Post by Moobthaibteb MoobtwmzeejThank you Vajncuab5 for that information. So during the funeral they did put out the correct information, that he was a captain rank. I was just curious because whoever that they had commissioned to do the tombstone unfortunately put out the wrong information then. It was more unfortunate that they had his name as Bee Youa Vang, instead of Youa Bee Vang or simply just Bee Vang. It was confusing to me at first when I saw the name, because it contradicts the norm or tradition of our way of having an elder name. I've heard plenty of Ntsuabnpis but never Npisntsuab. Or is that how he has his name legally changed to, using the Youa as a middle name? Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone. Last but not least, with the understanding that Ntsuabnpis is a Vaj so the wanting to have a link to GVP is great, however it is Ntsuabnpis' tombstone, not that of GVP, why would you want to have GVP name engraved on that tombstone too? Ntsuabnpis is a famous enough pilot himself without the needing of anyone else name to support that status.
Please understand that this is in no way trying to demean the Vang family that did this tombstone, only wanting to find out why we, the inclusive all of our ethnic, choose to put out confusing information to begin with, that's all. Ntsuabnpis after all have many very intelligent relatives, by putting out wrong information, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in 50, 200 or however long there may be, thousands of years or whatever, archeological dig will come out with wrong information to pass down to future generations.
Moob Lajleeb
Post by Vaj NcuabPost by Moobthaibteb MoobtwmzeejCould someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Moob Lajleeb;
Vang Bee or Ntsuab Npis Vaj tau Captain. Vang Bee lub Funeral lawv yeej sau hais tias Capt. Ntsuab Npis Vaj. Vang Bee, Vang Seng, Xiong Koua, Lor Ge, Lee Tou Xiong (Lis Tub Xyoob), Lee Ying, Moua Chue, Vue Long, Pao Vang, Yang Bee, Xao Thao thiab Boun Chanh Sayavong lawv yog pab thib 3 tuaj mus kawm ya davhlaus nyob Thaibteb.
Vue Long & Moua Chue kawm tiav October 1971, Vang Bee, Yang Bee, Yang Pao, Lee Tou Xiong, Xiong Koua, Xao Thao & Boun Chanh lawv kawm tiav January 1972. Lor Ge thiab Lee Ying ntshai tuag nkawd hloov siab mus kawm Aviation Mechanics lawm.
Hi Hmong brothers and sisters. Yes, there were mistakes on the tombstone, such as the spelling of the word gorilla, or the s before the t in the ntsuab, a mistake of the engraving company using an older prove. But, it seems many of my hmong people don't know their own history very well. I will clarify a little here now that General Vang Pao is dead and only a handful of people in America knows this info regarding Col. Vang Bee. Let me start with 1975, yes Vang Bee T-28 pilot was a Captain, a personal bodyguard and personal pilot for General Vang Pao. After the war, GVP continue to operate guerrilla warfare against the communist. His top military commander in Laos was Colonel Txawj Pao Moua, his father in law. Col. Txawj Pao Moua does not trust any or most corrupt Hmong military commanders at the time. GVP needed a military commander operating from Thailand to support Col. Txawj Pao Moua in the fight in Laos. Forward to 1979, Vang Bee was selected by GVP and agree upon by Col. Txawj Pao Moua. At the time Vang Bee refuse to accept the position, asking GVP to select higher military officer for the job, bc Vang Bee was only a Captain. But, GVP refuse and stated he does not trust his own officer for this job, and plus Col. Txawj Pao Moua was OK with Vang Bee. GVP promoted Vang Bee, skipping 2 "two" ranks into the Colonel rank. The only Hmong military officer ever in Vang Pao era to be promoted like this. Vang Bee at the time refuse to accept such promotion, but GVP insisted and gave Vang Bee an official stamped letter of promotion. We ask ourselves, who is this Cap T-28 Vang Bee or this high military commander operating under secrecy of GVP. Well, Vang Bee was no desk commander, he operated in the field with his men, eat and sleep with them, reunited GVP's scatter soldiers in Laos, and brought up the Hmong Cao Fa to join GVP in the early 80s. Vang Bee even help defected many Hmong communist officers to our side. He found safe travel roads for refugees to escape Laos and for GVP's military to continue their support in the fight. Vang Bee's operation was so effective in Laos, that the communist Laos Government had to ask North Vietnam to send an entire division to crush the Hmong. It was in Vang Bee's era, that the communist lao government decided to move all hmong hill tribes and villages to settle in the lower land, bc they can not stop Vang Bee and his united guerrilla force. The only way to stop support to Vang Bee's force was to moved the hmong people away from the mountains. So, ask yourself this. Does Vang Bee deserved his title, even though he refuse to accept it from GVP. The only Hmong soldier ever known to refuse a promotion, but accepted the job bc he love his Hmong people. Forward to 1987, Vang Bee being advised by American CIA, left Thailand under CIA documents. The travel to the usa was so fast, GVP did not even know about. Why did a famous T-28 pilot, who became a Colonel second in commander of GVP's force in Thailand/Laos left Asia in such a hurry and never look back. Forward to 1988, Vang Bee learning many of the Hmong Politics, inner circles of corruptions, and evilness of his Hmong people, simple enter Fresno CA and in 2 months left silently to North Carolina. Why ?? BC, he was tire of GVP's inner circle and their corruptions. He was tire of his own Vang Family's evil intents. He was tired of war and politics. He simply wants to live silently in the hills of the Carolinas. Today, in the hills of the Appalachian, Vang Bee's body lied silently not for anyone to insult or cough up bad stories about him, but simply for his future grandchildren to ask a question. I hope this help a little to clarify a secret hmong history.