United Nations voted to promise Hmong a Country
(too old to reply)
2016-06-11 02:01:17 UTC
NEW YORK CITY, NY – In an unprecedented move last week, the United Nations voted into action an international decision that could possibly have a tremendous impact on all Hmong people. With a historic vote of 192-1 (the only nay coming from Liechtenstein), the UN has promised to give Hmong people a country of their own
2016-06-11 03:03:35 UTC
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
2016-06-11 12:32:58 UTC
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
2016-06-11 17:49:50 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.

Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-11 18:06:41 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.
Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;

Nqaij yuav tsum ntuag tshav yuav tsum rog mas thiaj yuav muaj teb muaj chaws nrog luag kav. Nyob nyob UN tsis lam muab av rau Hmoob nyob, Hmong/Meo li koj, kuv, peb yuav tsis lam ciaj tau haiv. Txawm yog muaj los kuv (Vajncuab5) yuav nyob tebchaws Amelicas no thiab kuv yuav tsis nrog nej mus nyob Hmoob lub tebchaws daj.

Hmoob twb tsis sib haus, koj txo kuv, kuv txo koj, Hmoob lub siab tseem ti, txawm yog cov Cob Fab kiag los tseem tawg ua ntaus pab ntaus pawg zoo li lub txiv uas phua ua ntaus txauj es yuav ua cas thiaj yuav kav tau Hmoob Teb Chaws?
2016-06-11 18:43:09 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.
Bee awd..,

Koj xav paub ba meo zoo li cas ces kav tsij mus muab tsom iav tsom koj kiag xwb las mas. Ba meo ces kawg tus me qig taub plab zais, tsis txawv koj kiag ntag ov. Yog yuav zoo nraug los yeej zoo tsis tshaj koj, hos yuav plab ntswg los yeej plab tsis npaum koj li ntag nawb...

Kuv mas kuv yeej yog ba meo puag ntxov los lawm. Nej tsuas nros nej cov tub txawg ntxhais ntse muab peb hloov ua ba hmoob lawm xwb.

Post by b***@earthlink.net
Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-13 17:38:40 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.
Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;

Thawj Keeb hais li koj hais es Hmoob thiaj tso nyiaj txog million dollars rau yawg tus account. Koj kuj yog txawj zab kawg, yog koj lam muaj ib pab neeg mas ntshai koj hnab ris yuav sus. Hmoob mas txawm UN muab kiag ib thaj av rau Hmoob nyob los Hmoob yuav rov sib tua Hmoob, vim history Hmoob ib tiam dhau ib tiam ib txheej dhau ib txheej yeej coj li ntawd.

Yuav zam Hmoob tej kev tsis sib haum xeeb ces rau rau siab nrog Amelicas sib tw ua neej nyob rooj teb no xwb. Mitt dhuav dhuav kawg es yawg thiaj mus nrog Xf. Txawj Vag Koos coj cov Church Kab Ntsab, tham sim no Mitt thiaj yog tus Thawj Tsavxwm rau cov Trinity. Koj yuav tau tig los nrhiav Vajtswv ntuj tus dej siab li Mitt es thiaj yuav muaj kev kaj siab, Zam Ntaj txhob tham tham txog Zam Ntaj 3 lub hnub qub (3 general star) tsam luag lam hais tias Zam Ntaj vwm.

Koj, kuv wb tsis yog tub rog (VP cov SGU or Lao National Army) mas txhob lam dag yus tus kheej tias yog tub rog. Yaj Cib kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Hmong American Coalition los kuv yeej hais meej tias kuv tsis yog tub rog, Paj Mab Thoj yuav kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Veterans Of America los kuv tiaj kuv tsis yog tub rog es kuv tsis ua.

Yaj Thoj (Yaj O.P.L.) cov kwv tij poob tag rau Thaibteb tsis kam tuaj USA no ces vim yawg hais tias yuav muaj haiv es lawv thiaj nyob. Keeb Thawj twv rau kaws thau yuav luag 3 hli lawm.
2016-06-14 21:51:25 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.
Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;
Thawj Keeb hais li koj hais es Hmoob thiaj tso nyiaj txog million dollars rau yawg tus account. Koj kuj yog txawj zab kawg, yog koj lam muaj ib pab neeg mas ntshai koj hnab ris yuav sus. Hmoob mas txawm UN muab kiag ib thaj av rau Hmoob nyob los Hmoob yuav rov sib tua Hmoob, vim history Hmoob ib tiam dhau ib tiam ib txheej dhau ib txheej yeej coj li ntawd.
Yuav zam Hmoob tej kev tsis sib haum xeeb ces rau rau siab nrog Amelicas sib tw ua neej nyob rooj teb no xwb. Mitt dhuav dhuav kawg es yawg thiaj mus nrog Xf. Txawj Vag Koos coj cov Church Kab Ntsab, tham sim no Mitt thiaj yog tus Thawj Tsavxwm rau cov Trinity. Koj yuav tau tig los nrhiav Vajtswv ntuj tus dej siab li Mitt es thiaj yuav muaj kev kaj siab, Zam Ntaj txhob tham tham txog Zam Ntaj 3 lub hnub qub (3 general star) tsam luag lam hais tias Zam Ntaj vwm.
Koj, kuv wb tsis yog tub rog (VP cov SGU or Lao National Army) mas txhob lam dag yus tus kheej tias yog tub rog. Yaj Cib kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Hmong American Coalition los kuv yeej hais meej tias kuv tsis yog tub rog, Paj Mab Thoj yuav kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Veterans Of America los kuv tiaj kuv tsis yog tub rog es kuv tsis ua.
Yaj Thoj (Yaj O.P.L.) cov kwv tij poob tag rau Thaibteb tsis kam tuaj USA no ces vim yawg hais tias yuav muaj haiv es lawv thiaj nyob. Keeb Thawj twv rau kaws thau yuav luag 3 hli lawm.
Yawg uab Nyuab Vaj ncaub:

