiaj tabsis ntawm ranking mas mrskas ntxub thiab nyiam peb hmoob zaum ntawd vim hmoob tseem nqa tus nyuaj lawm tib si. ciov niag muaj poj niam menyuam tim ub mam tuaj kawm pib grade 9 tseem ua meskas swb mas txaus lawv chim thiab nyiam kawg lawm. txog sij hawm peb mus nram gym. tim high school meskas muab pingpong los rau peb ntau. kuv tseem uab menyuam meskas cab2 ib tsam. yog ob tug TA thiaj yeej kuv xwb. lawv tias vim li cas kuv ho keej ping pong . kuv tias kuv ntau pingpong tshaj 6 hli lawm vim tim phabnab kuv yeej nrog khabmeem ntau los lawv ntev. dhau lub serve lawm no ces meskas kuj keej kawg tabsis tim high school lawv tsis kom peb yuav tsum pov lub ball 5 inche siab mam serve li ces kuv cheat kiag xwb. tuav ball tsis povli cia li nplawm kom mus 6 tom meskas tog xwb mas ball cauj kawg meskas ces txais tsis tau li. yog pov lub bal kom siab 5 inches li txoj CAI pingpong mas ho ntau tsis tau lub cheat nrawm2 li ntawd. tsam no kuv ydem nplooj lawm ces sawv daws lom zem nawb. kuv ces kawg coj menyuam mus kawm tom U thiab mus nuv ntses. lub hlwb mas yog #1 ntawm neeglub cev. yog piam ib qhov me2 xwb los nyhavkawm lawm. thaum kuv nyob normal kuv mus simIQ test mas kuj tau 159 . tom qab no kuv mob tas musapply rau retirement lawv mandate kom kuv mus ntsib cov braib specialist. lawv test kuv IQ twb opoob los yog 129 lawm xwb. muab xav tias BUSH yog 99 xwb noces thiaj lam ciaj sia nyob. july/2/2010 kuv twb tua kuv ib zaug yuav luag tuag. TSIS YOG MUAB RIAM PHOM TUA. kuv tua kuv hauv lub hlwb xwb. kuv pw saum txaj kuv poj niam ntxuav taisdiav hauv kitchen. ib level sab hauv qab. kuv hu kom nws los kuv txib nws. nws teb huj hav xwbntev loo nws tsis los saum txaj li kuv hais. chim kuv siab tsawv. kuv tsis hais lus nrov. TABSIS kuv hais rau kuv hauv siab tias cas yuav laj tu kuv tas npaud li ne. kuv hu kom los kuv txib me2 xwb tsis kam los kiag los kav liam. tus no mas kuv tsis kk nws li lawm. kuv mas yoo tsis nrog nws hais lus lawm. nws yuav los saum txaj no thiab tsis los kom kuv txibv los kavliam. kuv release kuv lub zog thiab tso klub cev plam pw nti saum txa kuv hais 6 kuv lub siab tias. kuv tua tam sim no mus. nws los pom ces nws twb tsis tau kuv ib lo lus lawm. ntawd tiog yam kuv cim tau kuv hais 6 uv tus kheej. kuv ces ntuj ntsiag to lawm. kuv tsim ces kuv twb nyob tim hospital. dr tias kuv lub hlwb sab laug tawg lawm. DR kom phais no tabsis lawv hu kuv txiv thiab kuv tij klaug nkawv refuse kom txhob sign operation paper ces dr tsis tau muab kuv phais. kuv mus pw tau 3 weeks kuv mam dim los tsev rau zaum ob ntawd.

nej xav tias DAG los kuv tias tiag2 vim kuv tus niam ntxawm. uas yog kuv txiv tus kwv tus poj niam nws twb tua nws tuag. siv hlwb nkaus xwb. nws mob stroke ib yam kuv. nws twb zoo khees zog los nyob tim tsevlawm xwb. tabsis nws mas stroke sab hlwb laug ces nws sab cev sab xis tuag tsis ua hauj lwm lawm . nws chim heev vim yuav noj mov los tseem tos kom nws tsevneeg hais rau rab diab pub nws mam noj tau. muaj ib hnub chim nws siab dhau lawm ces nws piav tes)tsis txawj hai lusli lawm) nws piav kom nws cov menyuam los nrog nws tham. nws cov menyuam los cav thiam ib tug los ze nws nrog nws tham. leej twg los txog ntawm nws ib sab ces nws cev tes mus plhws2 tus menyum lub tau b hau. nws plhws2 cov menyuam txhij tas ces nws release nws lub cev pw kiag saunm txaj. sia tu tam sim ntawd lawm. tuah tiag. yog neeg lub siab rov tua nws tus kheej. kuv pom ob case lawm case ib yog tus niam ntxawm case ob yog kuv tua kuv hauv siab kuv twb tuag ob peb hnub lubhlwb sab laug tawg tibsi lawm. hmoov tsis tau tas dabtsev tsis tso lus ces thiaj tseem ciaj2 tuag tsis tau xwb ov.

thaum kuv vwm 10./2010 ob tug klos nriog kuv tham mas nkawv tias kuv tus plig tsis nyiam kuv lub npe ces nws khiav tsis tau rov qab tabsis nws nyob hauv tsev saib ntsoov nraum zoov npaj khiav tawm xwb. nws ib sij khiav ib zaug tabsis khiavli cas los tsis dim vim kuv muaj dabvajtse thaiv zoo. tus plig saib2 ntawm qhov rais yog nws pom tias dabtse tsis nco pom lawm no ces tus plig tib plaws nraum zov. yog nws tseem nyob ze2 ntawm tsev ces dab tsev nqa ntaj nqa hmuv mus thaiv kev kiag tus plig ces ntsej muag ntsaus kiag rov qab los zaum hauv tsev. yog tus plig cauj zog mus deb zog tsev lawm no ces dabtsis tsis muaj authority mus caum lawm. dabtsis qw kuv txivob phiaj neeb uas nws muab tsio tseg rau ntawm kuv tsev nov. dabtsev qw phiaj neeb hnov ces phiaj neeb dhia mus thaiv kev tus plig kawg rov qab los zaum hauv tsev. nkawv hais mas tus okug uv sij dhia tawm ib zaug tabsis dhia tawm tsawg zaus los mag ntes mag thaiv rovlos tsev kom kuv hloov npe nrawm2 no ces 4/2012 kuvthiaj hloov dua ib lub npe los hu ua txawjsua no lawm ceslub tubpos plam mus ua npe meskas lawm xwb. ntaubntawv driver LC thiab social thiaj tseem yog tubpos xwb.

kuv twb simn kuv yuavkluag tuag thaum kuv tso pa release kuv lub cev thiab kuv pw nti ces lub cev lub hlwb ploj kiag tsis hnovli lawm.

YOG SAWV DAWSD CHIM2 LOS TXHOB ROV TUA NEJ TUS KHEEJ LI KUV NAWB. TUAG TIAG2 IV vim kuv tus bniam ntxawm twb tuag lawm tiag2 thaum nws hlub2 plhws2 nws cov menyuam txhua zog lawm. nws kom lawv nyob lawv sib hklub nws ces ncaim mus lawm no. nws kuj tsis yog completely los nws lub voice. nws lose feem ntau tabsis nws tseem qw tauthiab haisluslo puav tau. nws hlub2 plhws nws cov menyuam tas ces nws pw nti tus siav tas kiag lawm. neg lub siab rov tua neeg mas mus zoo diam ov. lub hlwb cia li tsis hnov tsis paub dabtsi lawm lub plaqws ces kawg nres sai2.

CIA KUV TUA KUV IBZAUG XWB nej txhob tua nej lawm ov.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 09:49:00 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 10:11:33 PM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 7:57:21 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> >
> > > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > >
> >
> > > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > >
> >
> > > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > >
> >
> > > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > >
> >
> > > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > >
> >
> > > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > >
> >
> > > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > >
> >
> > > history now!!
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > >
> >
> > > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > >
> >
> > > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > >
> >
> > > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > >
> >
> > > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > >
> >
> > > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > >
> >
> > > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > >
> >
> > > hauv SCH no.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > du
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dr. Suav;
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Koj yuav tsum paub Idonotknown xwb. Idonotknown lub npe hu ua TPX, TPX, Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab Yias Yaj lawv 3 tug no yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School (1991). Yeej Viset Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, Cai Vwj thiab Kab Yeeb Vaj lawv yog phaum tom qab (1992) lawm. Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob Edison mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris ces yog Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor tus txiv) thiab Cai Vwj (Cai Vam Hawj Vwj) lawv peb yawm no xwb. Idonotknown mas yawg muaj mob nyhav, muaj txoj hmoo es yawg thiaj tawm tau tuaj hauv SCH no. Tsis li ntawd ces yawg zoo li txiv Neej Fwm me lawm.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Vajncuab5
> tsis muaj hmoo ces kuv twb bye2 ntxov 2006 lawm vim kuv ib sab hlwb twb mag phais thiab tshuav lub pob txa tau bhau sab xis khoob2 lawm xwb. mus kev ces mus tau ib ruam xwb ruam ob ces ntog poog hauv floor. tau ze 7 xyoo no ces ho khees zog mus kev li 10+ ruam los tau me2 lawm. thaum mag phua hlwb tas kuv pw ib week tsis hnov tim tsev kho mob ICU. thjaum tsim los kuv sim mus siv chav dej na ob ruam kuvlub hauv caug yoj2 li yuav dam kuv lub cev nroov poog hauv floor. sab hlwb xis mag phais ces sab cev sab laug plam tsis muaj signal saum lub hlwb kom lees tias sab laug tseem yog kuv lub cev. ntshav cia li tsis khiav rau sab laug kom txaus sab laug ces txias2 li yuav lwj. kuv hnov thawj zaug mas txias kuv tab muab khaws cuam pov tseg. cuam li cas los nws pheej tsis mus tom trashcan. kuv mam kom kuv poj nianm nqa mus pov tseg. kuv ploj niam tias nov yog koj sab teslaug. koj yuav kom jmuab pov tseg li cas na? kuv muab saib2 ua cas ho txuas los rau kuv lub xwb pwg sab laug tiag. tabsis sab laug tsis hnov mob heev yog yus muab de/npaws. kuv kom poj niam mus tim tsev no ces nqa ib rab chav noj mov tuaj rau kuv mam muab hlais kom tu tau no mam muab pov tseg. vim twb tsias mob heev rau sab laug ces yuav hlais tau xwb. poj niam tsis kam ua li kuv hais nws tseem muab kuv lub tswv8 mus foob 6 kuv txiv lawv xwb. ib tsam ces kuv mag LEJ thab npas LOJ2 xwb ntag. nyob tau ib hli tim tsev kho mob kuv thiaj tau los tsev. nyob2 txog 2008 kuv tiaj mus kho mob ib zaug tim thaibteb. hom no mas tsis muaj tshuaj kho kom zoo nyob qab ntuj no raws li kuv vwm ob tug los nrog kuv tham.
> KEV KAWM NTAWV nyob tim meskas mas kuj lomzem kawg vim kawm tau 4 xyoo high school kuv tau ib tug B rau hob ENGLISH dhau li ces yog A thiab A+ lawm. cov top10 ces muaj ib tug poj meskas thiaj tau gpa siab dua kuv tus gpa xwb. kuv mas muaj siab kawm kawg. kawm tas tseem nqa Edison tus scholarship uas yog tus most pretage and hardest to win vim yog yuac kom cov nai khu txhua tus vote. ces yog yus tsis popular rau cov nai khu coob tus yus kawg swb tseeb2. tus no mas yog 500$ xwb ntawm nyiaj tabsis ntawm ranking mas mrskas ntxub thiab nyiam peb hmoob zaum ntawd vim hmoob tseem nqa tus nyuaj lawm tib si. ciov niag muaj poj niam menyuam tim ub mam tuaj kawm pib grade 9 tseem ua meskas swb mas txaus lawv chim thiab nyiam kawg lawm. txog sij hawm peb mus nram gym. tim high school meskas muab pingpong los rau peb ntau. kuv tseem uab menyuam meskas cab2 ib tsam. yog ob tug TA thiaj yeej kuv xwb. lawv tias vim li cas kuv ho keej ping pong . kuv tias kuv ntau pingpong tshaj 6 hli lawm vim tim phabnab kuv yeej nrog khabmeem ntau los lawv ntev. dhau lub serve lawm no ces meskas kuj keej kawg tabsis tim high school lawv tsis kom peb yuav tsum pov lub ball 5 inche siab mam serve li ces kuv cheat kiag xwb. tuav ball tsis povli cia li nplawm kom mus 6 tom meskas tog xwb mas ball cauj kawg meskas ces txais tsis tau li. yog pov lub bal kom siab 5 inches li txoj CAI pingpong mas ho ntau tsis tau lub cheat nrawm2 li ntawd. tsam no kuv ydem nplooj lawm ces sawv daws lom zem nawb. kuv ces kawg coj menyuam mus kawm tom U thiab mus nuv ntses. lub hlwb mas yog #1 ntawm neeglub cev. yog piam ib qhov me2 xwb los nyhavkawm lawm. thaum kuv nyob normal kuv mus simIQ test mas kuj tau 159 . tom qab no kuv mob tas musapply rau retirement lawv mandate kom kuv mus ntsib cov braib specialist. lawv test kuv IQ twb opoob los yog 129 lawm xwb. muab xav tias BUSH yog 99 xwb noces thiaj lam ciaj sia nyob. july/2/2010 kuv twb tua kuv ib zaug yuav luag tuag. TSIS YOG MUAB RIAM PHOM TUA. kuv tua kuv hauv lub hlwb xwb. kuv pw saum txaj kuv poj niam ntxuav taisdiav hauv kitchen. ib level sab hauv qab. kuv hu kom nws los kuv txib nws. nws teb huj hav xwbntev loo nws tsis los saum txaj li kuv hais. chim kuv siab tsawv. kuv tsis hais lus nrov. TABSIS kuv hais rau kuv hauv siab tias cas yuav laj tu kuv tas npaud li ne. kuv hu kom los kuv txib me2 xwb tsis kam los kiag los kav liam. tus no mas kuv tsis kk nws li lawm. kuv mas yoo tsis nrog nws hais lus lawm. nws yuav los saum txaj no thiab tsis los kom kuv txibv los kavliam. kuv release kuv lub zog thiab tso klub cev plam pw nti saum txa kuv hais 6 kuv lub siab tias. kuv tua tam sim no mus. nws los pom ces nws twb tsis tau kuv ib lo lus lawm. ntawd tiog yam kuv cim tau kuv hais 6 uv tus kheej. kuv ces ntuj ntsiag to lawm. kuv tsim ces kuv twb nyob tim hospital. dr tias kuv lub hlwb sab laug tawg lawm. DR kom phais no tabsis lawv hu kuv txiv thiab kuv tij klaug nkawv refuse kom txhob sign operation paper ces dr tsis tau muab kuv phais. kuv mus pw tau 3 weeks kuv mam dim los tsev rau zaum ob ntawd.
> nej xav tias DAG los kuv tias tiag2 vim kuv tus niam ntxawm. uas yog kuv txiv tus kwv tus poj niam nws twb tua nws tuag. siv hlwb nkaus xwb. nws mob stroke ib yam kuv. nws twb zoo khees zog los nyob tim tsevlawm xwb. tabsis nws mas stroke sab hlwb laug ces nws sab cev sab xis tuag tsis ua hauj lwm lawm . nws chim heev vim yuav noj mov los tseem tos kom nws tsevneeg hais rau rab diab pub nws mam noj tau. muaj ib hnub chim nws siab dhau lawm ces nws piav tes)tsis txawj hai lusli lawm) nws piav kom nws cov menyuam los nrog nws tham. nws cov menyuam los cav thiam ib tug los ze nws nrog nws tham. leej twg los txog ntawm nws ib sab ces nws cev tes mus plhws2 tus menyum lub tau b hau. nws plhws2 cov menyuam txhij tas ces nws release nws lub cev pw kiag saunm txaj. sia tu tam sim ntawd lawm. tuah tiag. yog neeg lub siab rov tua nws tus kheej. kuv pom ob case lawm case ib yog tus niam ntxawm case ob yog kuv tua kuv hauv siab kuv twb tuag ob peb hnub lubhlwb sab laug tawg tibsi lawm. hmoov tsis tau tas dabtsev tsis tso lus ces thiaj tseem ciaj2 tuag tsis tau xwb ov.
> thaum kuv vwm 10./2010 ob tug klos nriog kuv tham mas nkawv tias kuv tus plig tsis nyiam kuv lub npe ces nws khiav tsis tau rov qab tabsis nws nyob hauv tsev saib ntsoov nraum zoov npaj khiav tawm xwb. nws ib sij khiav ib zaug tabsis khiavli cas los tsis dim vim kuv muaj dabvajtse thaiv zoo. tus plig saib2 ntawm qhov rais yog nws pom tias dabtse tsis nco pom lawm no ces tus plig tib plaws nraum zov. yog nws tseem nyob ze2 ntawm tsev ces dab tsev nqa ntaj nqa hmuv mus thaiv kev kiag tus plig ces ntsej muag ntsaus kiag rov qab los zaum hauv tsev. yog tus plig cauj zog mus deb zog tsev lawm no ces dabtsis tsis muaj authority mus caum lawm. dabtsis qw kuv txivob phiaj neeb uas nws muab tsio tseg rau ntawm kuv tsev nov. dabtsev qw phiaj neeb hnov ces phiaj neeb dhia mus thaiv kev tus plig kawg rov qab los zaum hauv tsev. nkawv hais mas tus okug uv sij dhia tawm ib zaug tabsis dhia tawm tsawg zaus los mag ntes mag thaiv rovlos tsev kom kuv hloov npe nrawm2 no ces 4/2012 kuvthiaj hloov dua ib lub npe los hu ua txawjsua no lawm ceslub tubpos plam mus ua npe meskas lawm xwb. ntaubntawv driver LC thiab social thiaj tseem yog tubpos xwb.
> kuv twb simn kuv yuavkluag tuag thaum kuv tso pa release kuv lub cev thiab kuv pw nti ces lub cev lub hlwb ploj kiag tsis hnovli lawm.
> YOG SAWV DAWSD CHIM2 LOS TXHOB ROV TUA NEJ TUS KHEEJ LI KUV NAWB. TUAG TIAG2 IV vim kuv tus bniam ntxawm twb tuag lawm tiag2 thaum nws hlub2 plhws2 nws cov menyuam txhua zog lawm. nws kom lawv nyob lawv sib hklub nws ces ncaim mus lawm no. nws kuj tsis yog completely los nws lub voice. nws lose feem ntau tabsis nws tseem qw tauthiab haisluslo puav tau. nws hlub2 plhws nws cov menyuam tas ces nws pw nti tus siav tas kiag lawm. neg lub siab rov tua neeg mas mus zoo diam ov. lub hlwb cia li tsis hnov tsis paub dabtsi lawm lub plaqws ces kawg nres sai2.
> CIA KUV TUA KUV IBZAUG XWB nej txhob tua nej lawm ov.


