T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj
(too old to reply)
Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
2014-09-06 13:47:01 UTC
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.

Moob Lajleeb
Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-06 14:22:57 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Moob Lajleeb;

Vang Bee or Ntsuab Npis Vaj tau Captain. Vang Bee lub Funeral lawv yeej sau hais tias Capt. Ntsuab Npis Vaj. Vang Bee, Vang Seng, Xiong Koua, Lor Ge, Lee Tou Xiong (Lis Tub Xyoob), Lee Ying, Moua Chue, Vue Long, Pao Vang, Yang Bee, Xao Thao thiab Boun Chanh Sayavong lawv yog pab thib 3 tuaj mus kawm ya davhlaus nyob Thaibteb.

Vue Long & Moua Chue kawm tiav October 1971, Vang Bee, Yang Bee, Yang Pao, Lee Tou Xiong, Xiong Koua, Xao Thao & Boun Chanh lawv kawm tiav January 1972. Lor Ge thiab Lee Ying ntshai tuag nkawd hloov siab mus kawm Aviation Mechanics lawm.

Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
2014-09-06 15:53:53 UTC
Thank you Vajncuab5 for that information. So during the funeral they did put out the correct information, that he was a captain rank. I was just curious because whoever that they had commissioned to do the tombstone unfortunately put out the wrong information then. It was more unfortunate that they had his name as Bee Youa Vang, instead of Youa Bee Vang or simply just Bee Vang. It was confusing to me at first when I saw the name, because it contradicts the norm or tradition of our way of having an elder name. I've heard plenty of Ntsuabnpis but never Npisntsuab. Or is that how he has his name legally changed to, using the Youa as a middle name? Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone. Last but not least, with the understanding that Ntsuabnpis is a Vaj so the wanting to have a link to GVP is great, however it is Ntsuabnpis' tombstone, not that of GVP, why would you want to have GVP name engraved on that tombstone too? Ntsuabnpis is a famous enough pilot himself without the needing of anyone else name to support that status.

Please understand that this is in no way trying to demean the Vang family that did this tombstone, only wanting to find out why we, the inclusive all of our ethnic, choose to put out confusing information to begin with, that's all. Ntsuabnpis after all have many very intelligent relatives, by putting out wrong information, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in 50, 200 or however long there may be, thousands of years or whatever, archeological dig will come out with wrong information to pass down to future generations.

Moob Lajleeb
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Moob Lajleeb;
Vang Bee or Ntsuab Npis Vaj tau Captain. Vang Bee lub Funeral lawv yeej sau hais tias Capt. Ntsuab Npis Vaj. Vang Bee, Vang Seng, Xiong Koua, Lor Ge, Lee Tou Xiong (Lis Tub Xyoob), Lee Ying, Moua Chue, Vue Long, Pao Vang, Yang Bee, Xao Thao thiab Boun Chanh Sayavong lawv yog pab thib 3 tuaj mus kawm ya davhlaus nyob Thaibteb.
Vue Long & Moua Chue kawm tiav October 1971, Vang Bee, Yang Bee, Yang Pao, Lee Tou Xiong, Xiong Koua, Xao Thao & Boun Chanh lawv kawm tiav January 1972. Lor Ge thiab Lee Ying ntshai tuag nkawd hloov siab mus kawm Aviation Mechanics lawm.
2014-09-09 18:48:11 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Thank you Vajncuab5 for that information. So during the funeral they did put out the correct information, that he was a captain rank. I was just curious because whoever that they had commissioned to do the tombstone unfortunately put out the wrong information then. It was more unfortunate that they had his name as Bee Youa Vang, instead of Youa Bee Vang or simply just Bee Vang. It was confusing to me at first when I saw the name, because it contradicts the norm or tradition of our way of having an elder name. I've heard plenty of Ntsuabnpis but never Npisntsuab. Or is that how he has his name legally changed to, using the Youa as a middle name? Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone. Last but not least, with the understanding that Ntsuabnpis is a Vaj so the wanting to have a link to GVP is great, however it is Ntsuabnpis' tombstone, not that of GVP, why would you want to have GVP name engraved on that tombstone too? Ntsuabnpis is a famous enough pilot himself without the needing of anyone else name to support that status.
Please understand that this is in no way trying to demean the Vang family that did this tombstone, only wanting to find out why we, the inclusive all of our ethnic, choose to put out confusing information to begin with, that's all. Ntsuabnpis after all have many very intelligent relatives, by putting out wrong information, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in 50, 200 or however long there may be, thousands of years or whatever, archeological dig will come out with wrong information to pass down to future generations.
Moob Lajleeb
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Moob Lajleeb;
Vang Bee or Ntsuab Npis Vaj tau Captain. Vang Bee lub Funeral lawv yeej sau hais tias Capt. Ntsuab Npis Vaj. Vang Bee, Vang Seng, Xiong Koua, Lor Ge, Lee Tou Xiong (Lis Tub Xyoob), Lee Ying, Moua Chue, Vue Long, Pao Vang, Yang Bee, Xao Thao thiab Boun Chanh Sayavong lawv yog pab thib 3 tuaj mus kawm ya davhlaus nyob Thaibteb.
Vue Long & Moua Chue kawm tiav October 1971, Vang Bee, Yang Bee, Yang Pao, Lee Tou Xiong, Xiong Koua, Xao Thao & Boun Chanh lawv kawm tiav January 1972. Lor Ge thiab Lee Ying ntshai tuag nkawd hloov siab mus kawm Aviation Mechanics lawm.

Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...

2014-09-09 22:04:25 UTC
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?

Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.

Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.

2014-09-09 23:37:05 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Uncle Tseemy,

Helicopter Pilot Bee Nom Hawj mas yeej sau yog lawm vim kuv yeej tau mus xyuas nws lub chaw so..Tsis muaj dab tsi sau yuam kev..Phiaj
Post by TseemYeej
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?
Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.
Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.
Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-10 03:21:40 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?
Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.
Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.
Uncle TseemYeej;

Luag tus hlob xaj kom mus ua haujlwm yog tsis mus ces kawg luag kwv phom raws xwb. Kuv ib yawg txiv ntxawm ua nais xaim (communication officer), yawg loj xaj kom mus tom tshav rog yawg tsis mus yawg loj twb kwv phom raws, yawg thiaj tawm tub rog los ua nai khus qhia ntawv lawm.

Yawg loj yeej ntseeg Nom Hawj Vaj heev es luag thiaj xa Maj. Vang Bee H-34 Helicopter pilot thiab Lt. Vang Seng (Vaj Cheeb) T-28 pilot es thiaj xa nkawd tuaj mus kawm davhlaus. Thawj thawj 4 pab tuaj kawm dhav hlaus nyob Thaibteb mas yawg loj yuav tsum pom zoo, luag tsis lam xa ib tug luag tsis ntseeg tuaj kawm.

Maj. Vang Bee liab (Vang Bee Helicopter), Maj. Vang Khang, thiab Lt. Vang Chong (Vaj Txoov) lawv 3 tug no mas yawg loj xaj kom lawv tuaj mus kawm ya Helicopter. Txawm lawv tsis paub lus English zoo los luag tus hlob tsis kay, kom Amelicas yuav tsum txais xwb. Yia Khang, Lee Moua (Lis Muas, Lis Xaiv Hawj) Moua Chue B., Vang Tou, Vang Teng, Vang Foung, & Yang Ge (Txawj Tham) lawv mas Nplog (Royal Lao Air Force) kom lawv yuav tsum kawm English nyob Phom Kheng los yawg loj tsis hais.

1977 Maj. Xaiv Phiab Yaj xaj tub rog khoos Maj. Xeeb Xyooj cov team tuaj mus Thaibteb. Thaum Maj. Xeeb Xyooj paub hais tias nws cov team raug khoos lawm, Xeeb Xyooj tso tub rog tos kev tua Maj. Xaiv Phiab, Xaiv Phiab ntas kiag M-16 thiab koos kiag nw 2 tug tub rog ua ntej hais tias neb pom Maj. Xeeb Xyooj lawv yog nej tsis tua ces kuv tua kiag neb.

Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb. Tej zaum Nom Hawj tawv khas xaj es luag tub hlob thiaj yuav tua. Yog Nom Hawj mloog lus thiab ua kam zoo mas nyiaj yawg tau nrog yawg loj noj.

2014-09-10 16:27:59 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb. Tej zaum Nom Hawj tawv khas xaj es luag tub hlob thiaj yuav tua. Yog Nom Hawj mloog lus thiab ua kam zoo mas nyiaj yawg tau nrog yawg loj noj.

Kuv tsis totaub tias yog vim licas koj thiaj haistias: "Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb." no?

Raws kuv totaub mas, yeej thiab swb tsis yog nyob ntawm lub ntsis PHOM laiv, nws yog nyob ntawm lub ntsis PAJKAS li Lyteck hais las sav. Lub TebChaws yog Nplog lub nav.

vp tua Nom Hawj tag mam rub VajNtxawg(Nom Hawj tus kwv)los no es zoo dabtsis maj? Raws kuv nco tau mas VajNtxawg & TubFwj nkawd tsis yog kawm ThabHam tawm los laiv, uacas both thiaj tau cols. maj? Vim vp made a MISTAKE no lov?.

VajTswb(TswbHma)twb mus kawm Cadet los nev, ua cas ho tsis rub nws? VajCheeb tuag tag, VajNpis chim-m, niaj hnub tuaj haus cawv pem tajlaj kubhnyiab, cov hluas nkauj hu nws ua "Npis quavcawv". For some reason, Vp mam rub nws los tsav Chopper, uacas ho tsis cia tsav T-28 maj? Ntshai tuag lov?

Raws kuv paub, pab kwvtij no muaj coob, tus kawm txawj kawm ntse, ua nom li cas los muaj, tabsis, TswbHma tuaj tuag rau FabkisTeb, ho tsis muaj tus mus saib li, kawg VajYias (Nom Hawj tus kwv)twb nyob FabKisTeb kiag twb tsis quav ntsej mus nrog leg thiab ne.

Ntshai VP hwv lov?

2014-09-10 17:45:39 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by TseemYeej
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?
Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.
Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.
Uncle TseemYeej;
Luag tus hlob xaj kom mus ua haujlwm yog tsis mus ces kawg luag kwv phom raws xwb. Kuv ib yawg txiv ntxawm ua nais xaim (communication officer), yawg loj xaj kom mus tom tshav rog yawg tsis mus yawg loj twb kwv phom raws, yawg thiaj tawm tub rog los ua nai khus qhia ntawv lawm.
Yawg loj yeej ntseeg Nom Hawj Vaj heev es luag thiaj xa Maj. Vang Bee H-34 Helicopter pilot thiab Lt. Vang Seng (Vaj Cheeb) T-28 pilot es thiaj xa nkawd tuaj mus kawm davhlaus. Thawj thawj 4 pab tuaj kawm dhav hlaus nyob Thaibteb mas yawg loj yuav tsum pom zoo, luag tsis lam xa ib tug luag tsis ntseeg tuaj kawm.
Maj. Vang Bee liab (Vang Bee Helicopter), Maj. Vang Khang, thiab Lt. Vang Chong (Vaj Txoov) lawv 3 tug no mas yawg loj xaj kom lawv tuaj mus kawm ya Helicopter. Txawm lawv tsis paub lus English zoo los luag tus hlob tsis kay, kom Amelicas yuav tsum txais xwb. Yia Khang, Lee Moua (Lis Muas, Lis Xaiv Hawj) Moua Chue B., Vang Tou, Vang Teng, Vang Foung, & Yang Ge (Txawj Tham) lawv mas Nplog (Royal Lao Air Force) kom lawv yuav tsum kawm English nyob Phom Kheng los yawg loj tsis hais.
1977 Maj. Xaiv Phiab Yaj xaj tub rog khoos Maj. Xeeb Xyooj cov team tuaj mus Thaibteb. Thaum Maj. Xeeb Xyooj paub hais tias nws cov team raug khoos lawm, Xeeb Xyooj tso tub rog tos kev tua Maj. Xaiv Phiab, Xaiv Phiab ntas kiag M-16 thiab koos kiag nw 2 tug tub rog ua ntej hais tias neb pom Maj. Xeeb Xyooj lawv yog nej tsis tua ces kuv tua kiag neb.
Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb. Tej zaum Nom Hawj tawv khas xaj es luag tub hlob thiaj yuav tua. Yog Nom Hawj mloog lus thiab ua kam zoo mas nyiaj yawg tau nrog yawg loj noj.
Vaj Ncuab5,

VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?

Leej twg tau txais nyiaj los ntawm yeeb ncuab los rau hnab tshos ntau ces tus ntawd hais lus muaj zog zis, zoo li ua tus khav txiv txhias xwb. Thaum yeeb nucuab tsis muab nyiaj pab lawm, puas heev li koj hais mas? Tso sas fuas txoj sia twb yuav luag tsis yeej lawm los sav. Tseem Yeej hais yog lawm, sawv daws paub xoo, qhov yeej qhov swb, yog nyob ntawm tus ntsis CWJ MEM. VP tsis paub txog tej no. Tos Hmoob tuag coob coob rau tshav rog los vim lawv tus coj xuas nyiaj ntxias lawv thiab nws txawj dag nev.

Tuaj dag ntau nyob teb chaws no ces mag hlob kav hlaub.

