hmong vietnamese general visit hmong u.s.a.
(too old to reply)
2007-12-10 18:39:53 UTC
hnov hais tias muaj ib tug nai phoo hmoob nyab laj tuaj saib hmoob
mekas nyuam qhuav no. tus nai phoo hmoob nyab laj no lub npe hu ua
ntxoov xeeb vaj no sub. nws twb tuaj tau 2, 3 asthiv no lawm. nws
twb tau tuaj muab lecture me ntsis nyob rau tom concordia university-
st. paul thiab sub no es nej leej twg puas tau mus pom thiab ntsib nws

raws li hnov tham mas yawg nai phoo hmoob nyaj laj no nws yog ib tug
muaj peev xwm heev uas tau pab nyab laj ua rog puag xyoo 1945 los txog
ntua rau xyoo 1975. txhais tau hais tias nws yog ib tug nai phoo hmoob
nyab laj uas pab nyab laj tua yeej kiag nai phoo vaj pov thiab nplog
cov tub rog nyob rau ncua rog vaj pov ntag.

xav pom thiab xav nrog nws tham thiab tiag. uas li nej leej twg puas
tau ntsib thiab nrog nws tham ne ho tham qhia peb thiab saib.
2007-12-10 19:34:24 UTC
Post by k***@aol.com
hnov hais tias muaj ib tug nai phoo hmoob nyab laj tuaj saib hmoob
mekas nyuam qhuav no. tus nai phoo hmoob nyab laj no lub npe hu ua
ntxoov xeeb vaj no sub. nws twb tuaj tau 2, 3 asthiv no lawm. nws
twb tau tuaj muab lecture me ntsis nyob rau tom concordia university-
st. paul thiab sub no es nej leej twg puas tau mus pom thiab ntsib nws
raws li hnov tham mas yawg nai phoo hmoob nyaj laj no nws yog ib tug
muaj peev xwm heev uas tau pab nyab laj ua rog puag xyoo 1945 los txog
ntua rau xyoo 1975. txhais tau hais tias nws yog ib tug nai phoo hmoob
nyab laj uas pab nyab laj tua yeej kiag nai phoo vaj pov thiab nplog
cov tub rog nyob rau ncua rog vaj pov ntag.
xav pom thiab xav nrog nws tham thiab tiag. uas li nej leej twg puas
tau ntsib thiab nrog nws tham ne ho tham qhia peb thiab saib.
tsi paub hais tias, Ntxoov Xeeb Vaj no puas yog General los tsi yog,
tus no yog tus Muam Lig Vaj niam cov Nus kiag...zoo li nws yog ib rug
Doctor thiab no--tabsi tsi hnov Lig tham txog hais tias nws puas yog
General los tsi yog....yog xav paub, mus saib Lig Vaj qhov web site
ces pom lawv tsev neeg tagnrho mas nawb.

Tzianeng Vang
2007-12-10 22:29:41 UTC
Cov boj yaig,

Yawg Zoov Xeeb yog Lig yawm txiv. Lig niam, Ntxhi Vaj, coj Lig thiab
nws tus nus rov los kiav xeem nrog tsev neeg xeem Vaj nyob...

Yawg Zoov Xeeb tau tuaj mus tham rau ib tsoom niam txiv kwv tij neej
tsa tau hnov txog noob neej Hmoob Cob Tsib rau tim 29, lub 11 hlis,
xyoo 2007 no thaum 6 - 8 teev tsaus ntuj; Concordia University-Saint
Paul's Center for Hmog Studies yog lub koom haum txais tos sawv daws
nrog rau Great American Mortgage. Nws kuj pom ntau yam thiab tab, zoo
li kuv twb posted tag lawm tias nws, "...zoo siab heev ua FGVP tau coj
Hmoob lub noob neej ci ntsa iab rau ntiaj teb lawm...lawv cov tau nrog
sab communist tej zaum yeej kob rog tiam sis FGVP yeej kev ua neej

Yog xav paub ntxiv hu los yog email rau kuv tau: 651.238.5300 or

Post by Born2beHmong
Post by k***@aol.com
hnov hais tias muaj ib tug nai phoo hmoob nyab laj tuaj saib hmoob
mekas nyuam qhuav no. tus nai phoo hmoob nyab laj no lub npe hu ua
ntxoov xeeb vaj no sub. nws twb tuaj tau 2, 3 asthiv no lawm. nws
twb tau tuaj muab lecture me ntsis nyob rau tom concordia university-
st. paul thiab sub no es nej leej twg puas tau mus pom thiab ntsib nws
raws li hnov tham mas yawg nai phoo hmoob nyaj laj no nws yog ib tug
muaj peev xwm heev uas tau pab nyab laj ua rog puag xyoo 1945 los txog
ntua rau xyoo 1975. txhais tau hais tias nws yog ib tug nai phoo hmoob
nyab laj uas pab nyab laj tua yeej kiag nai phoo vaj pov thiab nplog
cov tub rog nyob rau ncua rog vaj pov ntag.
xav pom thiab xav nrog nws tham thiab tiag. uas li nej leej twg puas
tau ntsib thiab nrog nws tham ne ho tham qhia peb thiab saib.
tsi paub hais tias, Ntxoov Xeeb Vaj no puas yog General los tsi yog,
tus no yog tus Muam Lig Vaj niam cov Nus kiag...zoo li nws yog ib rug
Doctor thiab no--tabsi tsi hnov Lig tham txog hais tias nws puas yog
General los tsi yog....yog xav paub, mus saib Lig Vaj qhov web site
ces pom lawv tsev neeg tagnrho mas nawb.
2007-12-11 00:32:47 UTC
Ua tsaug, Txiabneeb.

2007-12-11 01:36:52 UTC
On Dec 10, 4:29 pm, Tzianeng Vang <***@gmail.com> wrote:

zamtxim, vim kuv mus saib Lig qhov web site once--es ntev zog lawm
xwb. tabsi koj tsi tau clearify li Kwvtij tau noog tias, NtxoovXeeb
Vang yog ib tug General no puas muaj tiag, kom future no peb hos
nkagsiab txog nws tus kheej. kuv pom Lig hais mas, nws niam cov nus
kawm tau Dr ntau tus lawm no.

yog li ua tsaug, ua koj hos pab clearify no.

yog li Ntxoovxeeb Vaj puas yog ib tug General tiag?