Ua cas tsa no es koj cial li tsis tshua meej peem lawm nab. Nco ntsoov koj cos lud tseem ceeb mas. Yus yog Hmoob noj zaub ntsuab, Hau kua ntxhai dog mov. Nco ntsoov hais ghov tseeb rau hmoob lub neej.
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-15 02:52:18 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.
Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;
Thawj Keeb hais li koj hais es Hmoob thiaj tso nyiaj txog million dollars rau yawg tus account. Koj kuj yog txawj zab kawg, yog koj lam muaj ib pab neeg mas ntshai koj hnab ris yuav sus. Hmoob mas txawm UN muab kiag ib thaj av rau Hmoob nyob los Hmoob yuav rov sib tua Hmoob, vim history Hmoob ib tiam dhau ib tiam ib txheej dhau ib txheej yeej coj li ntawd.
Yuav zam Hmoob tej kev tsis sib haum xeeb ces rau rau siab nrog Amelicas sib tw ua neej nyob rooj teb no xwb. Mitt dhuav dhuav kawg es yawg thiaj mus nrog Xf. Txawj Vag Koos coj cov Church Kab Ntsab, tham sim no Mitt thiaj yog tus Thawj Tsavxwm rau cov Trinity. Koj yuav tau tig los nrhiav Vajtswv ntuj tus dej siab li Mitt es thiaj yuav muaj kev kaj siab, Zam Ntaj txhob tham tham txog Zam Ntaj 3 lub hnub qub (3 general star) tsam luag lam hais tias Zam Ntaj vwm.
Koj, kuv wb tsis yog tub rog (VP cov SGU or Lao National Army) mas txhob lam dag yus tus kheej tias yog tub rog. Yaj Cib kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Hmong American Coalition los kuv yeej hais meej tias kuv tsis yog tub rog, Paj Mab Thoj yuav kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Veterans Of America los kuv tiaj kuv tsis yog tub rog es kuv tsis ua.
Yaj Thoj (Yaj O.P.L.) cov kwv tij poob tag rau Thaibteb tsis kam tuaj USA no ces vim yawg hais tias yuav muaj haiv es lawv thiaj nyob. Keeb Thawj twv rau kaws thau yuav luag 3 hli lawm.
Ua cas tsa no es koj cial li tsis tshua meej peem lawm nab. Nco ntsoov koj cos lud tseem ceeb mas. Yus yog Hmoob noj zaub ntsuab, Hau kua ntxhai dog mov. Nco ntsoov hais ghov tseeb rau hmoob lub neej.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;

Yeej yog meej pem es thiaj hais kom txhob lam mus nrog Hmoob hnav ris tsho Nai phanh nai phom. Hais tsis dag, yog tsis kho kom Hmoob sib saum xeeb ces txhob tham txog kev yuav ciaj haiv, txawm tham los Hmoob yim luab sib tawg npaum li ntawd.
2016-06-15 21:40:03 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by Phwvxev
Vow!.... Interesting... How come none of us hear anything from the news?
Only faithful Hmoob deserve to have this information. Even the world penetrate into the heart, but the traitor Ba Meo still blinding to see the truth.
Thaum twg hais txog ib yam dab tsis zoo mas, Ba Meo ghov ncauj kaw tag, ghov muag gi tag, pob ntseg ntsaw tag. Tabsis hais txhog kev phem mas, thiab dag ma, ba Meo tuaj hais coob heev yam tsis muaj gab hauv li. Yog li no Mhoob thiab Meo txawv deb heev li nawb.
Hmoob ua kom tau rau ntawm sab te coj los yuav. Meo khaw xyeem xwb.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;
Thawj Keeb hais li koj hais es Hmoob thiaj tso nyiaj txog million dollars rau yawg tus account. Koj kuj yog txawj zab kawg, yog koj lam muaj ib pab neeg mas ntshai koj hnab ris yuav sus. Hmoob mas txawm UN muab kiag ib thaj av rau Hmoob nyob los Hmoob yuav rov sib tua Hmoob, vim history Hmoob ib tiam dhau ib tiam ib txheej dhau ib txheej yeej coj li ntawd.
Yuav zam Hmoob tej kev tsis sib haum xeeb ces rau rau siab nrog Amelicas sib tw ua neej nyob rooj teb no xwb. Mitt dhuav dhuav kawg es yawg thiaj mus nrog Xf. Txawj Vag Koos coj cov Church Kab Ntsab, tham sim no Mitt thiaj yog tus Thawj Tsavxwm rau cov Trinity. Koj yuav tau tig los nrhiav Vajtswv ntuj tus dej siab li Mitt es thiaj yuav muaj kev kaj siab, Zam Ntaj txhob tham tham txog Zam Ntaj 3 lub hnub qub (3 general star) tsam luag lam hais tias Zam Ntaj vwm.
Koj, kuv wb tsis yog tub rog (VP cov SGU or Lao National Army) mas txhob lam dag yus tus kheej tias yog tub rog. Yaj Cib kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Hmong American Coalition los kuv yeej hais meej tias kuv tsis yog tub rog, Paj Mab Thoj yuav kom kuv nrog lawv ua Lao Veterans Of America los kuv tiaj kuv tsis yog tub rog es kuv tsis ua.
Yaj Thoj (Yaj O.P.L.) cov kwv tij poob tag rau Thaibteb tsis kam tuaj USA no ces vim yawg hais tias yuav muaj haiv es lawv thiaj nyob. Keeb Thawj twv rau kaws thau yuav luag 3 hli lawm.
Ua cas tsa no es koj cial li tsis tshua meej peem lawm nab. Nco ntsoov koj cos lud tseem ceeb mas. Yus yog Hmoob noj zaub ntsuab, Hau kua ntxhai dog mov. Nco ntsoov hais ghov tseeb rau hmoob lub neej.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;
Yeej yog meej pem es thiaj hais kom txhob lam mus nrog Hmoob hnav ris tsho Nai phanh nai phom. Hais tsis dag, yog tsis kho kom Hmoob sib saum xeeb ces txhob tham txog kev yuav ciaj haiv, txawm tham los Hmoob yim luab sib tawg npaum li ntawd.
Tijlaug Vajncuab,

Raws li kuv pom mas UN yeej muab tebchaws,countries not only country, rau Hmoob li BeeM. hais lawm. Tam sis no peb Hmoob yuav mus nyob lub tebchaws twg los yeej tau nyob ntawd yus yeem mus nyob. Kuv ces UN twb muab tebchaws USA thiab tseem them nqi nyooj hoom rau kuv tuaj tib si. Yog li ntawd yuav tsis mus qhov twg ntxiv lawm....Phiaj
2019-03-20 08:18:57 UTC
zoo siab rau qhov heev thov kom muaj tiag xwb
2016-06-15 11:44:06 UTC

Accounting to court document, you and Steve Vang Moua are the two key witnesses who have been subpoenaed by the court to testify against Seng Xiong in his upcoming trial. Both of you and Steve Vang Moua are considered the second and third men on this scam. You were the one who produced a fake document for Seng Xiong, which you claimed to be “Tus zauv rhawv haiv” given by U.N. Steve Vang Moua is the one who went out to deliver the words of your fake document to the Hmong people across the country. When the monies come in, a portion goes to you and Steve Vang Moua. The bigger amount goes to Seng’s account. To make the case strong, the FBI decided not to arrest you and Steve Vang Moua because the FBI has struck a deal with you and Steve Vang Moua during the investigation to be their two key witnesses to testify against Seng Xiong in court. What is your comment on this?
2016-06-16 17:13:53 UTC
Post by Mojtuam
The bigger amount goes to Seng’s account. To make the case strong, the FBI decided not to arrest you and Steve Vang Moua because the FBI has struck a deal with you and Steve Vang Moua during the investigation to be their two key witnesses to testify against Seng Xiong in court. What is your comment on this?
Yawm MojThem,

Hais li koj hais ko ces, Bee ham tsis yog "PHIM XOOM HUAM" ntag nab. Xeeb thiab Bee nkawd twb yog 2 tug niam laus niam hluas yug xwb ne, yawg SuavTuam ntxhais ntag laiv. Twb tsis hais Xeeb nav, Bee cov kwvtij los puasv leej yog MEO, hos Bee tib leeg thiaj yog Hmoob xwb ne, yuav ua cas, MEO, thiaj nrog tau Bee...???