ne2 tos li tau B raug ENGLISH los sau ntawv meskas yuam kev l no ntag lau...

PRETAGE== prestige
2013-04-04 13:19:12 UTC
brother idonotknow-- tseeb nawb. koj thiab kuv peb yog cov tseem tseem cobfab es muab siav ciaj pauv siab tuag khiav tau tawm nplog teb puag tom qab no tuaj rau thaib teb ces mam li tuaj rau mekas teb no. thaum peb tuaj txog mekas teb no ces peb twb yog tib co yawg thaub laus laus lawm xwb. peb ib txhia twb tsis tau kawm high school, tseem mus kawm GED tas mam mus rau college.

peb yeej yog cov laus tshaj, tab sis peb yog cov siv zog kawm ntawv tshaj thiab kawm tau zoo tshaj yog muab piv rau peb tej me nyuam tam sim no nawb. kuv los kuv yog yeej ib tug tau honor roll nyob high school. thaum kuv kawm tag high school, kuv kuj tau 4 year scholarship mus kawm college thiab. thaum kuv kawm tag college, kuv kuj tau honor, "Cum Laude" thiab. raws li kuv paub, nyob rau college tsuas muaj 3 levels of honor li no xwb sub. highest honor ces yog summa cum laude, follow by magna cum laude then cum laude. kuv kuj tau the lowest one, "cum laude." nyob rau peb class tas xyoo ntawd kuj muaj li 15-16 tus me nyuam hmoob tas nrog kuv thiab tab sis tsuas muaj 1 tug me nyuam hmoob thiab kuv thiaj tau "cum laude" xwb. cum laude mas yus tus cgpa yuav tsum yog 3.65 - 3.80 thiaj tau thiab ov. ho me nyuam mekas kuj pom muaj li 10 tawm tus tau thiab xwb sub. yog leej twg tau cum laude ces yeej tau 2 txog hlua daj daj. ho cov tsis tau ces tsuas tau 2 txog hlua xiav xiav xwb. cov tau siab tshaj ntawd kuj tsis pom muaj thiab.

hais txog qhov kawm ntawv siv zog thiab nyhav mas kuv yeej pom li koj hais nawb. raws li pom thiab paub mas peb phaum ntawd yeej kawm ntawd nyhav thiab ziv zog tshaj plaws li. kuv kiag yog kuv tsis txhob muaj mob li koj hais ces tam sim no kuv yeej tau ph.d. lawm. lub sij hawm kuv kawm college siv siv zog ntawm kuv ci li mob mob taub hau tas zog li. lub caij thaum yus twm ntawv kuj tsis mob thiab, tab sis lub caij thaum yus los sau tej long paper project es pheej ke xav ke sau ntawd ces xav xav thiab sau sau ib chim ces txawm mob tuaj lawm ntag no. mob mob ces kuv tau mus pw hoo maum 2 zaug ces 1 tug doctor los hais rau kuv tias qhov zoo kom kuv txhob kawm ntawv ntxiv lawm yuav zoo dua no ces thaum kuv kawm tag college, kuv thiaj txiav txim siab tsis kawm tauj lawm.

tab sis txawm kuv tsis tau kawm tauj ntxiv lawm los kuv kuj muaj kuv 1 lub goal. tam sim no kuv kuj achieved kuv cov me nyuam goals tag lawm thiab xws li yus kuj tau mus nyob tej chaws nrug nroog loj, them tas yus tej vaj tse, tsheb, thiab kuj nyob xws teb xws chaw lawm thiab. me nyuam neeg cob fab thiab phaub haib phaub na xwb ces lam nyob li no.

by the way, twb yuav txog summer. npaj es koj tuaj coj kuv wb mus nuv white bass pem devil lake, north dakota nawb.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 14:39:14 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:19:12 AM UTC-5, ***@aol.com wrote:
> brother idonotknow-- tseeb nawb. koj thiab kuv peb yog cov tseem tseem cobfab es muab siav ciaj pauv siab tuag khiav tau tawm nplog teb puag tom qab no tuaj rau thaib teb ces mam li tuaj rau mekas teb no. thaum peb tuaj txog mekas teb no ces peb twb yog tib co yawg thaub laus laus lawm xwb. peb ib txhia twb tsis tau kawm high school, tseem mus kawm GED tas mam mus rau college.
> peb yeej yog cov laus tshaj, tab sis peb yog cov siv zog kawm ntawv tshaj thiab kawm tau zoo tshaj yog muab piv rau peb tej me nyuam tam sim no nawb. kuv los kuv yog yeej ib tug tau honor roll nyob high school. thaum kuv kawm tag high school, kuv kuj tau 4 year scholarship mus kawm college thiab. thaum kuv kawm tag college, kuv kuj tau honor, "Cum Laude" thiab. raws li kuv paub, nyob rau college tsuas muaj 3 levels of honor li no xwb sub. highest honor ces yog summa cum laude, follow by magna cum laude then cum laude. kuv kuj tau the lowest one, "cum laude." nyob rau peb class tas xyoo ntawd kuj muaj li 15-16 tus me nyuam hmoob tas nrog kuv thiab tab sis tsuas muaj 1 tug me nyuam hmoob thiab kuv thiaj tau "cum laude" xwb. cum laude mas yus tus cgpa yuav tsum yog 3.65 - 3.80 thiaj tau thiab ov. ho me nyuam mekas kuj pom muaj li 10 tawm tus tau thiab xwb sub. yog leej twg tau cum laude ces yeej tau 2 txog hlua daj daj. ho cov tsis tau ces tsuas tau 2 txog hlua xiav xiav xwb. cov tau siab tshaj ntawd kuj tsis pom muaj thiab.
> hais txog qhov kawm ntawv siv zog thiab nyhav mas kuv yeej pom li koj hais nawb. raws li pom thiab paub mas peb phaum ntawd yeej kawm ntawd nyhav thiab ziv zog tshaj plaws li. kuv kiag yog kuv tsis txhob muaj mob li koj hais ces tam sim no kuv yeej tau ph.d. lawm. lub sij hawm kuv kawm college siv siv zog ntawm kuv ci li mob mob taub hau tas zog li. lub caij thaum yus twm ntawv kuj tsis mob thiab, tab sis lub caij thaum yus los sau tej long paper project es pheej ke xav ke sau ntawd ces xav xav thiab sau sau ib chim ces txawm mob tuaj lawm ntag no. mob mob ces kuv tau mus pw hoo maum 2 zaug ces 1 tug doctor los hais rau kuv tias qhov zoo kom kuv txhob kawm ntawv ntxiv lawm yuav zoo dua no ces thaum kuv kawm tag college, kuv thiaj txiav txim siab tsis kawm tauj lawm.
> tab sis txawm kuv tsis tau kawm tauj ntxiv lawm los kuv kuj muaj kuv 1 lub goal. tam sim no kuv kuj achieved kuv cov me nyuam goals tag lawm thiab xws li yus kuj tau mus nyob tej chaws nrug nroog loj, them tas yus tej vaj tse, tsheb, thiab kuj nyob xws teb xws chaw lawm thiab. me nyuam neeg cob fab thiab phaub haib phaub na xwb ces lam nyob li no.
> by the way, twb yuav txog summer. npaj es koj tuaj coj kuv wb mus nuv white bass pem devil lake, north dakota nawb.

DEVILS lake ND mas kuv twb mus nuv ib zaug tau 7-8 las los lawm. peb tsav ob lub truck mus thauj ntses los nyhav tiag2 tsheb lub taubhau tsa vim nyhav yav pob tw heev. peb coj ntses los noj tau 3-4 xyoo mam tas. lwm yam ntses li walleye mas kuj tsis coob heev. nyob2 mag ib tug xwb TABSIS WHITE NASS mas tau ntau. qhov tsis nyiam puas tsawg mas yuav tau tsa tsheb li 6-7 hours mas ntev thiab deb zog lawm xwb. zaum tas los ntawd peb mus pw hotel ib hmo thiab nuv ntses 2 hnub thiaj txaus thauj. thaum mag mas cuam nuv 6 tom pas dej zoo li tsis sav ib zaug li. thaum tsis mag mas zov2 li 10 tawm nasthis los kuj tsis mag. peb siv menyuam ntses nuv xwb.

koj hais li ntawd es koj nyob qhov teg na? kuv ces nyob ze ntawmkev
University ntawm LAOFAMILY LUB OFFICE NYOB ST.PAUL NOV XWB. ntawm sab nroog lawv hu ua FROGTOWN nov mas hmoob coob thiab khw hmoob mas ntau heev tom kev University. tsam no los retire li no lawm ces nyob hauv tsev thiab tuaj zov computer saib SCH thiab youtube lawm xwb.

koj kuj tseem khees mus kawm tom U tseem tau grade zoo hos kuv mas twb yuav luag tsis pass cov classes kom tas kom kuv qualify graduate rau 1995. tom U ces tsis pom kuv cov 4.0 los siab dua tim HS li lawm. kuv ces twb rhiab2 tsam plam 2.0 lawv tseem muab kuv cov financial aid txiav tawm kawg. ntshai li ntawd kuv thiaj ntsub2 tsis pw li tau ib week kom kuv txhob mag txiav tawm financial aid. thaum muaj ib yam li financial aid los control yus lub siab mas yus nco tsim duj diav tias yuav plam yuav plam no mas mobsiab kawm kawg. mobsiab kawm kawg los 6siab mus nuv ntses kawg vim lub lake tom U tsav tsheb li 30-45 minutes xwb txog lawm ces 2PM class tas mam dhia cauj2 mus nuv ntses tom lake txog li 6-7PM mam rov los tsev. kuv mus nyob tom U ces nuv ntses li ntawd 4 xyoo ntses ces tsis muaj freezer txaus ntim ntses. thawj ib ob xyoo mas yuav extra freezer los ntim ntses. 2 xyoo tom qab ces. muab ntses thau los luas fillet pb txha pov tseg tas. thiaj rov tau freezer rau ntses dua. xav txog lub nroog tom U morris mas me tiag vim population yog 5k xwb cov student pem U twb yog 3k lawm.

thaqwj2 xyoo kuv mus kawm tom U mas kuv mus xauj ib lub tsev CAB nyob tom ntug nroog morris nyob nroog meskas daim hav pob kws xwb mas nyob tau khosiab kawg 6 thaum lub 6-10 hli ntuj. thaum 11-3 hlis ntuj mas ho ntshai2 snow. ob peb hli tas los kuv mus ncig tej qub chaw seb zooli cas thib yog yuav coj ob tug menyuam mus kawm tom U no yuav mus nyob qhov twg. kuv mam mus saib na tsis muaj tsev CAB lub park lawm. lawv muab ntsaig lawm du lug. yog coj menyuam rov mus lub U tom MORRIS CES KAWG NYOB HAUV ZOS LAWM XWB ZAUM NO. HAUV ZOS MAS HO TSIS NTXIM NYOB NPAUM LI TOM TEB COV TSEV cab. THAUM I COV TSEV cab MAS LUB 6-10 HLI NTUJ MAS KUV NYOB NRAU ZOOV NRAUM PARKING XWB VIM HUAB CUA ZOO HEEV NROG RAU MESKAS CIOV POB KWS CUA TUAJ NPLAWM NTIA MAS TXIAS ZIAS NTXIM NYIAM KAWG LI OV.
2013-04-04 13:19:51 UTC
On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 7:57:21 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Dr. Suav;
> Koj yuav tsum paub Idonotknown xwb. Idonotknown lub npe hu ua TPX, TPX, Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab Yias Yaj lawv 3 tug no yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School (1991). Yeej Viset Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, Cai Vwj thiab Kab Yeeb Vaj lawv yog phaum tom qab (1992) lawm. Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob Edison mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris ces yog Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor tus txiv) thiab Cai Vwj (Cai Vam Hawj Vwj) lawv peb yawm no xwb. Idonotknown mas yawg muaj mob nyhav, muaj txoj hmoo es yawg thiaj tawm tau tuaj hauv SCH no. Tsis li ntawd ces yawg zoo li txiv Neej Fwm me lawm.
> Vajncuab5