Tzianeng Vang
2007-12-11 03:58:32 UTC
Cov boj yaig,

Tam kuv paub xwb mas zoo li nws tau khiav txoj dej num muaj ntsis zoo
xws li Phas Nyas Tub Bis Lis Foom haud teb chaw Nplog...tom qab nws
yuav retired ces nws tau tuav txoj dej num los mus saib xyuas tag nrho
cov haiv neeg tsawg nyob Cob Tsib teb no sub...

Muaj li cas mam hais qhia ntxiv...
Post by Born2beHmong
zamtxim, vim kuv mus saib Lig qhov web site once--es ntev zog lawm
xwb. tabsi koj tsi tau clearify li Kwvtij tau noog tias, NtxoovXeeb
Vang yog ib tug General no puas muaj tiag, kom future no peb hos
nkagsiab txog nws tus kheej. kuv pom Lig hais mas, nws niam cov nus
kawm tau Dr ntau tus lawm no.
yog li ua tsaug, ua koj hos pab clearify no.
yog li Ntxoovxeeb Vaj puas yog ib tug General tiag?
2007-12-11 04:12:45 UTC

Yog leej twg sponsor yawg tuaj US no, puas yog VajXab thiab VP nkawd?
Hais qhov tseeb txhob dag ov.
Post by Tzianeng Vang
Cov boj yaig,
Tam kuv paub xwb mas zoo li nws tau khiav txoj dej num muaj ntsis zoo
xws li Phas Nyas Tub Bis Lis Foom haud teb chaw Nplog...tom qab nws
yuav retired ces nws tau tuav txoj dej num los mus saib xyuas tag nrho
cov haiv neeg tsawg nyob Cob Tsib teb no sub...
Muaj li cas mam hais qhia ntxiv...
Post by Born2beHmong
zamtxim, vim kuv mus saib Lig qhov web site once--es ntev zog lawm
xwb. tabsi koj tsi tau clearify li Kwvtij tau noog tias, NtxoovXeeb
Vang yog ib tug General no puas muaj tiag, kom future no peb hos
nkagsiab txog nws tus kheej. kuv pom Lig hais mas, nws niam cov nus
kawm tau Dr ntau tus lawm no.
yog li ua tsaug, ua koj hos pab clearify no.
yog li Ntxoovxeeb Vaj puas yog ib tug General tiag?
B2BH- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2007-12-11 04:32:33 UTC
lig has come on here a few times. lig even came to america. a lot of
things lig say are suspect. for example, she said, 'hmong don't have a
word for king' in one of her dialogs with me. she even said vaj zoov
lung combined forces with xiong mi chang's rebellion. according to dr.
mnm lee, xiong mi chang's rebellion was among the better documented
rebellions in french indochina, if not the best documented rebellion;
if so, how come a person like vaj zoo lung with the achievements as
great as establishing an 'empire', not be mentioned?

on her site, she said 'yaj pa chay' (1918). i'm confused now. is vwj
paj cai now xeem yaj? so far, we have paj cai vwj, paj cai xyooj, and
paj cai yaj; all of whom have been claimed by others to different
degrees to be the 'paj cai' of the madman's rebellion. and why did she
use the keith quincy romanization of pa chay? seems to me some hmoob
americans are feeding her bits and pieces and she's trying to connect
the dots on her end.

lig needs to understand how to define and use terms with more accuracy
and precision. her site is rare (provides a very different view) and a
treasure indeed, however.

copied directly from her site, http://www.am00n.com/

"To Hmong people, we have titled orders for experienced and wiser
elders. We follow our social arrangements which based on Hmong
tradition and culture.There's no title "King" among Hmong people,
because we already have the headers of clans and their branches... "

"The title "king" doesn't refer to an emperor; a "Hmong king" was
always as close and friendly as a leader in Hmong society. Our great
grandfather established "Hmong empire" in the North East Vietnam, by
the border with China. His name is Vaj Zoov Lung (or Vuong Chinh Duc,
in Vietnamese)."
Post by Born2beHmong
zamtxim, vim kuv mus saib Lig qhov web site once--es ntev zog lawm
xwb. tabsi koj tsi tau clearify li Kwvtij tau noog tias, NtxoovXeeb
Vang yog ib tug General no puas muaj tiag, kom future no peb hos
nkagsiab txog nws tus kheej. kuv pom Lig hais mas, nws niam cov nus
kawm tau Dr ntau tus lawm no.
yog li ua tsaug, ua koj hos pab clearify no.
yog li Ntxoovxeeb Vaj puas yog ib tug General tiag?
2008-01-02 20:40:21 UTC
Zhen and sawv daws,

All things on our family website are said and broadcasted by my
grandpa- Vaj Zoov xeeb ( Vietnamese name is Vuong quynh Son ); me, as
his grand-son, i made the website and edited it, and as a clan with a
long time history and family value, we publish only the historical

We're still in Minnesota for some more days, if you have any question,
why not come over to check us, we stay with Vang Xang ( HAMAA
Talking about us, Hmong Vietnam we don't write this Hmong RPA, so if
you asked someone as "who is Vaj Zoov Xeeb", they sure don't ring a
bell. But you shall ask, "Meo king family" or "Vuong Chinh Duc, Vuong
Chi Sinh, Vuong Quynh Son" etc. Then even Vietnamese people know us
very well.
To other people, i'd like to welcome all of you to come over and visit
our village and our family's castle, right now it's a national
heritage and all our relatives live just by the doors of the palace:

the address is: Dinh Nha Vuong ( The Vuong's palace/villa), Sa Phin
village, Dong Van commune, Ha Giang province, North Vietnam.

For any of you who asked some Hmong Vietnam online and they don't know
about us, please make sure:
1. you ask the right name " dinh nha Vuong, Sa Phin, Dong Van, Ha
Giang" or "dinh vua Meo"
2. The young Hmong guys/gals they don't really know about anything
else beside of their town, unless they ask their elders in the house.
And many of the youth now, even that they live in the villages, they
don't care about Hmong history in Vietnam anymore, so they only know
Vietnamese history, not Hmong Vietnam's history.

this is from the news in Vietnam:

Our clan's palace: http://www.am00n.com/bio_house.php

Our great-grandpa's tombstone: http://www.am00n.com/bio_clan3.php


I'm using the wireless so i didn;t check the internet much right now,
sorry for being late reply to this post.