Koj txoj me kev yuav kom kuv siv tom txwv, haub ib tug tib neeg HYPOCRITE li Bee kom los nkag pob tawb mas ntshe nkim zog xwb laud..... Kuv paub yawm, 2 stars generaj Bee, no for more than 40 yrs los lawm. It's not worth a try..

2016-06-17 15:28:14 UTC
Yog le hov ces sim nce tsaag sabx saib Bee Moua hab Seng puab sis nraus nawb.... hahahahahaha...
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-17 20:08:20 UTC
Post by Phwvxev
Yog le hov ces sim nce tsaag sabx saib Bee Moua hab Seng puab sis nraus nawb.... hahahahahaha...

Mouabee Chaofa mas kuv tsis paub tias puav rov nraus Keeb Thawj Xeeb Xyooj, tabsi Steve Vang Moua mas cov Thawjcoj hauv Hmoob Teb Chaws yeej tham rau kuv tias Steve Vang Moua yog ib tug uas yuav tuaj testify against Xeeb li Mojtuam hais lawm. Kev ua teb ua chaws, tseeb thiab cuav, tiag thiab dag zaum no sawvdaws yuav paub qhov tseeb.
2016-06-17 16:22:33 UTC
Uncle TseemYeej,

Zoo li koj tus npawg Npis no ces txhob xiam sij hawm nrog nws hais.....nws ces zoo nkaus li Huab Tais Lis Ntxawg......neeg tsis tees koos loos ces yog Npis thiab Huab Tais Lis Ntxawg nawb. Koj saib Npis hais hnub i....Npis hloov kiag tau yawg Phas Nyas Tub Npis lawm no laid....tsuas yog Npis lub plab tsis zais thiab Npis qis-s taub no xwb ned.Npis mas kuv xav xwb...ntshai Npis tseem yog tus Nplog Liab tiav tuaj soj peb cov Hmoob.....koj siab seb maj....Npis hais txog leej twg mas Npis yeej muab voj soo tau lawm kom Nplog Liab cia li zawm xwb laid.....Npis cem peb cov hmoob nyob thoob Ntuj,cov hmoob Nplog tib si...hnub i Npis tseem hais tias Hawj Tsab tau Nom nyob Nplog teb yog muaj Npis thiab yawg hlob Paj Kaub lawv.......Npis lam ua txuj cem-m Nplog hais ub hais no tiam sis Npis yeej tsis cem Nplog mob npaum cem peb cov hmoob.....Npis ntxub peb cov hmoob npaum li Nplog ntxub ntag.....9 hnub 10 hnub los Npis cem peb hmoob ua Ba Meo.....Nplog thiaj niaj hnub cem peb li ntawd.....kom sawv daws xav saib ntshai Npis yeej yog Nplog Liab tus tub txib tuaj xwj hmoob ntag nawb.Peb cov ntseeg los Npis yeej muaj voj soo cob rau Nplog tib si....tej Npis hais tias Npis nim muaj-j nyiaj mus pab cov ntseeg rau saib tim ub....nim pab tus ub tus no.....tsis coj kev ntseeg ces Npis yuav tsis pab....tej no yog xuas hluas soo cov tim ub.....Npis qhia rau Nplog Liab tias kuv soo tau lawm nej raws qab tuaj zawm.
2016-06-20 18:37:47 UTC

Yog li Mojtuam hais lawm. Koj twb noj 10 zaus lawm cia rau lawv noj ib zaug thiab los paub, txhob VUM loj mas. Nej cov khabnab "Lang xang DEMO CRAZY" twb noj baum li cas lawm. Zag nuav tsis zoo le zag u lawm ov, tsis mag Meskas hlob los yuav mag NOM LOOB peg. Qhov zoo ces kav tsij mus nuv PAS THUS nyob raws ntug hiav txwv nram ko xwb yuav zoo dua. @hov NTSHAI TSAJ CES YOG COV HMOOB LAUS UAS LAWV MUAB $5k NYIAJ RAU XEEB THIAB STEVE VANG MOUA BUILD THEIR EMPTY DREAM LANDS.

"Accounting to court document, you and Steve Vang Moua are the two key witnesses who have been subpoenaed by the court to testify against Seng Xiong in his upcoming trial. Both of you and Steve Vang Moua are considered the second and third men on this scam. You were the one who produced a fake document for Seng Xiong, which you claimed to be “Tus zauv rhawv haiv” given by U.N. Steve Vang Moua is the one who went out to deliver the words of your fake document to the Hmong people across the country. When the monies come in, a portion goes to you and Steve Vang Moua. The bigger amount goes to Seng’s account. To make the case strong, the FBI decided not to arrest you and Steve Vang Moua because the FBI has struck a deal with you and Steve Vang Moua during the investigation to be their two key witnesses to testify against Seng Xiong in court"
2016-06-20 18:42:52 UTC
"Accounting to court document, you and Steve Vang Moua are the two key witnesses who have been subpoenaed by the court to testify against Seng Xiong in his upcoming trial. Both of you and Steve Vang Moua are considered the second and third men on this scam. You were the one who produced a fake document for Seng Xiong, which you claimed to be “Tus zauv rhawv haiv” given by U.N. Steve Vang Moua is the one who went out to deliver the words of your fake document to the Hmong people across the country. When the monies come in, a portion goes to you and Steve Vang Moua. The bigger amount goes to Seng’s account. To make the case strong, the FBI decided not to arrest you and Steve Vang Moua because the FBI has struck a deal with you and Steve Vang Moua during the investigation to be their two key witnesses to testify against Seng Xiong in court"
2016-06-21 16:01:04 UTC
vim li cas peb txhua tus twb yog hmoob tib yam - ua li cas nej yuav mus cem BeeMoua Chaofa sab ua luaj nab cov tijlaug thiab kwv aws.

rov xav thiab seb yus tus kheej puas yog Hmoob thiab? Yog hais npaum li nej hais no ces peb txhob tham txog kom hmoob los sibhlub, sibpab, sibkoomsiab thiab sibtxhawb ntxiv lawm os nawb.