2014-09-10 18:15:14 UTC
Post by T***@yahoo.com
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by TseemYeej
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?
Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.
Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.
Uncle TseemYeej;
Luag tus hlob xaj kom mus ua haujlwm yog tsis mus ces kawg luag kwv phom raws xwb. Kuv ib yawg txiv ntxawm ua nais xaim (communication officer), yawg loj xaj kom mus tom tshav rog yawg tsis mus yawg loj twb kwv phom raws, yawg thiaj tawm tub rog los ua nai khus qhia ntawv lawm.
Yawg loj yeej ntseeg Nom Hawj Vaj heev es luag thiaj xa Maj. Vang Bee H-34 Helicopter pilot thiab Lt. Vang Seng (Vaj Cheeb) T-28 pilot es thiaj xa nkawd tuaj mus kawm davhlaus. Thawj thawj 4 pab tuaj kawm dhav hlaus nyob Thaibteb mas yawg loj yuav tsum pom zoo, luag tsis lam xa ib tug luag tsis ntseeg tuaj kawm.
Maj. Vang Bee liab (Vang Bee Helicopter), Maj. Vang Khang, thiab Lt. Vang Chong (Vaj Txoov) lawv 3 tug no mas yawg loj xaj kom lawv tuaj mus kawm ya Helicopter. Txawm lawv tsis paub lus English zoo los luag tus hlob tsis kay, kom Amelicas yuav tsum txais xwb. Yia Khang, Lee Moua (Lis Muas, Lis Xaiv Hawj) Moua Chue B., Vang Tou, Vang Teng, Vang Foung, & Yang Ge (Txawj Tham) lawv mas Nplog (Royal Lao Air Force) kom lawv yuav tsum kawm English nyob Phom Kheng los yawg loj tsis hais.
1977 Maj. Xaiv Phiab Yaj xaj tub rog khoos Maj. Xeeb Xyooj cov team tuaj mus Thaibteb. Thaum Maj. Xeeb Xyooj paub hais tias nws cov team raug khoos lawm, Xeeb Xyooj tso tub rog tos kev tua Maj. Xaiv Phiab, Xaiv Phiab ntas kiag M-16 thiab koos kiag nw 2 tug tub rog ua ntej hais tias neb pom Maj. Xeeb Xyooj lawv yog nej tsis tua ces kuv tua kiag neb.
Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb. Tej zaum Nom Hawj tawv khas xaj es luag tub hlob thiaj yuav tua. Yog Nom Hawj mloog lus thiab ua kam zoo mas nyiaj yawg tau nrog yawg loj noj.
Vaj Ncuab5,
VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?
Leej twg tau txais nyiaj los ntawm yeeb ncuab los rau hnab tshos ntau ces tus ntawd hais lus muaj zog zis, zoo li ua tus khav txiv txhias xwb. Thaum yeeb nucuab tsis muab nyiaj pab lawm, puas heev li koj hais mas? Tso sas fuas txoj sia twb yuav luag tsis yeej lawm los sav. Tseem Yeej hais yog lawm, sawv daws paub xoo, qhov yeej qhov swb, yog nyob ntawm tus ntsis CWJ MEM. VP tsis paub txog tej no. Tos Hmoob tuag coob coob rau tshav rog los vim lawv tus coj xuas nyiaj ntxias lawv thiab nws txawj dag nev.
Tuaj dag ntau nyob teb chaws no ces mag hlob kav hlaub.
EXPERT DAG ces DIM koj saib seb GVP tom nkuaj yog tus zoo li kuv,koj, thiab 3 cov hauv SCH mag JAIL 5 muaj 10k tus HMOOB tuaj PROTEST ces cia 6 DUB NPUJ KOM SIAV TU
2014-09-10 20:42:52 UTC
Post by AEON
Post by T***@yahoo.com
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by TseemYeej
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?
Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.
Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.
Uncle TseemYeej;
Luag tus hlob xaj kom mus ua haujlwm yog tsis mus ces kawg luag kwv phom raws xwb. Kuv ib yawg txiv ntxawm ua nais xaim (communication officer), yawg loj xaj kom mus tom tshav rog yawg tsis mus yawg loj twb kwv phom raws, yawg thiaj tawm tub rog los ua nai khus qhia ntawv lawm.
Yawg loj yeej ntseeg Nom Hawj Vaj heev es luag thiaj xa Maj. Vang Bee H-34 Helicopter pilot thiab Lt. Vang Seng (Vaj Cheeb) T-28 pilot es thiaj xa nkawd tuaj mus kawm davhlaus. Thawj thawj 4 pab tuaj kawm dhav hlaus nyob Thaibteb mas yawg loj yuav tsum pom zoo, luag tsis lam xa ib tug luag tsis ntseeg tuaj kawm.
Maj. Vang Bee liab (Vang Bee Helicopter), Maj. Vang Khang, thiab Lt. Vang Chong (Vaj Txoov) lawv 3 tug no mas yawg loj xaj kom lawv tuaj mus kawm ya Helicopter. Txawm lawv tsis paub lus English zoo los luag tus hlob tsis kay, kom Amelicas yuav tsum txais xwb. Yia Khang, Lee Moua (Lis Muas, Lis Xaiv Hawj) Moua Chue B., Vang Tou, Vang Teng, Vang Foung, & Yang Ge (Txawj Tham) lawv mas Nplog (Royal Lao Air Force) kom lawv yuav tsum kawm English nyob Phom Kheng los yawg loj tsis hais.
1977 Maj. Xaiv Phiab Yaj xaj tub rog khoos Maj. Xeeb Xyooj cov team tuaj mus Thaibteb. Thaum Maj. Xeeb Xyooj paub hais tias nws cov team raug khoos lawm, Xeeb Xyooj tso tub rog tos kev tua Maj. Xaiv Phiab, Xaiv Phiab ntas kiag M-16 thiab koos kiag nw 2 tug tub rog ua ntej hais tias neb pom Maj. Xeeb Xyooj lawv yog nej tsis tua ces kuv tua kiag neb.
Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb. Tej zaum Nom Hawj tawv khas xaj es luag tub hlob thiaj yuav tua. Yog Nom Hawj mloog lus thiab ua kam zoo mas nyiaj yawg tau nrog yawg loj noj.
Vaj Ncuab5,
VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?
Leej twg tau txais nyiaj los ntawm yeeb ncuab los rau hnab tshos ntau ces tus ntawd hais lus muaj zog zis, zoo li ua tus khav txiv txhias xwb. Thaum yeeb nucuab tsis muab nyiaj pab lawm, puas heev li koj hais mas? Tso sas fuas txoj sia twb yuav luag tsis yeej lawm los sav. Tseem Yeej hais yog lawm, sawv daws paub xoo, qhov yeej qhov swb, yog nyob ntawm tus ntsis CWJ MEM. VP tsis paub txog tej no. Tos Hmoob tuag coob coob rau tshav rog los vim lawv tus coj xuas nyiaj ntxias lawv thiab nws txawj dag nev.
Tuaj dag ntau nyob teb chaws no ces mag hlob kav hlaub.
EXPERT DAG ces DIM koj saib seb GVP tom nkuaj yog tus zoo li kuv,koj, thiab 3 cov hauv SCH mag JAIL 5 muaj 10k tus HMOOB tuaj PROTEST ces cia 6 DUB NPUJ KOM SIAV TU
Cov laus, Dub tsis npuj, Dub tsuas nyiam cov hluas hluas li koj ua yug rau Thaib Teb xwb.
2014-09-19 10:04:53 UTC
Post by T***@yahoo.com
Post by AEON
Post by T***@yahoo.com
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by TseemYeej
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:53:53 AM UTC-7,
Lawv puas sau Capt.Vang Bee lub tombstone li koj hais "Gorilla" tiag ma? Yog muaj tseeb tiag sais yuav tau hu mus rau lawv cov nyob ze kom muab kho tiag tiag nawb...
Hmmmm..."Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone." Puas muaj li koj hais tiag os? Can you prove it? Thiab puas yog koj tham txog tu capt. Npis Nom Hawj or Npis LiabPlaub maj?
Yog muaj li koj hais tiag no, tej rumors uas gvp xaaj tua Nom Hawj thiab excommunicated Tswb PhraChao tseem tsis tau ntsiag laiv, yog li naj. Tsam no, Tswb tijlaug NpisLiab tuag no ho sau tias nws yog Gorilla no mas, lom txwm ua lawm xwb laud.
Thaum ub, peb tseem hluas, kuv yeej hnov Tswb tham tu siab txog qho gvp xaaj tua Tswb txiv Nom Hawj lawm ov.
Uncle TseemYeej;
Luag tus hlob xaj kom mus ua haujlwm yog tsis mus ces kawg luag kwv phom raws xwb. Kuv ib yawg txiv ntxawm ua nais xaim (communication officer), yawg loj xaj kom mus tom tshav rog yawg tsis mus yawg loj twb kwv phom raws, yawg thiaj tawm tub rog los ua nai khus qhia ntawv lawm.
Yawg loj yeej ntseeg Nom Hawj Vaj heev es luag thiaj xa Maj. Vang Bee H-34 Helicopter pilot thiab Lt. Vang Seng (Vaj Cheeb) T-28 pilot es thiaj xa nkawd tuaj mus kawm davhlaus. Thawj thawj 4 pab tuaj kawm dhav hlaus nyob Thaibteb mas yawg loj yuav tsum pom zoo, luag tsis lam xa ib tug luag tsis ntseeg tuaj kawm.
Maj. Vang Bee liab (Vang Bee Helicopter), Maj. Vang Khang, thiab Lt. Vang Chong (Vaj Txoov) lawv 3 tug no mas yawg loj xaj kom lawv tuaj mus kawm ya Helicopter. Txawm lawv tsis paub lus English zoo los luag tus hlob tsis kay, kom Amelicas yuav tsum txais xwb. Yia Khang, Lee Moua (Lis Muas, Lis Xaiv Hawj) Moua Chue B., Vang Tou, Vang Teng, Vang Foung, & Yang Ge (Txawj Tham) lawv mas Nplog (Royal Lao Air Force) kom lawv yuav tsum kawm English nyob Phom Kheng los yawg loj tsis hais.
1977 Maj. Xaiv Phiab Yaj xaj tub rog khoos Maj. Xeeb Xyooj cov team tuaj mus Thaibteb. Thaum Maj. Xeeb Xyooj paub hais tias nws cov team raug khoos lawm, Xeeb Xyooj tso tub rog tos kev tua Maj. Xaiv Phiab, Xaiv Phiab ntas kiag M-16 thiab koos kiag nw 2 tug tub rog ua ntej hais tias neb pom Maj. Xeeb Xyooj lawv yog nej tsis tua ces kuv tua kiag neb.
Heev npaum luag tus hlob teb chaws twb tseem swb. Tej zaum Nom Hawj tawv khas xaj es luag tub hlob thiaj yuav tua. Yog Nom Hawj mloog lus thiab ua kam zoo mas nyiaj yawg tau nrog yawg loj noj.
Vaj Ncuab5,
VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?
Leej twg tau txais nyiaj los ntawm yeeb ncuab los rau hnab tshos ntau ces tus ntawd hais lus muaj zog zis, zoo li ua tus khav txiv txhias xwb. Thaum yeeb nucuab tsis muab nyiaj pab lawm, puas heev li koj hais mas? Tso sas fuas txoj sia twb yuav luag tsis yeej lawm los sav. Tseem Yeej hais yog lawm, sawv daws paub xoo, qhov yeej qhov swb, yog nyob ntawm tus ntsis CWJ MEM. VP tsis paub txog tej no. Tos Hmoob tuag coob coob rau tshav rog los vim lawv tus coj xuas nyiaj ntxias lawv thiab nws txawj dag nev.
Tuaj dag ntau nyob teb chaws no ces mag hlob kav hlaub.
EXPERT DAG ces DIM koj saib seb GVP tom nkuaj yog tus zoo li kuv,koj, thiab 3 cov hauv SCH mag JAIL 5 muaj 10k tus HMOOB tuaj PROTEST ces cia 6 DUB NPUJ KOM SIAV TU
Cov laus, Dub tsis npuj, Dub tsuas nyiam cov hluas hluas li koj ua yug rau Thaib Teb xwb.
TIM THAIB kuv twb yog 10+ lawm 4 xyoo tom qab ces tus tim 08 twb muab kuv VIRGIN TEV nws luag2
2014-09-10 21:35:32 UTC
Post by T***@yahoo.com
VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?
Muaj los mas... neeg raws-s VP tua es zaug lawv tua yawg,yawg thiaj yuav luag tuag ned.

Tsis tag li tus raws tua los raws tag zog,cov npaj ncaws yawg tawm Looj Ceeb los muaj....cov Nplog los yeej raws VP tua......tiam sis Ntuj yeej cia VP los noj lub sij hawm ntawd ces Ntuj yeej tsis pub yawg tuag yooj yim.

Hmoob mas kuv xav lub caij ntawd yog VP tsis ua heev npaum ntawd mas hmoob tseem yuav sib tua loj tshaj ntawd.....VP xuas phom hais xwb neeg tseem phem npaum nad.....peb txhob piv lub caij ntawd rau lub caij tam sim no.....lub caij ntawd cov raws tua los tua npaum...cov npaj lom los coob kawg,cov sib txeeb poj niam zoo nkauj los coob npaum...cov mus ua plaub npaj sib ntaus los coob npaum.....leej twg kwv tij coob ces ua plaub kawg yeej....vim npaj tsuj neeg xwb ned......kuv yog VP los kuv ham tsis xuas ntsis phom hais xwb las as.

Tam sis no yog txhob nyob Meskas teb ces sawv daws yeej tseem xuas ntsis pom hais xwb tiag.......cov txiv neej tham-m luag tej poj niam....cov poj niam pheej nyiag ntshis mus deev luag tej txiv ces ......yog nyob tim ub ntshai lawv twb mus txog NTUJ CEEB TSHEEJ tag lawm.

Kav liam os nawb.....lub sij hawm twb tag lawm cia li zoo-oo siab mus ua Meskas qhev...ib tiam dhau ib tiam....kom lub ntiaj teb no kawg kiag es hmoob thiaj yuav tsis tau ua qhev lawm.....siab phem li tus hmoob mas tsis muaj hnub yuav muaj daim Av nyob......cov phem yog cov coob,cov zoo yog ua npoov xwb ces kawg ua luag qhev.
2014-09-10 22:05:23 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
...kuv yog VP los kuv ham tsis xuas ntsis phom hais xwb las as.
Phwv awd,

Txhob hais lus li yus tsis tau kawm VajLugKub(bible) kiag li maj?

unka TseemYeej.
Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-10 22:49:57 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
Post by p***@yahoo.com
...kuv yog VP los kuv ham tsis xuas ntsis phom hais xwb las as.
Phwv awd,
Txhob hais lus li yus tsis tau kawm VajLugKub(bible) kiag li maj?
unka TseemYeej.
Uncle TseemYeej;

Peb swb tebchaws yeej yog swb kan muang tsis yog swb kev sib ntaus sib tua. Vim VP ua heev ho nyob Phaj 2 es Pathet Lao thiaj tsuj tsis tau Vientiane. Yog Phaj 2 tawg ces Vientiane poob lawm ntxov.

Hais txog kev tua neeg mas ua ntej 1966 VP yeej tua neeg heev, tus txaus tua thiab tsis txaus tua los yawg yeej tua lawm. VP, Tub Pos thiab Yaj Txos loj lawv yog cov tua, tabsi tom qab Maj. Lis Choj tuag thiab VP raug mob tag ces lawv hloov zog lawm.

Ntawm Col. Vaj Ntxawg thiab Col. Tub Fwj nkawd mas Nom Hawj tuag lawm, VP kawg yuav tsum tau rub nkawd, tsis rub tsis tag. Dhau ntawd VP los xav tau cov neeg txawj ntawv li nkawd.