Thanks and sicerely,

Lig Vaj.

PS: My mother is Hmong Vang, my father is Vietnamese, so i am a half-
breed. Guess this is why people wonder why do i have the last name
"Vaj" also; because i'd love being Hmong and love taking the
responsibilities of introducing our Hmong Vietnam community to the
other Hmong world, making relationship and friendships. Once again, me
and my family and all our relatives in the village, we would like to
invite all of you to come over to visit us and check the fact by

If you have any question, please feel free to ask here or send me
feedback over our family's website.
Thanks again
mam sis ntsib dua.
Post by zhen
lig has come on here a few times. lig even came to america. a lot of
things lig say are suspect. for example, she said, 'hmong don't have a
word for king' in one of her dialogs with me. she even said vaj zoov
lung combined forces with xiong mi chang's rebellion. according to dr.
mnm lee, xiong mi chang's rebellion was among the better documented
rebellions in french indochina, if not the best documented rebellion;
if so, how come a person like vaj zoo lung with the achievements as
great as establishing an 'empire', not be mentioned?
on her site, she said 'yaj pa chay' (1918). i'm confused now. is vwj
paj cai now xeem yaj? so far, we have paj cai vwj, paj cai xyooj, and
paj cai yaj; all of whom have been claimed by others to different
degrees to be the 'paj cai' of the madman's rebellion. and why did she
use the keith quincy romanization of pa chay? seems to me some hmoob
americans are feeding her bits and pieces and she's trying to connect
the dots on her end.
lig needs to understand how to define and use terms with more accuracy
and precision. her site is rare (provides a very different view) and a
treasure indeed, however.
copied directly from her site,http://www.am00n.com/
"To Hmong people, we have titled orders for experienced and wiser
elders. We follow our social arrangements which based on Hmong
tradition and culture.There's no title "King" among Hmong people,
because we already have the headers of clans and their branches... "
"The title "king" doesn't refer to an emperor; a "Hmong king" was
always as close and friendly as a leader in Hmong society. Our great
grandfather established "Hmong empire" in the North East Vietnam, by
the border with China. His name is Vaj Zoov Lung (or Vuong Chinh Duc,
in Vietnamese)."
Post by Born2beHmong
zamtxim, vim kuv mus saib Lig qhov web site once--es ntev zog lawm
xwb. tabsi koj tsi tau clearify li Kwvtij tau noog tias, NtxoovXeeb
Vang yog ib tug General no puas muaj tiag, kom future no peb hos
nkagsiab txog nws tus kheej. kuv pom Lig hais mas, nws niam cov nus
kawm tau Dr ntau tus lawm no.
yog li ua tsaug, ua koj hos pab clearify no.
yog li Ntxoovxeeb Vaj puas yog ib tug General tiag?
2008-01-03 00:45:58 UTC

Your writting is so stranged. It is hard to follow you. A couple of
years ago, you were a girl. Now you are a man. Unless lig vaj and
you are not the same person, but you two do talk about the Hmong Vang
King in Vietname.

Wow! taking your mom's last name and forsake your dad's.
2008-01-03 14:39:08 UTC
Post by Tony
Your writting is so stranged.  It is hard to follow you.  A couple of
years ago, you were a girl.  Now you are a man.  Unless lig vaj and
you are not the same person, but you two do talk about the Hmong Vang
King in Vietname.
Wow! taking your mom's last name and forsake your dad's.

any one that lives in the industrialize countries can take out any
form of last name, it is matter of choice, all he/she needs to do is
asked the court to grant one that one chooses. Lig's last name is
prefectly fine as she is.

as for me, i would love to have more people who want to become Mhong
and change their last name status to be name after one of our clans

i too believe that Lig was trying to tell us that the son, the one
that Kwv had asked, if he is a Mhong general from Vietnam to visit us
in the US, as that he is still here in the States, at Vang Xa's
house. if any one wants to know more in detail, then please go to
Vang Xa's house and speak to him in person or face to face.


Lig's mom has a nother sister and her daughter lived here in the
States--they has a flower shop right under our feet and we just didn't
know. So, in the previous years, VP's family and they were at major
events together. perhaps, that was where all the pictures were taken.


2008-01-04 01:16:27 UTC
Hello there,

Since when i turned into a man? please correct me if i'm wrong but
i've never claimed to be a man.
I am Lig Vaj, and i don't forsake my dad, he passed away when i was
small so i took my mother's last name as inspiration for life.
Lig Vaj.
Post by Tony
Your writting is so stranged. It is hard to follow you. A couple of
years ago, you were a girl. Now you are a man. Unless lig vaj and
you are not the same person, but you two do talk about the Hmong Vang
King in Vietname.
Wow! taking your mom's last name and forsake your dad's.
2008-01-05 00:30:39 UTC
Post by HmoobVietnam-***@www.am00n.com
Zhen and sawv daws,
All things on our family website are said and broadcasted by my
grandpa- Vaj Zoov xeeb ( Vietnamese name is Vuong quynh Son ); me, as his grand-son, i made the website and edited it...
Nothing personal, just curious.
2008-01-05 03:21:11 UTC
like i said, 'suspect'. he/she never answers anything critical of her
'claims'. as it stands, these are just 'claims'. why email her or call
her when we have the beauty and use of SCH to share + exchange