ua ntej yuav cem BeeMoua mas yuav tsum tau nug Bee zoo zoo tias, yog Bee hais tau li ntawd lawm kom nws muab qhov Sources los rau peb verify no xwb mas lod. yuav tau muab Bee nug kom tis tias- yog tseem tseem UN losyog cov members hauv UNPO xwb... kom thiaj li zoo result qhov discussion nrog Bee pob...nej mas...LOLz!

ua li cas, peb cov hmoob no es ib tug yuav xws tug tag li xwb. tsi paub Tshum, tsi txawj hais lus kom sib huam thiab raug zoo li.... nyias kwvhlos li nyias yog txivneej yawg hmoob xwb. yog koj kuv peb ua twb zoo saib peb ces peb yeej tsi txawv cov Tswjfwm tej koomhaum li LFC, LFF, HFF thiab HHPC lawv ib qhov li ntag laid....yus ncauj puv lus ces lam tau lam hais thiab khav yus qhov thiaj li yog xwb--tsi nug qabtog hausxov li no... li no xwb, koj kuv peb haivneeg hmoob yuav ua li cas muaj hnub United tau thiab tias Hmoob Zoo no os nawb.

tsuav yus muaj pab muaj pawg ntseeg lawm xwb, ces leej twg dag tau noj los yeej yog nws loslus ntxiasdag tagnrho...

peb twb xav tias - peb yog cov neeg paubtab, nkagsiab thiab mus ib theem tswv9 debzog nyob rau ntawd haivneeg hmoob lawm... yog li ntawd, yuav tau ua twb zoo ask questions...peb lub neej hmoob thiaj li yuav zoo thiab mus tau ib kaujruam ntxiv nawb mog.

Here is something for us to read, I copied these texts from other discussion forum....

" koj kuv wb tsavneeg hmoob- yuav ntse kom pom kiag txog hais ces hos ntse tsi txog. hos yuav ruamm kiag kom txhob paub qabhaus dabtsi es ua ib tug zoo follower los hos tsi ruamm kom txaus thiab. cov neeg tsi muaj txoj kev txawj kev ntse li koj kuv wb thiab hmoob ces yeej yug los ua tibneeg TWMXEEB li hmoob ces nws khav nws lub npe Txivneejywg Hmoob tag li xwb.

tsi hais cov kwvtij hmoob Thaib, Hmoob Nplog, los hmoob thoob hauv lub qabntuj no. koj kuv peb tseem yog "Lub Siab Hmoob", koj saib kiag cov Doctors, Attorneys thiab cov ua twb muaj Degrees above High School lawm los yeej tseem yog "Lub Siab Hmoob" , ces thaum koj tham kiag txog ib yam dabtsi ces Hmoob tus Cwjpwm thiab Xeebceem tawm plaws tuaj li qub tsi pauv qhov twg li os nawb.

tabsi, yus cov niag neeg poob zoo hmoob, koj thiab kuv no ces tsua yog heev ntawm ntug-cub os nawb... nws tsua yog lam Tshoob tau lus rau Hmoob xwb. yog tias, yog kiag lwm haivneeg lawm ces Postws Nthoob li kuv AU..B... lawm xwb os phoojywg.

tos koj kuv peb mus tsi tau ib kaujruam deb kiag li los cov coob ntawd Hmoob tseem yog cov zoo li koj kuv wb tham thiab pom no xwb."

2016-06-21 21:55:26 UTC
Born os born awd,
Post by t***@yahoo.com
Here is something for us to read, I copied these texts from other discussion forum....
Cas tseem dag li yawm BeeMoua lawm thiab nas koj naj? Muab kom tau qhov source los rau peb saib soj! Txhob lam tau lam hais tias copy and paste rau sd saib xwb no nawb.

Nej cov Caiv Plaws muaj tus dag li Bee thiab lov? Hahaha......(NEW YORK CITY, NY – In an unprecedented move last week, the United Nations voted into action an international decision that could possibly have a tremendous impact on all Hmong people. With a historic vote of 192-1 (the only nay coming from Liechtenstein), the UN has promised to give Hmong people a country of their own)

Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-21 22:08:32 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com
vim li cas peb txhua tus twb yog hmoob tib yam - ua li cas nej yuav mus cem BeeMoua Chaofa sab ua luaj nab cov tijlaug thiab kwv aws.
rov xav thiab seb yus tus kheej puas yog Hmoob thiab? Yog hais npaum li nej hais no ces peb txhob tham txog kom hmoob los sibhlub, sibpab, sibkoomsiab thiab sibtxhawb ntxiv lawm os nawb.
ua ntej yuav cem BeeMoua mas yuav tsum tau nug Bee zoo zoo tias, yog Bee hais tau li ntawd lawm kom nws muab qhov Sources los rau peb verify no xwb mas lod. yuav tau muab Bee nug kom tis tias- yog tseem tseem UN losyog cov members hauv UNPO xwb... kom thiaj li zoo result qhov discussion nrog Bee pob...nej mas...LOLz!
ua li cas, peb cov hmoob no es ib tug yuav xws tug tag li xwb. tsi paub Tshum, tsi txawj hais lus kom sib huam thiab raug zoo li.... nyias kwvhlos li nyias yog txivneej yawg hmoob xwb. yog koj kuv peb ua twb zoo saib peb ces peb yeej tsi txawv cov Tswjfwm tej koomhaum li LFC, LFF, HFF thiab HHPC lawv ib qhov li ntag laid....yus ncauj puv lus ces lam tau lam hais thiab khav yus qhov thiaj li yog xwb--tsi nug qabtog hausxov li no... li no xwb, koj kuv peb haivneeg hmoob yuav ua li cas muaj hnub United tau thiab tias Hmoob Zoo no os nawb.
tsuav yus muaj pab muaj pawg ntseeg lawm xwb, ces leej twg dag tau noj los yeej yog nws loslus ntxiasdag tagnrho...
peb twb xav tias - peb yog cov neeg paubtab, nkagsiab thiab mus ib theem tswv9 debzog nyob rau ntawd haivneeg hmoob lawm... yog li ntawd, yuav tau ua twb zoo ask questions...peb lub neej hmoob thiaj li yuav zoo thiab mus tau ib kaujruam ntxiv nawb mog.
Here is something for us to read, I copied these texts from other discussion forum....
" koj kuv wb tsavneeg hmoob- yuav ntse kom pom kiag txog hais ces hos ntse tsi txog. hos yuav ruamm kiag kom txhob paub qabhaus dabtsi es ua ib tug zoo follower los hos tsi ruamm kom txaus thiab. cov neeg tsi muaj txoj kev txawj kev ntse li koj kuv wb thiab hmoob ces yeej yug los ua tibneeg TWMXEEB li hmoob ces nws khav nws lub npe Txivneejywg Hmoob tag li xwb.
tsi hais cov kwvtij hmoob Thaib, Hmoob Nplog, los hmoob thoob hauv lub qabntuj no. koj kuv peb tseem yog "Lub Siab Hmoob", koj saib kiag cov Doctors, Attorneys thiab cov ua twb muaj Degrees above High School lawm los yeej tseem yog "Lub Siab Hmoob" , ces thaum koj tham kiag txog ib yam dabtsi ces Hmoob tus Cwjpwm thiab Xeebceem tawm plaws tuaj li qub tsi pauv qhov twg li os nawb.
tabsi, yus cov niag neeg poob zoo hmoob, koj thiab kuv no ces tsua yog heev ntawm ntug-cub os nawb... nws tsua yog lam Tshoob tau lus rau Hmoob xwb. yog tias, yog kiag lwm haivneeg lawm ces Postws Nthoob li kuv AU..B... lawm xwb os phoojywg.
tos koj kuv peb mus tsi tau ib kaujruam deb kiag li los cov coob ntawd Hmoob tseem yog cov zoo li koj kuv wb tham thiab pom no xwb."
Kwvntxawg Born;