2014-09-11 00:18:50 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Peb swb tebchaws yeej yog swb kan muang tsis yog swb kev sib ntaus sib tua. Vim VP ua heev ho nyob Phaj 2 es Pathet Lao thiaj tsuj tsis tau Vientiane. Yog Phaj 2 tawg ces Vientiane poob lawm ntxov.
Koj yuav tau rov REPHRASE koj tej lus ko nawb. Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb. LoojCeeb twb tawg 2 zaug las sav, ua cas VT ho tsis tawg maj? VP's OPERATION was nothing about VT, it was all about Vietnam WAR. Qhov Hmoob Vets pheej qw-w tias lawv tau pab cawm Meskas cov pilots no tsis yog pem LoojCeeb(RLA Phaj2)laiv, yog puag nram HoChiMinh Trail(RLA Phaj4)ov.

S/d pheej qhuas Thaub TxawjPov haib-b, NpuasLoom tsis tawg kiag. Hmm..tam li cov phauj(PojNtsuam)hais rau kuv mas lawv tus txiv tseem tuag dai ncu tim plag, cov kwv nyuam qhuav pe zoj hmo ntawd xwb, kajntug taigkis, twb rov tau pam tus kwv ua nyuam qhua pe ntawd lawm thiab, twb tsis tau mag 1 li ne. Hmoob NaabYub mas tuag coob tshaj. Tshav davhlau LoojCeeb thiav vp lub tsev mas tsuas hnov cov pojntsuam tej suabquaj suabnyiav nkaus xwb.
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Dhau ntawd VP los xav tau cov neeg txawj ntawv li nkawd.
Wrong ASSESSMENT, uacas nws ho tsis yuav XyoojZeb? LyChao, Lyteck, Soyasith, Mas Thoj lawv maj? Uacas thaumkawg no, ho yuav VajNeeb thiab maj? Nws twb yog tus los tomqab tshaj nev? Tejno puas yog phavphuaj no?

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-11 03:00:39 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Peb swb tebchaws yeej yog swb kan muang tsis yog swb kev sib ntaus sib tua. Vim VP ua heev ho nyob Phaj 2 es Pathet Lao thiaj tsuj tsis tau Vientiane. Yog Phaj 2 tawg ces Vientiane poob lawm ntxov.
Koj yuav tau rov REPHRASE koj tej lus ko nawb. Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb. LoojCeeb twb tawg 2 zaug las sav, ua cas VT ho tsis tawg maj? VP's OPERATION was nothing about VT, it was all about Vietnam WAR. Qhov Hmoob Vets pheej qw-w tias lawv tau pab cawm Meskas cov pilots no tsis yog pem LoojCeeb(RLA Phaj2)laiv, yog puag nram HoChiMinh Trail(RLA Phaj4)ov.
S/d pheej qhuas Thaub TxawjPov haib-b, NpuasLoom tsis tawg kiag. Hmm..tam li cov phauj(PojNtsuam)hais rau kuv mas lawv tus txiv tseem tuag dai ncu tim plag, cov kwv nyuam qhuav pe zoj hmo ntawd xwb, kajntug taigkis, twb rov tau pam tus kwv ua nyuam qhua pe ntawd lawm thiab, twb tsis tau mag 1 li ne. Hmoob NaabYub mas tuag coob tshaj. Tshav davhlau LoojCeeb thiav vp lub tsev mas tsuas hnov cov pojntsuam tej suabquaj suabnyiav nkaus xwb.
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Dhau ntawd VP los xav tau cov neeg txawj ntawv li nkawd.
Wrong ASSESSMENT, uacas nws ho tsis yuav XyoojZeb? LyChao, Lyteck, Soyasith, Mas Thoj lawv maj? Uacas thaumkawg no, ho yuav VajNeeb thiab maj? Nws twb yog tus los tomqab tshaj nev? Tejno puas yog phavphuaj no?
Uncle TseemYeej;

March thiab April 1972, North Vietnamese 316 Division & 312 Division yeej tua Looj Ceeb tiag tabsi Looj Ceeb tsis tawg. Pathet Lao (Col. Kham Ai Sisaat) tuaj txog Looj Ceeb yog tom qab Maj. Gen. Vang Pao ya tawm lawm.

1966 Maj. Gen. Vang Pao xub rub Ly Teck los ua luag tus Political Advisor 5 xyoo ua ntej rub Lt. Vang Neng, Lt. Col. Vang Yee, Lt. Col. Tou Fue Vang & Lt. Col. Vang Geu. Tus neeg Gen. Vang Pao tsis ntseeg nws yeej tsis lam rub, tus nws rub yog tus nws ntseeg.

1971 Gen. Vang Pao hu Archan Ly Chao, Archan Vang Yee, Archan Tou Fue Vang thiab Archan Tou Doua Yang lawv mus nrog Gen. Vang Pao noj mov thiab tham nyob tom Nahaidiao. Gen. Vang Pao hais tias, lub tebchaws sam sim ua rog nyhav, kuv xav tau cov tub txawj tub ntse li nej los nrog kuv ua kam, nyiaj kuv yuav muab kom txaus nej noj, xab (ranks) kuv yuav muab kom tsis nyog nej txoj kev txawj. Tabsis Archan Tou Doua thiab Archan Ly Chao tsis kam, Archan Vang Yee & Archan Tou Fue Vang nkawd tawm naikhus mus ua tub rog li yawg loj hais.

Maj. Gen. Vang Pao yeej xa tau Dr. Yang Dao, Archan Ly Chao, Archan Tou Doua Yang & Vue Choua lawv los nrog luag tus hlob ua haujlwm tabsi lawv tsis kam. Yog Yang Dao tsis kam, Tou Doua Yang tsis kam, Ly Chao tsis kam, Vue Choua tsis kam ces kawg Vang Neng, Tou Fue Vang, Vang Yee thiab Vang Geu yuav tsum tau pab vim phem zoo los yog kwv yog tij.

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-11 03:46:28 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Peb swb tebchaws yeej yog swb kan muang tsis yog swb kev sib ntaus sib tua. Vim VP ua heev ho nyob Phaj 2 es Pathet Lao thiaj tsuj tsis tau Vientiane. Yog Phaj 2 tawg ces Vientiane poob lawm ntxov.
Koj yuav tau rov REPHRASE koj tej lus ko nawb. Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb. LoojCeeb twb tawg 2 zaug las sav, ua cas VT ho tsis tawg maj? VP's OPERATION was nothing about VT, it was all about Vietnam WAR. Qhov Hmoob Vets pheej qw-w tias lawv tau pab cawm Meskas cov pilots no tsis yog pem LoojCeeb(RLA Phaj2)laiv, yog puag nram HoChiMinh Trail(RLA Phaj4)ov.
S/d pheej qhuas Thaub TxawjPov haib-b, NpuasLoom tsis tawg kiag. Hmm..tam li cov phauj(PojNtsuam)hais rau kuv mas lawv tus txiv tseem tuag dai ncu tim plag, cov kwv nyuam qhuav pe zoj hmo ntawd xwb, kajntug taigkis, twb rov tau pam tus kwv ua nyuam qhua pe ntawd lawm thiab, twb tsis tau mag 1 li ne. Hmoob NaabYub mas tuag coob tshaj. Tshav davhlau LoojCeeb thiav vp lub tsev mas tsuas hnov cov pojntsuam tej suabquaj suabnyiav nkaus xwb.
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Dhau ntawd VP los xav tau cov neeg txawj ntawv li nkawd.
Wrong ASSESSMENT, uacas nws ho tsis yuav XyoojZeb? LyChao, Lyteck, Soyasith, Mas Thoj lawv maj? Uacas thaumkawg no, ho yuav VajNeeb thiab maj? Nws twb yog tus los tomqab tshaj nev? Tejno puas yog phavphuaj no?
Uncle TseemYeej;

Col. Cher Pao Moua the Boum Long (LS 32) Commander yeej heev tiag Bouam Long thiaj tsis tawg. March 1969 txog March 1973 Boum Long sib tua nruab hnub hmo ntuj thiab neeg yeej tuag coob li koj hais tiag, yus tog los tuag coob, Nyablaj los tuag coob. North Vietnamese 174 Regiment uas nce tau Pha Thi tuaj nce los tsis tau Boum Long. North Vietnamese 316 Division uas tua tau Dien Biem Phu tuaj tua Boum Long los Bouam Long tsis tawg, Da Cong khawb qhov tuaj tua Khaib 19 los tua tsis tau, muab MIG 21 tuaj bombs Bouam Long los Bouam Long tsis tawg. Yuav tsum tau qhuas Col. Txawj Pov Muas nrog cov Hmoob nyob Bouam Long.

Gen. Vang Pao xav tau Lt. Vang Neng vim Vang Neng kawm tawm nyob France Military Academy-St.Cyr.

2014-09-11 16:49:09 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Col. Cher Pao Moua the Boum Long (LS 32) Commander yeej heev tiag Bouam Long thiaj tsis tawg. March 1969 txog March 1973 Boum Long sib tua nruab hnub hmo ntuj thiab neeg yeej tuag coob li koj hais tiag, yus tog los tuag coob, Nyablaj los tuag coob. North Vietnamese 174 Regiment uas nce tau Pha Thi tuaj nce los tsis tau Boum Long. North Vietnamese 316 Division uas tua tau Dien Biem Phu tuaj tua Boum Long los Bouam Long tsis tawg, Da Cong khawb qhov tuaj tua Khaib 19 los tua tsis tau, muab MIG 21 tuaj bombs Bouam Long los Bouam Long tsis tawg. Yuav tsum tau qhuas Col. Txawj Pov Muas nrog cov Hmoob nyob Bouam Long.
Yog li kuv hais lawm, heev npaum li, uacas, luag tus ntsis PAJKAS kom tsum ces ciali tsum lawm thiab maj? Tomqab no, vp nkawd 2 txiv tub twb rov mus ua zaj qub, siv lub tswv8 NTSIS PHOM, twb tsis vawj lawm thiab nev.

VamKaim Vwj, ntseeg-g vp, ua-ua tuag kus thiab xwb. Niaj hnub nim no, cov Hmoob uas dim tuaj yeej noob rau Meskas no mam hais tias: "Txojkev xuas pob ntseg mloog tej hlob DAG mas, nyablaj txawm tsis xuas phom tua los peb yeej tshaib plab thiab mob tuag puv roob puv hav li os."

Puas yogvim yus ua haujlwm raws CIA tus KASMOOS $, los yog yus HLUBTEB HLUBCHAW tiag?
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Gen. Vang Pao xav tau Lt. Vang Neng vim Vang Neng kawm tawm nyob France Military Academy-St.Cyr.
Qhov ntawm vp rub VN mas yog do favor rau VN family xwb, vim nws tij laug TUAM poob NYOOBHOOM tuag ne. Hmoob twb hais tuaj tias lawv mus pom TUAM lub dabhlau poob mus ntsaws hauv havtauj( vim roj tag/ poob zoo) yog xav tau no lawv ua tiag mus rub tus neeg tawm los, VP tsis quav ntsej line.

Tus vp xav tau tiag-g tsis yog VN os, yog nws tus tub VajTxoov nav. Teb chaws yeej cav doogdiaj tias vp xa nws tus tub tuaj kawm Marine lawm, yog thawj tug menyuam foreigner ua raug Meskas txais mus kawm Marine.

Ntuj awd, tuaj txog tebchaws no, tsuav tas high school xwb ces luag yeej tuaj recruit peb tej menyuam mus kawm las sav. Niaj hnub no menyuam Hmoob mus Marine mas coob li coob.

2014-09-12 14:14:39 UTC
mus CEEB TSHEEJ ces lawvmus ib hnub 4-5 lwm koj kuv 3 5 pom xwb
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by T***@yahoo.com
VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?
Muaj los mas... neeg raws-s VP tua es zaug lawv tua yawg,yawg thiaj yuav luag tuag ned.
Tsis tag li tus raws tua los raws tag zog,cov npaj ncaws yawg tawm Looj Ceeb los muaj....cov Nplog los yeej raws VP tua......tiam sis Ntuj yeej cia VP los noj lub sij hawm ntawd ces Ntuj yeej tsis pub yawg tuag yooj yim.
Hmoob mas kuv xav lub caij ntawd yog VP tsis ua heev npaum ntawd mas hmoob tseem yuav sib tua loj tshaj ntawd.....VP xuas phom hais xwb neeg tseem phem npaum nad.....peb txhob piv lub caij ntawd rau lub caij tam sim no.....lub caij ntawd cov raws tua los tua npaum...cov npaj lom los coob kawg,cov sib txeeb poj niam zoo nkauj los coob npaum...cov mus ua plaub npaj sib ntaus los coob npaum.....leej twg kwv tij coob ces ua plaub kawg yeej....vim npaj tsuj neeg xwb ned......kuv yog VP los kuv ham tsis xuas ntsis phom hais xwb las as.
Tam sis no yog txhob nyob Meskas teb ces sawv daws yeej tseem xuas ntsis pom hais xwb tiag.......cov txiv neej tham-m luag tej poj niam....cov poj niam pheej nyiag ntshis mus deev luag tej txiv ces ......yog nyob tim ub ntshai lawv twb mus txog NTUJ CEEB TSHEEJ tag lawm.
Kav liam os nawb.....lub sij hawm twb tag lawm cia li zoo-oo siab mus ua Meskas qhev...ib tiam dhau ib tiam....kom lub ntiaj teb no kawg kiag es hmoob thiaj yuav tsis tau ua qhev lawm.....siab phem li tus hmoob mas tsis muaj hnub yuav muaj daim Av nyob......cov phem yog cov coob,cov zoo yog ua npoov xwb ces kawg ua luag qhev.
2014-09-14 21:56:52 UTC
Nyob zoo me kwv Ntxhawg Phwv thiab Vajncuab5 ,

Ua cas kuv yuav nyiam neb cov lus teb hauv no ua luaj li . Hiav lus li neb hais no mas thiaj tsim nyog yug los ua ib tug tub Hmoob tiag lau. Neb tsuas hais raws li muaj thiaj hais muaj raws li qhov paub tseeb xwb tiag . Kuv thov qhuas neb ib zaug ntxiv.