koj ntsia xwb mas, thaum lawv raug ntes lawm ces kawg hais, 'hu kuv
tus xov tooj' OR 'sau rau kuv tus iv-mem (email)'. koj tsis pom
'doctor' pov thoj lov, thaum lawv tsoo qe pom nws yuav tau niam yau
ces nws tsis kam qhia qhov tseeb rau hauv SCH li. nws tsuas hais,
'ntaus 7 tug zauv tuaj nrog kuv tham' xwb. hahahahahha. good defense
and misdirection mechanism.
Post by Tony
Post by HmoobVietnam-***@www.am00n.com
Zhen and sawv daws,
All things on our family website are said and broadcasted by my
grandpa- Vaj Zoov xeeb ( Vietnamese name is Vuong quynh Son ); me, as his grand-son, i made the website and edited it...
Nothing personal, just curious.
2008-01-05 06:23:19 UTC
Post by HmoobVietnam-***@www.am00n.com
Hello there,
Since when i turned into a man? please correct me if i'm wrong but
i've never claimed to be a man.
I am Lig Vaj, and i don't forsake my dad, he passed away when i was
small so i took my mother's last name as inspiration for life.
Lig Vaj.
Post by Tony
Your writting is so stranged.  It is hard to follow you.  A couple of
years ago, you were a girl.  Now you are a man.  Unless lig vaj and
you are not the same person, but you two do talk about the Hmong Vang
King in Vietname.
Wow! taking your mom's last name and forsake your dad's.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't worry, Tony's dad last name is Jesus and the mother is Marry.
Life has changed..oh...
2008-01-05 10:58:55 UTC
Post by brushoff
Don't worry, Tony's dad last name is Jesus and the mother is Marry.
Life has changed..oh
No worry brushoff
2008-01-06 07:23:08 UTC
Post by Tony
Post by brushoff
Don't worry, Tony's dad last name is Jesus and the mother is Marry.
Life has changed..oh
No worry brushoff
Sure only if god's kid says so
2017-05-21 01:26:40 UTC
Nyob zoo os ib tsoom niam tsiv kwv tij moob.Kuv zoo siab tias kuv yog ib tus tub moob nyob rau nyab laj teb tiam sig kuv tu siab kawg tias cas peb moob ntawm kuv xeev nyob nws tseem txom nyem kawg li tsaug yog niaj nub mus ua liaj teb tas li xwb es puas muaj tsoj hauv kev tws los pab tau maj.thov Kom peb cov moob nyob rau xeev ntuj Meke thiab tshua teb chawg kws muaj kev vam meej lawm pab peb thiab.kuv yog kiv vaj nyob nyab laj teb ntawm Vietnam.
2007-12-11 12:55:33 UTC
cov phoojywg,

kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...
Tzianeng Vang
2007-12-11 15:02:21 UTC
Peb Hmoob ces nyob qhov twg los yeej muaj ntau pab ntau pawg...e.g.
nyob Suav teb, yog cov tau ua nom muaj koob muaj be lawv ces cov ib
nyuag ua neej poob qab yeej paub tsis tshua txog, thiab...

Tam li mloog cov lus cev tag mas zoo li peb (Hmoob) teb no zoo li luaj
li daim teb tiag, tiag xwb...

Lub noob neej nyob Cob Tsib teb yog ib lub peb kuj tseem yuav tau pab
taug mus saib peb Hmoob li kev noj haus sib coj ho zoo li cas...
Post by TswvYim
cov phoojywg,
kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...
2007-12-11 15:15:48 UTC
raws li paub mas nyob rau suav teb thiab nyab laj teb mas peb muaj ib
co hmoob mus txia ua li luag lawm. lawv mus noj li luag, nyob li
luag, thiab hais lus li luag. cov no lawv yeej tsis lees hais tias
lawv yog hmoob li lawm. pom hmoob los yeej tsis tham lus hmoob rau li
lawm. qhov no kuj tsis yog lawv ntxub hmoob, tab sis vim lawv ntshai
discrimination. cov no lawv lub neej yeej nyob li luag thiab kuj ua
neej tuaj qaum tsag me ntsis li luag lawm thiab. nyob li tus kwv tij
ntxoov xeeb no los kuj hnov hais tias nws tsev neeg mas yeej tsis paub
hais lus hmoob li lawm no vim mus txia ua nyab laj lawm no laiv.
2007-12-11 15:50:34 UTC
kwv aws,

hmoob siav hmoob nyoos naj has. koj yuav tau ntxiv mekas teb rau koj
cov lus thiab. ntau thiab ntau zuj zus, coob thiab coob zuj zus, me
nyuam + tib neeg hmoob mekas yeej txaj txaj muag hais lus hmoob,
ntseeg kev cai dab qhaus hmoob, noj li hmoob, hnav li hmoob, etc...
Post by k***@aol.com
raws li paub mas nyob rau suav teb thiab nyab laj teb mas peb muaj ib
co hmoob mus txia ua li luag lawm. lawv mus noj li luag, nyob li
luag, thiab hais lus li luag. cov no lawv yeej tsis lees hais tias
lawv yog hmoob li lawm. pom hmoob los yeej tsis tham lus hmoob rau li
lawm. qhov no kuj tsis yog lawv ntxub hmoob, tab sis vim lawv ntshai
discrimination. cov no lawv lub neej yeej nyob li luag thiab kuj ua
neej tuaj qaum tsag me ntsis li luag lawm thiab. nyob li tus kwv tij
ntxoov xeeb no los kuj hnov hais tias nws tsev neeg mas yeej tsis paub
hais lus hmoob li lawm no vim mus txia ua nyab laj lawm no laiv.
2007-12-11 17:47:39 UTC

koj hais rau Kwv, mas yog lus kawg kiag li lawm nawb! txhob hais rau
cov Mhoob nyob rau lwm lub teb chaw kiag, peb cov Mhoob america teb no
xwb--yog tus ua uas haujlwm es muaj nyiaj miv miv lawm xwb..twb yuav
luag tsi kam hus ua Mhoob no lawm nad...ib cov twb tsi kam nws cov me
tub me nyuam xyaum hais lus Mhoob lawm thiab tiag....good one...smile!

