Vaj Lug Kub?
(too old to reply)
Tzianeng Vang
2008-10-24 18:11:21 UTC
Kab ntsab ib tsoom npoj yaig SCHlers,

Muab lub npe Vaj Lug Kub coj los hais no nej xam pom tias puas tsim
nyog ntxiv lwm hom lus kub nrog ntxiv es kom txhob yog Vajtswv Vaj
Yesxus cov xwb? (Most of us think of gospel in term of God and Jesus'
words in the Bible, but imagine if we incorporate a new Bible to
include all world religion thoughts?)

Piv txwv (Take these as examples), Hmoob tej kab li kev cai thiab kev
cai dab qhua (The Hmong's traditional ways and animistic religious
Hauj Sam (Buddhist 8fold path: http://www.thebigview.com/buddhism/eightfoldpath.html),
Hinduism: http://hinduism.ygoy.com/hinduism/religion.php;
Islamic: http://www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm; and others....

Imagining a Hmong Christian pastor's Sunday sermon include the life of
Soob Lwj Yaj's, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Martin Luther, Abbot
Loom Phaub and Loom Meb (famous Abbots that welcomed the Hmong at Wat
Tham Krabok)?

Nej sim muab xav seb yog peb tuaj mus sib fim, tuaj qhia & kawm txog
tej niam tswv yim txog noob neej li kev ntseeg kev sib hwm sib hawm li
cov kev cai dab qhuas (religions) nov no ntshe peb yuav muaj kev haum
xeeb thiab kev huam vam loj heev rau sab ntsuj plig thiab nqaij tawv
tag nrho...(see what y'all think...).

Seb nej ho xam pom li cas piav qhia tau mloog...

Ua tsaug!
2008-10-24 19:53:47 UTC

koj txhob hais li koj nawb, tsam ces peb cov mhoob Vaj poob peb lub
Npe thiab Xab lawm nawb...thawm txhua xeem mhoob tseem tuaj nrog fwm
tus me Vaajmoob--yog Vajtswv, Vaj Yexus, Vaj lugkub...tej no ces yog
peb tseev mhoob xeem Vaj ib leeg yog tus txim mhoob lub noob neej xwb--
yog li thov koj thiab es txhob muab pauv li lawm ***@Zhen!

2008-10-27 15:55:20 UTC
Nco ntsoov tias cov lus qhuab lus qhia, cov lus zoo, cov lus phem, cov
lus nyiaj, lus everything in the bible EXISTS IN EVERYONE, IN EVERY
RELIIGON, IN EVERY RACE, EVERY GROUP....except the religious part
where jesus is god (the religion part)....every religion yeej muaj
vajlugkub li...tsuas yog cov uas hlwb nqaim me ntsis thiaj tias "cov
no yog bible li" no xwb. cov uas tomsov ces yeej paub tseeb tias cov
lus no is everywhere else.

but...lets look at the defiition of "the holy bible" and the "holy
scriptures"....vajlugkub i stotally off base from the defintion of
"the holy bible" or the "holy scriptures"....vajlugkub is a term
created to attract hmong (the word kub itself)....

bible came from biblia...which just means "the book"....and we all
know what "holy" and "scriptures" are.

2017-02-27 10:31:25 UTC
koj pg nkag siab txog vaj lug kub cag koj haig li ko
2017-02-27 15:01:45 UTC
nej xav kom zoo zoo nawb tug tswv cov lug thiaj tseem ceeb yj tsm nyog qhv muab hu vaj lug kub lawm dab cov lug ceg yog dag xb tsau qhv dab ntxwg nyg ib txm dag nwg yj yg tg dag
2008-10-25 17:39:39 UTC

You may check on Bahai.

Post by Tzianeng Vang
Kab ntsab ib tsoom npoj yaig SCHlers,
Muab lub npe Vaj Lug Kub coj los hais no nej xam pom tias puas tsim
nyog ntxiv lwm hom lus kub nrog ntxiv es kom txhob yog Vajtswv Vaj
Yesxus cov xwb? (Most of us think of gospel in term of God and Jesus'
words in the Bible, but imagine if we incorporate a new Bible to
include all world religion thoughts?)
2008-10-25 18:25:04 UTC
Post by Tzianeng Vang
Kab ntsab ib tsoom npoj yaig SCHlers,
Muab lub npe Vaj Lug Kub coj los hais no nej xam pom tias puas tsim
nyog ntxiv lwm hom lus kub nrog ntxiv es kom txhob yog Vajtswv Vaj
Yesxus cov xwb? (Most of us think of gospel in term of God and Jesus'
words in the Bible, but imagine if we incorporate a new Bible to
include all world religion thoughts?)
Piv txwv (Take these as examples), Hmoob tej kab li kev cai thiab kev
cai dab qhua (The Hmong's traditional ways and animistic religious
Hauj Sam (Buddhist 8fold path:http://www.thebigview.com/buddhism/eightfoldpath.html),
Islamic:http://www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm;and others....
Imagining a Hmong Christian pastor's Sunday sermon include the life of
Soob Lwj Yaj's, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Martin Luther, Abbot
Loom Phaub and Loom Meb (famous Abbots that welcomed the Hmong at Wat
Tham Krabok)?
Nej sim muab xav seb yog peb tuaj mus sib fim, tuaj qhia & kawm txog
tej niam tswv yim txog noob neej li kev ntseeg kev sib hwm sib hawm li
cov kev cai dab qhuas (religions) nov no ntshe peb yuav muaj kev haum
xeeb thiab kev huam vam loj heev rau sab ntsuj plig thiab nqaij tawv
tag nrho...(see what y'all think...).
Seb nej ho xam pom li cas piav qhia tau mloog...
Ua tsaug!