Kuv kuj yog ib tug tub Hmoob hlob loj nyob rau lub nroog Looj Ceeb thiab yeej paub txog Hmoob cov nom nyob Looj Ceeb thiab Vees cas zoo heev . Hiav txog cov tub tuaj mus kawm tsav dav hlau pab ib mus txog pab 3 los kuv yeej paub lawv zoo thiab . Pab 1 muaj 3 tug yog nom tub rog haus 2 tug yog xib hwb qhia ntawv . Pab 2 cov coob yog nom tub rog haus cov tshawg yog tub kawm ntawv tawm los ua. Pab 3 muaj nom tub rog thiab tub kawm ntawv yuav luag sib npaus . Vim yog li no thaum sawv daws kawm tiav ya dav hlau lawm lub xab (rank) thiab sib txawv . Vaj Npis yeej tau Captain rau xyoo 1975 lawm . Lub rank Colonel mas tsuas yog ntshe muab rau thaum lawm Ua Tub rog Cob Fab xwb os. Txawm li cas los rog Cob Fab ces peb yeej muaj Coob tus General tau thaum lawm mus nyob qab nyom lawm ces yuav raws lawv siab nyiam mas cov me kwv tij Hmoob . Pab lawm zoo siab ua zaum kawg thiab mas cov me kwv tij kwv

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-15 02:46:05 UTC
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Nyob zoo me kwv Ntxhawg Phwv thiab Vajncuab5 ,
Ua cas kuv yuav nyiam neb cov lus teb hauv no ua luaj li . Hiav lus li neb hais no mas thiaj tsim nyog yug los ua ib tug tub Hmoob tiag lau. Neb tsuas hais raws li muaj thiaj hais muaj raws li qhov paub tseeb xwb tiag . Kuv thov qhuas neb ib zaug ntxiv.
Kuv kuj yog ib tug tub Hmoob hlob loj nyob rau lub nroog Looj Ceeb thiab yeej paub txog Hmoob cov nom nyob Looj Ceeb thiab Vees cas zoo heev . Hiav txog cov tub tuaj mus kawm tsav dav hlau pab ib mus txog pab 3 los kuv yeej paub lawv zoo thiab . Pab 1 muaj 3 tug yog nom tub rog haus 2 tug yog xib hwb qhia ntawv . Pab 2 cov coob yog nom tub rog haus cov tshawg yog tub kawm ntawv tawm los ua. Pab 3 muaj nom tub rog thiab tub kawm ntawv yuav luag sib npaus . Vim yog li no thaum sawv daws kawm tiav ya dav hlau lawm lub xab (rank) thiab sib txawv . Vaj Npis yeej tau Captain rau xyoo 1975 lawm . Lub rank Colonel mas tsuas yog ntshe muab rau thaum lawm Ua Tub rog Cob Fab xwb os. Txawm li cas los rog Cob Fab ces peb yeej muaj Coob tus General tau thaum lawm mus nyob qab nyom lawm ces yuav raws lawv siab nyiam mas cov me kwv tij Hmoob . Pab lawm zoo siab ua zaum kawg thiab mas cov me kwv tij kwv

Cov tub txawg uas VP rub thawj pab yog Muas Xeeb, Lis Tub Pos, Lis Xab, Yaj Tuam Txhiaj Tswb thiab Yang Dao. Lawv 5 tug no VP (Maj. Vang Pao) kom lawv los pab MVP ua teb ua chaws thaum l960-61 nyob Pa Dong thiab MVP muab kiag xov neeb (Houei Tri) rau lawv. Yang Dao tawm los ua haujlwm rau USAID thiab 1962 Yand Dao tuaj mus kawm ntawv rau Fabkis teb lawm. 1972 Lis Tub Pos tau Colonel, Lis Xab tau Colonel tabsi 1975 Muas Xeeb thiab Yaj Tuam nkawd tseem tau Major xwb.

1971 GVP mas rub Vaj Yis & Tub Fwm Vaj nkawd. Lis Txos thiab Tub Nruas Yaj nkawd hais tias nkawd xum ua Nais Khus vim ib hli twg nkawd tau 44,000 Kip, nkawd lub nyiaj hli ntaus ib yam ib tug Colonel lawm. Ib tug Major tau 32,000 Kip, ib tug Lt. Colonel tau 38,000 Kip, thiab ib tug Colonel tau 46,000 Kip xwb.

1972 GVP rub Vaj Ntxawg, Vwj Tsuas thiab Dr. Yang Dao. Vwj Tsuas hais tias ib tug Major tau nyiaj 32,000 Kip p/m, tabsi Vwj Tsuas ua haujkwm rau USAID tau ib hli 80,000 Kip lawm. Yang Doa hais tias Yang Dao ua tus Director of Human Resource ib hli twg 160,000 Kip thiab tau nyiaj ntaus ib yam ib tug naiphom lawm.

1973 GVP mam rub Lt. Vaj Neeb los ua haujlwm pab GVP. Vaj Neeb txo fwj chim es Vaj Neeb tseem yuav nws lub xab (rank) 1st Lieutenant hauv Lao National Army xwb. Tiag tiag mas Vaj Neeb yuav tsum yog Lt. Colonel li Vaj Yig, Vang Ntxawg thiab Tub Fwj lawv lawm. Vim Vaj Neeb tawm hauv France Military Academy St. Cyr los.

Pilot Vang Bee mas yeej yog Captain thiab yog ib tug Chao Pa Khao lead. Cov Pilots Hmoob ces Yaj Xyooj, Vaj Npis Liab thiab Vaj Khab thiaj tau Major. Lis Lwm, Xauv Thoj, Lis Yeej, thiab koj tijlaug Vaj Xwm yog Captain, tuag tag mam tau Major. Yaj Xyooj yog seniority vim Yaj Xyooj tawm los ya T-28 xyoo 1969. Vaj Npis Lis thiab Vaj Khab nkawd mas rog twg tag lawm, Summer 1973 nkawd mam kawm tawm los ya Helicopter.

2014-09-15 15:54:08 UTC
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Nyob zoo me kwv Ntxhawg Phwv thiab Vajncuab5 ,
Ua cas kuv yuav nyiam neb cov lus teb hauv no ua luaj li . Hiav lus li neb hais no mas thiaj tsim nyog yug los ua ib tug tub Hmoob tiag lau.
Nev-v-v Kuv twb yeej kuv hais tias: "Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb." seb, tsam no, muaj tus zoo-oo siab lawm tiag laus pauv. Hahaha...

Nej puas realize tias Hmoob cov qauslausnees thiab koomasdas coob tshaj Nplog cov lawm sub, even Hmoob constitute only 15% out of 3millions of all Lao population.

Tus paubtab ces uali VajNeeb ua yog lawm, txhob ua li 3-4 tug qauslausnees uas yog PajMab pab txivtub nkaus xwb nawb.

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-15 22:40:47 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Nyob zoo me kwv Ntxhawg Phwv thiab Vajncuab5 ,
Ua cas kuv yuav nyiam neb cov lus teb hauv no ua luaj li . Hiav lus li neb hais no mas thiaj tsim nyog yug los ua ib tug tub Hmoob tiag lau.
Nev-v-v Kuv twb yeej kuv hais tias: "Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb." seb, tsam no, muaj tus zoo-oo siab lawm tiag laus pauv. Hahaha...
Nej puas realize tias Hmoob cov qauslausnees thiab koomasdas coob tshaj Nplog cov lawm sub, even Hmoob constitute only 15% out of 3millions of all Lao population.
Tus paubtab ces uali VajNeeb ua yog lawm, txhob ua li 3-4 tug qauslausnees uas yog PajMab pab txivtub nkaus xwb nawb.
Uncle TseemYeej;

Lis Neeb Ntsuab Vaj tau Bac. nyob rau Lycee Vientiane, Lis Neeb los ua tub rog los Col. Ntsuab Vaj tseem hais tias hluas heev txhob yuav Captain yuav Xov Xoom (Houei Tho) xwb. Muas Thoob, Hawj Vuab, Muas Choj, Pov Yaj, Tooj Yaj, Vaj Nplhaib, Vaj Ntxawg thiab coob tug kawm tau Diplome xwb tau kiag Xov Xoom (Houei Tho).

Lt. Col. Vang Yee tau Bac. nyob Dong Dok thiab mus stage ib xyoo nyob Fabkis teb xwb ua tub rog thiab tau Lt. Colonel within 1 year (1971-1972). Cov tau Demi-Licence li koj ua Uncle yog ua tub rog SGU mas yeej qualify Captain or Major lawm. Lt. Vang Neng mas luag hnav luag cev uniform nyob France Military Academy-St.Cyr xwb.

2014-09-16 18:00:33 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by TseemYeej
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Nyob zoo me kwv Ntxhawg Phwv thiab Vajncuab5 ,
Ua cas kuv yuav nyiam neb cov lus teb hauv no ua luaj li . Hiav lus li neb hais no mas thiaj tsim nyog yug los ua ib tug tub Hmoob tiag lau.
Nev-v-v Kuv twb yeej kuv hais tias: "Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb." seb, tsam no, muaj tus zoo-oo siab lawm tiag laus pauv. Hahaha...
Nej puas realize tias Hmoob cov qauslausnees thiab koomasdas coob tshaj Nplog cov lawm sub, even Hmoob constitute only 15% out of 3millions of all Lao population.
Tus paubtab ces uali VajNeeb ua yog lawm, txhob ua li 3-4 tug qauslausnees uas yog PajMab pab txivtub nkaus xwb nawb.
Uncle TseemYeej;
Lis Neeb Ntsuab Vaj tau Bac. nyob rau Lycee Vientiane, Lis Neeb los ua tub rog los Col. Ntsuab Vaj tseem hais tias hluas heev txhob yuav Captain yuav Xov Xoom (Houei Tho) xwb. Muas Thoob, Hawj Vuab, Muas Choj, Pov Yaj, Tooj Yaj, Vaj Nplhaib, Vaj Ntxawg thiab coob tug kawm tau Diplome xwb tau kiag Xov Xoom (Houei Tho).
Lt. Col. Vang Yee tau Bac. nyob Dong Dok thiab mus stage ib xyoo nyob Fabkis teb xwb ua tub rog thiab tau Lt. Colonel within 1 year (1971-1972). Cov tau Demi-Licence li koj ua Uncle yog ua tub rog SGU mas yeej qualify Captain or Major lawm. Lt. Vang Neng mas luag hnav luag cev uniform nyob France Military Academy-St.Cyr xwb.
Yog vim Hmoob tsis paub qhov tseeb xwb; Neeb NtsuabVaj thiab Neeb NkajZeb nkawd ua yog lawm las mas. Kev ua tub rog yuav XAAB no mas yog thaum ub Napoleon(XVIIICentury) tsim nws lub French Empire, nws tua txhua ceg kaum ntuj, tua txog Russia, tej tub rog tuag yuav tag thiab txom nyem heev, nws saib tsis tsum, khwv tau tswv8, nws thiaj hu nws cov tub rog(cov heev tshaj)los sawv ua kabsab, nws DAG hais lus mos lus muag rau lawv tias:
"- kuv tsis tau muaj nyiaj hnub nyiaj hli rau nej, tabsis, thaum twg yeejteb yeejchaws lawm nej mam nqa nej cov medals tuaj lav nyiaj nawb"(similar to vp's words). Ces nws mam chob medaillons rau lawv. Fabkis swb rog, French Empire thiaj ntog lawm. Tomqab no, Fabkis tseem tuaj kav Nplog, lawv ua tib yam nkaus, ces peb ib txhia Hmoob thiaj xyaum ntsawg lub niag Medail ntawd li yawm AEON them nyiaj hnya zog rau luag noj dawb.

Tseeb tiag, tiam IMPERIALISM twb dhau los lawm ntev lawm os. Tsis tas li, ntiajteb tseem dhau tiam COMMUNISM lawm (Leninism/Maoism tuag tag). Tsamno, peb tabtom nkag rau tiam Global Economism, yog xav kom tej metub menyuam cuab pobtawb mag NTSES thiab no ces RUA muag kom dav zog nawb....

2014-09-17 04:49:38 UTC
Nyob zoo Vajncuab5 ,

Kuv qhuas koj los txhaum ces cia kuv nrog koj sib cas me ntsis kom paub qhov tseeb xwb ov . Hahaha . Koj hais txog ntawm cov tub Hmoob xub pib los nrog GVP ua hauj lwm nyob rau Paj doos , Vees cam , Pham khom , thiab Looj Ceeb los kuv yeej paub kawg vim kuv muaj ib tug tij laug tau nrog lawv ua hauj lwm uake . Nws kuj yog ib tug Press secretary rau GVP thiab tseem yog thawj tug nrog nplog thiab Meskas ya dav hlau zaum nram qab qhia lawv los pov Bombs rau Xeev khuam ua ntej Peb Hmoob muaj cov neeg tsav dav hlau. Kuv tij laug thiab Yaj Tuam nkawv yuav niam laus thiab niam hluas xwb os tab sis nkawv 2 tug poj niam yog tij thiab kwv yug xwb . Thaum 1975 ntawm Yaj Tuam yeej tau LT conlonel lawm nawb haus kuv tij laug ces tseem tau Major xwb . Tsis tas li ntawm xwb tseem raug muaj rho taw thaum lawn muab cov SGU mus lo ua thab ham tham Vuas vim hais tias muaj coob tus nom heev . Npaum li no peb twb tsis chim ne . Yaj Tuam nrog PhwvNyawm nyob uake rau Santa ana nawb yog hais tias koj xav paub qhov tseeb ces koj nug Phwv xwb mas . Txhob muaj yus cov kwv tij npes ib xab mas.

Muas Thoob thiab Hawj Vuab nkawv puav leej yog kuv 2 tug Xib Hwb qhia ntawv nyob Looj Ceeb . Muas Thoob yeej tau LT colonel rau xyoo 1975 lawm vim nws xub los qhia ntawv thiab xub mus ua Thab ham ua ntej Hawj Vuab.

2014-09-17 16:27:47 UTC
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Tsis tas li ntawm xwb tseem raug muaj rho taw thaum lawn muab cov SGU mus lo ua thab ham tham Vuas vim hais tias muaj coob tus nom heev .
Nev-v-v kuv twb yeej kuv hais ov...Nej cov me qauslausnees no mas coob tshaj Nplog cov lawm tiag hos. Tsis yog yawm thaub VovPam(Vang Supremacy) twb tau 1 tug qaulausnyuj or qauslaustwm lawm thiab los? Hahaha...

Txawm yog qhov uas Nepoleon swb rog yog vim nws yog Haivneeg Me, Corse, nws pheej muab medals rau cov tub rog ntau li ntau, kom lawv muaj siab, nws thiaj swb rog ntag laud.