2007-12-11 18:05:23 UTC
zehn thiab Born2beHmong-- hmoob mekas txawv lawm deb heev au. qhov ua
rau cov me nyuam hmoob mekas tsis hais lus hmoob mas vim tim lawv yeej
tsis paub lus hmoob lawm xwb, tsis yog tim lawv mus txia los yog
ntshai discrimination.

ho hmoob suav thiab hmoob nyab laj mas yeej yog vim lawv mus txia, noj
li luag, nyob li luag thiab hais lus li luag lawm. qhov no tsis yog
lawv tsis paub lus hmoob. lawv yeej tseem paub lus hmoob kawg, tab
sis lawv yeej ci li tsis kam hais lus hmoob lawm xwb vim lawv ntshai

hnov tham tias xyoo tas los no muaj 2 tug hmoob mekas mus nyab laj
teb. nkawv mus saib ib tug kwv tij hmoob nyob tom nroog ham noi, txia
ua nyab laj lawm. nkawv mus ces nkawv tsis paub lus nyab laj ces
txawm mus nrog yim hmoob nyab laj no tham lus hmoob. yim hmoob nyab
laj no kuj tsis xav tham lus hmoob, tab sis vim 2 yawg no kuj yog
hmoob mekas thiab tsis paub lus nyab laj ces thiaj tau tham lus hmoob
ua rau yim hmoob no cov phooj ywg nyab laj nyob ze kuj suprise heev li
vim yim hmoob no yeej ib txwm tsis hais lus hmoob thiab lawv yeej hais
tias lawv yog nyab laj xwb no. tom qab tham lus hmoob tag rau cov tej
phooj ywg nyab laj hnov tag ces kuj uas rau cov nyab laj ntawd tsis
nyiam yim hmoob no lawm. yim hmoob no thiaj tau tsim khiav tawm mus
lawm no.
2007-12-12 13:15:57 UTC
Tub tsi has cov Mhoob Suav hab Mhoob Cobtsib xwb, cov Mhoob Thaib los
cov muaj kev txawj ntse feem coob yeej moog txa ua neeg Thaib taag
txhaj tau dlej num tsoomfwv ua.

Kuv kuj surprise tas ua caag ho tsi muaj Mhoob paub txug Lig tsev neeg
hab. Le caag los xij, yeej yuav tsum yog vim le mej suav dlawg has lug
sau toj nuav es txhaj ua rua tsev neeg ntawd tu kev sis paub ntawd

2008-01-02 21:05:04 UTC
Nyob zoo,

Yog li koj hais lawm mas, muaj ib cov Hmoob nyob Vietnam, mus kawm
ntawv thiaj li tsi kam rov los ua Hmoob lawm, vim nyob Vietnam mas
Hmoob txom nyem thiab ua liaj teb xwb, lawv pheej hu ua "Hmoob ruam li
ruam" ne. Vim li ntawd mas yeej muaj ntau tus txaj muag ua Hmoob
Zoo li kuv mas, thaum kuv me me hlob los, kuv tsi paub ua Hmoob thiab
tias, vim kuv txiv yog Nyablaj, tshuav kuv niam thiaj yog Hmoob xwb.
Tabsi thaum luag thuam tias, puas yog Hmoob yog ib cov neeg txom nyem
thiab ruam tsi paub ua noj ua haus dabtsi, mas kuv lub siab nws mob
heev lawm, thiab kua muag ntws tsi paub qhuav li. Vim li ntawd kuv
thiab hais tias, ua li mas kuv nyiam ua ib tus Hmoob ruam, nrog peb
Hmoob sib hlub sib pab, yeej zoo dua ua ib tus nyob ib nrab xwb tsi
paub ua neeg dabtsi lawm.

Zaug no kuv pom peb Hmoob Mekasmas noj qab nyob zoo tias tias li,
thiab mekas muaj kev cai zoo zoo, luag tsi kav ua discrimination rau
Hmoob li. Xhov tsi paub Hmoob nyob Mekas puas hlub Hmoob nyob Cob Tsib
teb ib yam li hlub Hmoob nyob Nplog teb thiab? Ntxawm nyob sab ntuj
twg, thov sawv daws sib pab thiab sib khoom tes, thiaj li ua rau lub
npe hu ua Hmoob no ci ci iab nawm.

Ntawd no yog kuv lo lus hais ntawd nruab siab, yog muaj qhov twg hais
tsi yog, thov sawv daws zam txim.

Ua tsaug.
Lig Vaj.
Post by k***@aol.com
raws li paub mas nyob rau suav teb thiab nyab laj teb mas peb muaj ib
co hmoob mus txia ua li luag lawm. lawv mus noj li luag, nyob li
luag, thiab hais lus li luag. cov no lawv yeej tsis lees hais tias
lawv yog hmoob li lawm. pom hmoob los yeej tsis tham lus hmoob rau li
lawm. qhov no kuj tsis yog lawv ntxub hmoob, tab sis vim lawv ntshai
discrimination. cov no lawv lub neej yeej nyob li luag thiab kuj ua
neej tuaj qaum tsag me ntsis li luag lawm thiab. nyob li tus kwv tij
ntxoov xeeb no los kuj hnov hais tias nws tsev neeg mas yeej tsis paub
hais lus hmoob li lawm no vim mus txia ua nyab laj lawm no laiv.
2007-12-11 15:46:53 UTC
Post by Tzianeng Vang
Peb Hmoob ces nyob qhov twg los yeej muaj ntau pab ntau pawg...e.g.
nyob Suav teb, yog cov tau ua nom muaj koob muaj be lawv ces cov ib
nyuag ua neej poob qab yeej paub tsis tshua txog, thiab...
xob dag dag. don't try to make excuses. if 'muaj koob muaj npe' then
the 'commoners' (i.e. the ones you said were 'poob qab') should know
about him/her. cov hmoob poob qab nyob suav teb twb paub txog hlob vaj
pov ned, puas yog? hlob vaj pov twb tsis yog 'vaj ntxwv' los sis 'huab
tais' li vaj zoo lung, es vim li cas tib neeg poob qab + tib neeg ua
ntej tag nrho coob leej ntau tus ho hnov/paub txog hlob vaj pov no?
2007-12-12 05:54:34 UTC
Txiabneng thiab cov hluas,