Vajncuab, ua tsaug uas koj piav qhia txog Idonotknow. Kuv paub yawg zoo thaum lawv kawm ntawv nyob Edison, yawg yog ib tug menyuam Hmoob ua rau siab heev thiab kawm tau ntawv zoo kawg. Lub sijhawm ntawd lawv tsis pub cov menyuam kawm ntawv uas muaj hnub nyoog dhau 18 xyoo kawm thiab tsis pub nyiaj Welfare rau lawv noj, kuv txawj yog tus coj lawv mus hais tim State thiab nram County thiab muab lawv cov age hloov kom me dua 18 xyoo thiaj tau kawm kom tag high school li koj dab laug Tuaj Zeej lawv cov no los mas. Lawv phaum ntawd yog cov hluas uas yeej loj hlob paub tab nyob yeej Vinai-Thaib Teb tuaj, lawv paub ntawd Thaib, ntawv Suav, ntawv Askiv. Lawv tuaj kawm ntawv tebchaw no tsis nyuaj rau lawv heev.
Me kwv ntxawg Idonotknow (TPX), kuv tsis paub hais tias koj muaj mob li nawb. Xav hais tias koj kawm tag college ces tau haujlwm zoo, lub neej vammeej lawm no xwb. Yog muaj sijhawm hu xovtooj tuaj xyuas tim laug nawb. Timlaug tseem ua haujlwm qhov qub....
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 14:59:31 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:19:51 AM UTC-5, Soua wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 7:57:21 PM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> >
> > > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > >
> >
> > > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > >
> >
> > > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > >
> >
> > > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > >
> >
> > > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > >
> >
> > > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > >
> >
> > > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > >
> >
> > > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > >
> >
> > > history now!!
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > >
> >
> > > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > >
> >
> > > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > >
> >
> > > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > >
> >
> > > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > >
> >
> > > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > >
> >
> > > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > >
> >
> > > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > >
> >
> > > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > >
> >
> > > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > >
> >
> > > hauv SCH no.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > du
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dr. Suav;
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Koj yuav tsum paub Idonotknown xwb. Idonotknown lub npe hu ua TPX, TPX, Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab Yias Yaj lawv 3 tug no yog cov top teen nyob Edison High School (1991). Yeej Viset Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj, Cai Vwj thiab Kab Yeeb Vaj lawv yog phaum tom qab (1992) lawm. Cov menyuam Hmoob nyob Edison mus kawm Computer Science nyob University of Minnesota-Morris ces yog Tub Pos Xyooj, Ceeb Lauj (Dr, Yer Moua-Lor tus txiv) thiab Cai Vwj (Cai Vam Hawj Vwj) lawv peb yawm no xwb. Idonotknown mas yawg muaj mob nyhav, muaj txoj hmoo es yawg thiaj tawm tau tuaj hauv SCH no. Tsis li ntawd ces yawg zoo li txiv Neej Fwm me lawm.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Vajncuab5
> Vajncuab, ua tsaug uas koj piav qhia txog Idonotknow. Kuv paub yawg zoo thaum lawv kawm ntawv nyob Edison, yawg yog ib tug menyuam Hmoob ua rau siab heev thiab kawm tau ntawv zoo kawg. Lub sijhawm ntawd lawv tsis pub cov menyuam kawm ntawv uas muaj hnub nyoog dhau 18 xyoo kawm thiab tsis pub nyiaj Welfare rau lawv noj, kuv txawj yog tus coj lawv mus hais tim State thiab nram County thiab muab lawv cov age hloov kom me dua 18 xyoo thiaj tau kawm kom tag high school li koj dab laug Tuaj Zeej lawv cov no los mas. Lawv phaum ntawd yog cov hluas uas yeej loj hlob paub tab nyob yeej Vinai-Thaib Teb tuaj, lawv paub ntawd Thaib, ntawv Suav, ntawv Askiv. Lawv tuaj kawm ntawv tebchaw no tsis nyuaj rau lawv heev.
> Me kwv ntxawg Idonotknow (TPX), kuv tsis paub hais tias koj muaj mob li nawb. Xav hais tias koj kawm tag college ces tau haujlwm zoo, lub neej vammeej lawm no xwb. Yog muaj sijhawm hu xovtooj tuaj xyuas tim laug nawb. Timlaug tseem ua haujlwm qhov qub....

KUV CES KAWM TAS TOM u THAUM 1995 LOS UA NUM KUJ TAU LI SIAB NYIAM THIAB MAS. YOG 2006 KUV MOB STROKE MAG PHUA HLWB SAB XIS CES LUB CEV SAB LAUG NTI tsis tau li lawm. 7/2010 kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB LUB HLWB ROV TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ. Tua tau yooj8 kawg. yog chim siab me2 thiab yus txo kiag yus lub zog. yus lub cev plam pw kiag ces yus tsis hnov dabtsi li lawm tsim los ces twb pw tim tsev kho mob ntau hnub lawm xwb. zaum ob kuv twb yuav luag mag phua hlwb sab laug ntxiv tabsis yog kuv tij laug thiab kuv txiv nkawv kom txhob sign operation PAPER NO CES DR kuj tsis tau phua kuv hlwb zaum ob ntawd. tau ze2 7 xyoo no lawm txij thaum phua hlwb sab xis los ces lub cev sab laug rov pib txawj nti taus me2 lawm tabsis tsis tau muaj zog txaus li. mus kev no ces heev kawg los mus ncig sofa tom chav nyob thiab mus siv chav dej xwb. deb dua ntawd ces tsis tau sim ib zaug li yeej paub tias lub cev no mus tsis tau kom deb tshaj tom chav nyob. poj niam thiab menyuam kom kuv mus taw ncig sofab ib hnub twg li5 ncig rau thawj week. ib week tom qab ces ntxiv kom kuv mus ncig sofa tom chav nyob li 10 ncig. ntxiv 5 ncig txhua week. tsam no kuv nyuam qhuav mus tau 25 ncig rau 3 lub sofa tom chav nyob rau thaum noj su thiab noj hmo. TABSIS tsis yog mus 25 ncig ua ib zaug mus ov. kuv ces mus 3-4 ncig ces zaum tom sofa li 3-4 minutes mam rov mus dua 3-4 ncig ntxiv. musli ntawd kom puv 25 ncig. mus puv 25 ncig mas SAB tiag. tuav rawv pas kom yuav ntog ces txheem nkaus thiaj tsis ntog xwb ov. yog tsis nrig pas ces mus 3 ncig xwb kawg zaum tsis hais mus 25 ncig li os. tsis zaum ces kawg nrov poog hauv floor.
2013-04-04 17:24:28 UTC

On Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:59:31 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> tau li lawm. 7/2010 kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub
> hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB
Koj tub mob pib los ntawm koj rau siab kawm ntawv dhau hwv lawm es HLWB thiaj PHWJ lawm. Thaum muaj mob lawm ces ho ntxiv DEPRESSION nrog thiab, koj thiaj xav NPO PA TUAG (TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ).

Raws li kuv twm koj cov ntawv mas, koj vuag ntau yam hwv. Koj txhawj txog tej yam sab nraum koj tus kheej ntau dua sab hauv koj nruab cev lawm. Tsis tsim nyog koj yoo dabntub zias mus nuv ntse los cia tsheej freezers, nrhiav sijhawm pw mentsis thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav txhawj txog koj tej scholarship ua luaj, what's gonna happen it's gonna happen, there is million other ways to make a living. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav npo pa tuag, vim poj niam los tsis raws siab xav xwb, that's a bag temper.

From now on, try to understand yourself more than problems surrounding you. Get rid of some unwanted messes. VajNcuab paub kuv zoo, kuv yeej yog ib tug neeg kawm tsis siab, tabsis, kuj tsis qis thiab. Luag paub txog twg, kuv kuj paub txog ntawd thiab. Luag khwv tau noj, kuv kuj khwv tau noj thiab. Vim kuv li kuv txhawj txog kuv qho HEALTH thiab kuv family tshaj lwm yam tag nrog. Yog koj stay in good health lawm ces daws tau tag nrho lwm yam teeb meem uas tshwm sim rau koj.

Be confident on yourself, change your nickname "idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู". If you do so, the negative perspective will be slowly removed from your mind, a new stage of life will be open in yourself.

I never regret anything in my life.

2013-04-04 17:51:10 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:24:28 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> idonotknow,
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:59:31 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> > tau li lawm. 7/2010 kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub
> > hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB
> Koj tub mob pib los ntawm koj rau siab kawm ntawv dhau hwv lawm es HLWB thiaj PHWJ lawm. Thaum muaj mob lawm ces ho ntxiv DEPRESSION nrog thiab, koj thiaj xav NPO PA TUAG (TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ).
> Raws li kuv twm koj cov ntawv mas, koj vuag ntau yam hwv. Koj txhawj txog tej yam sab nraum koj tus kheej ntau dua sab hauv koj nruab cev lawm. Tsis tsim nyog koj yoo dabntub zias mus nuv ntse los cia tsheej freezers, nrhiav sijhawm pw mentsis thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav txhawj txog koj tej scholarship ua luaj, what's gonna happen it's gonna happen, there is million other ways to make a living. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav npo pa tuag, vim poj niam los tsis raws siab xav xwb, that's a bag temper.
> From now on, try to understand yourself more than problems surrounding you. Get rid of some unwanted messes. VajNcuab paub kuv zoo, kuv yeej yog ib tug neeg kawm tsis siab, tabsis, kuj tsis qis thiab. Luag paub txog twg, kuv kuj paub txog ntawd thiab. Luag khwv tau noj, kuv kuj khwv tau noj thiab. Vim kuv li kuv txhawj txog kuv qho HEALTH thiab kuv family tshaj lwm yam tag nrog. Yog koj stay in good health lawm ces daws tau tag nrho lwm yam teeb meem uas tshwm sim rau koj.
> Be confident on yourself, change your nickname "idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู". If you do so, the negative perspective will be slowly removed from your mind, a new stage of life will be open in yourself.
> I never regret anything in my life.
> TseemYeej.

tus kwv Tub Pov Xyooj-Idonotknow no yog ib tug hluas kawm ntawv zoo kawg thaum hluas nws yeej tsis tham lus ntau kiag rau-au siab kawm ntawv thiab npaj lub neej kom zoo tabsis hmoov tsis muaj yawg tau ib tug mob lawm thiaj tuaj tham ntau-au hauv no xwb. Qhov nws pheej hais tias mus nuv ntse no kuv xav hais tias yawg lam tham xwb yawg yeej mus nuv tsis taus ntse lawm vim physically unable to do. Lub siab xav xwb te taw yeej pab tsis tau lawm. Qhov zoo ces peb txhua tus hauv lub zos SCH no yuav tau pab txhawb zog nrog yawg tham kom yawg txhob laj-j nyob, qhuas yawg txoj kev zoo ua kom yawg muaj kev cia siab.
Tub Pov, txhob tag kev cia siab txawj koj muaj mob ua tsis tau raws li koj lub siab ntsaw thiab npaj ntseg los vim yog yus txoj hmoov nawb. Ntuj yeej tsim ib leeg ib txoj hmoov. Qhov zoo ces koj tseem muaj txoj sia nyob pom koj tej menyuam loj hlob thiab nrog lawv tham qhia kom lawv rau siab kawm ntawv npaj lawv lub neej. Lawv mus kawm ntawv, mus haujlwm los txog tsev los koj ua txiv tseem nyob hauv tsev nrog lawv tham ua ib qhov chaw sov siab rau lawv.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 18:45:36 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:51:10 PM UTC-5, Soua wrote:
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:24:28 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> > idonotknow,
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:59:31 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > tau li lawm. 7/2010 kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub
> >
> > > hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB
> >
> >
> > Koj tub mob pib los ntawm koj rau siab kawm ntawv dhau hwv lawm es HLWB thiaj PHWJ lawm. Thaum muaj mob lawm ces ho ntxiv DEPRESSION nrog thiab, koj thiaj xav NPO PA TUAG (TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ).
> >
> >
> >
> > Raws li kuv twm koj cov ntawv mas, koj vuag ntau yam hwv. Koj txhawj txog tej yam sab nraum koj tus kheej ntau dua sab hauv koj nruab cev lawm. Tsis tsim nyog koj yoo dabntub zias mus nuv ntse los cia tsheej freezers, nrhiav sijhawm pw mentsis thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav txhawj txog koj tej scholarship ua luaj, what's gonna happen it's gonna happen, there is million other ways to make a living. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav npo pa tuag, vim poj niam los tsis raws siab xav xwb, that's a bag temper.
> >
> >
> >
> > From now on, try to understand yourself more than problems surrounding you. Get rid of some unwanted messes. VajNcuab paub kuv zoo, kuv yeej yog ib tug neeg kawm tsis siab, tabsis, kuj tsis qis thiab. Luag paub txog twg, kuv kuj paub txog ntawd thiab. Luag khwv tau noj, kuv kuj khwv tau noj thiab. Vim kuv li kuv txhawj txog kuv qho HEALTH thiab kuv family tshaj lwm yam tag nrog. Yog koj stay in good health lawm ces daws tau tag nrho lwm yam teeb meem uas tshwm sim rau koj.
> >
> >
> >
> > Be confident on yourself, change your nickname "idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู". If you do so, the negative perspective will be slowly removed from your mind, a new stage of life will be open in yourself.
> >
> >
> >
> > I never regret anything in my life.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > TseemYeej.
> TseemYeej,
> tus kwv Tub Pov Xyooj-Idonotknow no yog ib tug hluas kawm ntawv zoo kawg thaum hluas nws yeej tsis tham lus ntau kiag rau-au siab kawm ntawv thiab npaj lub neej kom zoo tabsis hmoov tsis muaj yawg tau ib tug mob lawm thiaj tuaj tham ntau-au hauv no xwb. Qhov nws pheej hais tias mus nuv ntse no kuv xav hais tias yawg lam tham xwb yawg yeej mus nuv tsis taus ntse lawm vim physically unable to do. Lub siab xav xwb te taw yeej pab tsis tau lawm. Qhov zoo ces peb txhua tus hauv lub zos SCH no yuav tau pab txhawb zog nrog yawg tham kom yawg txhob laj-j nyob, qhuas yawg txoj kev zoo ua kom yawg muaj kev cia siab.
> Tub Pov, txhob tag kev cia siab txawj koj muaj mob ua tsis tau raws li koj lub siab ntsaw thiab npaj ntseg los vim yog yus txoj hmoov nawb. Ntuj yeej tsim ib leeg ib txoj hmoov. Qhov zoo ces koj tseem muaj txoj sia nyob pom koj tej menyuam loj hlob thiab nrog lawv tham qhia kom lawv rau siab kawm ntawv npaj lawv lub neej. Lawv mus kawm ntawv, mus haujlwm los txog tsev los koj ua txiv tseem nyob hauv tsev nrog lawv tham ua ib qhov chaw sov siab rau lawv.