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-17 22:55:01 UTC
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Nyob zoo Vajncuab5 ,
Kuv qhuas koj los txhaum ces cia kuv nrog koj sib cas me ntsis kom paub qhov tseeb xwb ov . Hahaha . Koj hais txog ntawm cov tub Hmoob xub pib los nrog GVP ua hauj lwm nyob rau Paj doos , Vees cam , Pham khom , thiab Looj Ceeb los kuv yeej paub kawg vim kuv muaj ib tug tij laug tau nrog lawv ua hauj lwm uake . Nws kuj yog ib tug Press secretary rau GVP thiab tseem yog thawj tug nrog nplog thiab Meskas ya dav hlau zaum nram qab qhia lawv los pov Bombs rau Xeev khuam ua ntej Peb Hmoob muaj cov neeg tsav dav hlau. Kuv tij laug thiab Yaj Tuam nkawv yuav niam laus thiab niam hluas xwb os tab sis nkawv 2 tug poj niam yog tij thiab kwv yug xwb . Thaum 1975 ntawm Yaj Tuam yeej tau LT conlonel lawm nawb haus kuv tij laug ces tseem tau Major xwb . Tsis tas li ntawm xwb tseem raug muaj rho taw thaum lawn muab cov SGU mus lo ua thab ham tham Vuas vim hais tias muaj coob tus nom heev . Npaum li no peb twb tsis chim ne . Yaj Tuam nrog PhwvNyawm nyob uake rau Santa ana nawb yog hais tias koj xav paub qhov tseeb ces koj nug Phwv xwb mas . Txhob muaj yus cov kwv tij npes ib xab mas.
Muas Thoob thiab Hawj Vuab nkawv puav leej yog kuv 2 tug Xib Hwb qhia ntawv nyob Looj Ceeb . Muas Thoob yeej tau LT colonel rau xyoo 1975 lawm vim nws xub los qhia ntawv thiab xub mus ua Thab ham ua ntej Hawj Vuab.
Hmoob VajUSA;

Ua tsaug rau koj cov lus. Yaj Tuam Txhiaj Tswb mas raws li paub yawg tau Major xwb tsis tau tau Lt. Colonel. Ntaub ntawv teev hais tias Maj. Yaj Tuam, Neo Hom thaum 1982-85 los hu Maj. Yaj Tuam, kuv los hu Major Yaj Tuam. Yog hais tias Yaj Tuam yeej tau Lt. Colonel tiag mam kho thiab thov txim. Ntawm Yaj Tuam mas kuv paub yawg zoo, kuv ib txwm hu yawg hu ua Maj. Yaj Tuam no xwb.

Hawj Vuab mas yog muaj Phav Phuaj yawg yeej tau Major lawm. Twb xav hais tias yuav tau nom thiaj tawm Naikhus (Principle) mus ua tub rog, 1975 tseem yog Captain xwb.

Uncle TseemYeej;

Nom tub rog ces lub npe xwb. Kuv muaj 2 tug tijlaug ib tug yog Major, ib tug yog Naikhus 2 xyoo (Xang Tri). Yawm Major tau ib hli 32,000 Kip, yawg Naikhus Xang Tri tau ib hli 36,000 Kip (nyiaj pojniam menyuam nrog).

Kuv cov uncle thiab cov tijlaug tiav Bac. tom Dong Dok thiab qhia ntawv nyob College Samthong los tham nej cov ntxhais Hmoob Lis los nej cov ntxhais Hmoob Lis twb tsis kam tham, tseem xum mus ua luag niam yau tsuav yog Major, Colonel xwb. Zoo li no es Hmoob coob tus tau Xov Neeb xwb los hais tias tau Xov Xoom, tau Captaim xwb los hais tias tau Major kom hluas nkauj nyiam.

2014-09-17 23:45:38 UTC
kwv MHoobVajUSA,

Yang Toua tsi tau LT. Col vim qhov kuv paub zoo mas thaum 1974 lub 10 hli ntuj Yang Toua hab Phan Tan loid Tri Hang Doua peb tseem ua ke xaa, kuv yog tug tsaav lub tsheb 4 x 4 tan loid nyob Long Cheng, plov tooj tuaj muag nyob Vientiane ne. Thaum peb muag tau nyaj bath, nyaj Thaib, ce peb coj moog pauv nyaj Nplog tom ib lub laab nyob opposite ntawd Vientiane photo. Nplog tseem ntxiv nyaj tshaaj rua peb 30,000 kip ce kuv tseem xaam xaam ce kuv ib tug kwvtij has rua kuv tas xob ua LEB ntxiv lawm es peb ca le moog os nuas ce tau 2-3 nub tom qaab Nplog caum tuaj tim Police Major Hang Doua tsev. Ce Phan tan loid Tri Hang Doua has rua Nplog tas yog mej xaav tau cov nyaj ko ce mej caum moog peg Long Cheng nuas ce Nplog ua ib sab moog tsev lawm.

Muas Thoob tau LT. Col ua ntej 1975, yuav yog 1973-74 ntawd,vim luas muaj phak phuaj.

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-18 01:38:19 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
kwv MHoobVajUSA,
Yang Toua tsi tau LT. Col vim qhov kuv paub zoo mas thaum 1974 lub 10 hli ntuj Yang Toua hab Phan Tan loid Tri Hang Doua peb tseem ua ke xaa, kuv yog tug tsaav lub tsheb 4 x 4 tan loid nyob Long Cheng, plov tooj tuaj muag nyob Vientiane ne. Thaum peb muag tau nyaj bath, nyaj Thaib, ce peb coj moog pauv nyaj Nplog tom ib lub laab nyob opposite ntawd Vientiane photo. Nplog tseem ntxiv nyaj tshaaj rua peb 30,000 kip ce kuv tseem xaam xaam ce kuv ib tug kwvtij has rua kuv tas xob ua LEB ntxiv lawm es peb ca le moog os nuas ce tau 2-3 nub tom qaab Nplog caum tuaj tim Police Major Hang Doua tsev. Ce Phan tan loid Tri Hang Doua has rua Nplog tas yog mej xaav tau cov nyaj ko ce mej caum moog peg Long Cheng nuas ce Nplog ua ib sab moog tsev lawm.
Muas Thoob tau LT. Col ua ntej 1975, yuav yog 1973-74 ntawd,vim luas muaj phak phuaj.
Moua Tony;

Phaum Xang kawg tom qab no yog 1973 uas yog Col. Nyiaj Xub lawv phaum, tag ntawd los ces tsis muaj lawm, txawm muaj los hloov luag npe (luag xang) lawm xwb. Ntawm Yaj Tuam Txhiaj Tswb mas raws li paub yawg yeej tau Major xwb tsis tau tau Lt. Colonel. Kuv paub yawg zoo.

2014-09-18 16:19:46 UTC
Kuv me tij laug HMoobVajUSA....aw,

Tau zoo nyob ces nyob twj ywm od mog.....yog yuav hais phav PHUAJ ces nej yog cov hmoob Vaj ua loj tshaj plaws lwm xeem.
sis tas li ntawm xwb tseem raug muaj rho taw thaum lawn muab cov SGU mus lo ua >thab ham tham Vuas vim hais tias muaj coob tus nom heev . Npaum li no peb twb tsis chim ne .
Nej cov hmoob Vaj nad......twb tsis tshuav neeg yuav los ua NOM lawm es tseem tsis zoo siab thiab.Tej tus txij li QAIB,txij li DEV los twb tau ua nom tag...
Tej tus twb tsis raug muag kiag los tseem yog Major...COL...li lawm nad.
Koj sim xav saib cov tub kawm ntawv tuaj nyob Vees Cas.....tau xab ua thaib ham tau nyiaj hli noj los yog tib co txheeb-b luag tus loj xwb ned.Qhov no yog PHAV PHUAJ thiaj tau. Nej xub-b tau tuaj Meskas los yog PHAV PHUAJ thiaj tau tuaj ua ntej

Hais txog ntawm txiv ntxawm Nyiaj Tuam Yaj yawg tsis tau Col. nawb....xyov puas tseem tau Major thiab od.....kuv mloog mas thaum ua Neohom lawv mam muab yawg nce ua major xwb ho.Raws li kuv nco mas yawg yog Captain xwb as.

Qhov ib txhia tsis tau Xab siab los yog nce xab sai mas tej zaum yog nws tsis rau siab ua hauj lwm,tej tus yog luag tsis nyiam.....tej tus ces lam ua thaib ham tham hluas nkauj xwb ned.

Koj tuaj xyuas kuv es wb mam mus noj fawm ua ke tom Lab fawm Nai Phoo xwb los mas.Koj cov phooj ywg nyob hauv peb zos no coob tus xav ntsib koj kawg li thiab nad.

Sib ntsib dua
2014-09-18 17:52:25 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Kuv me tij laug HMoobVajUSA....aw,
Tau zoo nyob ces nyob twj ywm od mog.....yog yuav hais phav PHUAJ ces nej yog cov hmoob Vaj ua loj tshaj plaws lwm xeem.
sis tas li ntawm xwb tseem raug muaj rho taw thaum lawn muab cov SGU mus lo ua >thab ham tham Vuas vim hais tias muaj coob tus nom heev . Npaum li no peb twb tsis chim ne .
Nej cov hmoob Vaj nad......twb tsis tshuav neeg yuav los ua NOM lawm es tseem tsis zoo siab thiab.Tej tus txij li QAIB,txij li DEV los twb tau ua nom tag...
Tej tus twb tsis raug muag kiag los tseem yog Major...COL...li lawm nad.
Koj sim xav saib cov tub kawm ntawv tuaj nyob Vees Cas.....tau xab ua thaib ham tau nyiaj hli noj los yog tib co txheeb-b luag tus loj xwb ned.Qhov no yog PHAV PHUAJ thiaj tau. Nej xub-b tau tuaj Meskas los yog PHAV PHUAJ thiaj tau tuaj ua ntej
Hais txog ntawm txiv ntxawm Nyiaj Tuam Yaj yawg tsis tau Col. nawb....xyov puas tseem tau Major thiab od.....kuv mloog mas thaum ua Neohom lawv mam muab yawg nce ua major xwb ho.Raws li kuv nco mas yawg yog Captain xwb as.
Qhov ib txhia tsis tau Xab siab los yog nce xab sai mas tej zaum yog nws tsis rau siab ua hauj lwm,tej tus yog luag tsis nyiam.....tej tus ces lam ua thaib ham tham hluas nkauj xwb ned.
Koj tuaj xyuas kuv es wb mam mus noj fawm ua ke tom Lab fawm Nai Phoo xwb los mas.Koj cov phooj ywg nyob hauv peb zos no coob tus xav ntsib koj kawg li thiab nad.
Sib ntsib dua
TSEEM kawm ntawv nram nroog twb tau xab-n SIAB2 mas kuv hnov dua lawm.
2014-09-18 23:12:16 UTC
Nyob zoo Vajncuab5 Thiab MT ,

Zoo siab neb tau tawm tuaj teb kuv thiab ov . Kuv yeej hnov lawm hu kuv tij laug tus me txiv hluas no thaum tseem nyob nplog teb hais tias Colonel Yaj Tuam no lawm kuv thiaj xav hais tias Yawg Tau LT colonel no . Kuv Paub yawg thiab vim kuv tij laug , Yaj Tuam , COl Lis Tub Pos lawv yog thawj Pab kawm Xem Nas thib kas pab ib nyob Looj ceeb . Nkawv 2 tug txiv laus txiv hluas no ces ntshe tsis muaj Phav phuaj li neb hais tiag lau thiaj Poob qab tag nrho cov phooj ywg. Peb paub qhov tseeb lawm ces cia yuav li ntawm nawb . Tej neej neeg no twb tag los lawm ces cia ua ib txoj kev rau peb kawm kho lub neej mus lawm yav tom ntej xwb ,

Me kwv ntxhawg PhwvNyawm aws ,

Kuv mas ua cas yuav laj tos koj taig me fawm Nai Phoo ua luaj li lau . Kuv twb tuaj txog Long Beach xyoo tag los no twb tsis paub koj nyob qhov twg li es . Lwm xyoo tau rov tuaj no mam qhia koj paub .

Kuv cov me Phooj Ywg thaum ub kawm ntawv nyob Vees cas ua tau Loib ris loib thaus ntawm puav leej muaj Hmoob Vaj, Hmoob Muas , Hmoob Yaj , Hmoob Lis tib si ov vim lawv niam lawv txiv thiab lawv kwv lawv tij nyob ze tshav rog ne . Thaum rov mus tsev ces yeej yog ua tub rog xwb tiag . Hais txog kuv thiab koj ces caum hluas nkauj thaum phav ntawv xwb es ua cas yuav tau ua nom na. Hahaha .

Cia kuv tuaj nrog koj noj fawm Nai Phoo tso wb mam tham txog kuv txoj kev ua tuaj Teb Chaws no .

Dr Yaj Dos yog thawj tug Hmoob qheb me nyuam Hmoob qhov muag rau txoj kev kawm ntawv siab tshaj peb thiaj muaj coob tus Dr ua luaj . Hmoob sawv daws yuav tau nco txog yawg txoj kev ua yawg xub tho rau peb taug .

Kuv yog thawj tug Hmoob thoj nam tawg rog xub tuaj rau lub teb Chaws meskas no mas yeej tsim nyog koj yuav tau nco kuv txoj kev xub qheb qhov rooj thiab laiv.

Cia wb mus noj fawm uake tso mas tham ntxiv ko luagg es fawm tawm ntawm qhov ntswg kiag thiaj tsim nyog txoj kev sib nco .

Nyob zoo nej sawvdaws .

2014-09-18 22:24:35 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Nej cov hmoob Vaj nad......twb tsis tshuav neeg yuav los ua NOM lawm es tseem tsis zoo siab thiab.Tej tus txij li QAIB,txij li DEV los twb tau ua nom tag...
Yog tsis ua phavphuaj lintawd, yuav tsis muaj cov uas tseem tuaj khuam tos yawg hlob PuabtaisHmoob tim ThaibTeb lawm. Xav mus xav los cia uali thiab xwv peb cov nyuag menyuam puab qabplab no thiaj tau tuaj puab yawg hlob thaub VajVovVajPam "HMoobVajUSA" qabplab rau tebchaws MesKas no Hahaha....

Kavtsij npausuav tiag-g... Kuv tseem hnov lawv hais muaj zog zis tom tej party tias luag tus laus tseem tseg tau koobhmoov ntau-au rau s/d, hais li tag ces txawm rhov kiag Medal los chob ntag hov...