Leej twg kom Npis hais tias UN twb sib tham lawm yuav muab av rau Hmoob no. Hais li Npis hais ces tsis txawv Xeeb kiag es kuv thiaj yog thawj tug uas teb Npis. Npis thiab Xeeb nkawd yog kwvtij kwvnpawg (niam laus niam hluas yug) tej zaum Npis yuav tsis muaj lub siab tawm tsam Xeeb, yog Xeeb zoo thiab Xeeb tau nom thawj tug Xeeb yuav rub yog Npis, yog Npis tau nom los thawj tug Npis yuav rub yog Xeeb.

Ntawm Txiv Yawg Ntxhws (Steve Vang Moua) mas cov thawj of Hmoob Teb Chaws yeej hais tias Steve Vang Moua muaj feem xyuam li Mojtuam hais lawm. Xeeb cov Kwv Lijchoj tau tej taub ntawv tag lawm, tsam no noj tsis tau yuav tuag hais tsis tau yuav swb ces hais mus kom kawg.
2016-06-22 01:04:12 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Leej twg kom Npis hais tias UN twb sib tham lawm yuav muab av rau Hmoob no. Hais li Npis hais ces tsis txawv Xeeb kiag es kuv thiaj yog thawj tug uas teb Npis. Npis thiab Xeeb nkawd yog kwvtij kwvnpawg (niam laus niam hluas yug) tej zaum Npis yuav tsis muaj lub siab tawm tsam Xeeb, yog Xeeb zoo thiab Xeeb tau nom thawj tug Xeeb yuav rub yog Npis, yog Npis tau nom los thawj tug Npis yuav rub yog Xeeb.
Ntawm Txiv Yawg Ntxhws (Steve Vang Moua) mas cov thawj of Hmoob Teb Chaws yeej hais tias Steve Vang Moua muaj feem xyuam li Mojtuam hais lawm. Xeeb cov Kwv Lijchoj tau tej taub ntawv tag lawm, tsam no noj tsis tau yuav tuag hais tsis tau yuav swb ces hais mus kom kawg.
wow kuv me tub YAJNCUAB tsis yog dog dig li lawm nawb. Nrau kiag lawm xwb, pheej tsis zas li yav tag los lawm ntag!!! Zoo heev os TUB. Hmong qhov EVOLUTION stage ces dhau lawm, tam sim no ces yog REVOLUTION lawm, leej twg tseem muaj ib blooj siab coj tsis ncaj ces kawg yuav "HAIS MUS KOM KAWG" li TUB YAJNCUAB hais mas thiaj yog. Tsis tag li ntawm Tub YAJNCUAB, qhov no ua li cas lawm??? http://www.citypages.com/news/dozens-fired-at-st-paul-charter-school-in-suspected-union-retaliation-8339675#!
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-22 03:39:55 UTC
Post by unkown
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Leej twg kom Npis hais tias UN twb sib tham lawm yuav muab av rau Hmoob no. Hais li Npis hais ces tsis txawv Xeeb kiag es kuv thiaj yog thawj tug uas teb Npis. Npis thiab Xeeb nkawd yog kwvtij kwvnpawg (niam laus niam hluas yug) tej zaum Npis yuav tsis muaj lub siab tawm tsam Xeeb, yog Xeeb zoo thiab Xeeb tau nom thawj tug Xeeb yuav rub yog Npis, yog Npis tau nom los thawj tug Npis yuav rub yog Xeeb.
Ntawm Txiv Yawg Ntxhws (Steve Vang Moua) mas cov thawj of Hmoob Teb Chaws yeej hais tias Steve Vang Moua muaj feem xyuam li Mojtuam hais lawm. Xeeb cov Kwv Lijchoj tau tej taub ntawv tag lawm, tsam no noj tsis tau yuav tuag hais tsis tau yuav swb ces hais mus kom kawg.
wow kuv me tub YAJNCUAB tsis yog dog dig li lawm nawb. Nrau kiag lawm xwb, pheej tsis zas li yav tag los lawm ntag!!! Zoo heev os TUB. Hmong qhov EVOLUTION stage ces dhau lawm, tam sim no ces yog REVOLUTION lawm, leej twg tseem muaj ib blooj siab coj tsis ncaj ces kawg yuav "HAIS MUS KOM KAWG" li TUB YAJNCUAB hais mas thiaj yog. Tsis tag li ntawm Tub YAJNCUAB, qhov no ua li cas lawm??? http://www.citypages.com/news/dozens-fired-at-st-paul-charter-school-in-suspected-union-retaliation-8339675#!
Uncle Ntaj Neeb;

Yes, raws li cov coj ntawm Hmong Teb Chaws tham rau kuv ces lawv yeej tham raws nraim li Mojtuam hais. Hais txog ntawm Community School of Excellence ces kuv tus ntxhais nrab yeej yog Nais Khus (Teacher) qhia ntawv rau hauv thiab nws yeej tham raws nraim li cov xov (news) uas sawvdaws hnov. Teebmeem yeej muaj ua ntej 2013 thaum Mo Chang tseem yog tus Thawjtswj. Txawm yog Mo tawm lawm, Bao Vang thiab Kazoua nkawd los tuav los yeej daws tsis tau cov teebmeem thiab teebmeem yim huab loj ntxiv.