QHOV KUV THAM NTAU2 MAS YOG THAUM KUV LUB HLWB SABLAUG TAWG NTAG. THAUM KUV SAB HLWB LAUG TAWG MUS TXOG TIM TSEV KHO MOB dr YEEJ hais tias kuv mas sab hlwb laug stroke mas muaj ibyam yuav txawv dua thaum kuv tsis mob stroke 6 sab laug. qhov txawv yog kuv yuav tham ntau2. thiab yog leej xav nrog kuv debate no ces siv 4x efford vim kuv lub hlwb twb hloov mus 2x-4x rau fab debate lawm.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 18:55:24 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 1:45:36 PM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:51:10 PM UTC-5, Soua wrote:
> > On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:24:28 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> >
> > > idonotknow,
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > On Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:59:31 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > tau li lawm. 7/2010 kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Koj tub mob pib los ntawm koj rau siab kawm ntawv dhau hwv lawm es HLWB thiaj PHWJ lawm. Thaum muaj mob lawm ces ho ntxiv DEPRESSION nrog thiab, koj thiaj xav NPO PA TUAG (TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ).
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Raws li kuv twm koj cov ntawv mas, koj vuag ntau yam hwv. Koj txhawj txog tej yam sab nraum koj tus kheej ntau dua sab hauv koj nruab cev lawm. Tsis tsim nyog koj yoo dabntub zias mus nuv ntse los cia tsheej freezers, nrhiav sijhawm pw mentsis thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav txhawj txog koj tej scholarship ua luaj, what's gonna happen it's gonna happen, there is million other ways to make a living. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav npo pa tuag, vim poj niam los tsis raws siab xav xwb, that's a bag temper.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > From now on, try to understand yourself more than problems surrounding you. Get rid of some unwanted messes. VajNcuab paub kuv zoo, kuv yeej yog ib tug neeg kawm tsis siab, tabsis, kuj tsis qis thiab. Luag paub txog twg, kuv kuj paub txog ntawd thiab. Luag khwv tau noj, kuv kuj khwv tau noj thiab. Vim kuv li kuv txhawj txog kuv qho HEALTH thiab kuv family tshaj lwm yam tag nrog. Yog koj stay in good health lawm ces daws tau tag nrho lwm yam teeb meem uas tshwm sim rau koj.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Be confident on yourself, change your nickname "idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู". If you do so, the negative perspective will be slowly removed from your mind, a new stage of life will be open in yourself.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I never regret anything in my life.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > TseemYeej.
> >
> >
> >
> > TseemYeej,
> >
> > tus kwv Tub Pov Xyooj-Idonotknow no yog ib tug hluas kawm ntawv zoo kawg thaum hluas nws yeej tsis tham lus ntau kiag rau-au siab kawm ntawv thiab npaj lub neej kom zoo tabsis hmoov tsis muaj yawg tau ib tug mob lawm thiaj tuaj tham ntau-au hauv no xwb. Qhov nws pheej hais tias mus nuv ntse no kuv xav hais tias yawg lam tham xwb yawg yeej mus nuv tsis taus ntse lawm vim physically unable to do. Lub siab xav xwb te taw yeej pab tsis tau lawm. Qhov zoo ces peb txhua tus hauv lub zos SCH no yuav tau pab txhawb zog nrog yawg tham kom yawg txhob laj-j nyob, qhuas yawg txoj kev zoo ua kom yawg muaj kev cia siab.
> >
> > Tub Pov, txhob tag kev cia siab txawj koj muaj mob ua tsis tau raws li koj lub siab ntsaw thiab npaj ntseg los vim yog yus txoj hmoov nawb. Ntuj yeej tsim ib leeg ib txoj hmoov. Qhov zoo ces koj tseem muaj txoj sia nyob pom koj tej menyuam loj hlob thiab nrog lawv tham qhia kom lawv rau siab kawm ntawv npaj lawv lub neej. Lawv mus kawm ntawv, mus haujlwm los txog tsev los koj ua txiv tseem nyob hauv tsev nrog lawv tham ua ib qhov chaw sov siab rau lawv.
> QHOV KUV THAM NTAU2 MAS YOG THAUM KUV LUB HLWB SABLAUG TAWG NTAG. THAUM KUV SAB HLWB LAUG TAWG MUS TXOG TIM TSEV KHO MOB dr YEEJ hais tias kuv mas sab hlwb laug stroke mas muaj ibyam yuav txawv dua thaum kuv tsis mob stroke 6 sab laug. qhov txawv yog kuv yuav tham ntau2. thiab yog leej xav nrog kuv debate no ces siv 4x efford vim kuv lub hlwb twb hloov mus 2x-4x rau fab debate lawm.

ERROR AGAIN: ne2 seb ov tos tsis tau A rau ENGLISG efford==effort
2013-04-04 19:00:28 UTC
dr. suav-- tiag sav. kuv pom koj cov tawv npua teb lawm. koj sawv siv mus noj thaum twg es tsis qhia thiab tsis caw mus nrog koj noj nas yawg. ntxim qab kawg li. kuv twb yuav mus tim hawaii. nyob tim hawaii hnov tias lawv tseem muaj ib cov tawv npua teb ci tseem qab tshaj cov koj lawm thiab no. cia kuv mus saj tso thiab mam thaij duab los rau koj thiab phwvnawm saib nawb.

phwvnyawm-- ntev tsis tau mus qhib email lawm. nyuam qhuav mus saib dr. suav li ces mam li mus pom koj tsab lawm thiab mam teb koj nawb.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 19:44:53 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 2:00:28 PM UTC-5, ***@aol.com wrote:
> dr. suav-- tiag sav. kuv pom koj cov tawv npua teb lawm. koj sawv siv mus noj thaum twg es tsis qhia thiab tsis caw mus nrog koj noj nas yawg. ntxim qab kawg li. kuv twb yuav mus tim hawaii. nyob tim hawaii hnov tias lawv tseem muaj ib cov tawv npua teb ci tseem qab tshaj cov koj lawm thiab no. cia kuv mus saj tso thiab mam thaij duab los rau koj thiab phwvnawm saib nawb.
> phwvnyawm-- ntev tsis tau mus qhib email lawm. nyuam qhuav mus saib dr. suav li ces mam li mus pom koj tsab lawm thiab mam teb koj nawb.

leej twg muaj tawv npua teb zoo ci noj no ces yees VDO rau youtube peb pom thiab seb. kuv saib youtube mas pom cov hmoob CALI thiaj mus tua npuateb pem AV private kuj tau npua teb loj ntxim yuav muaj daim tawv zoo ci kawg thiab ntag. peb cov tsis nyob CALI ces kawg saib youtube xwb lau. nquag no ces lub 11 hlis mam mus zov nmoslwj thiab mus tiv SNOW no no nyob MN. mus tua nas thaum lub 9 hlis ntuj peb tseem tau turkey tib si (nyiag) 101%. muab dob thiab hau siav2 pem hav zoov mam nqa lauj kaub los6 sawv daws noj nram parking xwb. MN mas DNR muaj ticket drawing free kom neeg tua tus maum moslwj los tau. peb mus ib zaug li 10+ leej peb tua tau tshaj 20 tus mas ntau tiag2 vim ib leeg 2 daim pib. ib daim pib phaw ib daim pib maum. pib maum mas tua maum los tau tua phaw los tau. yuav kom yog normal marriage los tau yuav kom yog gay/lesbian los tau tibsi. nyob MN. TAWV NPUA TEB mas tsis muaj nyob MN tabsis siab moslwj ci mas #1 kawg. ci tau tsis tau noj mas tu siab nawb. thaum kuv hnov lawv piav xwb kuv xav tias tsis qab heev li lawv hais li os. thaum kuv tau noj ib zaug lawm. kuv mam paub tias qab tiag ov tos lawv hais li ntawd. peb mus tua moslwj mas kuv tsis ntsib cov phaw moslwj loj2 li . tus phaw kuv tua tau ces yog 6 ces xwb. dhauli ces yog maum moslwj xwb. rab 12 siv tus kav hlau slug xwb mas kuj muab zog kawg. tua moslwj mas lub qhov uas raug mos lwj loj haum lub nrig. moslwj tseem dhia nce toj nto ib lub roob. txog saum roob mos lwj mus sawv2 li ib nasthis mam ntog thiab dov toj rov los nram kwj ha. kuv ces yoo moslwj lawm os. kuv mus nuv ntses xwb zoo txaus lawm. cov 22 tim blog los tseg 6 nej. kuv mam mus tim thaib thiab pem suav.
2013-04-17 23:35:06 UTC
Pheej hmoo...

Every thing happens in life for a reason.
Li cas los life goes on... the GOOD stuffs are still waiting around
the corner. Go and get it!


On Apr 5, 4:45 am, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
<***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:51:10 PM UTC-5, Soua wrote:
> > On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:24:28 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> > > idonotknow,
> > > On Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:59:31 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> > > > tau li lawm. 7/2010  kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub
> > > > hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS  YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB
> > > Koj tub mob pib los ntawm koj rau siab kawm ntawv dhau hwv lawm es HLWB thiaj PHWJ lawm. Thaum muaj mob lawm ces ho ntxiv DEPRESSION nrog thiab, koj thiaj xav NPO PA TUAG (TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ).
> > > Raws li kuv twm koj cov ntawv mas, koj vuag ntau yam hwv. Koj txhawj txog tej yam sab nraum koj tus kheej ntau dua sab hauv koj nruab cev lawm. Tsis tsim nyog koj yoo dabntub zias mus nuv ntse los cia tsheej freezers, nrhiav sijhawm pw mentsis thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav txhawj txog koj tej scholarship ua luaj, what's gonna happen it's gonna happen, there is million other ways to make a living. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav npo pa tuag, vim poj niam los tsis raws siab xav xwb, that's a bag temper.
> > > From now on, try to understand yourself more than problems surrounding you. Get rid of some unwanted messes. VajNcuab paub kuv zoo, kuv yeej yog ib tug neeg kawm tsis siab, tabsis, kuj tsis qis thiab. Luag paub txog twg, kuv kuj paub txog ntawd thiab. Luag khwv tau noj, kuv kuj khwv tau noj thiab. Vim kuv li kuv txhawj txog kuv qho HEALTH thiab kuv family tshaj lwm yam tag nrog. Yog koj stay in good health lawm ces daws tau tag nrho lwm yam teeb meem uas tshwm sim rau koj.
> > > Be confident on yourself, change your nickname "idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู". If you do so, the negative perspective will be slowly removed from your mind, a new stage of life will be open in yourself.
> > > I never regret anything in my life.
> > > TseemYeej.
> > TseemYeej,
> > tus kwv Tub Pov Xyooj-Idonotknow no yog ib tug hluas kawm ntawv zoo kawg thaum hluas nws yeej tsis tham lus ntau kiag rau-au siab kawm ntawv thiab npaj lub neej kom zoo tabsis hmoov tsis muaj yawg tau ib tug mob lawm thiaj tuaj tham ntau-au hauv no xwb. Qhov nws pheej hais tias mus nuv ntse no kuv xav hais tias yawg lam tham xwb yawg yeej mus nuv tsis taus ntse lawm vim physically unable to do. Lub siab xav xwb te taw yeej pab tsis tau lawm. Qhov zoo ces peb txhua tus hauv lub zos SCH no yuav tau pab txhawb zog nrog yawg tham kom yawg txhob laj-j nyob, qhuas yawg txoj kev zoo ua kom yawg muaj kev cia siab.
> > Tub Pov, txhob tag kev cia siab txawj koj muaj mob ua tsis tau raws li koj lub siab ntsaw thiab npaj ntseg los vim yog yus txoj hmoov nawb. Ntuj yeej tsim ib leeg ib txoj hmoov. Qhov zoo ces koj tseem muaj txoj sia nyob pom koj tej menyuam loj hlob thiab nrog lawv tham qhia kom lawv rau siab kawm ntawv npaj lawv lub neej. Lawv mus kawm ntawv, mus haujlwm los txog tsev los koj ua txiv tseem nyob hauv tsev nrog lawv tham ua ib qhov chaw sov siab rau lawv.
> QHOV KUV THAM NTAU2 MAS YOG THAUM KUV LUB HLWB SABLAUG TAWG NTAG. THAUM KUV SAB HLWB LAUG TAWG MUS TXOG TIM TSEV KHO MOB dr YEEJ  hais tias kuv mas sab hlwb laug stroke mas muaj ibyam yuav txawv dua thaum kuv tsis mob stroke 6 sab laug. qhov txawv yog kuv yuav tham ntau2. thiab yog leej xav nrog kuv debate no ces siv 4x efford vim kuv lub hlwb twb hloov mus 2x-4x rau fab debate lawm.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 18:40:35 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:24:28 PM UTC-5, TseemYeej wrote:
> idonotknow,
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:59:31 AM UTC-7, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> > tau li lawm. 7/2010 kuv tseem tua kuv ib zaug. tuag ob peb hnub thiab lub
> > hlwb sab laug tawg tibsi LAWM. TSIS YOG SIV RIAM PHOM TUA OV. SIV LUB SIAB
> Koj tub mob pib los ntawm koj rau siab kawm ntawv dhau hwv lawm es HLWB thiaj PHWJ lawm. Thaum muaj mob lawm ces ho ntxiv DEPRESSION nrog thiab, koj thiaj xav NPO PA TUAG (TUA YUS TUS KHEEJ).
> Raws li kuv twm koj cov ntawv mas, koj vuag ntau yam hwv. Koj txhawj txog tej yam sab nraum koj tus kheej ntau dua sab hauv koj nruab cev lawm. Tsis tsim nyog koj yoo dabntub zias mus nuv ntse los cia tsheej freezers, nrhiav sijhawm pw mentsis thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav txhawj txog koj tej scholarship ua luaj, what's gonna happen it's gonna happen, there is million other ways to make a living. Tsis tsim nyog koj yuav npo pa tuag, vim poj niam los tsis raws siab xav xwb, that's a bag temper.
> From now on, try to understand yourself more than problems surrounding you. Get rid of some unwanted messes. VajNcuab paub kuv zoo, kuv yeej yog ib tug neeg kawm tsis siab, tabsis, kuj tsis qis thiab. Luag paub txog twg, kuv kuj paub txog ntawd thiab. Luag khwv tau noj, kuv kuj khwv tau noj thiab. Vim kuv li kuv txhawj txog kuv qho HEALTH thiab kuv family tshaj lwm yam tag nrog. Yog koj stay in good health lawm ces daws tau tag nrho lwm yam teeb meem uas tshwm sim rau koj.
> Be confident on yourself, change your nickname "idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู". If you do so, the negative perspective will be slowly removed from your mind, a new stage of life will be open in yourself.
> I never regret anything in my life.
> TseemYeej.

