Do Hmong still feel hatred towards laotian??
(too old to reply)
2007-04-15 16:10:00 UTC
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else

The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
2007-04-15 18:44:50 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
Hmmm....interesting questions. This is a race issue and not easy to
tell or explain. Where there is different color of skin, language,
tradition, culture, there is bound to be prejudices and
discriminations. This is part of life. Accept it and go on.

2007-04-15 21:55:41 UTC
Dear Syvoravong,

Thanks for raising such question. As a Lao born Hmong let me share
with you my own personal experience and my humble opinion about this

Back in the early 60s in the country side up north we Hmong, Lao and
Khmou were very friendly. But when we grew up and migrated into the
plain (Vientiane and Louang Phrabang) we were treated very bad by
people in the city. In 1973 to 75 we bought a house in PHone Kheng
area. We were harrassed almost all the time. My two younger brothers
raised some chicken as pets and our Lao neighbors' kids would stold
our chicken from us, killed and dumped them and then came and lead us
to where they dumped the mutilated chicken. They would threw dirty
stuffs into our well. My 3 brothers attended a private school nearby
and they were constantly being harrassed or beaten.

After the fall of the Royal Lao Government, many of our Hmong tried to
escape to Thailand and were ambushed, robbed and raped by Lao Loum
(both military and civilians) while on their way to the Mekong River.
So many of them were killed or starved along their way to Thailand.
Many were dumped into the Mekong River by their boat operators who
were paid to bring them accross the river. With such terrible
experiences I am sure many Hmong do have negative feeling toward Lao

Despite all the above, I believe that we (Lao Loum and Lao Soung) must
learn to accept each other. We must respect each other and live
together. As for me, I have never put the hatred issue in my head
whether Lao Loum, Lao Theung or any race in the planet. I like to
respect them for what they are and expect the same in return.

Why looking or staring make you feel that hatred has something to do
with it?


2007-04-15 22:34:18 UTC
Dear Syvoravong,

"Hate" is a very strong word. Not all Hmong have the same level of
"hatred" toward the Laotian. Some have more, some have less depends
when you ask and whom you ask. If you ask me personally, I would say
no. Why? Because my dad's Laotain friend was the one that helped us
escaped safely to Thailand refugee camp. He and his friend used their
fishing boat to help us cross the Mekong river. All Hmong hate
communist Laotians. Are all Laotians communist? If you are not a
communist and you do no harm to the Hmong then you might not be on
their "shit" list.

Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
2007-04-15 22:49:54 UTC
"All Hmong hate Communist Laotians"?..... There are Communist Hmong in
Laos, in Vietnam, in China. How can you draw a conclusion that all
Hmong hate communist Laotians?


2007-04-15 23:10:41 UTC

Sorry, I did not make myself very clear didn't I? I only refer to his
statement. I did not think very far. You are right. There are other
HMong communists in other countries too (the world is full of
traders). And I should been more careful when using the word "all."
I should have said "some." And you are right about communist HMong.
During the time of "escaped" from Laos to Thailand, my aunt's whole
family of seven was massacred by some HMong communists in one
"frighten night."

Post by Moobsib
"All Hmong hate Communist Laotians"?..... There are Communist Hmong in
Laos, in Vietnam, in China. How can you draw a conclusion that all
Hmong hate communist Laotians?
2007-04-15 23:19:34 UTC
There we go... We, Hmong, must keep in mind that not only some Lao
Loum are bad but there are some Hmong are as bad too. So pointing a
finger at our Lao Loum it means we are part of it because 3 of the
fingers are pointing directly at us.

2007-04-16 16:18:00 UTC
tus kwv moobsib-- raws li kuv nco, koj twb tau hais tias txhua tus
hmoob mas yeej phem tas tus no sub laiv. ua cas ziag no ho hais li
koj lawm mas. kuv twb yeej hais tias qhov tseeb meem tsis yog qhov
hmoob siab phem, tab sis yog qhov ib hnub hmoob hais ib yam lus no
puas yog li kuv hais.
2007-04-16 01:34:23 UTC
syvoravong, i like like lao girl like i like eating tang song and khao
neo chang pale,

Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
2007-04-16 01:53:34 UTC

why would u over generalize that hmong in america hate laotian? if a
hmong stare at you, doesn't mean he/she hates you. and if he/she hates
you, maybe perhaps it's just that individual and not Hmong in america.
likewise growing up laotian call me and my friends ba-meo, it would be
terrible for me to think that laotian in america hates hmong. let's
take it case by case. i suppose some hmong just like to look at you to
see if they know you from somewhere, if they know you, they would
probably like to speak to you.
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
2007-04-16 04:28:52 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)

Yes, the Hmong in America hate Laotian as much as the Laotian hate the
Hmong. If the Laotian love Hmong, the Hmong will love Laotian back.
Inside, we the Hmong love everyone, but outside it depends on what the
Hmong get.

Yesterday, I was invited to celebrate Lao New Year (Peemai) at my Lao
friend house. We eat, sing, lamvong, dance, water each other and have
a lot fun together. I didn't see and approached any Laotian hatred
toward me or saying Meo to me. They respect me and I respect them and
we have fun together. If any Laotian wants to hate me, go head and I
don't care because I have enough Laotian friend both here and in

Sokdee Peemai.
2007-04-16 14:52:54 UTC
Lets REVERSE the question back to you. Do you HATES Hmong in general?
I'll response to your inquiry once you've answered my question.
Pending respond.

Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
2007-04-16 15:33:55 UTC
Another one of those let's start something question. As I remembered it
vaguely, I did not what racism/hatred was until I met my first Laotian
person. The Laotian made sure I know where I belong and where my place
in society was. Living up on the mountain side, I was taught that
everyone is a friend, a cousin, a relative. Everyone belong to the same
BIG family and need to be treated with love and respect.

However, the minute I entered school with Lao children it was made clear
to me that I was there not because I deserve to be there, but rather
that my family pay the Lao school and teachers a large sum of money to
buy me a seat. And, if the school or teachers refused my entry, my
father, one of the military commanders would send in his Hmong soldiers
to kill everyone in the village. I was angry, but not surprise. I knew
the Lao children hated it my presence at the school, nonetheless, that
did not deter me from going to school and get an education. The Lao
kids would call me names and I would get beat up on a daily basis, so
much so that I know exactly when I'm going to get beat and by whom. It
became routine.

I told the teachers about it, but they didn't do a thing. So I went on
with life. I would wish I could just beat everyone up, but I was never
able to. To this day, I still hated my time there, but I don't hold
anything against anyone. It was there fear of me being there and being
better than they were. Their that one day, I might end being their
leader and be the boss of them that made them acted that way. I learned
how to coup with it and move on.

So you see, it's not the Hmong that hated the Lao, but rather the Lao
that hated the Hmong. Now, answer my question -- "Do you still hate the
Hmong like you did when you were in Laos some thirty years ago?"
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
2007-04-16 18:24:01 UTC
To all,
This individual syvoravong speaks like a young child in elementary
school back in the 60s and 70s. He might be one of the young street
gang back then or today. I regretted for my respond to him on the
other post. This kind of questions and answer will rather opened the
old wound than bringing both ethnics to a closer relationship.

2007-04-16 23:51:27 UTC
Sabaidi all,

I never had bad experience or notice any hatred from Hmong toward
There were few Hmong students in my grade school in from 70-73. We
got along well.

I saw one very nasty foul on the soccer game against the Hmong player
from Kings Mountain in N.C. 1980. Our player intended to hurt the
Hmong player and ended up as a big brawl running around the field.
Since then, I refused to speak to that asshole and never team up with
him again.

1987, I was invited and got paid by Hmong sponsor to play for Hmong
in M.N. tournament. They treated me very well, just like any brother
from the old land.

To answer your question, I (Lao-lum dougi smooth) never feel the
hatred from the Hmong toward any Laotian in general.

Good day!

Post by Hmong-Lao
To all,
This individual syvoravong speaks like a young child in elementary
school back in the 60s and 70s. He might be one of the young street
gang back then or today. I regretted for my respond to him on the
other post. This kind of questions and answer will rather opened the
old wound than bringing both ethnics to a closer relationship.
2007-04-17 00:08:12 UTC

To me it seems like Syvoravongsam is just an imitation, not quite a
real lao's name. He could be a hmong trying to create more chaos among
us. It is ridiculous when you guys jumped in with controversial views,
specially, among the most friendly participants in SCH.

The topic may be good but, I chose not to waste my time on it.

2007-04-17 01:33:03 UTC
Good point, Tseemyeej.


2014-04-20 12:08:06 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
I don't know anything about it much, but I am Hmong and I do love a Lao person as much as they would love me.
2014-04-20 14:36:44 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
i don´t HATE THEM but that doesn´t mean I LOVE THEM. it´ś all natural feeling no + nor - everyone will be treat and judge according to their actions and reactions. if their actions and reactuions aRE + than of course i´ĺl be + to them the way every other HUMAN in this society if theY keep pullinG - than that´s what they will get. at this time i´m too BZ already with my relatives and i got no extra time to venture OUTSIDE of this family things let along joining the LAOTIAN COMMUNITY EVENT somewhere else. I´M TOO bz FISHING
2018-05-25 21:24:39 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I was wondering in my mind do hmong in America still have the hatred
feeling towards Laotian or they just feel that there parent life was a
unsuccessful that creat hatred towards laotian in America and else
The reason I put this question is that I have seen many hmong who have
that staring look when it come to laotian? I just want to know the
majority of Hmong what they feel inside them and family towards
Laotian people. (>_<)
Yes, we do. You're people are still killing our people of today and that still goes on. Your best friend, the Thai people are bunch of pussies who would cheat a fair fight since they KNOW that we will beat them. Hmong has fought against the Chinese for over 5000 years and we've known them well. We have met the stupid and the conniving (Chinese), and now, we are meeting the boastful and the lazy (Laos). The question is: "What did we do to you guys that we deserve such heinous act of genocide?"

If you want to apologize, give us a land/country since IN your constitution, who wrote, "Hmong territory." That means, "It's our country for now."

Here's my uncle who's been fighting for the Hmong community to overthrow your people. Your people have a huge apology to say to our face if your people have the guts to come to us to say, "Sorry."