Menyuam Hmoob tsis paub ntawv paub lus zoo, tsis mob siab kawm ntawv, tseem yuav kom kawm lus Hmoob, kawm ntawv Hmoob, kawm kab li kev cai Hmoob ces thaum mus xeem luag cov test yuav tsum poob xwb. Luag cov test tsis muaj lus Hmoob, tsis muaj ntawv Hmoob, tsis muaj culture Hmoob.
2016-06-22 19:26:18 UTC
Unko Tseemyeej thiab tijlaug Vajncuab,

kuv yeej kom neb nug BeeMoua Chaofa ntag, tabsi yuav kom cias li khwvhlos hais lus sibntsw li Hmoob es nyias yuav ua nyias txivneejyawg-Hmoob ntag ces koj ib los kuv ib los, thiab thaum nyujqaug los kawg tswg yeej yuav qaij xwb no os.

yog koj kuv thiab peb tseem coj li no ces yeej tsi muaj hnub yuav sibhaumxeeb thiab sibkoomsiab tau ua ke li... li ntawd, kuv thiaj li muab LFC, LFF, HFF and HHPC los ua example - koj hais ib cov lus thuam thiab ntsw tias kuv ua tsi yog, kuv hais los kuv hais ib cov lus thuam thiab ntsw koj kiag thiab. koj los xav tias koj thiaj li yog txivneejyawg, kuv los thiaj li xav tias kuv yog txivneej yawg. Thaum kawg, yus yog ib pab hmoob xwb los yus tseem yuav rov sibfoob li LFF thiab LFC/HFC li niaj hnub no aws.

qhov kuv kom peb txo peb tus kheej thiab nug ncaj li tib neeg muaj education tiag--yog thaum BeeMour Chaofa provided tsi tau evidents thiab sources lawm ces tsi cem Bee li--cias li luag kiag 3 suab rau BeeMoua tias neeg dag no xwb....LOLz!

Ziab no, Uncle Unknow puas tseem nyob MN lawm nad? thiab hais txog lub Community School of Excellence mas kuv yeej tsi nyiam tej charter school no li nawb... kuv yeej nrog cov ESL thiab ELL ua rog puas thaum kuv tuaj txog kiag tebchaw Meska no los txog niaj hnub no.

lub sijhawm tuaj txog tuaj kawm ntawv, lawv muab kuv tso rau hauv ESL ntag...thaum lawv kom mus Test cov standardized testing... kuv mus zaum kiag li 5 minutes xwb. kuv sau kiag ib sentence on top of the test," if they wanted me to test the State Standardized Testing, they then must move me out of the ESL classes." I leave everything on the test blank except my name and walked out of the testing center. The following week the principal called me in and moved me out of ESL classes....LOLz! heev npaum li no hod, kuv hais rau lawv tias--yog cov neeg regugee li peb mas tsimnyog kawm ESL--but, Hmong kids that were born here in America that they still had to take ELL or ESL classes. that's not right...will write more next time about this issue.

2016-06-23 01:23:24 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com
Unko Tseemyeej thiab tijlaug Vajncuab,
kuv yeej kom neb nug BeeMoua Chaofa ntag, tabsi yuav kom cias li khwvhlos hais lus sibntsw li Hmoob es nyias yuav ua nyias txivneejyawg-Hmoob ntag ces koj ib los kuv ib los, thiab thaum nyujqaug los kawg tswg yeej yuav qaij xwb no os.
yog koj kuv thiab peb tseem coj li no ces yeej tsi muaj hnub yuav sibhaumxeeb thiab sibkoomsiab tau ua ke li... li ntawd, kuv thiaj li muab LFC, LFF, HFF and HHPC los ua example - koj hais ib cov lus thuam thiab ntsw tias kuv ua tsi yog, kuv hais los kuv hais ib cov lus thuam thiab ntsw koj kiag thiab. koj los xav tias koj thiaj li yog txivneejyawg, kuv los thiaj li xav tias kuv yog txivneej yawg. Thaum kawg, yus yog ib pab hmoob xwb los yus tseem yuav rov sibfoob li LFF thiab LFC/HFC li niaj hnub no aws.
qhov kuv kom peb txo peb tus kheej thiab nug ncaj li tib neeg muaj education tiag--yog thaum BeeMour Chaofa provided tsi tau evidents thiab sources lawm ces tsi cem Bee li--cias li luag kiag 3 suab rau BeeMoua tias neeg dag no xwb....LOLz!
Ziab no, Uncle Unknow puas tseem nyob MN lawm nad? thiab hais txog lub Community School of Excellence mas kuv yeej tsi nyiam tej charter school no li nawb... kuv yeej nrog cov ESL thiab ELL ua rog puas thaum kuv tuaj txog kiag tebchaw Meska no los txog niaj hnub no.
lub sijhawm tuaj txog tuaj kawm ntawv, lawv muab kuv tso rau hauv ESL ntag...thaum lawv kom mus Test cov standardized testing... kuv mus zaum kiag li 5 minutes xwb. kuv sau kiag ib sentence on top of the test," if they wanted me to test the State Standardized Testing, they then must move me out of the ESL classes." I leave everything on the test blank except my name and walked out of the testing center. The following week the principal called me in and moved me out of ESL classes....LOLz! heev npaum li no hod, kuv hais rau lawv tias--yog cov neeg regugee li peb mas tsimnyog kawm ESL--but, Hmong kids that were born here in America that they still had to take ELL or ESL classes. that's not right...will write more next time about this issue.
Born thiab Tub Yajncuab,

Teb meem tsis yog cov teachers, teb meem yog cov administrators txog lub tsev kawm ntawv no. Yog tus tus neeg ua tswj lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm tsis paub sau lawv cov curriculums los rau cov neeg qhia ntawv ntawm ces cov teachers yeej tsis paub qhia li. Cov yuav raug rho tawm yuav tsum yog cov administrators, instructional planners / designers xwb. Qhov "BASE LINES" los "fire" 52 leej neeg no los qhov twg los? Kuv tus kheej tau ua hauj lwm rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv, community college los lawm. Qhov tus tswj lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm yuav muaj cai tso cov neeg no tawm yuav tsum yog los ntawm "EVALUATION" xwb. Yog tus neeg ua hauj lwm twg tau txaus evaluation phem, qhia kom nws "correct" nws tus kheej, yog tsis ua tsis zoo li 2-4 zaug mas tus tswj lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm thiaj yuav muaj cai tso tawm.. Qhov case no, kuv xav hais tias Kazoua thao Kong thiab Bao Vang mus cov neeg no rho tawm kom tag, ces yuav muab lawv cov txheeb ze, phooj yog los ua xwb. Tsis ntev los no, Dai thao tau approve $28 millions los rau Kazoua & Bao Vang los ua ib lub tsev kawm ntawv tshiab.