qhov koj hais vuag ntau mas MUAJ tseeb vim tsis yog koj hais xwb. kuv poj niam thiab tus tub hlob hais ib yam li koj hais. nkawv tias kuv mus txhawj2 kwvtij THIAB HMOOB lwm tus ntau dhau hos kuv mas tsis kk kuv tus kheej. tsuas pom kuv xav hu kwvtij tuaj CEM kom lawv 6siab mus kawm ntawv xwb twb tsis los txhawj txog kuv lub cev. kuv mam ua li nej sawv daws hais tso tseg teeb meem hmoob teeb meem kwvtij. yus mus pw mus lam cua thiabnuv ntses tom pas dej. kuv siab nyiam mas yog AR los YOG MT. kuv ob tug menyuam yau mus kawm tom U tiav nkawv tau haujlwm kom yug tau nkawv lub neej lawm no ces kuv yuav mus AR los yog MT mus pw tsaug zog los yog laj cua nuv ntses. ND mas ntses ntau tshaj tabsis ND huab cua ho tsis ntxim nyiam li MT.
2013-04-04 14:27:52 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

tus me kwv idoknow,
koj piav tias koj muaj mob li ntawd mas kuj hlub koj kawg... li cas los yus nyob raws li yus tau daim ntawv los ua neej rau ntiaj teb no nawb... best wishes, yingb
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 15:19:43 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:27:52 AM UTC-5, ***@charter.net wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> tus me kwv idoknow,
> koj piav tias koj muaj mob li ntawd mas kuj hlub koj kawg... li cas los yus nyob raws li yus tau daim ntawv los ua neej rau ntiaj teb no nawb... best wishes, yingb

kuv xav nyob raws ntawv raws hmoov li koj hais yuav muaj tseeb. vim kuv mas kuv los retire li no kuv mus nyeem thiab kawm SUAV cov ZODIAC ntawm neeg kev yug lub xyoo. kuj zooli cov neeg kuv paub mas mus raws nraim li suav cov ZODIAC tau sau tseg. cov ntawv mas sau tias tus yug qaib xyoo li kuv mas kuv SIV tswv8 yog #1 tabsis kuv lub physical body mas weak heev. kom kuv ceevfaj kev mob nkeeg vim qaib mas muaj khaub thuas qaib yeej kawg ntsib nws sau ntxiv tias qaib mas kom ceevfaj 6 aub vim tus yug aub xyoo mas txawj ua teeb meem 6 tus yug qaib xyoo. pom li ntawd kuv los saibb na kuv poj niam yug aub xyoo tiag2. kuv mas mag nws muab kuv lem txaus. thaum nyuam qhuav sib yuav tau los txog tsev xwb. kuv twb mag LEM tsis tau luag quaj nrov tabsis kua muag poob tijtauj tias ua cas yus yuav mag txim loj tas npau mus ZAWJ ib tug yus tsis tau tham dua li los muab yus TSIM kom txaus yees. kuv muab saib los ces suav cov zodiac piav txog kuv mas ncaj kawg. peb yug los ntshe peb yeej los raws hmoov txog peb xyoo peb mam yug li txoj hmoo peb muaj. zodiac qhia tias tus yug AV xyoo li kuv mas siab ntev. lawv muab yus tsuj thiab ncaws los yus tseem chim tsis tau rxaus. vim AV mas neeg yuav mua khawb kom tob2 los yog khawb los sib tshooj kom siab2 los AV kam tib si. dej yuav muab AV tho tej txoj kab loj2 li nram gran canyon los AV tsis txwv. kuc saib mas kuv ces txawv tsis deb ntawm AV ntag. poj niam muab kuv LEM kua muag [ppb tij tauj los yus nyob yus tsis kk. yog lwmtus mas kawg nrauj. tsisli ces kawg ntau thiab ncaws kom zoo ua kos poom. hos AV ces lawv ua li cas lawv ua lawv. zodiac tias kuv siv hlwb #1 tabsis kom ceevfaj lub cev weak heev. cas muaj tseeb tiag li. kuv mas siv hlwb ces tsis nco txhawj. hos lub cev mas mus nce roobtua nas xwb twb laj nce kom txog saum nco roob. thaum nplooj ntoo zeeg2 nyob MN peb mus tua nas. nce roob. yus rhais ib ruam rau pem toj. nplooj ntoos muab yus swb kiag rov qab ib ruam. nce li ntawd kom nto tej lub roob siab li 400-500 feet xwb mas SAB TAS2 rau niag yug qaib xyooli kuv.
2013-04-04 16:23:38 UTC

Hais li koj hais ces koj yuav tsum hu kuv ua dab laug laus nawb.Yij Zoov Laj ces yuav kiag kuv tus txiv hlob ntxhais.Peb tus muam Liag 2-3 xyoo dhau los tus yawm yij hmoob Lauj tua tom WI ces yog Zoov Laj tus niam hluas txheeb-b ib yug.
Yij Koo Xeeb Xyooj,Tsav Thoj Xyooj nyob MN pem ko koj puas paub yog Zoov Laj cov kwv.Hais txog koj tus mob mas tub...aw yog tau tus mob ko lawm ces yus lub neej yeej txom-m nyem nawb.Kuv txiv mob stroke tau 9 xyoo yawg mam tuag mas txom nyem tshaj plaws ua neeg nyob yog yus 2 txhais tes thiab 2 txhais taws tsis muaj zog los pab yus lawm ces yeej txom-m nyem.
Koj tham txog qhov yus tua yus......tsis yog hais li ntawd.....hmoob hu tias NPO PA TUAG.Neeg thiab txiaj ces thaum chim-m tuaj cia li NPO PA ces ib pliag tuag kiag ntag.Koj tus mob tam sim no zoo li cas lawm? Koj puas tau haus tsib DAIS.Raws li tej laus hais mas koj haus tsib DAIS koj yuav tsum hau kom yog caij thiaj zoo. Yog koj muaj tsib Dais no koj sim haus saib puas pab koj me ntsis,kuv paub muaj 2-3 leeg haus tsib dais pab tau lawv muaj zog dua qub lawm.

Kwvtij os Kwvtij....aw,

Yus tsis laus los pheej hais tias yus laus thaum lub caij nej thiab peb tuaj peb sawv daws yeej tsis tau-au laus lam yuav poj niam xwb tseem yog under 30 xyoo ces tsis tau laus kiag nawb.Kev kawm ntawv ces yeej tsis lig rau ib leej twg li lub teb chaws Vam Meej no yus yuav kawm-m kom yus tuag kiag los yeej kawm tau.

Cov neeg kawm-m ntawv es VWM thiab mob kiag li koj thiab Idonotknow neb peb cov hmoob muaj coob-b tus kawg lawm.Cov ho kawm-m es cia tsaug zog tuag kiag los muaj lawm.
Lub caij peb tuaj txog Meskas 1976-1980.Peb tsev kwv tij muaj 4-5 kuv pom kawm-m ntawv es mob kiag li koj hais koj.

Tus kwvkwvtij es yuav uncle tus tij laug Ntxhais nyob pem nej ko yawg kawm ntawv heev thiab ho ua hauj lwm full time yawg yuav kawm mus yuav doctor no lo mas yawg mob-b hauv siab thiab mob-b taub haus ces muaj ntsib doctor luag hais tias koj lub plawv tsis muaj zog lawm yog xav ntau ces kawg mob plawv ntxiv kom yawg txhob kawm ntawv ntxiv lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.Kuv ib tug kwv yog txiv hlob tub peb tuaj ua ke thiab yawg los kawm ntawv heev li nyob ib hmo,ib hmo muaj ib hnub yawg cia tsau muag mus ntsib doctor hluas kuag xa mus x-ray luag hais tias yawg lub plawv mas muaj ib qho nyias-s yog xav ntau ces plawv yuag tawg yawg tsis tsum pheej kawm tag zog ces yawg pib tsis nco qab ub,nco qab no tuaj lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.
Muaj ib tug yog lawm txiv ntxawm tus no thaum peb nyob tim ub yawg yeej tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis thaum yawg loj lawm muaj 12-13 xyoo mam tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg tuaj kawm ua txiv plig (Priest) no los mas.Yawg rau-au kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg kawm tau 2 xyoo xwb mas lus Fab Kis thiab sau yawg yeej paub zoo heev lawm.Cov txiv plig twb yuav npaj xa yawg tuaj mus kawm rau Fab Kis teb tsis muaj hmoo peb tawg teb chaws ces peb hos tuaj rau Meskas.Tus no lub npe hu Yeeb Yaj thaum yawg tuaj txog teb chaws no yawg ho tuaj rau-au siab kawm ntawv Meskas lawm yawg thiaj thov cov priest teb chaws no kom xa yawgmus kawm ua priest no los mas.Lawv thiaj xa yawg mus kawm ua priest yawg rau siab kawm heev ces kawm 2 xyoo xwb yawg lu qhov muag cia tsis pom kev,mob-b yawg tau hau yawg hais lus tsi tshua meej pem lawm ces cov priest loj tsis yuav yawg kom yawg rov los tsev,yawg los tsev ces yawg thiaj nrhiav poj niam yuav,yuav poj niam yuav tau 3-4 xyoo muaj 2 tug me nyuam yawg yeej vwm-m thaum yawg rov los txog tsev lawm ces nkawv 2 niam txiv mas tsuas tab sib ceg tag mus li ces nkawv thiaj sib nrauj.....yawg vwm-m ces lawv cia li coj yawg mus nyob tom tsev Vwm lawm.Yawg mus nyob tsev Vwm tau 4-5 xyoo ces hnov hais tias yawg tuag lawm no.Peb ua neeg nyob thaum koj tau ib tug mob phem lawm sawv daws cia ntshai koj tsis nug koj moo li lawm.Luag tej laus thiaj hais tias txuag zam ces zam tshaib,txuag siav ces siav ntev.Txoj kev kawm yus yuav tsum ntsuas yus lub zogkawm.
Kuv cov phooj ywg coob-b tus yeej tuaj kawm tsoo-oo tau coob tus ph.d,doctors kho mob ntawd yog lawv txoj hmoo. Kuv ces hais rau koj....tuaj txog mus kawm tau GED tag ces mus kawm ua hauj lwm txiav hlau thiab kawm ua teb dhau li ces mus kawm KHO PHOM li koj niaj hnub mus KHO PHOM li tam sim no koj xwb.Mus kawm kho PHOM nram Mev teb,mus tom Kaus Lim,Suav,Thaib town xwb las as.Kuv mas ho xav tias yuav ua li cas es kuv thiaj yuav hluas-s li thaum 1975...ha..ha..ha..ha chim no VajNcuab tuaj txhom poj ntxoog lawm ces kuv li tam sism no npaj hluas khi lawm xwb.....koj saib os yawg Idonotknow kuv yeej tsis ntes li nyob-b Vancub cia cev los rau kuv kom khi xwb ned......koj ces mag VajNcuab khi tam sim no ntag.


Kwvtij ces niaj hnub tuaj nrog 2 tug doctors Suav thiaj koj nej saum ua ib rooj sab laj tag mus li los mas.Niag tsov tom kiav xeem li koj thiab toulia vang nej mas cas yuav ntxim tawg ncuav rau ua luaj.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 16:47:24 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:23:38 AM UTC-5, ***@yahoo.com wrote:
> Idonotknow....aw,
> Hais li koj hais ces koj yuav tsum hu kuv ua dab laug laus nawb.Yij Zoov Laj ces yuav kiag kuv tus txiv hlob ntxhais.Peb tus muam Liag 2-3 xyoo dhau los tus yawm yij hmoob Lauj tua tom WI ces yog Zoov Laj tus niam hluas txheeb-b ib yug.
> Yij Koo Xeeb Xyooj,Tsav Thoj Xyooj nyob MN pem ko koj puas paub yog Zoov Laj cov kwv.Hais txog koj tus mob mas tub...aw yog tau tus mob ko lawm ces yus lub neej yeej txom-m nyem nawb.Kuv txiv mob stroke tau 9 xyoo yawg mam tuag mas txom nyem tshaj plaws ua neeg nyob yog yus 2 txhais tes thiab 2 txhais taws tsis muaj zog los pab yus lawm ces yeej txom-m nyem.
> Koj tham txog qhov yus tua yus......tsis yog hais li ntawd.....hmoob hu tias NPO PA TUAG.Neeg thiab txiaj ces thaum chim-m tuaj cia li NPO PA ces ib pliag tuag kiag ntag.Koj tus mob tam sim no zoo li cas lawm? Koj puas tau haus tsib DAIS.Raws li tej laus hais mas koj haus tsib DAIS koj yuav tsum hau kom yog caij thiaj zoo. Yog koj muaj tsib Dais no koj sim haus saib puas pab koj me ntsis,kuv paub muaj 2-3 leeg haus tsib dais pab tau lawv muaj zog dua qub lawm.
> Kwvtij os Kwvtij....aw,
> Yus tsis laus los pheej hais tias yus laus thaum lub caij nej thiab peb tuaj peb sawv daws yeej tsis tau-au laus lam yuav poj niam xwb tseem yog under 30 xyoo ces tsis tau laus kiag nawb.Kev kawm ntawv ces yeej tsis lig rau ib leej twg li lub teb chaws Vam Meej no yus yuav kawm-m kom yus tuag kiag los yeej kawm tau.
> Cov neeg kawm-m ntawv es VWM thiab mob kiag li koj thiab Idonotknow neb peb cov hmoob muaj coob-b tus kawg lawm.Cov ho kawm-m es cia tsaug zog tuag kiag los muaj lawm.
> Lub caij peb tuaj txog Meskas 1976-1980.Peb tsev kwv tij muaj 4-5 kuv pom kawm-m ntawv es mob kiag li koj hais koj.
> Tus kwvkwvtij es yuav uncle tus tij laug Ntxhais nyob pem nej ko yawg kawm ntawv heev thiab ho ua hauj lwm full time yawg yuav kawm mus yuav doctor no lo mas yawg mob-b hauv siab thiab mob-b taub haus ces muaj ntsib doctor luag hais tias koj lub plawv tsis muaj zog lawm yog xav ntau ces kawg mob plawv ntxiv kom yawg txhob kawm ntawv ntxiv lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.Kuv ib tug kwv yog txiv hlob tub peb tuaj ua ke thiab yawg los kawm ntawv heev li nyob ib hmo,ib hmo muaj ib hnub yawg cia tsau muag mus ntsib doctor hluas kuag xa mus x-ray luag hais tias yawg lub plawv mas muaj ib qho nyias-s yog xav ntau ces plawv yuag tawg yawg tsis tsum pheej kawm tag zog ces yawg pib tsis nco qab ub,nco qab no tuaj lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.
> Muaj ib tug yog lawm txiv ntxawm tus no thaum peb nyob tim ub yawg yeej tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis thaum yawg loj lawm muaj 12-13 xyoo mam tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg tuaj kawm ua txiv plig (Priest) no los mas.Yawg rau-au kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg kawm tau 2 xyoo xwb mas lus Fab Kis thiab sau yawg yeej paub zoo heev lawm.Cov txiv plig twb yuav npaj xa yawg tuaj mus kawm rau Fab Kis teb tsis muaj hmoo peb tawg teb chaws ces peb hos tuaj rau Meskas.Tus no lub npe hu Yeeb Yaj thaum yawg tuaj txog teb chaws no yawg ho tuaj rau-au siab kawm ntawv Meskas lawm yawg thiaj thov cov priest teb chaws no kom xa yawgmus kawm ua priest no los mas.Lawv thiaj xa yawg mus kawm ua priest yawg rau siab kawm heev ces kawm 2 xyoo xwb yawg lu qhov muag cia tsis pom kev,mob-b yawg tau hau yawg hais lus tsi tshua meej pem lawm ces cov priest loj tsis yuav yawg kom yawg rov los tsev,yawg los tsev ces yawg thiaj nrhiav poj niam yuav,yuav poj niam yuav tau 3-4 xyoo muaj 2 tug me nyuam yawg yeej vwm-m thaum yawg rov los txog tsev lawm ces nkawv 2 niam txiv mas tsuas tab sib ceg tag mus li ces nkawv thiaj sib nrauj.....yawg vwm-m ces lawv cia li coj yawg mus nyob tom tsev Vwm lawm.Yawg mus nyob tsev Vwm tau 4-5 xyoo ces hnov hais tias yawg tuag lawm no.Peb ua neeg nyob thaum koj tau ib tug mob phem lawm sawv daws cia ntshai koj tsis nug koj moo li lawm.Luag tej laus thiaj hais tias txuag zam ces zam tshaib,txuag siav ces siav ntev.Txoj kev kawm yus yuav tsum ntsuas yus lub zogkawm.
> Kuv cov phooj ywg coob-b tus yeej tuaj kawm tsoo-oo tau coob tus ph.d,doctors kho mob ntawd yog lawv txoj hmoo. Kuv ces hais rau koj....tuaj txog mus kawm tau GED tag ces mus kawm ua hauj lwm txiav hlau thiab kawm ua teb dhau li ces mus kawm KHO PHOM li koj niaj hnub mus KHO PHOM li tam sim no koj xwb.Mus kawm kho PHOM nram Mev teb,mus tom Kaus Lim,Suav,Thaib town xwb las as.Kuv mas ho xav tias yuav ua li cas es kuv thiaj yuav hluas-s li thaum 1975...ha..ha..ha..ha chim no VajNcuab tuaj txhom poj ntxoog lawm ces kuv li tam sism no npaj hluas khi lawm xwb.....koj saib os yawg Idonotknow kuv yeej tsis ntes li nyob-b Vancub cia cev los rau kuv kom khi xwb ned......koj ces mag VajNcuab khi tam sim no ntag.
> VajNcuab....aw,
> Kwvtij ces niaj hnub tuaj nrog 2 tug doctors Suav thiaj koj nej saum ua ib rooj sab laj tag mus li los mas.Niag tsov tom kiav xeem li koj thiab toulia vang nej mas cas yuav ntxim tawg ncuav rau ua luaj.

