Well, you seem to have a talent for assuming and jumping to
conclusions. All that you have said are very emotional statements, none
based on facts. You continue to show your misunderstanding of the
situation. What more, you have moved away from the original argument.
If you want to perpetuate the mentality of Hmong against Whites or
vice-versa everytime an incident occurs that happens to involve a Hmong
and a White person, then do so at your own peril. That is your
perogative. But, remember, you are hurting Hmong American and their
image when you play into such an idea.
I find some things very wrong in every one of your paragraphs above.
1. "Because recent history tells us it could be."
Would you mind telling me what recent history? Or is it your
short-sighted view that interprets isolated incident to be those of
hate crimes and racism? If there is a history, then please list the
cases and years.
2. "white folks needs to educate the racist whites about the history of
the hmong and conduct more anti-racist, tolarance, and respect training
to all."
White folks need to educated the racist whites? Keep waiting until you
reach 120 years for this one to occur. White folks will not do what is
your responsibility. Hmong people should educate all people about the
beauty of our culture and history.
3. "Hmong people can't run away from the real issue of racism. It they
have balls, they should fight it and instead of trying to kiss up.
Kissing up only prolong the truth and will reoccurred on our
You are right, I have heard Hmong people discussing some way to offer
an apology for Chai's behaviour. That is kissing up, and that is wrong.
But Chai's case was not a situation rooted in racisim--racism was a
by-product of the situation. Chai trespassed onto someone's property,
and that caused the incident. You cited an incident where 2 whites were
involved in a similar situation, but yet, no mention of racism was
mentioned. That is because the issue was one of trespass and male
testosterone. Chai's case was exacly so. But the fact that Chai was a
Hmong helped the media paint the situation as one involving racism. The
fact that the media portrayed the situation as racism misled Hmong
people, such as yourself, to believe that indeed it was a racist
incident. Do you see the sequence of events here? Now, you continue to
be enraged and appalled at the idea of Hmong vs Whites or Whites vs
Hmong--which you should be, if this was the case, but it is not, so you
are wasting energy.
4. "So your above quotes is sad. You are filled with fear. Your
speculations are full of fear. If we are to put our neck on the edge of
a blade, so be it. What is life living as dogs. In fact dogs are
treated better then Hmong people."
Fear? I think the only person with fear is you. Above all, you seem to
fear racism, and I do not blame you since you have a personality easily
shattered and disturbed by hatred. Living as a dog? Is that how you see
yourself because of racism? Now, that is something truly sad. Dogs are
treated better then [sic] Hmong people? Maybe you treat your dogs
better than Hmong people, but I treat all people, including my own, as
human beings. Very sad indeed for your world-view.
5. "if there were 17,000 american dog allies starvation and dying in
the jungles of Laos, the u.s. government would have saved those dogs
Please give me a reference for the 17,000 number. I believe you are
talking about the Chao Fa resistance fighters. This topic deserves its
own thread on various issues.
6. "Hmong people are a bunch of cowards if they think hiding in the
shadow of life long enough then racism will go away. Maybe you're
scared because you live with a bunch of racist whites. maybe ure too
wealthy and don't want to lose your life in the fight for equality and
justice, will let it past to your sons and daughters. Don't worry,
those who
have all will lose all."
I assure you, I am neither scared nor wealthy. Moreover, what happened
to your original intentions of hoping for the negation of bad things
against Hmong people? Now you are hoping Hmong posterity will inherit
the current ills of society and lose all that we have come to achieve
so far? I think you should change your name from HmongHlubHmong to
HmongHateHmong. The only prejudice here seems to be your view on Hmong
7. "hmong people have been and are selfish, yet egostical cowards and
will be forever until they choose to stop living for personal gain and
begin living for human dignity."
Maybe this statement is more indicative of you, your family, your
relatives, or the Hmong people you live with. But the fact is, Hmong
people are giving, humble, and very loving people. Did you not pay
attention to my post above about our record of protecting the nation,
land and people we live with? Well, it seems like you respond only to
what you think will make you look better in this discussion. But
perhaps this is who you are, and I respect that.
Have a good day.