Qhov qhia ntawv Hmoob kab li kev cai Hmoob, Hmoob teej tug (raj ncas, kwv txhiaj, qeej, ua paj ntaub) yeej zoo heev vim tej no yog Hmoob tug lawm, tab sis cov no yog elective classes. Yog Hmoob baj kawm ntawv los pab Hmoob, Hmoob yuav tsum hais lus, thiab paub lus Hmoob kom meej meej vim tias txawm kawm tau ntawv siab baum li cas los kawg ua nrhiav noj ntawm / nrog Hmoob xwb thiaj yuav mus tau. Yog ib tug neeg Hmoob kawm ntawv siab twg, Hmoob mus cuag tseem yuav siv Hmoob tus txhais lus mus txhais lub Hmoob ua lus English rau nws xwb ces, kawg Hmoob muab nws lawb cuag lawb dab xwb tiag!!!

Kawm tau lawyer, medical doctor, social workers, police officers, pastors, etc los yeej kawg los nrhiav Hmoob clients, thiab ua hauj lwm rau Hmoob xwb thiaj yuav tau noj tau haus. Hmoob teej tug, keeb kwm, lus Hmoob, dab qhuas yuav tsum tau paub thiaj yuav rub tau Hmoob los sib pab. English is only a servival language, no need to be assimilate to the mainstream of America...this is my two cents!!!
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-24 02:50:27 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com
Unko Tseemyeej thiab tijlaug Vajncuab,
kuv yeej kom neb nug BeeMoua Chaofa ntag, tabsi yuav kom cias li khwvhlos hais lus sibntsw li Hmoob es nyias yuav ua nyias txivneejyawg-Hmoob ntag ces koj ib los kuv ib los, thiab thaum nyujqaug los kawg tswg yeej yuav qaij xwb no os.
yog koj kuv thiab peb tseem coj li no ces yeej tsi muaj hnub yuav sibhaumxeeb thiab sibkoomsiab tau ua ke li... li ntawd, kuv thiaj li muab LFC, LFF, HFF and HHPC los ua example - koj hais ib cov lus thuam thiab ntsw tias kuv ua tsi yog, kuv hais los kuv hais ib cov lus thuam thiab ntsw koj kiag thiab. koj los xav tias koj thiaj li yog txivneejyawg, kuv los thiaj li xav tias kuv yog txivneej yawg. Thaum kawg, yus yog ib pab hmoob xwb los yus tseem yuav rov sibfoob li LFF thiab LFC/HFC li niaj hnub no aws.
qhov kuv kom peb txo peb tus kheej thiab nug ncaj li tib neeg muaj education tiag--yog thaum BeeMour Chaofa provided tsi tau evidents thiab sources lawm ces tsi cem Bee li--cias li luag kiag 3 suab rau BeeMoua tias neeg dag no xwb....LOLz!
Ziab no, Uncle Unknow puas tseem nyob MN lawm nad? thiab hais txog lub Community School of Excellence mas kuv yeej tsi nyiam tej charter school no li nawb... kuv yeej nrog cov ESL thiab ELL ua rog puas thaum kuv tuaj txog kiag tebchaw Meska no los txog niaj hnub no.
lub sijhawm tuaj txog tuaj kawm ntawv, lawv muab kuv tso rau hauv ESL ntag...thaum lawv kom mus Test cov standardized testing... kuv mus zaum kiag li 5 minutes xwb. kuv sau kiag ib sentence on top of the test," if they wanted me to test the State Standardized Testing, they then must move me out of the ESL classes." I leave everything on the test blank except my name and walked out of the testing center. The following week the principal called me in and moved me out of ESL classes....LOLz! heev npaum li no hod, kuv hais rau lawv tias--yog cov neeg regugee li peb mas tsimnyog kawm ESL--but, Hmong kids that were born here in America that they still had to take ELL or ESL classes. that's not right...will write more next time about this issue.
Kwvntxawg Born;

Uncle Unknown (Ntaj Neeb) tseem nyob Minnesota no, kuv paub yawg zoo, yawg mas tseem xav rov mus ua yawg txiv hlob Txoov Tuam daim teb yeeb pem Nam Phay (Moos Pheeb) heev.
2016-06-25 01:04:00 UTC
Ua caag taav nuav es tseem ntshaw moog "ua" leej txiv thaaj teb yeeb qub naj? Ntshai thaaj nyuas teb hov yuav laaj sab hab khua sab heev poj? hahahahaha... Tso dlaab xwb os...

Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-25 01:40:23 UTC
Post by Phwvxev
Ua caag taav nuav es tseem ntshaw moog "ua" leej txiv thaaj teb yeeb qub naj? Ntshai thaaj nyuas teb hov yuav laaj sab hab khua sab heev poj? hahahahaha... Tso dlaab xwb os...

Uncle Ntaj Neeb lawv cov yawg koob tsiv sab Phou Fa Phou Vieng los rau Tiaj Pos (Moos Pheeb) kwv lam 1880s, Uncle Ntaj Neeb txiv hlob Txoos Tuam yug nyob Dawm Khuab Yag (Haus Nam Phay) xyoo 1901, xyoo 1975-76 Uncle Ntaj Neeb txiv hlob rov mus ua yawg thaj teb yeeb pem haus Nam Phay ze Qhov Luv, kuv twb mus pom Uncle Ntaj Neeb txiv hlob Txoos Tuam thaj teb yeeb thiab pom lub quas tsev uas yug yawg, ntoos zaws kom twb tuaj luaj Kas Tham Liab lawm.

Xyoo 1920s hnov tias Yawg Zam Yaj Saub sawv Saub leej heev thiab tsa tau neeg tuag sawv es lawv thiaj tsiv Moos Pheeb los rau Samthong thiab Naj Khaub Naj Luab (Khang Khai) lawm.
2016-06-26 22:53:28 UTC
Ua tsaug os, Vajncuab aw.... Yuav thaam tau pum qaab quas nuag le os..
2016-06-27 01:55:04 UTC
Post by Phwvxev
Ua tsaug os, Vajncuab aw.... Yuav thaam tau pum qaab quas nuag le os..

Tub yaajncuab nuav tes txawm yog tug kws xaav rov moog nyob tsuas Moospheeb ntaag vim tas nws tsis kaam tuaj thaum 75, nyob hab nyob phaab teb chaws Moospheeb nuav vim Tub Yaajncuab yuav xaav tau nwg tug yawm txiv Txoos Tuas (kuv tug laug kws yog nwg nam txiv ntag) cov teb yeeb ntag. Tuaj txug Thaib teb los tseem tsov moog ua team moog tsua Moospheeb hab...haj yav!!!