kuv paub Zoov laj zoo mas nws cov kwv ib tug nyob NC ib tug nyob MN ib tug nyob AR Zoov laj muaj tus tub hlob nyob MN tub tub ob nyob AR kuv paub lawv zoo vim peb txheeb peb yog ib ces tub xeem YAJ los yug peb ces no rau tom xeem XYOOJ tsev. peb cov kwvtij YAJ MAS YOG NTSIB KUJ CHIM KAWG UAS LAWV MUAB PEB TUG YAWGXEEM yaj MUAG rau tsev xeem xyooj lawm. LAWV muab tus zoo2 MUAG LAWM. yawg xeem YAJ cov xeeb ntxwv ho tau NOM thiaj muaj nyiaj tus puav mas lawv haj yam CHIM. yog lawv pom kuv yawg ToojSua muaj nyiaj choj puv qab txag tsis lam EV taus thiab tseem tau caub moos thiab mas lawv yuav haj yam CHIM uas lawv xeem YAJ muab peb tug yawg koob MUAG rau tsev XEEM XYOOJ lawm. tus TUB uas mag MUAG TAWM THIAB YOG IB TUG HLUAS NKAUJ MUAJ MENYUAM TUB TUS HLUAS Nraug tsis yuav mas tseem muab txwvzeej pov tseg ntag. tos hais li los SUAV tusHUABTAIS /huam tij/dij twb yog menyuam tsis paub leej twg yog nws txiv 100% tom qab no nws thiaj yog tus HEEV tshaj muab suav 6 lub teb chaws tua SWB tas nro los koom ua ib lub teb chaws SUAV lawm xwb. raws li suav ua movie txog tus huamtij/dij no mas nws niam yog ib tug neeg hu nkauj lasvoos hauv tsev niam ntiav xwb. ib tug neeg nplua nuj ua lag luam mus them nqe tso tus hluas nkauj hu nkauj lasvoos no nram tsev niam ntiav los nrog tus neeg nplua nuj nyob. thaum tus huab tais thiab tus neeg nplua nuj no sib ntsib nkawv sib raug ua phoojywg zoo ces tus neeg nplua nuj thiaj muab nws tus hluas nkauj uas nws mus them nqe tso nram tsev niam ntiav pub rau huabtais. huabtais coj yus hluas maum no mus nrog nws nyob hauv vaj loog huabtais tau tsis tau txog 9 hlis tus maum no twb yug tau ib tug tub. tsam no ces suav sib cam tsis haum. ib co tias tsis tau muaj 9 hli tsis lam yog huabtais tus tub. tus tub no thiaj nkag rau menyuam tsaub yog feem ntau. xeem YAJ muab peb tug yawg koob muag tawm rau tsev xeem XYOOJ los peb kuj txawj zoo tom qab tuaj. TSUM KIAG txhob lam muab ib tug TUB cais tawm los muag tawm hauv yus xeem ov.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 16:52:33 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:47:24 AM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:23:38 AM UTC-5, ***@yahoo.com wrote:
> > Idonotknow....aw,
> >
> >
> >
> > Hais li koj hais ces koj yuav tsum hu kuv ua dab laug laus nawb.Yij Zoov Laj ces yuav kiag kuv tus txiv hlob ntxhais.Peb tus muam Liag 2-3 xyoo dhau los tus yawm yij hmoob Lauj tua tom WI ces yog Zoov Laj tus niam hluas txheeb-b ib yug.
> >
> > Yij Koo Xeeb Xyooj,Tsav Thoj Xyooj nyob MN pem ko koj puas paub yog Zoov Laj cov kwv.Hais txog koj tus mob mas tub...aw yog tau tus mob ko lawm ces yus lub neej yeej txom-m nyem nawb.Kuv txiv mob stroke tau 9 xyoo yawg mam tuag mas txom nyem tshaj plaws ua neeg nyob yog yus 2 txhais tes thiab 2 txhais taws tsis muaj zog los pab yus lawm ces yeej txom-m nyem.
> >
> > Koj tham txog qhov yus tua yus......tsis yog hais li ntawd.....hmoob hu tias NPO PA TUAG.Neeg thiab txiaj ces thaum chim-m tuaj cia li NPO PA ces ib pliag tuag kiag ntag.Koj tus mob tam sim no zoo li cas lawm? Koj puas tau haus tsib DAIS.Raws li tej laus hais mas koj haus tsib DAIS koj yuav tsum hau kom yog caij thiaj zoo. Yog koj muaj tsib Dais no koj sim haus saib puas pab koj me ntsis,kuv paub muaj 2-3 leeg haus tsib dais pab tau lawv muaj zog dua qub lawm.
> >
> >
> >
> > Kwvtij os Kwvtij....aw,
> >
> >
> >
> > Yus tsis laus los pheej hais tias yus laus thaum lub caij nej thiab peb tuaj peb sawv daws yeej tsis tau-au laus lam yuav poj niam xwb tseem yog under 30 xyoo ces tsis tau laus kiag nawb.Kev kawm ntawv ces yeej tsis lig rau ib leej twg li lub teb chaws Vam Meej no yus yuav kawm-m kom yus tuag kiag los yeej kawm tau.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov neeg kawm-m ntawv es VWM thiab mob kiag li koj thiab Idonotknow neb peb cov hmoob muaj coob-b tus kawg lawm.Cov ho kawm-m es cia tsaug zog tuag kiag los muaj lawm.
> >
> > Lub caij peb tuaj txog Meskas 1976-1980.Peb tsev kwv tij muaj 4-5 kuv pom kawm-m ntawv es mob kiag li koj hais koj.
> >
> >
> >
> > Tus kwvkwvtij es yuav uncle tus tij laug Ntxhais nyob pem nej ko yawg kawm ntawv heev thiab ho ua hauj lwm full time yawg yuav kawm mus yuav doctor no lo mas yawg mob-b hauv siab thiab mob-b taub haus ces muaj ntsib doctor luag hais tias koj lub plawv tsis muaj zog lawm yog xav ntau ces kawg mob plawv ntxiv kom yawg txhob kawm ntawv ntxiv lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.Kuv ib tug kwv yog txiv hlob tub peb tuaj ua ke thiab yawg los kawm ntawv heev li nyob ib hmo,ib hmo muaj ib hnub yawg cia tsau muag mus ntsib doctor hluas kuag xa mus x-ray luag hais tias yawg lub plawv mas muaj ib qho nyias-s yog xav ntau ces plawv yuag tawg yawg tsis tsum pheej kawm tag zog ces yawg pib tsis nco qab ub,nco qab no tuaj lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.
> >
> > Muaj ib tug yog lawm txiv ntxawm tus no thaum peb nyob tim ub yawg yeej tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis thaum yawg loj lawm muaj 12-13 xyoo mam tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg tuaj kawm ua txiv plig (Priest) no los mas.Yawg rau-au kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg kawm tau 2 xyoo xwb mas lus Fab Kis thiab sau yawg yeej paub zoo heev lawm.Cov txiv plig twb yuav npaj xa yawg tuaj mus kawm rau Fab Kis teb tsis muaj hmoo peb tawg teb chaws ces peb hos tuaj rau Meskas.Tus no lub npe hu Yeeb Yaj thaum yawg tuaj txog teb chaws no yawg ho tuaj rau-au siab kawm ntawv Meskas lawm yawg thiaj thov cov priest teb chaws no kom xa yawgmus kawm ua priest no los mas.Lawv thiaj xa yawg mus kawm ua priest yawg rau siab kawm heev ces kawm 2 xyoo xwb yawg lu qhov muag cia tsis pom kev,mob-b yawg tau hau yawg hais lus tsi tshua meej pem lawm ces cov priest loj tsis yuav yawg kom yawg rov los tsev,yawg los tsev ces yawg thiaj nrhiav poj niam yuav,yuav poj niam yuav tau 3-4 xyoo muaj 2 tug me nyuam yawg yeej vwm-m thaum yawg rov los txog tsev lawm ces nkawv 2 niam txiv mas tsuas tab sib ceg tag mus li ces nkawv thiaj sib nrauj.....yawg vwm-m ces lawv cia li coj yawg mus nyob tom tsev Vwm lawm.Yawg mus nyob tsev Vwm tau 4-5 xyoo ces hnov hais tias yawg tuag lawm no.Peb ua neeg nyob thaum koj tau ib tug mob phem lawm sawv daws cia ntshai koj tsis nug koj moo li lawm.Luag tej laus thiaj hais tias txuag zam ces zam tshaib,txuag siav ces siav ntev.Txoj kev kawm yus yuav tsum ntsuas yus lub zogkawm.
> >
> > Kuv cov phooj ywg coob-b tus yeej tuaj kawm tsoo-oo tau coob tus ph.d,doctors kho mob ntawd yog lawv txoj hmoo. Kuv ces hais rau koj....tuaj txog mus kawm tau GED tag ces mus kawm ua hauj lwm txiav hlau thiab kawm ua teb dhau li ces mus kawm KHO PHOM li koj niaj hnub mus KHO PHOM li tam sim no koj xwb.Mus kawm kho PHOM nram Mev teb,mus tom Kaus Lim,Suav,Thaib town xwb las as.Kuv mas ho xav tias yuav ua li cas es kuv thiaj yuav hluas-s li thaum 1975...ha..ha..ha..ha chim no VajNcuab tuaj txhom poj ntxoog lawm ces kuv li tam sism no npaj hluas khi lawm xwb.....koj saib os yawg Idonotknow kuv yeej tsis ntes li nyob-b Vancub cia cev los rau kuv kom khi xwb ned......koj ces mag VajNcuab khi tam sim no ntag.
> >
> >
> >
> > VajNcuab....aw,
> >
> >
> >
> > Kwvtij ces niaj hnub tuaj nrog 2 tug doctors Suav thiaj koj nej saum ua ib rooj sab laj tag mus li los mas.Niag tsov tom kiav xeem li koj thiab toulia vang nej mas cas yuav ntxim tawg ncuav rau ua luaj.
> kuv paub Zoov laj zoo mas nws cov kwv ib tug nyob NC ib tug nyob MN ib tug nyob AR Zoov laj muaj tus tub hlob nyob MN tub tub ob nyob AR kuv paub lawv zoo vim peb txheeb peb yog ib ces tub xeem YAJ los yug peb ces no rau tom xeem XYOOJ tsev. peb cov kwvtij YAJ MAS YOG NTSIB KUJ CHIM KAWG UAS LAWV MUAB PEB TUG YAWGXEEM yaj MUAG rau tsev xeem xyooj lawm. LAWV muab tus zoo2 MUAG LAWM. yawg xeem YAJ cov xeeb ntxwv ho tau NOM thiaj muaj nyiaj tus puav mas lawv haj yam CHIM. yog lawv pom kuv yawg ToojSua muaj nyiaj choj puv qab txag tsis lam EV taus thiab tseem tau caub moos thiab mas lawv yuav haj yam CHIM uas lawv xeem YAJ muab peb tug yawg koob MUAG rau tsev XEEM XYOOJ lawm. tus TUB uas mag MUAG TAWM THIAB YOG IB TUG HLUAS NKAUJ MUAJ MENYUAM TUB TUS HLUAS Nraug tsis yuav mas tseem muab txwvzeej pov tseg ntag. tos hais li los SUAV tusHUABTAIS /huam tij/dij twb yog menyuam tsis paub leej twg yog nws txiv 100% tom qab no nws thiaj yog tus HEEV tshaj muab suav 6 lub teb chaws tua SWB tas nro los koom ua ib lub teb chaws SUAV lawm xwb. raws li suav ua movie txog tus huamtij/dij no mas nws niam yog ib tug neeg hu nkauj lasvoos hauv tsev niam ntiav xwb. ib tug neeg nplua nuj ua lag luam mus them nqe tso tus hluas nkauj hu nkauj lasvoos no nram tsev niam ntiav los nrog tus neeg nplua nuj nyob. thaum tus huab tais thiab tus neeg nplua nuj no sib ntsib nkawv sib raug ua phoojywg zoo ces tus neeg nplua nuj thiaj muab nws tus hluas nkauj uas nws mus them nqe tso nram tsev niam ntiav pub rau huabtais. huabtais coj yus hluas maum no mus nrog nws nyob hauv vaj loog huabtais tau tsis tau txog 9 hlis tus maum no twb yug tau ib tug tub. tsam no ces suav sib cam tsis haum. ib co tias tsis tau muaj 9 hli tsis lam yog huabtais tus tub. tus tub no thiaj nkag rau menyuam tsaub yog feem ntau. xeem YAJ muab peb tug yawg koob muag tawm rau tsev xeem XYOOJ los peb kuj txawj zoo tom qab tuaj. TSUM KIAG txhob lam muab ib tug TUB cais tawm los muag tawm hauv yus xeem ov.