2014-09-15 23:28:09 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
Post by MHoobVajUSA
Nyob zoo me kwv Ntxhawg Phwv thiab Vajncuab5 ,
Ua cas kuv yuav nyiam neb cov lus teb hauv no ua luaj li . Hiav lus li neb hais no mas thiaj tsim nyog yug los ua ib tug tub Hmoob tiag lau.
Nev-v-v Kuv twb yeej kuv hais tias: "Txhob lam hais kom zoo s/d siab xwb." seb, tsam no, muaj tus zoo-oo siab lawm tiag laus pauv. Hahaha...
Nej puas realize tias Hmoob cov qauslausnees thiab koomasdas coob tshaj Nplog cov lawm sub, even Hmoob constitute only 15% out of 3millions of all Lao population.
Tus paubtab ces uali VajNeeb ua yog lawm, txhob ua li 3-4 tug qauslausnees uas yog PajMab pab txivtub nkaus xwb nawb.
Yaj Tshaj Koob
2014-10-09 20:36:39 UTC
On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 4:35:32 PM UTC-5, ***@yahoo.com wrote:

Kwv Phwvnyawm,

Koj hais tau raug raws nraim li qhov ua muaj lawm ntag ov....
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Muaj los mas... neeg raws-s VP tua es zaug lawv tua yawg,yawg thiaj yuav luag tuag ned.
Tsis tag li tus raws tua los raws tag zog,cov npaj ncaws yawg tawm Looj Ceeb los muaj....cov Nplog los yeej raws VP tua......tiam sis Ntuj yeej cia VP los noj lub sij hawm ntawd ces Ntuj yeej tsis pub yawg tuag yooj yim.
Hmoob mas kuv xav lub caij ntawd yog VP tsis ua heev npaum ntawd mas hmoob tseem yuav sib tua loj tshaj ntawd.....VP xuas phom hais xwb neeg tseem phem npaum nad.....peb txhob piv lub caij ntawd rau lub caij tam sim no.....lub caij ntawd cov raws tua los tua npaum...cov npaj lom los coob kawg,cov sib txeeb poj niam zoo nkauj los coob npaum...cov mus ua plaub npaj sib ntaus los coob npaum.....leej twg kwv tij coob ces ua plaub kawg yeej....vim npaj tsuj neeg xwb ned......kuv yog VP los kuv ham tsis xuas ntsis phom hais xwb las as.
Tam sis no yog txhob nyob Meskas teb ces sawv daws yeej tseem xuas ntsis pom hais xwb tiag.......cov txiv neej tham-m luag tej poj niam....cov poj niam pheej nyiag ntshis mus deev luag tej txiv ces ......yog nyob tim ub ntshai lawv twb mus txog NTUJ CEEB TSHEEJ tag lawm.
Koj cov sob lus hais los saum puav leej muaj tseeb ov,lub caij GVP ua tus kaav Hmoob nyob Looj Ceeb ntawd kuv yeej uaa num nyob hauv Looj Ceeb thiab, kuv ntseeg hais tias tsi muaj leej twg yuav los npav ntxias haus taus dej tias tsi tau muaj neeg ua phem rau GVP li ntag nawb. Li koj hais los mas lub caij ntawd tus yuav ntxeev GVP ua nws tus nom los muaj, tus nrhiav caij tua GVP los muaj, yeej ua muaj txhij txhua li koj teev los saum tiag tiag li hov.

Yog GVP muaj Hmoo heev thiaj tseem nrog Hmoob nyob txog rau hnub uas laus laus tuag xwb tsi yog lwm tus tua tau nws tuag, yog nws tuag raws txoj kev laus kuj yog ib qhov zoo.

Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by T***@yahoo.com
VP raws luag lwm tus tua, ua puas muaj lwm tus raws VP tua?
Muaj los mas... neeg raws-s VP tua es zaug lawv tua yawg,yawg thiaj yuav luag tuag ned.
Tsis tag li tus raws tua los raws tag zog,cov npaj ncaws yawg tawm Looj Ceeb los muaj....cov Nplog los yeej raws VP tua......tiam sis Ntuj yeej cia VP los noj lub sij hawm ntawd ces Ntuj yeej tsis pub yawg tuag yooj yim.
Hmoob mas kuv xav lub caij ntawd yog VP tsis ua heev npaum ntawd mas hmoob tseem yuav sib tua loj tshaj ntawd.....VP xuas phom hais xwb neeg tseem phem npaum nad.....peb txhob piv lub caij ntawd rau lub caij tam sim no.....lub caij ntawd cov raws tua los tua npaum...cov npaj lom los coob kawg,cov sib txeeb poj niam zoo nkauj los coob npaum...cov mus ua plaub npaj sib ntaus los coob npaum.....leej twg kwv tij coob ces ua plaub kawg yeej....vim npaj tsuj neeg xwb ned......kuv yog VP los kuv ham tsis xuas ntsis phom hais xwb las as.
Tam sis no yog txhob nyob Meskas teb ces sawv daws yeej tseem xuas ntsis pom hais xwb tiag.......cov txiv neej tham-m luag tej poj niam....cov poj niam pheej nyiag ntshis mus deev luag tej txiv ces ......yog nyob tim ub ntshai lawv twb mus txog NTUJ CEEB TSHEEJ tag lawm.
Kav liam os nawb.....lub sij hawm twb tag lawm cia li zoo-oo siab mus ua Meskas qhev...ib tiam dhau ib tiam....kom lub ntiaj teb no kawg kiag es hmoob thiaj yuav tsis tau ua qhev lawm.....siab phem li tus hmoob mas tsis muaj hnub yuav muaj daim Av nyob......cov phem yog cov coob,cov zoo yog ua npoov xwb ces kawg ua luag qhev.
2016-11-10 03:27:17 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Thank you Vajncuab5 for that information. So during the funeral they did put out the correct information, that he was a captain rank. I was just curious because whoever that they had commissioned to do the tombstone unfortunately put out the wrong information then. It was more unfortunate that they had his name as Bee Youa Vang, instead of Youa Bee Vang or simply just Bee Vang. It was confusing to me at first when I saw the name, because it contradicts the norm or tradition of our way of having an elder name. I've heard plenty of Ntsuabnpis but never Npisntsuab. Or is that how he has his name legally changed to, using the Youa as a middle name? Not to add insult to injuries but SGU=Special Guerrilla Unit, not gorilla war as engraved on that tombstone. Last but not least, with the understanding that Ntsuabnpis is a Vaj so the wanting to have a link to GVP is great, however it is Ntsuabnpis' tombstone, not that of GVP, why would you want to have GVP name engraved on that tombstone too? Ntsuabnpis is a famous enough pilot himself without the needing of anyone else name to support that status.
Please understand that this is in no way trying to demean the Vang family that did this tombstone, only wanting to find out why we, the inclusive all of our ethnic, choose to put out confusing information to begin with, that's all. Ntsuabnpis after all have many very intelligent relatives, by putting out wrong information, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in 50, 200 or however long there may be, thousands of years or whatever, archeological dig will come out with wrong information to pass down to future generations.
Moob Lajleeb
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Moob Lajleeb;
Vang Bee or Ntsuab Npis Vaj tau Captain. Vang Bee lub Funeral lawv yeej sau hais tias Capt. Ntsuab Npis Vaj. Vang Bee, Vang Seng, Xiong Koua, Lor Ge, Lee Tou Xiong (Lis Tub Xyoob), Lee Ying, Moua Chue, Vue Long, Pao Vang, Yang Bee, Xao Thao thiab Boun Chanh Sayavong lawv yog pab thib 3 tuaj mus kawm ya davhlaus nyob Thaibteb.
Vue Long & Moua Chue kawm tiav October 1971, Vang Bee, Yang Bee, Yang Pao, Lee Tou Xiong, Xiong Koua, Xao Thao & Boun Chanh lawv kawm tiav January 1972. Lor Ge thiab Lee Ying ntshai tuag nkawd hloov siab mus kawm Aviation Mechanics lawm.
Hi Hmong brothers and sisters. Yes, there were mistakes on the tombstone, such as the spelling of the word gorilla, or the s before the t in the ntsuab, a mistake of the engraving company using an older prove. But, it seems many of my hmong people don't know their own history very well. I will clarify a little here now that General Vang Pao is dead and only a handful of people in America knows this info regarding Col. Vang Bee. Let me start with 1975, yes Vang Bee T-28 pilot was a Captain, a personal bodyguard and personal pilot for General Vang Pao. After the war, GVP continue to operate guerrilla warfare against the communist. His top military commander in Laos was Colonel Txawj Pao Moua, his father in law. Col. Txawj Pao Moua does not trust any or most corrupt Hmong military commanders at the time. GVP needed a military commander operating from Thailand to support Col. Txawj Pao Moua in the fight in Laos. Forward to 1979, Vang Bee was selected by GVP and agree upon by Col. Txawj Pao Moua. At the time Vang Bee refuse to accept the position, asking GVP to select higher military officer for the job, bc Vang Bee was only a Captain. But, GVP refuse and stated he does not trust his own officer for this job, and plus Col. Txawj Pao Moua was OK with Vang Bee. GVP promoted Vang Bee, skipping 2 "two" ranks into the Colonel rank. The only Hmong military officer ever in Vang Pao era to be promoted like this. Vang Bee at the time refuse to accept such promotion, but GVP insisted and gave Vang Bee an official stamped letter of promotion. We ask ourselves, who is this Cap T-28 Vang Bee or this high military commander operating under secrecy of GVP. Well, Vang Bee was no desk commander, he operated in the field with his men, eat and sleep with them, reunited GVP's scatter soldiers in Laos, and brought up the Hmong Cao Fa to join GVP in the early 80s. Vang Bee even help defected many Hmong communist officers to our side. He found safe travel roads for refugees to escape Laos and for GVP's military to continue their support in the fight. Vang Bee's operation was so effective in Laos, that the communist Laos Government had to ask North Vietnam to send an entire division to crush the Hmong. It was in Vang Bee's era, that the communist lao government decided to move all hmong hill tribes and villages to settle in the lower land, bc they can not stop Vang Bee and his united guerrilla force. The only way to stop support to Vang Bee's force was to moved the hmong people away from the mountains. So, ask yourself this. Does Vang Bee deserved his title, even though he refuse to accept it from GVP. The only Hmong soldier ever known to refuse a promotion, but accepted the job bc he love his Hmong people. Forward to 1987, Vang Bee being advised by American CIA, left Thailand under CIA documents. The travel to the usa was so fast, GVP did not even know about. Why did a famous T-28 pilot, who became a Colonel second in commander of GVP's force in Thailand/Laos left Asia in such a hurry and never look back. Forward to 1988, Vang Bee learning many of the Hmong Politics, inner circles of corruptions, and evilness of his Hmong people, simple enter Fresno CA and in 2 months left silently to North Carolina. Why ?? BC, he was tire of GVP's inner circle and their corruptions. He was tire of his own Vang Family's evil intents. He was tired of war and politics. He simply wants to live silently in the hills of the Carolinas. Today, in the hills of the Appalachian, Vang Bee's body lied silently not for anyone to insult or cough up bad stories about him, but simply for his future grandchildren to ask a question. I hope this help a little to clarify a secret hmong history.
2014-09-12 01:27:16 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Tub Vajncuab,
Yog li koj hais... Yawm Txiv/Col. Txawj Pov thiab cov Hmoob Bouam Long tsis hais tub rog los yog pej xeem mas yeej xub tuag nthi. Lawv yeej tsis paub txog kas moos/kas mias los yog lub hau cwj mem/tsis cwj mem dab tsi li. Cov thab ham nyab laj los yeej tuaj tua tuag nthi thiab tuag lawm ntau txhiab leej -- muaj tej xyoo mas lawv yeej tuaj zov txog tsheej hli los Bouam Long yeej tsis swb... Cov nyab laj yeej siv the same strategies nyob Dien Bien Phu tuaj tua los yeej tsis yeej hlo li thiab...
2014-09-19 00:51:35 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Kuv muaj 2-3 tug kwv tij/neej tsa ua hauj lwm nyob pem Xes Nas Thib Kas nrog Yang Toua thiab Yang Chue. Kuv nco kuv tau raws lawv mus txog ped zaum puav, nkag mus hauv lawv tej hoom kaus hoob kas mas yeej hnov lawv ntaus ntawv nrog ntsij ntsiaj tas hnub thiab... Kuv nco tias lawv tsuas hu nkawv uas Commandant Yaj Toua, Commandant Yaj Tswb no xwb. Kuv hwm nkawv rau qhov nkawv txawj ntaub txawj ntawv, coj zoo (professional) thiab tsis muab hlob... Lwm tus uas nrog tau me nyuam yaus ntaus npas ua si ces yog Col. Blong Thao.
Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-19 07:19:23 UTC
Post by y***@charter.net
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Kuv muaj 2-3 tug kwv tij/neej tsa ua hauj lwm nyob pem Xes Nas Thib Kas nrog Yang Toua thiab Yang Chue. Kuv nco kuv tau raws lawv mus txog ped zaum puav, nkag mus hauv lawv tej hoom kaus hoob kas mas yeej hnov lawv ntaus ntawv nrog ntsij ntsiaj tas hnub thiab... Kuv nco tias lawv tsuas hu nkawv uas Commandant Yaj Toua, Commandant Yaj Tswb no xwb. Kuv hwm nkawv rau qhov nkawv txawj ntaub txawj ntawv, coj zoo (professional) thiab tsis muab hlob... Lwm tus uas nrog tau me nyuam yaus ntaus npas ua si ces yog Col. Blong Thao.
Yijlaug YingB;

Yaj Tuam Txhiaj Tswb lub rank Major yog rank Kong Thak Heng Sak Lao (Lao National Army), Yaj Tswb yog SGU tabsi 1973 Yaj Tswb tau Lt. Colonel lawm. Yaj Tuam tseem yog Major xwb. Niam Yaj Tuam yau twb yog Col. Lis Tub Pos muam thiab yog Niam Rwm niam hluas yeej tsim nyog Yaj Tuam tau Colonel li Col. Lis Tub Pos & Col. Lis Xab nkawd lawm. Muas Xeeb los tib yam.

December 1960 lawv 4 tug no (Lis Tub Pos, Lis Xab, Muas Xeeb & Yaj Tuam thooj txim ua tub rog rau Maj. Vaj Pov thiab Maj. Vaj Pov muaj kiag Houei Tri rau lawm.

1985 Peb cov Hmoob Minnesota tsis sau nyiaj rau Neo Hom lawm, yawg loj tso Maj. Yaj Tuam thiab Lt. Col. Vaj Neeb tuaj nrog peb tham. Kuv yeej hais ncaj qha rau Lt. Col. Vaj Neeb txog kev tu siab uas saib dej ua ntu saib neeg ua plhus es ib tug tau nom tseg ib tug. Maj. Vam Kaim Lis thiaj sawv los cem hais tias yog li tus hluas hais lawm, November 1960 Vam Kaim Lis yog ib tug uas nrog Maj. Vaj Pov ntxeev Tiaj Rhawv Zeb thiab ntes Brig. Gen. Amkha. Maj. Vaj Pov cog lus tias yog nws zoo nws yuav hlub sawvdaws.

Maj. Vam Khaim Lis cem tias Vaj Neeb koj puas tau muab nyiaj fooj rau kuv noj? Lt. Col. Vaj Neeb teb tias Maj. Vam Kaim koj tsis tau nyiaj fooj no. Thaum kawg Maj. Yaj Tuam hais rau kuv tias kwv ntxawg, yog nej txaus siab mam ua tsis txaus siab los txhob ua.

