Post by b***@earthlink.net1. Lis Maum Suav : The first representative elected by the population of Xiengkhuang back in late 50 lasted for 5 days with the Royal Lao’s Assembly in Vientiane. She spoken favor for the Women in Laos and was fired by the dumpest head of the Assembly.
2. Pany Yang: Since in 1975-present always getting higher and higher position. Is her late Father Colonel Thao Tou Yang contributed anything for this? Maybe? But the main goal of Communist is to blind the Hmoob eyes, block Hmong ears, kick Hmooob butt, and kill Hmong Hearts.
Kwvntxawg Mouabee Chaofa;
Lauj Maum Suav (Niam Phou Then Santasing) tsis tau yog Phou Then (Representative) from Khoueng Xieng Khuang, Maum Suav tsuas yog mus nrog lawv sib twv xwb, tabsi thaum kawg nws xwb lawm.
History of Lao mas xyoo 1959 xaus thaum Phoui Sananikone thiab Brig. Gen. Phoumi Nosavanh lawv ntes Tiao Souphnouvong nrog rau 15 tug nom Nplog tog Pathelao kaws rau Vientiane tag ces Brig. Gen. Phoumi Nosavanh lawv txawm tsa ib Phak Kanmuang hu ua Committee for the Defense of National Interests (C.D.N.I.) los tawm tsam tog Pathet Lao thiab tog Communist.
Kev xaiv tsa cov Phou Then souk thi 4 ces C.D.N.I. taw yawg Bouvanh Norasing, yawg Vantanouan thiab yawg Buasy tuaj run. Cov Hmoob ces yog Muas Txiaj Xab, Yaj Ntsuab Pov thiab Maum Suav Lauj mus twv. tabsi thaum paub tseem tiav txawj run los yuav tsis yeej vim C.D.N.I., vim CIA txhawb C.D.N.I. uas muaj Brig. Gen. Phoumi Nosavanh ces Yaj Ntsuab Pov thiab Muas Txiaj Xab nkawd thim, ho Maum Suav ces nrog cov Nplog thiab Pathet Lao sib tw txog thaum swb.
Maum Suav yeej yog thawj thawj tug pojniam Hmoob uas txawj ntawv, tabsi nws tsis muaj ib nathit (position) zoo nrog luag tuav.
Ntawm Pany Yaj Thoj Tub mas luag yog Pathet Lao, yug thiab loj hlob nyob Pathet Lao, luag kawm kev cai Communist tiav thiab kawm Thisady Xang Soum thiav nyob Soviet. Lt. Col. Yaj Thoj Tub mas tseem tseem yog cov Pathet Lao uas koom tes nrog cov Viet Minh tua nrog tog Vientiane, Fabkis thiab Amelicas. Txawm yog Souphanouvong, Lauj Faiv Ntaj lawv nrog tog Vientiane sib cog lus los Lt. Col. Yaj Thoj Tub yeej tsis ntseeg thiab tua tog Vientiane tsis tseg.
Vim li no Pany Yaj Thoj Tub thiaj tseem muaj koob muaj npe thiab muaj position zoo nyob rau LPRD thiab yog Samasith thib 3 hauv Koum Kamuang Som Kanphak thiab yog President of Lao National Assembly. Txawm yog Hmoob Teb Chaws, Cob Fab, Neo Hom yuav hais npaum twg dag npaum twg los Pany ua khov kho nrog LPRD.