Hmong Transgender
(too old to reply)
2016-04-12 06:15:32 UTC
I just came out as Gay, a few weeks ago to my mother. I have problems making her understand and telling her that God doesn't discriminate at all who he loves. It a human perception the hate and discrimination from god.

My question is what would you say to your kid or brother if he came to you and say he was gay.

I want to understand things from my mother prespective as well as from how other people on the other side might precept me and my mother.

There also another problem my sister is coming out soon too, as Lesbian and my brother might be Gay as well. How do you tell your family, without losing them. With the cultural clash and the role we are suppose to play in hmong Culture.
2016-04-12 13:02:34 UTC
Thanks for sharing. I can see how difficult it is for you, if what you stated here is true. Because we, Hmong, have not come to where most Americans had come, so, it is going to be hard for you. But revealing your true identity now is better than keep it inside and suffer.
2016-04-12 13:58:37 UTC
did I hear you mention God? heheheeh LOLz! I totally disagree with you on this premise, because I cannot find anywhere on earth that god loves gay and lesbian people. those who accept gay and lesbian people are people of conscience and mostly atheist and democrats....hehehehe

remember that religion people do not even want to hear and say anything about gay and lesbian people, and if you would to name god in your words as you had stated that that is totally against all the principles of religion people..... LOLz! I just read recent news article that the new Pope is asked the Catholic church's members to ease and open up to divorcees, remarry people, gay and lesbian...

with that say, I sincerely hope that your mom and dad are as progressive as I am...smiles that who is willing to cave-in for anything, so long is that persona or individual is happy as who he/she is. however, not all Hmong parents are in my situation--therefore, I wish for your best of luck.

2016-04-13 01:44:44 UTC
Yes I'm eclectic when it comes to religious views. I dabble a lot in various religions trying to finding someone more understanding of the path I've chosen.
2016-04-13 16:21:04 UTC
Post by x***@gmail.com
Yes I'm eclectic when it comes to religious views. I dabble a lot in various religions trying to finding someone more understanding of the path I've chosen.
there is no way you will find a comfort within god or any religious group on earth, especially in the Christian world and please look-at/search onto those south States that they are nowadays signed into law--specific against gays and lesbians. through the eyes of god and christian people, a woman cannot even has rights to her own body, and then how can we talk about gays and lesbians to them as yet.

those who share your views and chosen are those conscience, atheist and democrat people who are willing to give you your best effort to live happily as who you are. the best choice for you is to hang out with your group of people, or those who share your views and are willing to understand...
2017-05-03 04:07:08 UTC
God is against homosexuals. In the Bible God made man and woman. Not man and man. It is un natural and sin.-! Lots of prayers for you and your siblings...-! This is a demonic force in your family straying you from the path. Repent and get out of it fast before its too late for you.
2017-05-30 18:41:28 UTC
Post by x***@gmail.com
I just came out as Gay, a few weeks ago to my mother. I have problems making her understand and telling her that God doesn't discriminate at all who he loves. It a human perception the hate and discrimination from god.
My question is what would you say to your kid or brother if he came to you and say he was gay.
I want to understand things from my mother prespective as well as from how other people on the other side might precept me and my mother.
There also another problem my sister is coming out soon too, as Lesbian and my brother might be Gay as well. How do you tell your family, without losing them. With the cultural clash and the role we are suppose to play in hmong Culture.
You guys are absolutely wrong about Christianity, God, and Gays. http://time.com/2842044/gay-christians/

Instead of trying to bring down someone for who they are, we should rise up and support our families.
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