Nej puas xav tias yog tias Ntxoo Xeeb yog ib tug nom loj li nej hais
tiag no nws txoj kev tuaj saib cov nom Hmoob Meliskas zaum no puas
yuav yog ib qhov good rau nws tiag mas? Nej tsis ntshai tsam yawg mus
txog tsev Nyab Laj muab yawg coj mus xam maj nas lawm lov? Kuv xav
tias suav daws txhob raws zoo zoo siab tias zaum no nom Hmoob NyabLaj
tuaj cuag tau nom Hmoob Meliskas lawm ces yuav muaj internal politic
zoo no nawb, tsam ib ntsis txoj kev tuaj cuag cov nom Hmoob Meliskas
lam yog ib txoj kev ua npog rau yawg thiab ne. Kuv tus laus no xav mas
it very dangerous for him because he a communist in communist rule.
Post by Tzianeng Vang
Peb Hmoob ces nyob qhov twg los yeej muaj ntau pab ntau pawg...e.g.
nyob Suav teb, yog cov tau ua nom muaj koob muaj be lawv ces cov ib
nyuag ua neej poob qab yeej paub tsis tshua txog, thiab...
Tam li mloog cov lus cev tag mas zoo li peb (Hmoob) teb no zoo li luaj
li daim teb tiag, tiag xwb...
Lub noob neej nyob Cob Tsib teb yog ib lub peb kuj tseem yuav tau pab
taug mus saib peb Hmoob li kev noj haus sib coj ho zoo li cas...
Post by TswvYim
cov phoojywg,
kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Tzianeng Vang
2007-12-12 17:06:14 UTC
Qhov tseeb ces yog cov kwv cov tij sib pab tos yawg tuaj saib kwv tij
neej tsa xwb...tsis yog tuaj "official capacity" ab tsi li...ntshai
tsam yawg hlob GVP thiab nkawv ob tug laus tsis tau sib pom ntxiv lawm
es thiaj tuaj xwb...
Post by T***@yahoo.com
Txiabneng thiab cov hluas,
Nej puas xav tias yog tias Ntxoo Xeeb yog ib tug nom loj li nej hais
tiag no nws txoj kev tuaj saib cov nom Hmoob Meliskas zaum no puas
yuav yog ib qhov good rau nws tiag mas? Nej tsis ntshai tsam yawg mus
txog tsev Nyab Laj muab yawg coj mus xam maj nas lawm lov? Kuv xav
tias suav daws txhob raws zoo zoo siab tias zaum no nom Hmoob NyabLaj
tuaj cuag tau nom Hmoob Meliskas lawm ces yuav muaj internal politic
zoo no nawb, tsam ib ntsis txoj kev tuaj cuag cov nom Hmoob Meliskas
lam yog ib txoj kev ua npog rau yawg thiab ne. Kuv tus laus no xav mas
it very dangerous for him because he a communist in communist rule.
Post by Tzianeng Vang
Peb Hmoob ces nyob qhov twg los yeej muaj ntau pab ntau pawg...e.g.
nyob Suav teb, yog cov tau ua nom muaj koob muaj be lawv ces cov ib
nyuag ua neej poob qab yeej paub tsis tshua txog, thiab...
Tam li mloog cov lus cev tag mas zoo li peb (Hmoob) teb no zoo li luaj
li daim teb tiag, tiag xwb...
Lub noob neej nyob Cob Tsib teb yog ib lub peb kuj tseem yuav tau pab
taug mus saib peb Hmoob li kev noj haus sib coj ho zoo li cas...
Post by TswvYim
cov phoojywg,
kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2007-12-11 15:41:29 UTC
tswvyim laiv,

hais txog ntawm lig cov lus english thiab cov lus hmoob, nws siv txawv
kawg. vim tias nws yeej lees tias nws yawg lawv yog 'vaj hmoob', tiam
si, nws ho hais tias nws yawg tsim tau 'huab tais' (empire) nyob qaum
nyab laj teb, qab suav teb. yog li ntawd, qhov twg yog qhov twg? tsis
tag li ntawm ntawd, daim duab vaj zoov lung (lwj ??) zoo li nws cov
khaub ncaws yog ib tug 'chinese official' xwb. koj muab ua zoo xav,
yog vaj zoo lung yog 'vaj hmoob' tiag tiag, vim li cas ho tsis hnav
khaub ncaws hmoob (los ib nyuag txawv zog suav, ib nyuag ze zog hmoob)
es tseem mus hnav suav official cov xwb? yog ntsia kiag daim duab xwb,
kuv tsis ntseeg tias vaj zoov lung yog 1) vaj los 2) huab tais.

nyob suav teb, nplog teb, thaib teb, nyab laj teb, thiab thooj plaws
qab tub no, hais txog ntawm tib neeg hmoob thiab haiv hmoob, tib neeg
tsua hnov + paub txog lub npe 'vaj pov' (vang pao) xwb. there is not a
more recognized hmong name than general vang pao. try to go to china
and ask about touby lyfoung, lauj kiab toom, dr yang dao with the
commoners and come back to tell me if they know what you are talking