lawv tsev xeem YAJ muab peb muag tawm tsam no kuv mus pom tus YAJ 22 mas kuv yuav kiag. lawv tsis suav peb yog kwvtij lawv thiab muab peb muag tawm ces yuav kiag lawv ntxhais 22 los yuav tsum tau. peb cov kwvtij li Zoovlaj lawv ob peb tug kwvtij twb yuav poj xeem YAJ thiab xwb ntag.
2013-04-04 17:09:30 UTC
phwvnyawm-- tseeb li koj hais nawb. kuv yeej yog ib tug rau siab kawm ntawv kawg ov lub sij hawm ntawd nas. tsis yog khav tab sis thaum kuv kawm tag grade 10 xwb ces kuv twb tau mus kawm regular class nrog me myuam mekas lawm, tsis tau kwm ESL lawm. tab sis vim yus lub cev tsis pab yus thiab ces thiaj muaj mob li ntawd ces thiaj tau txiav txim siab tso kev kawm tseg. tab sis qhov tso tseg ntawd tej zaum kuj yog qhov zoo rau yus lawm thiab. yog tsis tso tseg no ntshe niam no xyov puas muaj yus lawm thiab ov.

tos niam no kuv pheej xyaum mus kho phom lawm los qhov ntawd yog qhov pab yus kom txhob mob mob taub hau thiab kom siav ntev ntag ne haj..haj..haj... koj yuav tau xyaum li kuv es siav thiaj ntev laiv yawg haj..haj..haj...
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 17:18:20 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:52:33 AM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:47:24 AM UTC-5, idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู wrote:
> > On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:23:38 AM UTC-5, ***@yahoo.com wrote:
> >
> > > Idonotknow....aw,
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Hais li koj hais ces koj yuav tsum hu kuv ua dab laug laus nawb.Yij Zoov Laj ces yuav kiag kuv tus txiv hlob ntxhais.Peb tus muam Liag 2-3 xyoo dhau los tus yawm yij hmoob Lauj tua tom WI ces yog Zoov Laj tus niam hluas txheeb-b ib yug.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Yij Koo Xeeb Xyooj,Tsav Thoj Xyooj nyob MN pem ko koj puas paub yog Zoov Laj cov kwv.Hais txog koj tus mob mas tub...aw yog tau tus mob ko lawm ces yus lub neej yeej txom-m nyem nawb.Kuv txiv mob stroke tau 9 xyoo yawg mam tuag mas txom nyem tshaj plaws ua neeg nyob yog yus 2 txhais tes thiab 2 txhais taws tsis muaj zog los pab yus lawm ces yeej txom-m nyem.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Koj tham txog qhov yus tua yus......tsis yog hais li ntawd.....hmoob hu tias NPO PA TUAG.Neeg thiab txiaj ces thaum chim-m tuaj cia li NPO PA ces ib pliag tuag kiag ntag.Koj tus mob tam sim no zoo li cas lawm? Koj puas tau haus tsib DAIS.Raws li tej laus hais mas koj haus tsib DAIS koj yuav tsum hau kom yog caij thiaj zoo. Yog koj muaj tsib Dais no koj sim haus saib puas pab koj me ntsis,kuv paub muaj 2-3 leeg haus tsib dais pab tau lawv muaj zog dua qub lawm.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Kwvtij os Kwvtij....aw,
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Yus tsis laus los pheej hais tias yus laus thaum lub caij nej thiab peb tuaj peb sawv daws yeej tsis tau-au laus lam yuav poj niam xwb tseem yog under 30 xyoo ces tsis tau laus kiag nawb.Kev kawm ntawv ces yeej tsis lig rau ib leej twg li lub teb chaws Vam Meej no yus yuav kawm-m kom yus tuag kiag los yeej kawm tau.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Cov neeg kawm-m ntawv es VWM thiab mob kiag li koj thiab Idonotknow neb peb cov hmoob muaj coob-b tus kawg lawm.Cov ho kawm-m es cia tsaug zog tuag kiag los muaj lawm.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Lub caij peb tuaj txog Meskas 1976-1980.Peb tsev kwv tij muaj 4-5 kuv pom kawm-m ntawv es mob kiag li koj hais koj.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Tus kwvkwvtij es yuav uncle tus tij laug Ntxhais nyob pem nej ko yawg kawm ntawv heev thiab ho ua hauj lwm full time yawg yuav kawm mus yuav doctor no lo mas yawg mob-b hauv siab thiab mob-b taub haus ces muaj ntsib doctor luag hais tias koj lub plawv tsis muaj zog lawm yog xav ntau ces kawg mob plawv ntxiv kom yawg txhob kawm ntawv ntxiv lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.Kuv ib tug kwv yog txiv hlob tub peb tuaj ua ke thiab yawg los kawm ntawv heev li nyob ib hmo,ib hmo muaj ib hnub yawg cia tsau muag mus ntsib doctor hluas kuag xa mus x-ray luag hais tias yawg lub plawv mas muaj ib qho nyias-s yog xav ntau ces plawv yuag tawg yawg tsis tsum pheej kawm tag zog ces yawg pib tsis nco qab ub,nco qab no tuaj lawm,yawg thiaj tsum.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Muaj ib tug yog lawm txiv ntxawm tus no thaum peb nyob tim ub yawg yeej tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis thaum yawg loj lawm muaj 12-13 xyoo mam tuaj kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg tuaj kawm ua txiv plig (Priest) no los mas.Yawg rau-au kawm ntawv Fab Kis yawg kawm tau 2 xyoo xwb mas lus Fab Kis thiab sau yawg yeej paub zoo heev lawm.Cov txiv plig twb yuav npaj xa yawg tuaj mus kawm rau Fab Kis teb tsis muaj hmoo peb tawg teb chaws ces peb hos tuaj rau Meskas.Tus no lub npe hu Yeeb Yaj thaum yawg tuaj txog teb chaws no yawg ho tuaj rau-au siab kawm ntawv Meskas lawm yawg thiaj thov cov priest teb chaws no kom xa yawgmus kawm ua priest no los mas.Lawv thiaj xa yawg mus kawm ua priest yawg rau siab kawm heev ces kawm 2 xyoo xwb yawg lu qhov muag cia tsis pom kev,mob-b yawg tau hau yawg hais lus tsi tshua meej pem lawm ces cov priest loj tsis yuav yawg kom yawg rov los tsev,yawg los tsev ces yawg thiaj nrhiav poj niam yuav,yuav poj niam yuav tau 3-4 xyoo muaj 2 tug me nyuam yawg yeej vwm-m thaum yawg rov los txog tsev lawm ces nkawv 2 niam txiv mas tsuas tab sib ceg tag mus li ces nkawv thiaj sib nrauj.....yawg vwm-m ces lawv cia li coj yawg mus nyob tom tsev Vwm lawm.Yawg mus nyob tsev Vwm tau 4-5 xyoo ces hnov hais tias yawg tuag lawm no.Peb ua neeg nyob thaum koj tau ib tug mob phem lawm sawv daws cia ntshai koj tsis nug koj moo li lawm.Luag tej laus thiaj hais tias txuag zam ces zam tshaib,txuag siav ces siav ntev.Txoj kev kawm yus yuav tsum ntsuas yus lub zogkawm.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Kuv cov phooj ywg coob-b tus yeej tuaj kawm tsoo-oo tau coob tus ph.d,doctors kho mob ntawd yog lawv txoj hmoo. Kuv ces hais rau koj....tuaj txog mus kawm tau GED tag ces mus kawm ua hauj lwm txiav hlau thiab kawm ua teb dhau li ces mus kawm KHO PHOM li koj niaj hnub mus KHO PHOM li tam sim no koj xwb.Mus kawm kho PHOM nram Mev teb,mus tom Kaus Lim,Suav,Thaib town xwb las as.Kuv mas ho xav tias yuav ua li cas es kuv thiaj yuav hluas-s li thaum 1975...ha..ha..ha..ha chim no VajNcuab tuaj txhom poj ntxoog lawm ces kuv li tam sism no npaj hluas khi lawm xwb.....koj saib os yawg Idonotknow kuv yeej tsis ntes li nyob-b Vancub cia cev los rau kuv kom khi xwb ned......koj ces mag VajNcuab khi tam sim no ntag.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > VajNcuab....aw,
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Kwvtij ces niaj hnub tuaj nrog 2 tug doctors Suav thiaj koj nej saum ua ib rooj sab laj tag mus li los mas.Niag tsov tom kiav xeem li koj thiab toulia vang nej mas cas yuav ntxim tawg ncuav rau ua luaj.
> >
> >
> >
> > kuv paub Zoov laj zoo mas nws cov kwv ib tug nyob NC ib tug nyob MN ib tug nyob AR Zoov laj muaj tus tub hlob nyob MN tub tub ob nyob AR kuv paub lawv zoo vim peb txheeb peb yog ib ces tub xeem YAJ los yug peb ces no rau tom xeem XYOOJ tsev. peb cov kwvtij YAJ MAS YOG NTSIB KUJ CHIM KAWG UAS LAWV MUAB PEB TUG YAWGXEEM yaj MUAG rau tsev xeem xyooj lawm. LAWV muab tus zoo2 MUAG LAWM. yawg xeem YAJ cov xeeb ntxwv ho tau NOM thiaj muaj nyiaj tus puav mas lawv haj yam CHIM. yog lawv pom kuv yawg ToojSua muaj nyiaj choj puv qab txag tsis lam EV taus thiab tseem tau caub moos thiab mas lawv yuav haj yam CHIM uas lawv xeem YAJ muab peb tug yawg koob MUAG rau tsev XEEM XYOOJ lawm. tus TUB uas mag MUAG TAWM THIAB YOG IB TUG HLUAS NKAUJ MUAJ MENYUAM TUB TUS HLUAS Nraug tsis yuav mas tseem muab txwvzeej pov tseg ntag. tos hais li los SUAV tusHUABTAIS /huam tij/dij twb yog menyuam tsis paub leej twg yog nws txiv 100% tom qab no nws thiaj yog tus HEEV tshaj muab suav 6 lub teb chaws tua SWB tas nro los koom ua ib lub teb chaws SUAV lawm xwb. raws li suav ua movie txog tus huamtij/dij no mas nws niam yog ib tug neeg hu nkauj lasvoos hauv tsev niam ntiav xwb. ib tug neeg nplua nuj ua lag luam mus them nqe tso tus hluas nkauj hu nkauj lasvoos no nram tsev niam ntiav los nrog tus neeg nplua nuj nyob. thaum tus huab tais thiab tus neeg nplua nuj no sib ntsib nkawv sib raug ua phoojywg zoo ces tus neeg nplua nuj thiaj muab nws tus hluas nkauj uas nws mus them nqe tso nram tsev niam ntiav pub rau huabtais. huabtais coj yus hluas maum no mus nrog nws nyob hauv vaj loog huabtais tau tsis tau txog 9 hlis tus maum no twb yug tau ib tug tub. tsam no ces suav sib cam tsis haum. ib co tias tsis tau muaj 9 hli tsis lam yog huabtais tus tub. tus tub no thiaj nkag rau menyuam tsaub yog feem ntau. xeem YAJ muab peb tug yawg koob muag tawm rau tsev xeem XYOOJ los peb kuj txawj zoo tom qab tuaj. TSUM KIAG txhob lam muab ib tug TUB cais tawm los muag tawm hauv yus xeem ov.
> lawv tsev xeem YAJ muab peb muag tawm tsam no kuv mus pom tus YAJ 22 mas kuv yuav kiag. lawv tsis suav peb yog kwvtij lawv thiab muab peb muag tawm ces yuav kiag lawv ntxhais 22 los yuav tsum tau. peb cov kwvtij li Zoovlaj lawv ob peb tug kwvtij twb yuav poj xeem YAJ thiab xwb ntag.

VUB! ruam tas npaum... lawv tsis xam peb yog kwvtij muab peb muag tawm. lawv twb yuav peb tsev no cov ntxhais/muam lawm. tsam no kuv mam xam pom lawv cov 22 mas LIG tiag. lawv twb muab peb zeem neej tsa lawm ntxov txij li lawv muab peb muag tawm. 4-5 tiam tom qab no kuv mam xam pom lawv cov 22 mas RUAG TAG2 LE OS.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-04 15:05:31 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Koj ho yog leej twg? Koj ua Chao Fa nyob qhov twg? Koj khiav tuaj Thaibteb thiab USA no xyoo twg? Idonotknown lawv yog cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Phwv Ciab. 1976 cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Luang Prabang mus tua nroog Luang Prabang thiab mus tso Huabtais tsis tau ces Nplogliab (LPRD) pib tua cov Chao Fa nyob Luang Prabang nyhav. Thaum Phou Bia tawg November 1978 ces sab Luang Prabang tawg completed. Txhiaj Thoj tus Chao Kheuang Luang Prabang Chao Fa tuag, Lis Kawm tus Thawj Tubrog Chao Fa Kheuang Luag Prabang tuag. Idonotknown txiv mas yog team tuaj Thaibteb ib zaug lawm thiaj coj nws cov neeg khiav tawm los rau Phwvnyawm. Thaum ntawd Zoov Laaj Xyooj yog Khana Muang Sarakham, lawv thiaj los nrog Zoov Laaj Xyooj nyob Nas Kas (Na Kang) thiab tawm los rau Thaibteb thaum January 1980.

Idonotknown yog ib tug neeg tsis hais lus, tabsi yawg hlwb zoo heev. Kuv dablaug Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab kuv tus kwv Yias Yaj kawm ntawv zoo kawg tabsi nkawd tseem xwb Idonotknown. Yog hais tias Idonotknowm muaj kwvtij txhawb thiab lawv txhob vwm rau kev kub xaj mas Idonotknown mus deb tshaj zaum no. 2006 Idonotknwn tau ib tug phem mob es yawg thiaj hais lus ntau ntaus li no lawm xwb.

