From what cov laus qhia kuv.....
these two terms are totally different in its original
"form", nyiag muaj nyiag well as the intended purpose of
its use.
Lug txaj = cov lug kws muaj nqi...temsis muab hais seev ua
suab....similar to "words of money (lug nyaj lug kub)". orginally,
cov lug txaj nuav is intended for "learning purposes"...that is why it
is called "lug txaj"...
kwvtxhiaj = i have neverheard of this term before until kuv tuaj txog
meskas tebchaws. in moospheeb, peb hu ua Khawv txhiaj. cov hmoob
dawb los hu ua khawv txhiaj xwb. temsis tuaj txog memkuj tebchaw, ua
cas luas lwm pab hmoob dawb ho hu ua "kwv txhiaj" thiab "khwv
txhiaj"....keep mind that "txhiaj" has to do with "riddles"...such as
"kuv txhiaj koj txhais"..
the word khawv = mouth (chinese i think) and txhiaj is "riddle"...or
maybe "riddles of the mouth"....this is why khawv txhiaj cuab suab hu
ua "ni ye".....this is also chinese, meaning something like "hey
keep in mind, all cultures/traditions evolve....lug txaj is not lug
txaj anymore..and khawv txhiaj is not khawv txhiaj anymore. even the
words changed. "cab hauv" used to be "caag es in the xeev region
(caag ev with a high pitch). it wasn't until moob leeg los txog
moospheeb es lawd thiab muab hloov ua "cab hauv" lawm xwb. even the
word "nij ye" has many different version such as "niab ye" or "niam
es"...or "nij yai"
example of "true" lug txaj:
cab ev...xyoo nuav moob txig vaj laug yuav muab txig vajlaug yauv muab
tus ncej ntxheb txho ntua tuaj nram roob, ua cas peb poj koob yawm
txiv, poj txij, txij yawg ncej ntxheb ncej ntxhoo yuav ntaug leev rov
los poob.." tej zaj zoo li no, yog "lus txiaj" tiag vim tias it is
worth "money" for people to learn that "ncej ntxheb" yog poj txig
thiab txij yawg" nkawd txawm los. it is nothing more than a story.
example of "true" kwv txhiaj: nij ye, ib tsoom kwv tij hmoob neej
tsa, leej qas twg muab ncej ntxheb txho tuaj nram npoo... es ncej
ntxheb li los kav peb hmoob lub npe zoo...leejtwg muab ncej ntxhoo
txog nram roob, thiaj li los kav peb lub npe hmoob...niam leej
ntxhais, koj paub koj sim teb luag tuaj li ntxhi, koj pom koj sim
txhais luag tuaj li seb puas txhais tau niam leej ntxhais
los tau txiv leejtub....
nco ntsoov tias the intended purpose of "khawv txhiaj" yog hais los
rau ib tus teb...ces tus uas teb mam li los teb seb puas raug...ces
tus uas teb ntawd thiaj los xaus tias "txhais yog tuaj tsi yog...los
tso plhuav nram tiaj nram tus los ciaj ntsog...teb zoo tuaj tsi zoo,
los tso plhuav nram tiaj nram tus los ciaj ntoo..."...
raws li kuv paub tej laus hais ces yog li no xwb...tom qab no
ces...lug txaj thiab khawv txhiaj los tibneeg muab hais tias "daj dee
kho siab ua luaj no" lawm...vim the intended purpose of these two
things are not for such thing. there are many other "names" that are
intended for other type of "feeling" songs...temsis as for khawv
txhiaj and lug txaj, they have their purposes, which changed over
time...ces nws los nws qhov meaning lawm xwb.