Tub yaj ncuab, koj puas paub koj yawm txiv txoos tuam puas qhia txog koj yawm txiv laus NKAJ YEEB qhov resting place nyob rau Pham Phais, daws khuab yag, los yog nyob rau tiaj pos? please share!!!
Vaj Ncuab
2016-06-27 10:25:42 UTC
Post by unkown
Post by Phwvxev
Ua tsaug os, Vajncuab aw.... Yuav thaam tau pum qaab quas nuag le os..
Tub yaajncuab nuav tes txawm yog tug kws xaav rov moog nyob tsuas Moospheeb ntaag vim tas nws tsis kaam tuaj thaum 75, nyob hab nyob phaab teb chaws Moospheeb nuav vim Tub Yaajncuab yuav xaav tau nwg tug yawm txiv Txoos Tuas (kuv tug laug kws yog nwg nam txiv ntag) cov teb yeeb ntag. Tuaj txug Thaib teb los tseem tsov moog ua team moog tsua Moospheeb hab...haj yav!!!
Tub yaj ncuab, koj puas paub koj yawm txiv txoos tuam puas qhia txog koj yawm txiv laus NKAJ YEEB qhov resting place nyob rau Pham Phais, daws khuab yag, los yog nyob rau tiaj pos? please share!!!
Uncle Ntaj Neeb;

Ntawm yawg Nkaj Yeeb lub ntxas mas kuv tsis pom vim los xus kev lawm, tabsis lawv lub quas tsev mas kuv yeej mus pom thiab mus txog lawm, 1975-76 ces cij hav zoov laus tag lawm. 1974 Dablaaug Tswv Vaj lawm tsiv Phwvxev Me mus rau Moos Pheeb mas yog mus nyob Naj Leem (Nam Deng), 1976 thaum lawv sawv ua Cob Fab lawm lawv mam khiav los mus nyob rau Nam Xong (Dawm Khuab Yag), Nam Xong ces yog tus hauv dej Nam Xong nram Vang Vieng ntag.
2016-06-27 13:49:29 UTC
Meb pheej thaam ua qaab sab ua luaj dlag es puas yog tej laug log/zais tau hub puav quav tooj quav hlau rua thaaj teb ntawd maj? Kuv nov peb 1 yawm kwvtij thaam txug peb ib tug yawg koob saab Moos Loob teb faus nwg cov nyaj rua huv nwg thaaj teb ca mas ua rua kuv kub sab kawg tawm sis yog kuv tsi paub tseebx has tas tug yawg nuav thaaj qub teb has ntawd nyob hov twg xwb os... Yog paub ntshai kuv tub aub tshuab noob suab tooj suab hlau nce toj quas rhib rua peg nwg dlaim qub teb lawm au..... hahahahaha... tag tag le huas...

2019-03-22 11:17:56 UTC
Bee hais tau 100 xyoo no lawm es koj tseem yuav mus nrog Bee tham ces ruam dhau
2016-06-19 17:35:52 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
NEW YORK CITY, NY – In an unprecedented move last week, the United Nations voted into action an international decision that could possibly have a tremendous impact on all Hmong people. With a historic vote of 192-1 (the only nay coming from Liechtenstein), the UN has promised to give Hmong people a country of their own
Mojthuam. Koj cov lus yuav raug Lubntuj txia txiv. Leej twg pheej iab liam neeg, lub ntuj nyob zeze kawg lawv, nws lub caj dab yuav tau pob rau yia dej kub deb bpau.

Yog muaj li koj hais ces kom kuv tuag mus lub xyoo no, ho yog koj iab liam koj yuav tau kev phem nawb.
2016-06-19 18:07:25 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
NEW YORK CITY, NY – In an unprecedented move last week, the United Nations voted into action an international decision that could possibly have a tremendous impact on all Hmong people. With a historic vote of 192-1 (the only nay coming from Liechtenstein), the UN has promised to give Hmong people a country of their own
Mojthuam. Koj cov lus yuav raug Lubntuj txia txiv. Leej twg pheej iab liam neeg, lub ntuj nyob zeze kawg lawv, nws lub caj dab yuav tau pob rau yia dej kub deb bpau.
Yog muaj li koj hais ces kom kuv tuag mus lub xyoo no, ho yog koj iab liam koj yuav tau kev phem nawb.
Me yij Bis muas,

kav tsij mus nuv PAS THUS xwb os, txhob lam tau lam bav ntuj bav teb hais tias yuav RAUG TXIM no, cov nyiaj ua koj NOJ TAG, DAG HMOOB MUAB NYIAJ RAU KOJ mus rau ANGOLA ntawm nev, koj twb muab noj tag lawm es, puas NTSHAI BAM MAS?
2016-06-20 01:50:19 UTC
Post by unkown
Post by b***@earthlink.net
Post by b***@earthlink.net
NEW YORK CITY, NY – In an unprecedented move last week, the United Nations voted into action an international decision that could possibly have a tremendous impact on all Hmong people. With a historic vote of 192-1 (the only nay coming from Liechtenstein), the UN has promised to give Hmong people a country of their own
Mojthuam. Koj cov lus yuav raug Lubntuj txia txiv. Leej twg pheej iab liam neeg, lub ntuj nyob zeze kawg lawv, nws lub caj dab yuav tau pob rau yia dej kub deb bpau.
Yog muaj li koj hais ces kom kuv tuag mus lub xyoo no, ho yog koj iab liam koj yuav tau kev phem nawb.
Me yij Bis muas,
kav tsij mus nuv PAS THUS xwb os, txhob lam tau lam bav ntuj bav teb hais tias yuav RAUG TXIM no, cov nyiaj ua koj NOJ TAG, DAG HMOOB MUAB NYIAJ RAU KOJ mus rau ANGOLA ntawm nev, koj twb muab noj tag lawm es, puas NTSHAI BAM MAS?
yog koj lam iab liam li koj koj lub ghov ncauj yuav lwj. yog koj hais tseeb koj yuav caij nom.
2016-06-20 13:18:24 UTC
Npis, tam sim no Xeeb twb nyob hauv jail lawm es koj tseem yuav npav ciaj npav tuag ua dab tsi naw. Koj daim ntawv “rhawv haiv” ko yog daim ntawv hoob nab so quav xwb es Xeeb thiaj mag mus nyob jail lawm ntag ne. Txawm li cas los txog hnub hais plaub yeej yuav pom txiv yawg Ntxhw neb tuaj zaum 2 tug me tshee2 li 2 tug nas tsuag poob deg hauv court xwb2 li. Txiv yawg Ntxhw twb hais meej2 hauv nws lub phone conferece tias nws twb txais tau nws daim subpoena thiab npaj yuav tuaj lawm. Qhov kuv ntshai mas kuv ntshai tsam neb tuaj txog nraum zoov xwb twb tsis tau nkag mus hauv court ces neb twb mag Nom Loob thiab Npuag Yaj lawv qhab nab muab neb quj ua ntej lawm xwb lauv.
2019-03-20 16:51:35 UTC
Post by b***@earthlink.net
NEW YORK CITY, NY – In an unprecedented move last week, the United Nations voted into action an international decision that could possibly have a tremendous impact on all Hmong people. With a historic vote of 192-1 (the only nay coming from Liechtenstein), the UN has promised to give Hmong people a country of their own
Can anyone please provide where and the full document with a reference number where this discussion was taking place?