1992 thaum Yaj Tuam, Vas Xyooj thiab Vaj Foom lawv mus raug kaws Thaibteb. Neo Hom yuav kom cov Yaj tso Yaj Tuam, cov Xyooj tso Vas Xyooj, cov Vaj tso Vaj Foom. Kuv hais rau luag tus hlob hais tias Hmoob Yaj muaj 3 pab: Ib pab ua Cob Fab, ib pab ua Neo Hom, ib pab nyob nruab nrab. Yog peb tso tau Yaj Tuam ces Hmoob Yaj tawg Neo Hom tag nrho. Thaum kawg luag thiaj tso Txoov mus tso tau lawv tawm. Yaj Tuam tuaj Minnesota wb tau haus caws tsoos khob.

Tub Vajncuab5
2014-09-19 16:44:57 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
1992 thaum Yaj Tuam, Vas Xyooj thiab Vaj Foom lawv mus raug kaws Thaibteb. Neo Hom yuav kom cov Yaj tso Yaj Tuam, cov Xyooj tso Vas Xyooj, cov Vaj tso Vaj Foom. Kuv hais rau luag tus hlob hais tias Hmoob Yaj muaj 3 pab: Ib pab ua Cob Fab, ib pab ua Neo Hom, ib pab nyob nruab nrab. Yog peb tso tau Yaj Tuam ces Hmoob Yaj tawg Neo Hom tag nrho. Thaum kawg luag thiaj tso Txoov mus tso tau lawv tawm. Yaj Tuam tuaj Minnesota wb tau haus caws tsoos khob.

-Vas Xyooj dua qhov twg lawm? Txij thaum koj hais los ntawd ces kuv tsis pom nws li lawm nas.

-Lawv ua ib lub party sawvkev mus ThaibTeb, LisToj hu zaj nkauj "Ncaimnco", niam YajTuam quaj-j. Txij thaum mus mag hlob tag los ces Yaj Tuam tsis kam ncaim lawm.

Kuv hnov koj tham txog VwjTsuas? Kuv paub tias nws mus retirement ThaibTeb thiab mus yuav pojniam tid lawm. Nws rov los Meskas ib zaug, nws yeej los saib kuv thiab mas. Ntu no tsis hnov nws moo li lawm, koj puas hnov thiab?

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-21 17:23:40 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
Post by Vaj Ncuab
1992 thaum Yaj Tuam, Vas Xyooj thiab Vaj Foom lawv mus raug kaws Thaibteb. Neo Hom yuav kom cov Yaj tso Yaj Tuam, cov Xyooj tso Vas Xyooj, cov Vaj tso Vaj Foom. Kuv hais rau luag tus hlob hais tias Hmoob Yaj muaj 3 pab: Ib pab ua Cob Fab, ib pab ua Neo Hom, ib pab nyob nruab nrab. Yog peb tso tau Yaj Tuam ces Hmoob Yaj tawg Neo Hom tag nrho. Thaum kawg luag thiaj tso Txoov mus tso tau lawv tawm. Yaj Tuam tuaj Minnesota wb tau haus caws tsoos khob.
-Vas Xyooj dua qhov twg lawm? Txij thaum koj hais los ntawd ces kuv tsis pom nws li lawm nas.
-Lawv ua ib lub party sawvkev mus ThaibTeb, LisToj hu zaj nkauj "Ncaimnco", niam YajTuam quaj-j. Txij thaum mus mag hlob tag los ces Yaj Tuam tsis kam ncaim lawm.
Kuv hnov koj tham txog VwjTsuas? Kuv paub tias nws mus retirement ThaibTeb thiab mus yuav pojniam tid lawm. Nws rov los Meskas ib zaug, nws yeej los saib kuv thiab mas. Ntu no tsis hnov nws moo li lawm, koj puas hnov thiab?
Uncle TseemYeej;

Ntawm Vas Xyooj ces Yijlaug YingB twb teb koj hais cas kuv yuav tsis teb. Hais txog ntawm Vwj Tsuas ces yawg tso yawg tus niam Thaib tseg rau teb chaws no, yawg mus yuav ib tug nkauj Hmoob Thaib li koj hais, tabsis yawg twb raug tus pojniam Hmoob Thaib lawm. Vwj Tsuas ho mus yuav tau ib tug nkauj Hmoob Nplog hluas hluas nyob Nplogteb tamsim no Vwj Tsuas mus nyob tim Nplog lawm.

Txawm li cas lo txhob ntshaws, vim cov mus yuav pojniam tim Nplog tw tso lawv cov niam mos ab tseg tag, coob tug poob Vaj poob tsev, liaj teb thiab tsheb rau niam mos ab thiab rov los ua neej kho siab khuav.

Tub Vajncuab
2014-09-22 06:27:13 UTC
VajNcuab & YingB,
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Hais txog ntawm Vwj Tsuas ces yawg tso yawg tus niam Thaib tseg rau teb chaws no, yawg mus yuav ib tug nkauj Hmoob Thaib li koj hais, tabsis yawg twb raug tus pojniam Hmoob Thaib lawm. Vwj Tsuas ho mus yuav tau ib tug nkauj Hmoob Nplog hluas hluas nyob Nplogteb tamsim no Vwj Tsuas mus nyob tim Nplog lawm.
Hnub no, Sunday, kuv nyuam qhuav hnov tias; VwjTsuas yuav rov los Meskas no sub ov, vim nws pojniam thiab cov kuvtij tim NplogTeb, tabtom tsim teeb meem rau nws no laiv.

Ab yaj... nyias yeem nyias. Kuv xav mas, kev mus nrhia tus tshiab tim ub tsis yog the right SOLUTION nav. Xum uali zaj nkauj nram no, ntshe muaj qab hau dua aud.

Vim qaib cog muaj qaib cog luag, qaib sis muaj qaib sis luag ov.

Vaj Ncuab
2014-09-23 01:53:48 UTC
Post by TseemYeej
VajNcuab & YingB,
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Hais txog ntawm Vwj Tsuas ces yawg tso yawg tus niam Thaib tseg rau teb chaws no, yawg mus yuav ib tug nkauj Hmoob Thaib li koj hais, tabsis yawg twb raug tus pojniam Hmoob Thaib lawm. Vwj Tsuas ho mus yuav tau ib tug nkauj Hmoob Nplog hluas hluas nyob Nplogteb tamsim no Vwj Tsuas mus nyob tim Nplog lawm.
Hnub no, Sunday, kuv nyuam qhuav hnov tias; VwjTsuas yuav rov los Meskas no sub ov, vim nws pojniam thiab cov kuvtij tim NplogTeb, tabtom tsim teeb meem rau nws no laiv.
Ab yaj... nyias yeem nyias. Kuv xav mas, kev mus nrhia tus tshiab tim ub tsis yog the right SOLUTION nav. Xum uali zaj nkauj nram no, ntshe muaj qab hau dua aud.
Vim qaib cog muaj qaib cog luag, qaib sis muaj qaib sis luag ov.
Uncle TseemYeej;

Cov kwvtij Hmoob Amelikas uas rov mus yuav pojniam thiab mus nyob tim Nplog twb rov los coob tug lawm. Ntawm Vwj Tsuas mas yeej hnov xov tias yawg tus niam mos ab thiab niamtais yawmtxiv xav kom yawg muab yawg cov nyiaj laus kom tag rau lawv, yawg cov kwvtij luas tsis muaj tus ntseeg siab tau. Thaum tus twg los xav kaus yus xwb ces kawg ua ib siab rov USA zoo duas qhov yuav raug lawv foob rau Tseemfwv Nplog.

2014-09-23 21:56:46 UTC
Post by Vaj Ncuab
Cov kwvtij Hmoob Amelikas uas rov mus yuav pojniam thiab mus nyob tim Nplog twb rov los coob tug lawm.
Yuav los-s zoj zeeg caij nyoobhoom yam muaj phlus ntxiag los las mas, khees dua pw hauv qabplab nyoobhoom los li yawm CeebHawj nawb.

Ntawm Vwj Tsuas mas yeej hnov xov tias yawg tus niam mos ab thiab niamtais yawmtxiv xav kom yawg muab yawg cov nyiaj laus kom tag rau lawv, yawg cov kwvtij luas tsis muaj tus ntseeg siab tau. Thaum tus twg los xav kaus yus xwb ces kawg ua ib siab rov USA zoo duas qhov yuav raug lawv foob rau Tseemfwv Nplog.

Kuv yeej hnov kiag li koj hais ko lawm ntag ov.

Ualeej tib neeg nyob qab ntuj khwb no, yuav tsum xav kom tob li peb yawm Xejthim hauv SCH no hais tias nws li nws tsis yog xejthim nplua nyiaj nplua txiaj, tabsis, nws yog xejthim nplua txujci, nplua tswv8 lajlim. Kuv tsis paub tias; nws ua puas tau li hais ntawd, tabsis, nws hais yog lus kawg lawm ov.

Kuv xav tias: "kuv twb kawm ntawv siab dua Ascas LisPov & ntaus guitar keej tshaj, sau nkauj zoo tshaj, ua cas s/d ho tsis hu kuv ua Ascas ne?" Hmm..Kuv tsis khib tabsis, zoo siab tej ywm tias kuv yog tus XejThim hais lawm.

Niaj hnub no, kuv tseem rov mus tshawb kuv tej me qub txuj ci los xyaum dua kom kuv nyob taus(txhob favsiab/ plig loojkoov). Kuv tseem rov mus nyeem ntawv Fabkis, ntawv Thaib, ntawv Nplog, pleev duab, play musics. Muaj tej hnub twg, zoo hnub zoo nyoog, kuv mam ua 1 qho exhibition rau nej saib. Ntev-v yus mam rov mus saib tej ntawd mas, yam li yus qhov muag pom kev deb tshaj qub. Ua tej no zoo dua pheej xia plias 6 tej niag pim qhuav ntawd. Zoo tsis zoo yus tseem rov txov yus tsev neeg li yawm PajNtxheb thiab.

2014-09-23 22:03:37 UTC
kwv Vajncuab,

Moob Amelikas sab zoo zoo le, cas moog ua vaaj ua tsev rua peb cov Moob Nplog nyob kom phim le tej Nplog hab. Yog yuav, married, Nplog hab Thaib mas tusab tabsi yuav Moob Nplog ce txawm tsi tau nyob tim Nplog los tsuav ua tau tsev zoo tsawv rua Moob Nplog nyob lawm ce O.K.

Co kws ua tsev zoo tsawv ce tsi ntev rov lug tsev taag lawm os es cas peb xob tshaw puab.

Kuv muaj ib yawm kwvtij Moob Muas moog yuav tau ib tug puj nrauj tabsi Aib nyob tus nyuas txom nyem tsaw, moog tom khw tseem caij tsheb kaujvaab xwb Aib nyob tau 6-7 xyoo nuav lawm hab laid.

2014-09-24 15:11:10 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
kwv Vajncuab,
Moob Amelikas sab zoo zoo le, cas moog ua vaaj ua tsev rua peb cov Moob Nplog nyob kom phim le tej Nplog hab. Yog yuav, married, Nplog hab Thaib mas tusab tabsi yuav Moob Nplog ce txawm tsi tau nyob tim Nplog los tsuav ua tau tsev zoo tsawv rua Moob Nplog nyob lawm ce O.K.
Co kws ua tsev zoo tsawv ce tsi ntev rov lug tsev taag lawm os es cas peb xob tshaw puab.
Kuv muaj ib yawm kwvtij Moob Muas moog yuav tau ib tug puj nrauj tabsi Aib nyob tus nyuas txom nyem tsaw, moog tom khw tseem caij tsheb kaujvaab xwb Aib nyob tau 6-7 xyoo nuav lawm hab laid.
ntshe nej SABzoo2 xwb hos kuv mas ib penny tsis xa rov tim BLOG vim kuv NEEDli 500k sai2 nov kom cawm tau kuv 2 tub mus kawm tom U nim yuav muaj leej twg cev ib penny pub dawb 6 kuv li ov
2014-09-24 17:03:34 UTC
Me tub AE)N...aw

Yog nej pab kwv tij hmoob xyooj txawv xav li koj hais tam sim no ces twb tsis poob nyiaj yuav NAI PHOO 1 xyoo 5 txhiab tau 20 tawm xyoo los mas.
Chim no mam hais tom u,tom u ces twb lig lawm od mog.
Post by AEON
ntshe nej SABzoo2 xwb hos kuv mas ib penny tsis xa rov tim BLOG vim kuv NEEDli 500k sai2 nov kom cawm tau kuv 2 tub mus kawm tom U nim yuav muaj leej twg cev ib penny pub dawb 6 kuv li ov
Muaj pem tsawg lub cent liab ces coj mus txhawb koj 2 tug me nyuam tom U ces yog zoo tswv yim lawm nawb.Nej muaj ib tug kwv tij nad...twb mob stroke pw lawm xwb laid.... tseem niaj hnub them,them-m yawg mus kiag suav teb lawm mam tsum.
Coj mus noj zaub mos tim ub mas tseem zoo tshaj qhov nej yuav Nai Phoo nad....lawv tseem tau kev zoo siab chim puav hais tias tau noj zaub mos 1-2 pluag kiag lawm no.

Uncle Tseem Yeej thiab npawg Tony Moua,

Cov muaj me ntsis nyiaj li 1-2 puas txhiab nim khav-v mus ua vaj tsev tim ub zoo-oo...muab xav zoo-oo mas cov no tseem ruam tshaj las npua tsiab lawm thiab od.....kuv tsis tau pom ib tug mus es yuav zoo li nawb......tus mus nyob ntev kawg-g 10 tawm xyoo.
Peb muaj ib tug kwv tij hmoob Yaj....mus Fresno mus,yawg mas ho thov ntawv mus tag nrho yawg tsev neeg mus.....zoo li yawg mus nyob tau 12 xyoo sub.Xyoo 1993-1994 tsis nco zoo lawm....yawg mus txog tim yeej tsis noj zaub mos li od......mus nyob li ib tug pej xeem nplog xwb......tsis paub yawg qhov teeb meem yog dab tsi.....yawg tsev neeg cia li rov los nyob rau Meskas (Newyork)tsis tawm li lawm xwb.Muaj ib yim ho khiav mus rau Thaib Teb xyoo 2000 tus no yim neeg mas ho muaj green card xwb mus txog tim zoo-oo siab muab green card pov tseg tag.....2005 thaib raws yawg tua pov tseg....khiav los nkaum rau Dej dawb yawg cov tub hlob tsis mus mus 3 tug me nyuam nrog nkawv 2 niam txiv xwb. Cov tub hlob mam ua ntawv rov mus tos rov tuaj nyob NC yawg cia li tsis tawm li lawm thiab.
Hos Moua Tony koj muaj ib tug kwv-v tij nyob hauv peb zos no yawg twb nrauj poj niam mus yuav zaub mos tim Nplog tau ze 10 xyoo lawm pob.Tsaib no sub lawv cia li kom yawg tawm hauv Nplog tsis pub yawg nyob lawm....yawg thiaj tawm los nyob rau Thaib....tam sis hnov tias yawg los nyob Thaib teb lawm no.