Zoo siab ntsib koj;

2013-04-04 15:25:44 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:05:31 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Kwv;
> Koj ho yog leej twg? Koj ua Chao Fa nyob qhov twg? Koj khiav tuaj Thaibteb thiab USA no xyoo twg? Idonotknown lawv yog cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Phwv Ciab. 1976 cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Luang Prabang mus tua nroog Luang Prabang thiab mus tso Huabtais tsis tau ces Nplogliab (LPRD) pib tua cov Chao Fa nyob Luang Prabang nyhav. Thaum Phou Bia tawg November 1978 ces sab Luang Prabang tawg completed. Txhiaj Thoj tus Chao Kheuang Luang Prabang Chao Fa tuag, Lis Kawm tus Thawj Tubrog Chao Fa Kheuang Luag Prabang tuag. Idonotknown txiv mas yog team tuaj Thaibteb ib zaug lawm thiaj coj nws cov neeg khiav tawm los rau Phwvnyawm. Thaum ntawd Zoov Laaj Xyooj yog Khana Muang Sarakham, lawv thiaj los nrog Zoov Laaj Xyooj nyob Nas Kas (Na Kang) thiab tawm los rau Thaibteb thaum January 1980.
> Idonotknown yog ib tug neeg tsis hais lus, tabsi yawg hlwb zoo heev. Kuv dablaug Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab kuv tus kwv Yias Yaj kawm ntawv zoo kawg tabsi nkawd tseem xwb Idonotknown. Yog hais tias Idonotknowm muaj kwvtij txhawb thiab lawv txhob vwm rau kev kub xaj mas Idonotknown mus deb tshaj zaum no. 2006 Idonotknwn tau ib tug phem mob es yawg thiaj hais lus ntau ntaus li no lawm xwb.
> Zoo siab ntsib koj;
> Vajncuab5

Kwvtijhmoob ua cobfab tim South Minneapolis rau cov hluas nkauj Khab thaum 1980 xwb os nawb yawg yeej tsis tau tua ib me pho rau Blog liab los yeeb ncuab li nawb yawg tsuas tua cov pom khab tim South Minneapolis xwb os. Kwvtijhmoob tuaj teb chaw meskas no thaum 1980, tuaj pib kawm ntawb grade 8 tim Northeast Minneapolis. Kuv tsis paub xyov thaum nyob Blog yawg muaj pes tsawg xyoo thiab khiav tuaj Thaib xyoo twg tabsis tuaj meskas xyoo 1980. Thaum yawg tuaj nrog peb ncaws npas tim South Mpls yawg tseem me heev os.... xyov puas tau paub tua pho os.... tabsis kuv ntseeg tias yawg paub koj zoo thiab koj tus kwv npis zoo vim yawg txawj qeej ua txiv qeej li koj tus kwv.
2013-04-08 16:43:33 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:05:31 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote: > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many > > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib > > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more > > better that many are acting in SCH. > > > > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and > > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have > > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is > > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at > > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent > > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i > > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the > > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history. > > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many > > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved > > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making > > history now!! > > > > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across > > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so > > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group > > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the > > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the > > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the > > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the > > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last > > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and > > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the > > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young > > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to > > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group. > > > > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam > > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West... > > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to > > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be) > > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus > > hauv SCH no. > > > > just a passing sobering thought... > > > > du Kwv; Koj ho yog leej twg? Koj ua Chao Fa nyob qhov twg? Koj khiav tuaj Thaibteb thiab USA no xyoo twg? Idonotknown lawv yog cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Phwv Ciab. 1976 cov Hmoob Chao Fa nyob sab Luang Prabang mus tua nroog Luang Prabang thiab mus tso Huabtais tsis tau ces Nplogliab (LPRD) pib tua cov Chao Fa nyob Luang Prabang nyhav. Thaum Phou Bia tawg November 1978 ces sab Luang Prabang tawg completed. Txhiaj Thoj tus Chao Kheuang Luang Prabang Chao Fa tuag, Lis Kawm tus Thawj Tubrog Chao Fa Kheuang Luag Prabang tuag. Idonotknown txiv mas yog team tuaj Thaibteb ib zaug lawm thiaj coj nws cov neeg khiav tawm los rau Phwvnyawm. Thaum ntawd Zoov Laaj Xyooj yog Khana Muang Sarakham, lawv thiaj los nrog Zoov Laaj Xyooj nyob Nas Kas (Na Kang) thiab tawm los rau Thaibteb thaum January 1980. Idonotknown yog ib tug neeg tsis hais lus, tabsi yawg hlwb zoo heev. Kuv dablaug Tuam Zeej Lauj thiab kuv tus kwv Yias Yaj kawm ntawv zoo kawg tabsi nkawd tseem xwb Idonotknown. Yog hais tias Idonotknowm muaj kwvtij txhawb thiab lawv txhob vwm rau kev kub xaj mas Idonotknown mus deb tshaj zaum no. 2006 Idonotknwn tau ib tug phem mob es yawg thiaj hais lus ntau ntaus li no lawm xwb. Zoo siab ntsib koj; Vajncuab5

Unko Vajncuab,

yog Unko Suav tsi kam tev Kwvtijhmoob daim Nploojntsuab no Born mam li tev kiag los tau kawg...hahahhaha ***@Kwvtihmoob....

dhau li ntawd, Unko Vajncuab...yog koj noog cov Chao Fab mas, koj tub Born mas khiav ciaj siav ciaj pauv siav tuag li tuaj txog roojteb no os nawb. koj tub Born mas tseem raug txoj kev txomnyem tshaj txhua tus lub sijhawm khiav Chao Fa os ***@Unko Vajncuab.

kuv twb yuav ncej tuaj ua si duas MN, yog yeej sijhawm no kuv li kom kuv brother coj kuv los saib koj...

es wb mam li tham txog txoj kev khiav Chao Fa thiab tusiab npaum li cas nawb mog.

2013-04-09 00:14:56 UTC
Born os Born awd,

On Monday, April 8, 2013 9:43:33 AM UTC-7, Born2beHmong wrote:
> es wb mam li tham txog txoj kev khiav Chao Fa thiab tusiab
> npaum li cas nawb mog.
> Born
Yuaiv...Koj tuaj tog twg tiag es koj thiaj hais tias koj "KHIAV CHAO fA" no naj? Hahaha..! Koj hais 2-3 zaug saud diam ne.

Puas yog koj mus noj-j zaub mos tim Nplogteb es cov me nkauj NplogLiab yuam kom koj ntxeev siab lawm naj hahaha...Hais li koj hais ses ChaoFa khub los yog phem heev koj thiaj "KHIAV CHAO fA" laiv? koj tseem khiav-v tusiab tag thiab?

Hahaha..Piav peb mloog seb vim li cas koj thiaj "KHIAV CHAO fA"?

Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-04 15:39:46 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

Dr. Suav;

Yog hais li koj hais ces kuv ntsiab tau Kwvtij Hmoob lawm. Kwvtij Hmoob paub kuv, paub kuv txiv thiab paub kuv tsevneeg zoo. Yog tham txog kuv txiv ces Kwvtij Hmoob yeej tawm tuaj xyaum. Ib hnub twg kuv mam hle Kwvtij Hmoob thi haus li Idonotknown.

2013-04-04 15:43:33 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:39:46 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Dr. Suav;
> Yog hais li koj hais ces kuv ntsiab tau Kwvtij Hmoob lawm. Kwvtij Hmoob paub kuv, paub kuv txiv thiab paub kuv tsevneeg zoo. Yog tham txog kuv txiv ces Kwvtij Hmoob yeej tawm tuaj xyaum. Ib hnub twg kuv mam hle Kwvtij Hmoob thi haus li Idonotknown.
> Vajncuab5

Vajncuab, koj xav ne... Kwvtijhmoob yog xeem twg thiab yog Hmoob nyob sab tebchaw twg los? yog koj twv tau ob yam no ces kuv paub hais tais koj yuav hle tau Kwvtijhmoob lub thi hauv.
2013-04-04 15:45:46 UTC
vajncuab5-- kuv ces txawm yog vam kaim vwj thiab nyiaj hawj vaj lawv qhab nab nyob sab pham cob ntag los mas. dr. suav hais yeej yog tseem tsawv lawm thiab tab sis yawg tsis tau paub txog qhov kuv ua cob fab noj saj yaj thawj, tua nplog liab thiab pauv hnub nyoog me es thiaj tau mus pib kawm grade 8 ib nrab xyoo tuaj. ho koj thiab koj txiv nej mas kuv paub zoo heev. cia tej hnub i kuv ntsib koj tso wb mam tsoo beer nawb.
2013-04-04 15:48:52 UTC
dr. suav-- koj txhob maj maj hle kuv nab koj ov mog.

vajncuab5-- 2-3 lub weeks tas no kuv twb ntsib koj tus kwv npis tom buasavanh party ne. yawg wb tseem tsoo beer nyhav kawg ne. tab sis tsis pom koj xwb.
2013-04-04 15:59:52 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:48:52 AM UTC-5, ***@aol.com wrote:
> dr. suav-- koj txhob maj maj hle kuv nab koj ov mog.
> vajncuab5-- 2-3 lub weeks tas no kuv twb ntsib koj tus kwv npis tom buasavanh party ne. yawg wb tseem tsoo beer nyhav kawg ne. tab sis tsis pom koj xwb.

Kwvtijhmoob, txhob txhawj os...kuv yuav tsis hle koj lub thi hauv.... mus saib koj tus email, kuv xa tawv npau teb tauj rau koj lawm os... Kwvtij, koj txhob tos tsoo ber nrog Vajncuab li os...luag yog paster-xibfwb rau cov ntseeg lawm luag yeej tsis nrog peb tsoo beer li lawm os....
Vajncuab, kwvtijhmoob ces nrog Cher Pao-Paul nhia houa ib phaum neeg. kwvtijhmoob lub age yuav tsis tshaj 46 xyoo.
Vaj Ncuab
2013-04-04 16:05:16 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du


Xyoo 1978 cov Hmoob Chao Fab nyob Phou Mak Thao Muang Mok khiav coob coob los rau Thaiteb. Kuv twb nrog Dr. Ntxawg Yaj (Ger Yang DDS) tuaj tham Maj. Txawj Toog Vwj tus ntxhais tog tsev 32. Kuv tau mus kawm team nrog 2 pab team tuaj Phou Mak Thao Muang Mok tuaj. Maj. Vam Kaim Vwj, Capt. Nyaij Hawj Vaj thiab Capt. Xaiv Phiab Yaj (Xaiv Phiab Me) cov Huana Chao Fa nyob sab Muang Mok kuv paub lawv zoo.

2013-04-04 16:15:28 UTC
vajncuab5-- yog koj twb tuaj txog zos phu mam thaub lawm ces koj ham tsis tuaj txog peb zos lawm las as. tsuas yog koj tsis tau tau nrog peb noj muas thij thiab sab yaj thawj saum rooj phu mois thiab tsua phu tas las vav xwb. cov khiav los rau thaib teb xyoo 78 ntawd ces txawm yog peb ntag los mas.
idonotknow ¨pheej hmoo¨ เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2013-04-04 16:20:35 UTC
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:05:16 AM UTC-5, Vaj Ncuab wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> >
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> >
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> >
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> >
> >
> >
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> >
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> >
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> >
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> >
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> >
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> >
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> >
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> >
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> >
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> >
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> >
> > history now!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> >
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> >
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> >
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> >
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> >
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> >
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> >
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> >
> > group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> >
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> >
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> >
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> >
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> >
> >
> >
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> >
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> >
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> >
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> >
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> >
> > hauv SCH no.
> >
> >
> >
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> >
> >
> >
> > du
> Kwvtijhmoob;
> Xyoo 1978 cov Hmoob Chao Fab nyob Phou Mak Thao Muang Mok khiav coob coob los rau Thaiteb. Kuv twb nrog Dr. Ntxawg Yaj (Ger Yang DDS) tuaj tham Maj. Txawj Toog Vwj tus ntxhais tog tsev 32. Kuv tau mus kawm team nrog 2 pab team tuaj Phou Mak Thao Muang Mok tuaj. Maj. Vam Kaim Vwj, Capt. Nyaij Hawj Vaj thiab Capt. Xaiv Phiab Yaj (Xaiv Phiab Me) cov Huana Chao Fa nyob sab Muang Mok kuv paub lawv zoo.
> Vajncuab5

nej piav txog vam kaim vwj no puas yog tus xiam tim blog ua ntej 1987 uas lawv tso plig tim 04 vibnais ne? kuv hais li vim ua ntej kuv tuaj meskas mas lawv tso plig ib tug hu VAM KAIS tim 04 me sab hnub tuaj tim vibnais. lub ntees PLIG mas lawv ua tau tsim nyob kawg lawm vim lawv muaj speaker rau txiv xaiv los foom kom peb cov mu tham hluas nkauj tim 04 mas nrog lawv zov mloog txivxaiv ib hmo kaj ntug . tham hluas nkauj ob lwm. iblwm thaum tsau ntuj. nyob mloof txiv xaiv foom kom kaj ntug mam mus tham lwm ob thaum sawv ntxov. cov hluas nkauj xeem CWJ tim 04 yeej 22 kawg li ces thiaj muaj siab tsis pw li. tseem yeem yoo dabntub nyob tham ib hmo ob lwm.
2013-04-17 22:31:01 UTC
Txawm yog qhov tias peb SD feem coob hauv SCH no yeej sib paub zoo yav
dhau los thiab tamsis no, es thiaj tsis zoo hais tawm...

Tejzaum thiab tsis zoo sib cav kom yeej,kom swb vim tias muaj ib hnub
SD yeej yuav tau sib ntsib, fim ntsev fim muag, thaum ntawd es yuav
laj sib ntsia laiv!!!


On Apr 2, 1:21 pm, Vaj Ncuab <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> > In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> > members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> > nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> > better that many are acting in SCH.
> > The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> > they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> > that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> > also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> > Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975.  But all the subsequent
> > groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> > refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> > members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> > Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> > people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> > higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> > history now!!
> > Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> > the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> > be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> > -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> > "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> > citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> > knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> > trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> > group that can speak and write  Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> > English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> > Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> > generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> > imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> > Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> > uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> > there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> > turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> > that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> > hauv SCH no.
> > just a passing sobering thought...
> > du
> Idonotknown;
> Cov pojntxoog hauv SCH no xws li koj, Yajtshajkoob, Cwjmem, Nyujquslaus, Vaajmoob, Zab, Thornsp, HmoobVajUSA, Mouatony, Realitor, Xavzoo, Toulia Vang, Yawg Laus, Kuameiab, Born, Xyeejtsawg, thiab lwm tus kuv paub nej zoo.
> Vajncxuab5
2019-10-09 04:18:03 UTC
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 10:42:08 AM UTC-5, DownUnder wrote:
> In the recent discussions in SCH, it is becoming clear that many
> members from College de samthong have found this forum ua chaw sib
> nraus. Why? We can do better than that as we are much , much more
> better that many are acting in SCH.
> The inaugural group of 31 people has 18 members survived by 1971 and
> they all got entry to Lycee de Viethiane, the first time that we have
> that many Hmong in that presitgious Lycee in Laos. But this group is
> also the group that almost been wipe out afte the first yaear at
> Lycee...only 2-3 actually survive to 1975. But all the subsequent
> groups that would be around 200+ arebthe most imporatnt group that i
> refer to. If there is no change of political situation in laos, the
> members from College Samthong would make bigger impact on history.
> Despite the turbulent that we had to go thru, there are still many
> people have succeeding exceptionally well and many have achieved
> higher education in the West, in many fields... few are even making
> history now!!
> Members of College Samthong are a very important group of Hmong across
> the third world as they are the largest educated Hmong from Laos,.. so
> be proud of who you are...They are the last group , the dinnasor group
> -as Lis Txov told me recently when he visited Oz, to act as the
> "bridge" for the young and the old Hmong, between the Hmong and the
> citizen of the world. This group is the last group that still have the
> knowledge of the way it was in laos prior to 1975 and they are the
> trail blazers for the post 1975 in the West. This group is the last
> group that can speak and write Lao, Hmong , Thai, French and
> English,. There will NOT be any group of Hmong, as large as the
> Samthong group ever again.. Once this group passed on...the young
> generation will no longer have any link to Laos and it is hard to
> imagine the loss to the Hmong without this bridging group.
> Cov phoojywg es.... peb yuav tau siv peb tej sijhawm los ua tej yam
> uas peb yug los ua. It is not a mistaken that we are in the West...
> there is a destiny for each one of us... so...may be it is time to
> turn inward, come together and finish our job (whatever it may be)
> that we born to do. Time is too short to spend time, wasting sib raus
> hauv SCH no.
> just a passing sobering thought...
> du

DU, thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts. Your observation deserved absolute commendation. Just wanted to let you know that many of the College Samthong alumni, whether they are still in Laos or living in the US or France, this group of students have achieved great success. They were the trail blazers,the first graduating group from HS, receiving bachelor degrees and advanced degrees and holding prestige positions. College Samthong prepared these students well and they were the top of the crops. No doubt, they are the bridge between the past and the present, the first and the second generation.