raws li suav txoj kev kav, tus huab tais (emperor, huang di) loj dua
tus vaj (king, wang). ib lub tshoj (chao, dynasty), muaj tau ntau ntau
tus vaj kav teb kav chaws, tiam si, tsua muaj ib tug huab tais lov kav
cov vaj xwb. yog lig yawg tsim tau 'empire' no, nws lub tshoj hu li
cas? cov vaj es nws kav + tswj yog leej twg, hu li cas? thov koj ho
pab taug + noog es rov qab los qhia seb puas yuav muaj qab muaj hau
Post by TswvYim
cov phoojywg,
kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...
2007-12-12 05:35:45 UTC
Post by TswvYim
cov phoojywg,
kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...
Nyob zoo Tswv yim!
Kuv xav hais tias koj nyaj yuav yog ig tug neeg paub tab thiab. Uantej
koj yuav hais dab tsi , please do your home work first. Yog koj xav
paub zoo tiagg kuv thov kom koj hu xov too mus nrog Lig tham kiag.
Tsis txob uali ib niag dev poob zoo es phwj tsemm rau ub rau no xwb.
Peb tu muam Lig no tsis yog Hmoob Vaj tab sis nws tsis nyiam yuam nws
txiv nyab laj lub xeem es thiab rov qab los ua vaj raws li nws niam
lub xwwv lawm xwb. Kob twb paub zoo hais tias nyob teb chaws no muaj
neeg coob leej tau pauv yuav nws niam lub xeem . For Example : Petty
Davis who is the dughter of forrmer President Reagan changed her last
name to her mom 's maiden name" Nancy Davis". Yog koj tsis paub meej
thov txhoj muab peb cov vaj los rau peb cov vaj. Here is one of the
story about Lig Great grandparent :http://www.thingsasian.com/stories-
2007-12-12 05:40:20 UTC
Post by Hmoobvajusa
Post by TswvYim
cov phoojywg,
kuv nrog ntaus tus npawg thiab muam hmoob vietnam tham, lawv tsis paub
txog Lig tsev neeg lis. uas raus kuv cais lis tsis paub tias lig tsev neeg
puas tawm rooj mus saib hmoob ib zaug lis..? raws lis lig hais ma, lawv
tsev neeg yog vajhmoob nyob vietnam. ib tsev neeg muaj khoob muaj npe lis
no, yog yus nug txog 30 tus hmoob vietnam. yuav tsum muaj ib tug paub
pob..? thiab yog uas cas lig thiab lig niam yog xeem vaj, es lig yuam txiv
thiab dablaug yog xeem vaj thiab. puas yog lawv uas thaum ub blog thiab
thaib es lawv cov nus mug sib yuav lawv...
Nyob zoo Tswv yim!
Kuv xav hais tias koj nyaj yuav yog ig tug neeg paub tab thiab. Uantej
koj yuav hais dab tsi , please do your home work first. Yog koj xav
paub zoo tiagg kuv thov kom koj hu xov too mus nrog Lig tham kiag.
Tsis txob uali ib niag dev poob zoo es phwj tsemm rau ub rau no xwb.
Peb tu muam Lig no tsis yog Hmoob Vaj tab sis nws tsis nyiam yuam nws
txiv nyab laj lub xeem es thiab rov qab los ua vaj raws li nws niam
lub xwwv lawm xwb. Kob twb paub zoo hais tias nyob teb chaws no muaj
neeg coob leej tau pauv yuav nws niam lub xeem . For Example : Petty
Davis who is the dughter of forrmer President Reagan changed her last
name to her mom 's maiden name" Nancy Davis". Yog koj tsis paub meej
thov txhoj muab peb cov vaj los rau peb cov vaj. Here is one of the
story about Lig Great grandparent :http://www.thingsasian.com/stories-
2007-12-12 17:55:53 UTC
yawv npawg hmoobvajusa,

cas yuav hais lus ntxhib uas luaj raus kuv lis. thov txim nawb yog hais
taus siab koj me me lawm. kuv twb nrog cov hluas nyob nyab laj teb tham
ntaus tus lawm. lawv yeej tsis paub txog lig vaj lawv tsev neeg lis. Uas
lis zhen hais, VP neeg paub thoob plaws, twb tsis yog hmoob xwb. tsoom
neeg tawv dawb los paub tibsis. yog lig tsev neeg muaj koob ntos npe tiag,
cov hmoob nyablaj yuav tsis raug tsim txom quaj qaw tuaj thov kom sawvdaws
pab. yuav tsum yog lig tsev neeg nrog pab lawv hus sawvdaws pab thiab.
saib ma zoo lis lig lawv muaj nyiaj ces caiv hmoob lawm. yog lis no, yog
peb tos lig lawv tuaj tebchaws no lawv puav yuav coj lub tswv yim lawv
kawm taus mus txog raus hmoob nyablaj..?
2007-12-12 20:04:21 UTC

Kuv xaav tas ua ntej peb yuav has ab/qeg txug ib tsev neeg le ntawd
los peb yuav tsum moog tshawbfawb (research) qaab taug hauv xauv kuas
txaus tsawv. Tsi taag le ntawd xwb peb yuav tsum tau to taub tas puab
(Lig Vaj) nyob lub teb chaws tsi muaj kev ywjpheej le peb mas peb yuav
tsum xyuam xwm hab ceevfaaj nyob tsaam ces peb tej lug ho ua tau mos
txwv raug puab.

Ua tsaug,

2007-12-15 03:15:13 UTC
Post by TswvYim
yawv npawg hmoobvajusa,
cas yuav hais lus ntxhib uas luaj raus kuv lis. thov txim nawb yog hais
taus siab koj me me lawm. kuv twb nrog cov hluas nyob nyab laj teb tham
ntaus tus lawm. lawv yeej tsis paub txog lig vaj lawv tsev neeg lis. Uas
lis zhen hais, VP neeg paub thoob plaws, twb tsis yog hmoob xwb. tsoom
neeg tawv dawb los paub tibsis. yog lig tsev neeg muaj koob ntos npe tiag,
cov hmoob nyablaj yuav tsis raug tsim txom quaj qaw tuaj thov kom sawvdaws
pab. yuav tsum yog lig tsev neeg nrog pab lawv hus sawvdaws pab thiab.
saib ma zoo lis lig lawv muaj nyiaj ces caiv hmoob lawm. yog lis no, yog
peb tos lig lawv tuaj tebchaws no lawv puav yuav coj lub tswv yim lawv
kawm taus mus txog raus hmoob nyablaj..?
Nyob zoo me kwv zoo tswvyim !
Kuv xav hais tias koj yuav paub zoo heev hais tias nyajlaj teb chaws
tsis muaj freemdom kev mus los sib cuag tau muaj tshaj 50 tawm xyoo no
lawm. Yog vim li no uacas Hmoob thiaj yuav paub lawm tsev neeg. Yog
hais tias koj xav paub meej tiag , huv xov tooj nrog lig tham kiag los
yog mus hnug DYD . DYD paub lawm tsev neeg zoo heev vim thaum ub lawv
nyoj ib zog uake ua ntej lawv yuav kiag los nyob rau nplog teb. Kuv
hais qhia koj hais tias Lig tab tos kawm yuav nws daim Master in
education thiab nws paub hais lus Hmoob , Nyaj Laj , Fab kis,
Amelikas , thiab suav. Yog li koj yuav nrog nws tham lus yam twg los
yeej tau tag nrho.
2008-01-03 04:50:25 UTC

How is your Vang family related to Vang Pao’s clan? I once saw a picture
of one of your relative with Vang Pao’s second wife from the Moua clan.