Hmoob mas muab xav ruam tiag-g....tsis pom dej dag siab yeej tsis nqig....cov mag teeb meem niaj hnub mag.....cov ho niaj hnub kub siab lug yuav mus tseem yuav mus.....Nplog lub pob tawb mas yeej ntim tsis tag li.
2014-09-24 21:28:47 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Cov muaj me ntsis nyiaj li 1-2 puas txhiab nim khav-v mus ua vaj tsev tim ub zoo-oo...muab xav zoo-oo mas cov no tseem ruam tshaj las npua tsiab lawm thiab od.....kuv tsis tau pom ib tug mus es yuav zoo li nawb......tus mus nyob ntev kawg-g 10 tawm xyoo.
Phwv awd,

Cia uali, ib leeg mag ib teg, thiaj tsis khib-b yus tus tuaj tomqab. Thaum peb nyuam qhuav tuaj mas, tus twg los tus hnyos yus, tsam no nyias mam paub nyias thiaj pheej xeeb os.

Buddha hais tseg tias:"Txoj kev no, kuv twb taug dua lawm". Tus tsis totaub ces xyov nws hais nws dabtsi, tus totaub ces yog: "Kuv twb NTSIB(quav dais) dua lawm".

Kuv mus txog tid mas, kuv ZAM tsis nrog qhua tham li nawb. Txawm ho tau tham los, kuv yeej CEEVFAJ tsam ntsib quav dais kawg. Kuv mus txog LP, lawv tuaj CHEEM kuv tom hotel kom nyob 1 hnub, lawv yuav ua 1 pluag mov PAM kuv, kuv teb tias:" Xav nyob kawg, tabsis, sij hawm tag lawm" no xwb. Xav noj mam mus noj nram Mab nram Suav.

2014-09-26 22:41:33 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Me tub AE)N...aw
Yog nej pab kwv tij hmoob xyooj txawv xav li koj hais tam sim no ces twb tsis poob nyiaj yuav NAI PHOO 1 xyoo 5 txhiab tau 20 tawm xyoo los mas.
Chim no mam hais tom u,tom u ces twb lig lawm od mog.
Post by AEON
ntshe nej SABzoo2 xwb hos kuv mas ib penny tsis xa rov tim BLOG vim kuv NEEDli 500k sai2 nov kom cawm tau kuv 2 tub mus kawm tom U nim yuav muaj leej twg cev ib penny pub dawb 6 kuv li ov
Muaj pem tsawg lub cent liab ces coj mus txhawb koj 2 tug me nyuam tom U ces yog zoo tswv yim lawm nawb.Nej muaj ib tug kwv tij nad...twb mob stroke pw lawm xwb laid.... tseem niaj hnub them,them-m yawg mus kiag suav teb lawm mam tsum.
Coj mus noj zaub mos tim ub mas tseem zoo tshaj qhov nej yuav Nai Phoo nad....lawv tseem tau kev zoo siab chim puav hais tias tau noj zaub mos 1-2 pluag kiag lawm no.
Uncle Tseem Yeej thiab npawg Tony Moua,
Cov muaj me ntsis nyiaj li 1-2 puas txhiab nim khav-v mus ua vaj tsev tim ub zoo-oo...muab xav zoo-oo mas cov no tseem ruam tshaj las npua tsiab lawm thiab od.....kuv tsis tau pom ib tug mus es yuav zoo li nawb......tus mus nyob ntev kawg-g 10 tawm xyoo.
Peb muaj ib tug kwv tij hmoob Yaj....mus Fresno mus,yawg mas ho thov ntawv mus tag nrho yawg tsev neeg mus.....zoo li yawg mus nyob tau 12 xyoo sub.Xyoo 1993-1994 tsis nco zoo lawm....yawg mus txog tim yeej tsis noj zaub mos li od......mus nyob li ib tug pej xeem nplog xwb......tsis paub yawg qhov teeb meem yog dab tsi.....yawg tsev neeg cia li rov los nyob rau Meskas (Newyork)tsis tawm li lawm xwb.Muaj ib yim ho khiav mus rau Thaib Teb xyoo 2000 tus no yim neeg mas ho muaj green card xwb mus txog tim zoo-oo siab muab green card pov tseg tag.....2005 thaib raws yawg tua pov tseg....khiav los nkaum rau Dej dawb yawg cov tub hlob tsis mus mus 3 tug me nyuam nrog nkawv 2 niam txiv xwb. Cov tub hlob mam ua ntawv rov mus tos rov tuaj nyob NC yawg cia li tsis tawm li lawm thiab.
Hos Moua Tony koj muaj ib tug kwv-v tij nyob hauv peb zos no yawg twb nrauj poj niam mus yuav zaub mos tim Nplog tau ze 10 xyoo lawm pob.Tsaib no sub lawv cia li kom yawg tawm hauv Nplog tsis pub yawg nyob lawm....yawg thiaj tawm los nyob rau Thaib....tam sis hnov tias yawg los nyob Thaib teb lawm no.
Hmoob mas muab xav ruam tiag-g....tsis pom dej dag siab yeej tsis nqig....cov mag teeb meem niaj hnub mag.....cov ho niaj hnub kub siab lug yuav mus tseem yuav mus.....Nplog lub pob tawb mas yeej ntim tsis tag li.
koj paub tsis txaus ntuas kuv VIM koj lolus 1 xyoo 5 txhiab tau 20 tawm xyoo mas YUAMKEV LOJ HEEV.
2014-09-19 18:19:00 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Aib Tseem Yeej,
Tub Vajncuab tsis tau teb koj tab sis kuv pom koj cov lus nug txog Vas ces kuv teb koj tias luag tau tas sim neej los tau ntau xyoo lawm... Luag yog yawg Col. Ly Nom Tsas dab laug (niam yau tus nus). Thaum ntawd Ly Nom Tsas tuaj xyuas ces twb los pw hauv kuv ib hmo...
2014-09-19 23:12:14 UTC
Post by y***@charter.net
Tub Vajncuab tsis tau teb koj tab sis kuv pom koj cov lus nug txog Vas ces kuv teb koj tias luag tau tas sim neej los tau ntau xyoo lawm... Luag yog yawg Col. Ly Nom Tsas dab laug (niam yau tus nus). Thaum ntawd Ly Nom Tsas tuaj xyuas ces twb los pw hauv kuv ib hmo...

Ua tsaug qhov koj qhias txog Vas nawb. Tos kuv nug los vim tsis hnov yawg moo li lawm. Tabtom kuv mloog 1 zaj nkauj Nplog lomzem heev, cia kuv post rau koj mloog nawb:

Thaub Nplog no zoo li tseem hu tau zoo tib yam los sis zoo zog cov qub tswv lawm thiab ov.

Sib ntsib dua,

2014-09-21 19:52:48 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Aib Tseem Yeej,
Koj zaj nkauj zoo mloog thiab muaj meaning tob kawg li... Nws lub suab muaj ntsi thooj li Phimma Phimasone. Kuv tseem nyiam nws hu cov nkauj qub qub li Leua Phiang Phab thiab lwm txoj... Brgds. yingb
2014-10-10 03:12:47 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
nyias QHUAS nyias kav quav kws thiaj QABZIB nyias muaj nyias lub tswv8 thiaj yog #1 xwb ces TSOOS TIAG seb leej twg yuav DIM
2016-11-10 03:27:41 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Hi Hmong brothers and sisters. Yes, there were mistakes on the tombstone, such as the spelling of the word gorilla, or the s before the t in the ntsuab, a mistake of the engraving company using an older prove. But, it seems many of my hmong people don't know their own history very well. I will clarify a little here now that General Vang Pao is dead and only a handful of people in America knows this info regarding Col. Vang Bee. Let me start with 1975, yes Vang Bee T-28 pilot was a Captain, a personal bodyguard and personal pilot for General Vang Pao. After the war, GVP continue to operate guerrilla warfare against the communist. His top military commander in Laos was Colonel Txawj Pao Moua, his father in law. Col. Txawj Pao Moua does not trust any or most corrupt Hmong military commanders at the time. GVP needed a military commander operating from Thailand to support Col. Txawj Pao Moua in the fight in Laos. Forward to 1979, Vang Bee was selected by GVP and agree upon by Col. Txawj Pao Moua. At the time Vang Bee refuse to accept the position, asking GVP to select higher military officer for the job, bc Vang Bee was only a Captain. But, GVP refuse and stated he does not trust his own officer for this job, and plus Col. Txawj Pao Moua was OK with Vang Bee. GVP promoted Vang Bee, skipping 2 "two" ranks into the Colonel rank. The only Hmong military officer ever in Vang Pao era to be promoted like this. Vang Bee at the time refuse to accept such promotion, but GVP insisted and gave Vang Bee an official stamped letter of promotion. We ask ourselves, who is this Cap T-28 Vang Bee or this high military commander operating under secrecy of GVP. Well, Vang Bee was no desk commander, he operated in the field with his men, eat and sleep with them, reunited GVP's scatter soldiers in Laos, and brought up the Hmong Cao Fa to join GVP in the early 80s. Vang Bee even help defected many Hmong communist officers to our side. He found safe travel roads for refugees to escape Laos and for GVP's military to continue their support in the fight. Vang Bee's operation was so effective in Laos, that the communist Laos Government had to ask North Vietnam to send an entire division to crush the Hmong. It was in Vang Bee's era, that the communist lao government decided to move all hmong hill tribes and villages to settle in the lower land, bc they can not stop Vang Bee and his united guerrilla force. The only way to stop support to Vang Bee's force was to moved the hmong people away from the mountains. So, ask yourself this. Does Vang Bee deserved his title, even though he refuse to accept it from GVP. The only Hmong soldier ever known to refuse a promotion, but accepted the job bc he love his Hmong people. Forward to 1987, Vang Bee being advised by American CIA, left Thailand under CIA documents. The travel to the usa was so fast, GVP did not even know about. Why did a famous T-28 pilot, who became a Colonel second in commander of GVP's force in Thailand/Laos left Asia in such a hurry and never look back. Forward to 1988, Vang Bee learning many of the Hmong Politics, inner circles of corruptions, and evilness of his Hmong people, simple enter Fresno CA and in 2 months left silently to North Carolina. Why ?? BC, he was tire of GVP's inner circle and their corruptions. He was tire of his own Vang Family's evil intents. He was tired of war and politics. He simply wants to live silently in the hills of the Carolinas. Today, in the hills of the Appalachian, Vang Bee's body lied silently not for anyone to insult or cough up bad stories about him, but simply for his future grandchildren to ask a question. I hope this help a little to clarify a secret hmong history.
2016-11-10 03:33:14 UTC
Post by Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej
Could someone please clarify or confirm the rank of former T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the time Longcheng got took over and we all became refugee in Thailand? With all the gossips and news about back when GVP was still with us, GVP would go to certain former officer and raise/upgrade their rank at their funeral. For example a captain would get a major, lieutenant colonel, or even a full colonel. Recently saw the tombstone of Ntsuabnpis Vaj and inscribed on it is the colonel rank. What rank was T-28 pilot Ntsuabnpis Vaj at the height of the war, and was it a lieutenant colonel or full colonel? Please understand, this is in no way trying to imply that his rank got raised, for GVP was long gone before it was Ntsuabnpis' time to depart from us.
Moob Lajleeb
Hi Hmong brothers and sisters. Yes, there were mistakes on the tombstone, such as the spelling of the word gorilla, or the s before the t in the ntsuab, a mistake of the engraving company using an older prove. But, it seems many of my hmong people don't know their own history very well. I will clarify a little here now that General Vang Pao is dead and only a handful of people in America knows this info regarding Col. Vang Bee. Let me start with 1975, yes Vang Bee T-28 pilot was a Captain, a personal bodyguard and personal pilot for General Vang Pao. After the war, GVP continue to operate guerrilla warfare against the communist. His top military commander in Laos was Colonel Txawj Pao Moua, his father in law. Col. Txawj Pao Moua does not trust any or most corrupt Hmong military commanders at the time. GVP needed a military commander operating from Thailand to support Col. Txawj Pao Moua in the fight in Laos. Forward to 1979, Vang Bee was selected by GVP and agree upon by Col. Txawj Pao Moua. At the time Vang Bee refuse to accept the position, asking GVP to select higher military officer for the job, bc Vang Bee was only a Captain. But, GVP refuse and stated he does not trust his own officer for this job, and plus Col. Txawj Pao Moua was OK with Vang Bee. GVP promoted Vang Bee, skipping 2 "two" ranks into the Colonel rank. The only Hmong military officer ever in Vang Pao era to be promoted like this. Vang Bee at the time refuse to accept such promotion, but GVP insisted and gave Vang Bee an official stamped letter of promotion. We ask ourselves, who is this Cap T-28 Vang Bee or this high military commander operating under secrecy of GVP. Well, Vang Bee was no desk commander, he operated in the field with his men, eat and sleep with them, reunited GVP's scatter soldiers in Laos, and brought up the Hmong Cao Fa to join GVP in the early 80s. Vang Bee even help defected many Hmong communist officers to our side. He found safe travel roads for refugees to escape Laos and for GVP's military to continue their support in the fight. Vang Bee's operation was so effective in Laos, that the communist Laos Government had to ask North Vietnam to send an entire division to crush the Hmong. It was in Vang Bee's era, that the communist lao government decided to move all hmong hill tribes and villages to settle in the lower land, bc they can not stop Vang Bee and his united guerrilla force. The only way to stop support to Vang Bee's force was to moved the hmong people away from the mountains. So, ask yourself this. Does Vang Bee deserved his title, even though he refuse to accept it from GVP. The only Hmong soldier ever known to refuse a promotion, but accepted the job bc he love his Hmong people. Forward to 1987, Vang Bee being advised by American CIA, left Thailand under CIA documents. The travel to the usa was so fast, GVP did not even know about. Why did a famous T-28 pilot, who became a Colonel second in commander of GVP's force in Thailand/Laos left Asia in such a hurry and never look back. Forward to 1988, Vang Bee learning many of the Hmong Politics, inner circles of corruptions, and evilness of his Hmong people, simple enter Fresno CA and in 2 months left silently to North Carolina. Why ?? BC, he was tire of GVP's inner circle and their corruptions. He was tire of his own Vang Family's evil intents. He was tired of war and politics. He simply wants to live silently in the hills of the Carolinas. Today, in the hills of the Appalachian, Vang Bee's body lied silently not for anyone to insult or cough up bad stories about him, but simply for his future grandchildren to ask a question. I hope this help a little to clarify a secret hmong history.