Kuv yuav tsis hais txog cov lus hauv Vaj Lug Kub (sic), tab sis kuv
yuav hais qhov koj saub Vaj Lug Kub (sic). Yog koj sau ntawv hais lus
Hmoobdawb, koj yuav tsum sau ua Vaj Lus Kub. Yog koj sau ntawv hais
lus Hmooblees, koj yuav tsum sau Vaj Lug Kub. Sau li mas koj thiaj li
yuav siv tau cov ntawv thoobntuj.

Yog vim li cas?

Hmoobdawb tus cim s (mus) no mas muaj ob tug. Ib tug mas yog tus
tseem tseem cim s. Ib tug mas yog tus cim s txia.
Hmooblees tus tus cim g (neeg) no muaj ob tug. Ib tug yog tus tseem
tseem cim g. Ib tug yog tus cim g txia.

Tus tseem tseem cim s mas Hmooblees los sau tus cim s; Hmoobdawb los
sau tus cim s.
Tus tseem tseem cim g los Hmooblees thiab Hmoobdawb los yeej sau tib

Hmoobdawb tus cim s txia thiab Hmooblees tus cim g txia ntawv yog tib
tug cim. Thaum ub mas lub suab yeem no yog yeem li tus cim m (niam)
thiab dim pa li tus cim g. Nyim no, Hmoobdawb txia los mus ua cim s;
ho Hmooblees txia los mus ua cim g. Piv li:

mus vs moog (mug)
lus vs lug
tas vs tag
laus vs laug

Tsis tas li no, tsis txhob yuam kev rau cov tone sandhi. Piv li:
zaj qeej --> zaj qeeg
paj daj --> paj dag
dej daj --> dej dag

2008-10-27 17:07:00 UTC
Py Txianeeb,
Chiv keeb ntawm lo lus vajlugkub no yeej yog rhawv los siv rau phau
ntawv uas siv rau kev ntseeg Yesxus xwb, tabsis kuv xav hais tias peb
siv los no ua lo lus siv thoob plaws (general term) rau txhua yam ua
yog phau ntawd cob/qhua qhia kablis kevcai lossis kevcai dabqhaus los
yeej tau; tib yam li Nplog/Thai lo lus "Kharm Phy". Yog ho muaj tus
rhawv tau ib phau ntawv qhia txog Hmoob kablis kevcai, kevcai dabqhuas
los yeej hu tau hais tias phau ntawv "vajlugkub" no tib yam thiab.

Lub tuam txhab Txhaislus (txhais yeebyajkiab) nyuam qhuav rhawv tau ib
lo lus tshiab hu ua "phau ntawd fajlem" no, tabsis lo no mas tseem
tshiab heev, tsis tshua muaj neeg coob siv thiab paub txog.

Py Tzexa,
Kuv yeej hwm koj txoj kev xav, kev tshawbfawb, kev standardize, tabsis
kuv ho pom hais tias tsis tsim nyog muab cais lossis standardize hais
tias lo no yog lus Hmoob Lees, lo tod yog lus Hmoob Dawb, lus Hmoob
Dawg hais li no ces lus Hmoob Lees hais li tod, etc.... Yog koj ntseeg
hais tias Hmoob Lees thiab Hmoob Dawb los yeej yog TIB HAIV neeg xwb
ces tus txawm yuav hais lus li cas los tsuav yog lus Hmoob, tsuav to
taub xwb ces siv tau lawm.
Piv txwv li sob lug no: Thaum kws koj tsis nco qab hov, kuv ciali nov
qaab hu rau 911 lawm.

Nws txog caij lawm kws peb yauv tau rov lug sibsau, hais lug kuas sis
chab sib chaws los tsuav to tau xwb, thiab rov los ua tib haiv
tuabneeg, tsis cais Moob Dlawb Hmoob Lees lawm.

2020-01-11 02:24:50 UTC
Post by Tzianeng Vang
Kab ntsab ib tsoom npoj yaig SCHlers,
Muab lub npe Vaj Lug Kub coj los hais no nej xam pom tias puas tsim
nyog ntxiv lwm hom lus kub nrog ntxiv es kom txhob yog Vajtswv Vaj
Yesxus cov xwb? (Most of us think of gospel in term of God and Jesus'
words in the Bible, but imagine if we incorporate a new Bible to
include all world religion thoughts?)
Piv txwv (Take these as examples), Hmoob tej kab li kev cai thiab kev
cai dab qhua (The Hmong's traditional ways and animistic religious
Hauj Sam (Buddhist 8fold path: http://www.thebigview.com/buddhism/eightfoldpath.html),
Hinduism: http://hinduism.ygoy.com/hinduism/religion.php;
Islamic: http://www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm; and others....
Imagining a Hmong Christian pastor's Sunday sermon include the life of
Soob Lwj Yaj's, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Martin Luther, Abbot
Loom Phaub and Loom Meb (famous Abbots that welcomed the Hmong at Wat
Tham Krabok)?
Nej sim muab xav seb yog peb tuaj mus sib fim, tuaj qhia & kawm txog
tej niam tswv yim txog noob neej li kev ntseeg kev sib hwm sib hawm li
cov kev cai dab qhuas (religions) nov no ntshe peb yuav muaj kev haum
xeeb thiab kev huam vam loj heev rau sab ntsuj plig thiab nqaij tawv
tag nrho...(see what y'all think...).
Seb nej ho xam pom li cas piav qhia tau mloog...
Ua tsaug!
2020-02-16 02:30:50 UTC
tsi tsim li