2008-01-04 01:21:03 UTC
Peb tsev neeg thiab txiv hlob yog kwv tij neej tsa vim yog Vaj Ncuab
Ntxoov ib yam thiab ua nyuj daj ib yam ( kwv tij dab qhuav).
And the general and our family have known eachother for long time ago,
ever since the war started in indochina countries and involved all the
Hmong there; anyhow, my grandpa and general VP they had never got a
chance to meet eachother in person until now.

Lig Vaj
How is your Vang family related to Vang Pao's clan? I once saw a picture
of one of your relative with Vang Pao's second wife from the Moua clan.
2008-01-04 03:02:35 UTC
Post by HmoobVietnam-***@www.am00n.com
Peb tsev neeg thiab txiv hlob yog kwv tij neej tsa vim yog Vaj Ncuab
Ntxoov ib yam thiab ua nyuj daj ib yam ( kwv tij dab qhuav).
And the general and our family have known eachother for long time ago,
ever since the war started in indochina countries and involved all the
Hmong there; anyhow, my grandpa and general VP they had never got a
chance to meet eachother in person until now.
Lig Vaj
How is your Vang family related to Vang Pao's clan?  I once saw a picture
of one of your relative with Vang Pao's second wife from the Moua clan.
Chong- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Lig, yog tham no koj xaiv tham xwb, vimtias muaj ib cov menyuam Hmoob
tsis totaub peb Haivneeg Hmoob lub siab ntxaws, nws hais li nws nyiam
thiab nws xav xwb. Cov hlub txog Hmoob yuav tau hlub li Vajtswv ntuj
hlub, es txhob hlub li neeg ntiajteb hlub. Lig thaumkawg no thov
Tswvntuj foom koobhmoob rau koj uas koj tau tuaj nrog peb tsoom Hmoob
sibtham hauv no.
2008-01-04 19:41:58 UTC
Post by HmoobVietnam-***@www.am00n.com
Peb tsev neeg thiab txiv hlob yog kwv tij neej tsa vim yog Vaj Ncuab
Ntxoov ib yam thiab ua nyuj daj ib yam ( kwv tij dab qhuav).
And the general and our family have known eachother for long time ago,
ever since the war started in indochina countries and involved all the
Hmong there; anyhow, my grandpa and general VP they had never got a
chance to meet eachother in person until now.
Lig Vaj
How is your Vang family related to Vang Pao's clan?  I once saw a picture
of one of your relative with Vang Pao's second wife from the Moua clan.
Chong- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello sister!
Welcome to USA. Happy New Year. I Love all My Hmong Race.
2008-01-04 03:37:47 UTC

Can you please write in English as my Hmong is limited?

Please explain in specific how your family is related to Vang Pao. I am
interested in this for historical purpose.

2008-01-04 22:15:51 UTC
To read/write in Hmong is very easy if you speak Hmong. To preserve
our culture, one needs to be able to read/write in Hmong. Why don't
you take a few days to learn to read/write Hmong? If you don't feel
comfortable learning from someone (your relatives or friends), you can
learn it online. If you have already done so, it is good time to
practice in SCH.

It is hard to believe that a true Hmong scholar like you don't read
and write Hmong.

Don't look down your own language,

2008-01-05 00:09:26 UTC

Like I said before, I am a little embarrassed about my inability to read
and write Hmong. However, my conversational Hmong is getting better
everyday. One has to remember that twenty years of my life was spent away
from any Hmong influence. I had to learn to re speak Hmong from square
one. Still that should not be an excuse and I am learning as we speak.

2008-01-05 03:17:50 UTC

hahahaha. xob txaj txaj muag plas-tiv (practice) sau + hais xwb mas.
koj tsis paub yawg hlob vaj pov tus tub fab-xuav (fran-cious) lov?
thaum i nws hais tias nws tsis paub hais lus hmoob laiv. hahahaha.
xyoo tshiab no kuv txiv hu mus nrog nws tham nws twb hais taus taus
lus hmoob lawm ned.

yog koj tsis paub nyeem ntawv hmoob RPA + hmoob lus no, yog muaj ib
tug twg siv lus paj cem koj no koj yeej ntes tsis tau cov lus mob siab
no nawb mog. kav tsij xyaum tiag nawb mog. tam sim no koj sau tau
haum haum lawv siab, lwm hnub koj yeej yuav ntsib ib ob tug tav-lees
(challenge) koj cov ntawv sau ov. thaum ntawd mas mam li mob tob tob
Post by ctj
Like I said before, I am a little embarrassed about my inability to read
and write Hmong. However, my conversational Hmong is getting better
everyday. One has to remember that twenty years of my life was spent away
from any Hmong influence. I had to learn to re speak Hmong from square
one. Still that should not be an excuse and I am learning as we speak.
2008-01-05 05:32:11 UTC

I know of François. For a long time, he chose not to speak Hmong; his
reason is unknown to me. I, however, choose to learn and improve my
Hmong. The reason I ask for an English translation is so that I don’t
misunderstand. In the meantime, I am able to express myself better in
English. However, if I was to meet a Hmong, I am able to effectively
communicate. The point of my inquiry is to explore the historical
perspective of the Vietnam Vang clan as it relates to Vang Pao's family.

2008-01-05 03:10:31 UTC
Post by Hmong-Lao
To read/write in Hmong is very easy if you speak Hmong. To preserve
no, koj hais tsis yog pod. koj tau kawm pes tsawg hom lus koj ho txiav
txim tau li no? hmoob cov lus tsis lam yooj yim sau/nyeem nawb yog piv
rau lwm pab pawg tib neeg cov lus.
Post by Hmong-Lao
our culture, one needs to be able to read/write in Hmong. Why don't
you take a few days to learn to read/write Hmong? If you don't feel
comfortable learning from someone (your relatives or friends), you can
learn it online. If you have already done so, it is good time to
practice in SCH.
yog ler. 'practice' is the key word. just like kuv xwb. thaum kuv xub
tuaj hauv no nej sau ntawv hmoob rpa kuv tsis paub nyeem + sau kiag
li. kuv mas mob siab tshaj plaws li. kuv twb plas-tiv (practice) tau 2
xyoo ntau no kuv tseem sau txhav txhav (tony vang also pointed this

HL, that's the best advice i have ever heard on SCH. thanks. (besides
you telling me to stop my vulgarity).